Bendy and the Ink Machine – Achievements Chapter 1


A guide to obtaining all electrical flow available achievements inwards chapter i of Bendy And The Ink Machine: Moving Pictures.

A kicking correct inwards the childhood past times what I tin exclusively depict equally a bootleg version of 1950’s Walt Disney. The graphics are purposefully grainy in addition to the artwork is almost similar Mickey Mouse but non quite, which is simply correct for that Tesco value character you’ve been craving.

This game has light-hearted restrain scares, PG horror scenes in addition to satanic undertones; all washed downwards amongst ink. Lots of ink.

Now that we’ve got the formalities over in addition to done with, lets achieve!

BATIM – Achievements Chapter 1

Picking Up The Pieces

AIn fellowship to larn this achievement, you lot volition demand to hunt roughly in addition to collect vi items.

Below I’ve included a listing of some of the places inwards which these items are probable to spawn in addition to pictures of the items too. For now, I’ll buy the farm through how to get the line of piece of job Turn On The Machine. You may run across some of the items piece walking roughly initially however, you lot won’t survive able to selection them upward until you’ve activated the task. Your electrical flow objective is Find The Ink Machine.

When you lot (Henry) firstly go into the game you lot volition spawn at the terminate of a hallway inwards the quondam workshop. Walk towards the room at the terminate in addition to plow right. Once you’ve done this, follow the adjacent corridor circular until you lot run across a room amongst a sign higher upward it reading “Ink Machine”. Walk into this room in addition to your grapheme volition country “So this is the Ink Machine, huh? Wonder how you lot plow it on.” Your objective straightaway is to Turn On The Machine


From hither you lot desire to leave of absence the Ink Machine room in addition to caput left into the Break Room. This is a large room containing vi pedestals, behind each of which is a pic hinting towards the exceptional that needs to survive placed upon each one. You volition straightaway survive given the objective “Fix The Machine”. In fellowship to create this you lot must firstly uncovering all vi items.

The Taste Of Home

AYou tin earn The Taste Of Home past times collecting all cans of bacon soup that you lot uncovering on your travels. Unfortunately, I’m non posting all of the locations these tin survive found. Just survive certain to cheque all shelves, desks, cabinets in addition to flooring spaces; non forgetting to opened upward every door possible equally some are cupboards total of bacon soup. If you lot larn to the terminate of chapter i in addition to haven’t earned it, you lot haven’t constitute all of the cans.

Crooner Tuner

AThis is an achievement you lot tin uncovering hidden behind i of the many doors along the numerous corridors that you lot stumble upon piece playing the game. But which door?! This door is constitute on the left manus side of the corridor when heading towards the Ink Machine room. This door stands out from the residual equally when you lot firstly run across it at that topographic point is low-cal streaming out from the cleft beneith it. At this betoken you lot volition non survive able to larn within equally the door is locked to get with.

In fellowship to unlock the door you lot must firstly catch the Break Room. This is the room amongst the vi pedestals in. Once you lot direct maintain visited this room you lot volition survive given the objective Fix The Machine which involves you lot hunting out the vi hidden items needed to “help appease the gods”.

Once you lot direct maintain started this objective the door volition straightaway survive unlocked. If you’re looking inwards the correct house at the correct fourth dimension when heading dorsum downwards the corridor you lot mightiness spot the low-cal nether the door all of a abrupt shutting off. Spooky! Now you lot may opened upward the door in addition to buy the farm inside.


Now that you’re inwards the room you lot volition run across an quondam radio sitting on the side. It doesn’t low-cal upward similar other objects that you lot tin interact amongst create when you lot await at them, nevertheless, buy the farm over in addition to interact amongst it. It volition switch on in addition to you lot volition direct maintain earned yourself some other achievement.

The Creator

AThe Creator is an achievement that you lot tin obtain correct later on increasing the ink clit per unit of measurement area in addition to flipping the switch inwards the Break Room. If you lot accept a pocket-size detour into Boris’ Room later on leaving the Break Room earlier heading off to your adjacent objective, you lot tin earn this achievement past times walking through the wall behind Boris. In the epitome below I direct maintain circled the wall to walk through.


Upon walking through this wall you lot volition run across a crudely drawn cartoon human being standing inwards a box room in addition to BAM! … Another achievement. You can’t interact amongst him in addition to he doesn’t create anything. I won’t include a pic of him, I’ll leave of absence that equally a surprise for you.

The Past Speaks

AYou tin earn The Past Speaks achivement past times finding in addition to playing all of the recorded messages on the well logs inwards chapter one. Below I direct maintain included a description of where each i tin survive located. There are simply two.

Wally Franks This i is inwards the Narrowed Room on a shelf betwixt the 2 cupboards. On this recording he talks almost the vi items needed inwards fellowship to “help appease the gods.


Thomas Connor Can survive constitute towards the terminate of the chapter when you’re running dorsum towards the exit. After falling through the flooring you lot volition province inwards a room total of ink amongst shelving on i wall. This well log tin survive constitute on i of the shelves.


After listening to both of these you lot volition survive presented amongst The Past Speaks achievement.

Hello Bendy

AThe Hello Bendy achievement is earned equally role of the story. Towards the terminate of the chapter, later on you lot direct maintain flipped the switch inwards the Break Room completing the Restore Ink Pressure objective, you lot volition caput dorsum towards the ink machine in addition to get the Run To Exit objective. The pathway into the Ink Machine room that was opened upward earlier is straightaway blocked equally it has been boarded up. Despite at that topographic point existence no clear path through, I silent urge you lot to border towards it.


A dissimilar version of Bendy to who you’ve seen inwards the pictures volition straightaway jumpscare you lot in addition to endeavor to catch you lot from beyond the planks. The halls larn really nighttime in addition to ink volition start flooding in. Run dorsum towards the house you lot spawned from at the really beginning.

Unfortunately, no leave of absence for you. Before reaching the door, the flooring volition autumn away from nether your feet in addition to you lot volition plummet into a room chop-chop filling amongst ink below, but hey! You’ve earned some other achievement… silvery linings in addition to all that…

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