Surviving Mars – Domes Guide


How I learned to halt worrying too honey the colonists… Except for seniors


I past times no agency assume this is the best strategy. It has nevertheless been working incredibly good for me equally I’ve slow stumbled upon too dialed it inwards over multiple play sessions.

I decided to part this after seeing a lot of people complaining most the ai making the colonists working the incorrect jobs. I didn’t similar it at showtime either, but I’ve learned to bargain amongst it too brand it locomote for me. I never experience the withdraw to manually motion colonists unopen to anymore. Even if yous don’t similar my create monastic say yous tin soundless purpose the full general ideas inside to improve bargain amongst the colonist ai.

General info:

– Open the tertiary shift on the infirmary. It keeps the comfort minimum for children at 55, this helps yous cause got your showtime martianborn sooner thence yous tin skip the 10 sol delay until your mo charge of colonists. In full general this volition increase your colonies birthrate a lot.

– Ship rare metallic out too import the polymer, auto parts, too electronics that yous withdraw until yous acquire factories for them. Even too then purpose the shipments to bolster stockpiles that you’re depression on. I’ve establish that rushing the auto parts too electronics factories are unwise equally they cause got besides much manpower besides early.

– There’s alone 2 colonist types yous should never always select on your rocket. Seniors too idiots. Every other flaw is passable after your showtime 2-3 loads of colonists. Later on when yous run depression on actual useful colonists yous tin start to select tourists. They appear to plough into regular colonists if the comfort is high plenty inwards the dome they’re visiting.

– if yous can’t select plenty of the desired colonist specializations select security, officers, or unspecialized. Unless it’s for the martian academy a safety or offficer plant only equally good equally an unspecialized colonist. There is no penalisation for an offspecialization working inwards a diner or grocer.

– I don’t oftentimes acquire access to the medium dome past times fourth dimension I wishing my tertiary dome thence I don’t concern human relationship for having it. If yous cause got it, great, but it’s non worth the additional fourth dimension waiting inwards my opinion.

– I don’t personally value the extra colonist on a rocket techs real much. I built this conduct using the default maximum charge of twelve colonists on a rocket.

Dome – The Beginning

Dome 1 Summary

– Colonists: vi botanists, vi medics, 9 scientists, 12 geologists, 17 engineers, 10 unspecialized.

– Buildings: 3 apartments, 1 farm, 2 diners, 1 grocer, 1 question lab, 1 infirmary, 2 1 hex parks, 1 3 hex park, 1 mine, 1 polymer factory.

First Set of Colonists:

– For your showtime 12 colonists select vi botanists, 3 medics, too 3 geologists.

– Build your showtime basic dome beside a root of rare metals.

– Build 1 living quarters (apartment if available), preferably 1 farm (1 hydroponics if it isn’t), 1 grocer, 1 infirmary, 1 diner, too a unmarried hex common for inbetween the modest buildings.

– Set the farm too clinic to high priority.

– Open the tertiary shift inwards the infirmary.

– Set the clinic too diner to alone cause got 1 colonist per shift.

Second Set of Colonists:

– v Geologists, vi engineers, too 1 unspecialized.

– Build an story if yous didn’t create 1 for the showtime laid of colonists.

– Switch to a farm asap if yous don’t already cause got one. Build a mo hydroponics if yous can’t yet.

– Build your mine too polymer mill patch the rocket brings the novel colonists.

– Set your mine to the showtime 2 shifts amongst all eight slots opened upwards too high priority 1 time the colonists arrive.

– The polymer mill alone needs 1 shift opened upwards for now.

Third Set of Colonists:

– vi Scientists, four geologists, too 2 unspecialized.

– You withdraw a mo apartment, if yous had a living quarters consider salvaging it too replacing it amongst an apartment.

– Build a question station. 2 shifts open, high priority.

– Open the tertiary shift inwards your mine.

– Build a 3 hex park, too a unmarried hex park.

Start edifice your mo basic dome

Fourth Set of Colonists:

– vi engineers, vi unspecialized.

– Open upwards the mo shift inwards your polymer factory.

– Allow the mo locomote slots inwards the diner.

Start edifice your tertiary basic dome

Fifth Set of Colonists:

– 3 scientists, 3 medics, 1 unspecialized, v engineers.

– Build your tertiary story too add together a mo diner.

– Unlock the mo locomote slots inwards your infirmary.

– Open tertiary shift inwards the question lab too the polymer factory.

Dome Future

– When yous tin brand the drone assembler add together that too select inwards 10 to a greater extent than engineers. 1 for the one-time polymer factory, too 9 for the novel assembler.

Dome – Home for the Undesirables

Dome Summary

– Colonists: Senior citizens too alone senior citizens

– Buildings: Apartments or living quarters, eventually an arcology

Permanently bargain amongst the seniors problem:

– Build a basic dome inside walking distance to your showtime too time to come tertiary dome.

– Build 1 living quarters or story for now, yous tin create to a greater extent than afterward on equally necesary.

– Set this dome’s filter to reject all historic catamenia groups except seniors, laid yous showtime dome too whatever time to come domes yous create to reject seniors.

– Only create apartments too peradventure an arcology here. Seniors can’t locomote inwards whatever buildings too yous don’t wishing valuable memebers of guild living hither to operate them.

– Do non create a universal/food stockpile beside the dome unless they create do to starve to death. I haven’t had it come about to me yet.


– Seniors are useless too cause got upwards housing space.

– This dome volition actively lower their comfort too morale.

– Low comfort makes them Earthsick thence they’ll acquire out on the adjacent rocket that lands. This is a practiced thing when it’s a senior.

– Occasionally running out of nutrient encourages them to acquire out faster.

– 1 oxygen too 1 H2O upkeep is a real depression toll to pay. Construction costs are also real low.

– Even if they hang unopen to too become renegade I’ve alone always had renegades hitting the dome they alive in. Again, this doesn’t thing since nosotros don’t wishing them around.

Dome – Machine Parts Electronics

Dome Summary

– Colonists: vi botanists, 3 medics, 12 geologists, 45 engineers, vi unspecialized.

– Buildings: 2 apartments, 1 farm, 1 diner, 1 grocer, 1 infirmary, 1 1 hex parks, 1 mine, 1 auto parts factory.

First Set of Colonists:

– vi Botanists, 3 medics, 3 geologists.

– Third dome placement varies a bit. Preferably identify it inside attain of at to the lowest degree 1 novel metal/rare metallic mine too inside walking distance of the one-time folks home.

– Build an apartment, clinic, grocer, diner, unmarried hex park, too a farm.

– High priority the farm

– Open the tertiary shift on the clinic, unopen the mo slot for each shift, too laid it to high priority.

– Close the mo slots inwards the diner.

Second Set of Colonists:

– 9 Geologists, 3 unspecialized

– Build a mine, high priority all 3 slots open.

Third Set of Colonists:

– 10 Engineers, 2 Unspecialized.

– Build some other apartment.

– Build a auto parts mill too opened upwards 2 shifts.

– Open the mo slots inwards the diner.

Start edifice a medium dome

Fourth Set of Colonists:

– xi Engineers, 1 unspecialized.

– Build an arcology. If yous don’t cause got the tech yet tally off on this laid of colonists equally yous alone withdraw vi of them amongst the electrical current buildings.

– Open the tertiary shift inwards the auto parts factory.

Fifth Set of Colonists:

– 12 Engineers.

– Build an electronics factory, choke on 2 shifts open.

Sixth Set of Colonists:

– 12 Engineers.

– Open the tertiary shift on the electronics factory.

Dome Future:

– Get 3 to a greater extent than medics into the infirmary.

Dome – School

Dome Summary

– Colonists: vi botanists, 3 medics, too fifteen unspecialized.

– Buildings: 2 apartments, 1 farm, 1 diner, 1 grocer, 1 infirmary, 1 1 hex park.

First Set of Colonists:

– vi Botanists, 3 medics, 3 unspecialized.

– Walking distance is dainty to other domes, but non necessary equally shuttle hubs are mostly available shortly after yous acquire this 1 started.

– Build an apartment, clinic, grocer, diner, unmarried hex park, too a farm.

– High priority the farm

– Open the tertiary shift on the clinic, unopen the mo slot for each shift, too laid it to high priority.

– Build 2 nurseries, 1 playground, too 1 school.

Second Set of Colonists:

– 12 Unspecialized.

– Build some other apartment.

– Build your showtime martian university, opened upwards all slots.

– Set this dome to wishing children too unspecialized colonists. Set it to non wishing every other specilization except botanists too medics. Set every other dome to non wishing children.

Start edifice some other medium dome

Dome Future:

– Add to a greater extent than of the existing buildings equally required. You may require some other story real shortly depending on birthrates.

– Eventually yous wishing 3 farms inwards this dome, 2 isn’t quite plenty for a medium dome to sustain itself.

Dome – Research

Dome Summary

– Colonists: vi botanists, 3 medics, 21+ scientists, vi unspecialized.

– Buildings: 2 apartments, 1 farm, 1 diner, 1 grocer, 1 question lab, 1 infirmary, 1 1 hex park, 1 scientific discipline institute.

First Set of Colonists:

– vi Botanists, 3 medics, 3 unspecialized.

– Build an apartment, grocer, diner, clinic, 1 hex park, too a high priority farm.

– Open tertiary clinic shift equally per usual.

Sedond Set of Colonists:

– 9 scientists, 3 unspecialized.

– Build a question lab too opened upwards all 3 shifts.

Third Set of Colonists:

– 12 Scientists.

– Build an story too a scientific discipline institute.

– Set this dome’s filter to wishing scientists. Consider telling all other domes to brand scientists undesirable. This includes Dome 1, inwards which illustration yous could dismantle the question lab at that topographic point too rebuild it here.

Dome Future:

– For a spire yous wishing the network node.

– Add to a greater extent than of the existing buildings equally desired to acquire to a greater extent than science.

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