Endless Space 2 Behemoth Guide
Behemoth Guide
Common Gameplay
A Behemoth is a send which is larger than a Carrier. The Behemoth’s ultimate role is to evolve in addition to expire specialized. For the well-nigh business office of the game however, it volition get got a multi-purpose role determined yesteryear its equipped modules in addition to tin laissez passer on notice hold upward used economically or militarily.
- Behemoths volition starting fourth dimension with x1 multipliers on their modules. Unlocking novel hull types volition increment this multiplier upward to x8
- Behemoths volition starting fourth dimension with a base of operations of HP, in addition to unlocking novel hull types volition increment this value
- A musician volition hold upward able to champaign a express release of Behemoths at a given time. This boundary tin laissez passer on notice hold upward increased yesteryear researching to a greater extent than Behemoth-specific technologies (or edifice a specific improvement)
- A Behemoth is the solely send inward its fleet. It has a specific size, role, in addition to takes 10CP
- Behemoth content is unlocked inward the tech tree equally Behemoth specific technologies. Behemoth techs are visually distinct from regular ones
- A Behemoth’s possible actions on the galaxy map are determined yesteryear its equipped modules
The actions are detailed below.
- Support
- The Behemoth volition hold upward able to house mining probes on uncolonized planets. The strategic in addition to luxury resources for which the musician has the technology volition hold upward mined
- Mining probes get got a ready duration
Government Support
Placing the Behemoth inward range of an owned or allied organisation volition furnish FIDS bonuses to the system
Science Research
Research: Placing the Behemoth over a particular node volition furnish inquiry points in addition to perchance other inquiry discounts linked to Special node type
Analyzer: Placing the Behemoth over a particular node volition intensify the final result of the Special node for the organisation which has influence over it and/or generate strategic resources
Planet Improvement
All these modules require the musician to get got the corresponding anomaly/terraformation technologies unlocked.
Anomaly Reduction: Allows the Behemoth to trim down anomalies on neutral planets
Terraformation: Allows the Behemoth to terraform neutral planets
Rejuvenation: Allows the Behemoth to refill depleted planets in addition to to reassemble destroyed planets
- Provides to a greater extent than armed services slots to the Behemoth
- Unlocks the tractor beam to hold upward used inward Behemoths or Carriers: prevents the enemy retreating from infinite battles
Once the corresponding Behemoth-tech has been researched, it tin laissez passer on notice expire specialized inward the 1 that was unlocked. Specialization is permanent in addition to changes the hull of the Behemoth. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 specialized Behemoth tin laissez passer on notice hold upward embedded inward a fleet amongst other ships.
Largest in addition to strongest armed services send inward the game:
- x8 Multiplier
- 10 CP
- Can unlock a particular “Ion Wave” ability: destroys all fleets on node (including owned fleet) merely leaves the Battleship deactivated for X turns (can’t movement on the map nor assault inward infinite battle)
The Obliterator is a System destroyer which has a quite weak hull with a really express sum of slots:
- Can burn downward a missile for gratis 1 time every xx turns
- The activity tin laissez passer on notice hold upward sped upward yesteryear paying a Quadrinix in addition to Orichalcix toll which decreases equally the timer decreases
- The missile travels on the map in addition to needs X turns to achieve its destination:
- On impact, the missile volition destroy the entire system:
- All planets are destroyed
- The Sun type mightiness change
- All musician owned assets are destroyed
- Players tin laissez passer on notice construct a shield to expire along their assets in addition to endure solely 50% of damages on them
- Citadels furnish a native Obliterator shield (you tin laissez passer on notice achieve 100% protection on a Citadel, run across below for to a greater extent than details)
- Systems with a Sun type “None” can’t hold upward targeted yesteryear the Obliterator
The Behemoth embeds itself onto a organisation in addition to transforms it into a Citadel (so y'all don’t get got a send anymore)
- Provides potent defensive bonuses to the organisation (more manpower, stronger local troops)
- Provides a native Obliterator shield
- Prevents gratis movement for enemies on this node
- Provides a native guard on the organisation (no require to get got fleets inward orbit)
- Unlock specific Citadel star organisation improvements that tin laissez passer on notice solely hold upward built on Citadels:
- Planetary Batteries, which volition burn downward during infinite battles (but won’t accept business office otherwise)
- Other improvements volition focus on defence strength or industry/science