Fallout 76 – Savage Divide Treasure Map 1 Location
Savage Divide Treasure Map 1 How to Find
Savage Divide Treasure Map 1 displays a large steel vented tower, amongst what appears to endure spikes behind it, together with a chain-link debate amongst a hazardous waste matter sign out front end – together with the treasure itself located below it.
The icon referenced is inward fact a location inward the due south of the Savage Divide: The Federal Disposal Field HZ-21, which is a world workshop (and habitation to a really nasty Snallygaster).
Despite the map’s bearings, the thought does non genuinely indicate North, simply to the East – important to uncovering this item length of debate together with the alert sign where the treasure is, y'all ‘ll desire to await at the site from the southwest border of the disposal field. Once y'all location the correct radioactive waste matter sign, await side past times side to it to uncovering your treasure.