Fallout 76 – Savage Divide Treasure Map 7 Location
Savage Divide Treasure Map vii How to Find
Savage Divide Treasure Map 7 depicts a business office of the monorail transit organisation that runs through the lower one-half of the Savage Divide, alongside an X mark a jagged cliff overlooking the business office of the monorail line.
The business office of the monorail inward interrogation genuinely depicts the Monorail Elevator, which is merely by the Spruce Knob end in addition to Spruce Knob Campgrounds inward the lower Savage Divide.
Head East from the South Mountain Lookout until you lot come upwardly to the border of the cliffs looking downward the Monorail Elevator, in addition to you’ll likewise travel able to run into a large boom site to the left. The actual place is a flake tricky, since it’s downward on a jagged triangle-shaped platform further downward the cliff – in addition to thus purpose Power Armor to drib safely downward until you lot notice a platform alongside a few trees in addition to a mound of dirt where the treasure is