Fallout 76 – Safe Keys and All Locked Door


Fallout 76 is a big open-world game. Of course, non everything is unlocked from the start. You volition require to teach a boot many doors as well as collect a lot of materials to unlock everything this huge game has to offer.

One of the things y'all may require to unlock farther things is locked door keys. Keys are particular items inwards FO76 that tin dismiss endure used to opened upwards specific doors.

For example, the “Principal’s Office Key‎” tin dismiss endure used to opened upwards the Principal’s office. Of course, collecting these keys may non endure slow as well as volition accept quite a lot of endeavor to get. We volition brand certain to aid y'all guys ensure that your endeavor counts.

1. Horizon’s Rest Armory Key

The Horizon’s Rest Armory Key tin dismiss endure used to opened upwards the armory AKA the door inwards the lowest shack on the tower inwards Horizon’s Rest.

You tin dismiss notice the primal inwards the view shack of the tower. Once y'all climb upwards there, teach into the room alongside the bed as well as y'all volition notice a primal hidden beneath a flowerpot beside the bed.

2. Horizon’s Rest Jail Cell Key

The Jail Cell Key tin dismiss endure used to unlock the jail jail cellphone inwards the Horizon’s Rest Tower. The door this primal is to endure used on must endure located on a shack on the cliff.

You tin dismiss notice the primal on the highest shack nigh the tower. Once y'all climb upwards to the highest point, y'all powerfulness notice a locked security too. The primal volition endure located adjacent to it.

3. Principal’s Office Key

We all loathe the Principal. He is such a jerk, right? Well, straightaway y'all tin dismiss teach into his percentage as well as wreak havoc spell he is away. The Principal’s Office Key volition aid y'all teach into this stairway to heaven.

The primary hid his office’s primal inwards the bathrooms attached to the gymnasium, inwards the locker at the cease corner.

4. Principal’s Safe Key

Of course, y'all tin dismiss notice the Principal’s *hidden journal collection* too. He has around of them hidden inwards his safe. You powerfulness require a primal for that. The security should endure hidden somewhere behind a shelf inwards the office.

You tin dismiss notice the Principal’s Special Safe’s Key on acme of a tabular array inwards the same office.

5. Responders Bravo Station Key

The instant security inwards the Bravo Station is locked. You may require a primal to unlock it. Fear not! The SN heroes induce got got y'all covered! The primal tin dismiss endure institute on ane of the Responders: “Rocky”. Spoilers alert: he’s rip.

6. Sunnytop Ski Lanes Room six Key

Something is ominous virtually Room 6. I mean, all the other rooms’ keys are used, merely the Room 6’s primal tin dismiss endure seen hanging behind the reception desk. It is fourth dimension for y'all to inhabit the room as well as notice its secrets.

Head behind the reception desk on Sunnytop Ski Lanes as well as y'all volition notice the primal hanging on the wall.

7. East Bridge Key

Know where the East Bridge’s Key may be? Someone needs to construct clean the sewers. Maybe y'all could notice the primal as well as construct clean the sewers for us? The primal should endure somewhere on the New River Gorge Bridge, on the catwalks.

8. West Bridge Key

The West Bridge’s Key tin dismiss endure institute inwards Camden Park, inwards ane of the roller coaster cars. The primal should endure hidden inwards ane of the backpacks on a car.

Pick it as well as y'all volition endure able to role this primal below New River Gorge Bridge – West, on the access door that tin dismiss endure institute past times the catwalk.

9. Loading Dock Storage Key

The warehouse edifice inwards the Loading Docks has a storage at the back. It may incorporate useful stuff. You tin dismiss notice the primal behind the chained door inwards the percentage edifice of the National Isolated Radio Array.

10. Safe Key

The security at the acme of North Kanawha spotter is locked. You tin dismiss notice the primal on acme of a port-a-potty (a bag toilet) to the westward of the tower. Find it as well as the security is yours to raid.

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