Red Dead Redemption 2 – Senator Thaddeus Waxman Cigarette Card Location

Senator Thaddeus Waxman How To Find
Located at Lonnie’s Shack, Lemoyne, you volition abide by the Senator Thaddeus Waxman Cigarette Card, which is business office of the Prominent Americans Card Set.
In lodge to abide by the Senator Thaddeus Waxman card, only caput South of Emerald Ranch, over the solid soil business into Lemoyne. You volition eventually come upwardly across a modest homestead dubbed “Lonnie’s Shack”.
Enter the shack too y'all tin abide by this carte du jour on transcend of the shelf on the backside of the fireplace within the homestead.
Yess! We establish Senator Thaddeus Waxman