Fallout 76 – Mothman Guide

Out of all the local legends, Mothman is the most hyped. Bethesda Pb creative somebody Nate Purkeypile fifty-fifty wore a Mothman shirt inward a recent documentary nearly the studio. Redditors at the Fallout 76 subreddit pigeon into wild speculation over whether this was a cheeky Easter egg or only a candid moment.
In whatever case, the Mothman is indeed a large local legend that has made its way into the mainstream. Mothman is prominently featured inward several books as well as films, such equally the Mothman Prophecies past times John Keel as well as its moving-picture demonstrate adaptation. More recently, at that spot were a whopping 55 reports of a “Mothman” from the Chicago metropolitan expanse inward 2017.
West Virginians get got had all sorts of theories for Mothman, ranging from it beingness a cryptid to a demon spawn. Atomic Wolf notes that inward Fallout’s case, it’s to a greater extent than probable to move a pre-war experiment gone incorrect or a beast mutated past times the nukes.
Mothman How to Find?
To laid out off with, if y'all desire to uncovering the Mothman brand certain you’re inward the Point Pleasant town, which tin can move establish on the map cheers to its rather large Mothman museum sign. Encounters amongst the Fallout 76 Mothman are random, thus you’ll desire to function on exploring the expanse – peculiarly inward the wooded expanse eastward of the river – until y'all come upward across it. Don’t worry if y'all produce consider it, though, equally it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll move inward for a fight: the Mothman won’t laid upward on y'all unless y'all laid out firing at it. So endeavor to move squeamish at first, ok?
Its eyes get got 3 colours which’ll tell y'all how the Mothman is going to act: carmine way it’s aggressive, xanthous is wary, as well as majestic is passive, thus it won’t laid upward on you. Chances are that if y'all run across it inward the wilds it’ll teleport away without trying to fight, but here’s a twain of things y'all involve to know if y'all produce burn a few pot shots at it.
The Mothman has exactly 2 attacks, as well as they’re surprisingly slow to avoid. When it’s hovering a few feet off the dry reason it’ll burn spit projectiles (ew), as well as move warned: it’s able to dodge to the side pretty real quickly, thus if you’re trying to laid upward on it upward unopen amongst melee you’re going to desire to fourth dimension your swings carefully. The 2nd laid upward on is slow to spot, equally it’ll permit loose a massive blueish liberate energy shockwave when it wraps its wings some its body. Just leave of absence of the way past times running away as well as laid upward on from afar. Simple, right?
The Fallout 76 Mothman has some one m HP, as well as has 150 energy, damage, as well as radiations resistance, which goes upward to 250 when it’s score 45+. Speaking of levelling up, the Mothman comes inward 3 other flavours that y'all tin can fight: the Dread Mothman (level 45), the Albino Mothman (level 55 – you’ll definitely desire to instruct a photograph amongst this beauty), as well as the presumably greenish Glowing Mothman (level 65).
Wise Mothman
Sometimes the Mothman doesn’t desire to struggle at all, as well as if you’re inward the mood for a to a greater extent than peaceful encounter you’ll desire to uncovering the Wise Mothman. Head to the Landview Lighthouse inward the Forest region, which you’ll uncovering past times the river – there’s fifty-fifty a drawing of it on the map for y'all to caput to. Handy! Complete the effect at the Lighthouse, i collecting bioluminescent fluid from fireflies but beware, equally the fluid is perishable as well as volition spoil if y'all await also long to manus it in. Once you’ve done the event, the happy Wise Mothman volition seem as well as give y'all 5% XP boost for the side past times side hr if y'all become upward to it as well as interact amongst it. You’ll know it’s friendly cheers to its majestic eyes – which signal it’s calm – thus don’t move afraid to approach it as well as tell hi.
Vengeful Mothman
If you’re later a flat-out struggle amongst the cryptid, you’ll desire to caput over to The Mire i time you’re roughly score xxx – 34. Make your way to the Hunter’s Shack inward the northward of the region, which y'all tin can uncovering due south of the curvature inward the route as well as northward of Ella Ames’ bunker. Explore the shack as well as the daily call for Queen of the Hunt volition trigger, which volition laid upward y'all on a mission to uncovering the Vengeful Mothman. Just follow my combat tips that I’ve written inward a higher house to accept the Vengeful Mothman down, as well as thus relish snapping pictures of y'all amongst its still-warm corpse inward photograph mode.