Just Cause 4 – Helicopter Flight Quest

Helicopter Flight Walkthrough
The adjacent goal volition survive a helicopter flight to a nearby place (it volition survive marked on your screen). However, you lot must get-go social club a helicopter. The game volition exhibit you lot how to create it again. Enter the render driblet menu, direct the pilot, together with thence direct the helicopter, together with in conclusion indicate to the house where the charge should survive dropped. When you’re done, piece of work into the helicopter together with follow the mission marker.
You volition speedily accomplish your destination. Now you lot convey to province – create it carefully, because the helicopter tin easily explode. Get off the vehicle together with and thence caput to the adjacent mission marker. It is located on the door of a nearby building. After approaching the door you lot volition run across a cut-scene. This way, you lot convey completed the job The Illapa Project .