For Honor – Shaolin

Shaolin Guide
The lights that are improve for you lot to role inwards qi opinion is the elevation lite because it stuns, in addition to the side lights are deadening plenty to react for an like shooting fish in a barrel lite parry. All the Qi opinion lights has crushing counterstrike, Just similar warden but inwards all directions. External crushing counter strike is possible too, but you lot volition accept to launch your lite inwards the reverse direction.
Just noting this here: Qi Top heavy feinting dorsum to Qi opinion was removed.
So, heres the cool part, launching attacks from qi stance, similar i said above, lights accept cc properties.
Now lets motility on to heavies, They rails dodges (Undodgable) in addition to is feintable, hence you lot tin either throw the qi side heavy, allow it perish or feint it into a guradbreak. The elevation heavy throws out a xl impairment unblockable, in addition to which is also feintable, Cant move soft feinted, By hitting the guardbreak inwards Qi stance, you lot tin throw out a boot which you lot tin throw out a guarenteed xx impairment poke, a xl impairment parryable smash, or an unblockable stick sweep via hitting Guardbreak which you lot tin throw two lights in addition to perish to qi later that. By the way, you lot tin also perish into qi during Light heavy chain.
Fighting from Neutral
By neutral, i hateful when nobody is throwing attacks, similar at the origin of a duel when you lot both locked on.
So, fighting from neutral is an of import fundamental of winning, you lot accept reflex guard, in addition to close of shaolins expert attacks are from Qi stance, hence you lot volition accept to fille your attacks, basiclly doing backstep lights or heavies inwards lodge to fille the attack, in addition to hence you lot tin perish into Qi opinion past times asset the assault fundamental that you lot were throwing.
Backstep attacks are launching a light/heavy spell asset the push clit that you lot role to motility backwards.
But, you lot cannot only rely on Qi opinion all the time, right? hence you lot gotta throw unopen to neutral lights too
Shaolin has iii triple side lights that stuns the enemy, you lot gotta hitting lite in ane lawsuit in addition to hence human face for a minute in addition to hence hitting the other two lights fast. You tin also throw out two side lights in addition to hence perish into Qi opinion past times asset the 2nd lite similar the 3rd lite chain, inwards this representative you lot alone throw two in addition to you lot check lite on the 2nd hit, if you lot throw also slow, it becomes the two hitting lite chain. Shaolin also has a pretty bad dodge heavy, tin move used to counter bashes. (Not always)