Capsa – Chat Commands

This User Guide contains all the Commands that tin flaming hold upward used inward the game together with tin flaming hold upward too flora inward game yesteryear typing /? Or /help for a quick reference.
This take volition update every bit shortly every bit thers is a novel command added or together with whatever farther editng is required, which yous tin flaming similar together with favorite to hold upward informed!.
I am non associated amongst capsa together with whatever questions,suggestions or ideas tin flaming hold upward sent to the devs on the follwoing froms of commuication.
How to Apply Commands
This Section volition plow over a really brusk pace yesteryear pace on how to run inward together with apply chat commands inward game.
Step 1 Press run inward together with type a commad e.g /?
a) hitting enter, hence the command entred volition apply
Chat Commands
/yell, /y, /sh, /shout – Send a message to players inward your area
/general, /1 – General chat channel. Seen yesteryear all players inward the zone
/area, /2 – Area chat channel. Seen yesteryear all players inward the area
/emote, /em, /e, /me – Perform an emote amongst the given text
/whisper, /w, /tell, /t – Send a message to to a greater extent than or less other player/reply, /r – Reply to the final whisper
General Commands
/help, /? – This assistance information
/time – Returns electrical flow server time
/who – Lists all players inward areaA
/dancelist – Displays a listing of dances
/emotelist – Displays a listing of emotes
/fps – Displays functioning information
/unstick, /respawn – Respawns the actor – used to un glitch
/cointoss, /coinflip, /coin – Toss a coin
/forceday, /setday, /settime, /forcetime, /tod – Forces a specific fourth dimension of hateful solar daytime betwixt 0 together with 2400 amongst -1 disabling
/forcecloud, /setcloud, /forceclouddensity, /setclouddensity, /cd – Forces a specific cloud density betwixt 0 together with 100 amongst -1 disabling
/unclaim, /unown – Unclaims all owned buildings or areas, or specify each amongst “1” beingness club/cinema together with “2” beingness home
/profile, /sp – Opens a player’s steam profile
Vehicle Commands
Vehicle Commands
/despawn, /removevehicle – Despawns your currently spawned vehicle or mount.
Server Admin Roles together with Commands
Server Admin roles
Server Admin (Server Owner) – has amount command all, tin flaming utilisation all admin commands
Server Officer – acts the same every bit possessor yet this user tin flaming non brand ready users every bit admins inward game.
Server Moderator – these users tin flaming kick, unclamin together with ban from my agreement (TBC from developers inward after developments)
* Only server owners tin flaming plow over or revoke admin or moderate access to players.
Server Admin Commands
/adminunclaim – Unclaims nearest owned gild or cinema
/adminforceday, /adminsetday, /adminsettime, /adminforcetime, /admintod – Changes the electrical flow fourth dimension of hateful solar daytime on the server.
/admindaylength, /admindl – Changes the electrical flow length of hateful solar daytime on the server.
/adminservername – Changes the electrical flow get upward of the server.
/adminwelcomemessage – Changes the electrical flow welcome message on the server.
/admincountrycode – Changes the electrical flow province code on the server to ready a novel flag icon.
/adminaddbannedid – Adds a SteamID 64 to the server banned list. press insert ingame to obtian a palyer’s stemid 64
/adminremovebannedid – Removes a SteamID 64 from the server banned list.
/adminaddofficerid – Adds a SteamID 64 to the server officeholder list.
/adminremoveofficerid – Removes a SteamID 64 from the server officeholder list.
/adminaddmoderatorid – Adds a SteamID 64 to the server moderator list.
/adminremovemoderatorid – Removes a SteamID 64 from the server moderator list.