Executive Assault 2 – Station Modules


This guide volition encompass all the guildings inward the game in addition to what they produce. This guide volition survive updated equally the game develops to the best of my ability.

Executive Assault 2 Station Modules

Opening Notes

Keep inward take away heed that ExA 2 is notwithstanding beingness developed in addition to hence sections of this guide are liable to change. Any data regarding the games is appreciated if it is helpful.

Command Center

The command middle is the caput of the whole fellowship patch the CEO acts similar the brain. It is the

the outset edifice you lot start amongst in addition to safest room the CEO tin survive in; It’s equipped amongst 8 anti-ship turrets, iv on elevation of the building, iv on the sides, 2 entrances amongst nail doors, in addition to iv anti-personel turrets, 2 close each door. The command middle comes amongst 2 lock-points to add together to a greater extent than rooms to your station, you lot tin attatch whatever room you lot desire in addition to hence long equally it doesn’t brand it the mode of some other room.


  • Always recollect to upgrade your defences when you lot inquiry improve weapons.

  • Keep a few robots nearby the doors because sometimes the turrets won’t survive enough.

Robot Factory

One of iv unit of measurement production facilities inward the game. It manufactures Z11s, your basic fighting forcefulness in addition to afterwards on if you lot create out to larn the plans from a trader, Mechanoids. Most of the room is sectioned off in addition to hence the productions doesn’t larn disturbed exactly you lot tin notwithstanding run across the units getting produced in addition to come upwards out the door, assembled in addition to gear upwards for combat. The room has 2 lock-points close the northeast in addition to northwest parts of it in addition to comes amongst 2 turrets in addition to iii boxes for cover.


  • You don’t lead maintain to lead maintain the gatway station in addition to the robot manufacturing flora correct side past times side to each other.

  • Produce your soldiers ahead of time.

  • It’s recommended you lot function along the manufacturing flora in addition to command middle unopen to each other in addition to hence equally to halt threats all over the station.

  • The Z11 are equpped amongst whatever shape of projectile in addition to shield selected when orderd in addition to hence survive certain you lot lead maintain the choices you lot desire selected equally they can’t survive upgraded later.

  • The robot (no weapons, or shields) toll 100 ironite past times themselves.

Docking Bay

The docking bay is the instant of iv unit of measurement fabricators. It allows you lot tp gain mining ships, cargo vessels in addition to fighters. It serves equally a dropoff betoken for your mining ships equally good equally a house for traders to acre in addition to gain buisness amongst you. It has iii lock-points inward the south, southwest, in addition to southeast positions. it has no turrets exactly several boxes are scattered about.

The docking bay has iii bays ships tin dock in. Ships are produced inward the middle bay.


  • The doorways brand non bad choke points equally you lot tin lead maintain a lots soldiers inward the fighter bay firing at the same fourth dimension patch the enemy has to funnel through.

  • The Docking Bay takes upwards a lot of space; survive careful where you lot house it.

Ship Yard

The thrid unit of measurement fabricator in addition to produces the largest ships inward the game. It has 2 lock-points; 1 southeast in addition to the other west. Most of the edifice is a giant nano-wall that builds the send equally it goes along the ribbed-rail. The Ship Yard volition allow you lot create whatever variety of send from corvettes to battle cruisers. There is likewise a minor room attached exactly it’s non used for much correct now.


  • It’s the biggest room inward the game, survive careful where you lot seat it.

  • There is a command panel that let’s executrons create ships

Fighter Bay

The quaternary unit of measurement fabricator inward the game. The principal departure betwixt it in addition to the docking bay is that it alone produces fighters for defence, non attack. The room alone has 1 lock-point; no internal defences. The fighter bay tin lauch iv at a fourth dimension in addition to stores the fighters when they’re non needed.


  • Use them to seal off the paths quickest to your CEO.

  • The fighters lead maintain a battery life; the battery runs out in addition to it explodes. Recall to recharge.

  • You tin create iii of the same, allowing you lot to launch twelve at a time.

Executron Facility

This is a unique production facility because it lets players bring together your game if you lot lead maintain executrons enabled. It comes amongst iv spawn points for execturons, 6 platforms for them to plug into, in addition to 2 lock-points at the due east in addition to due west parts of the station.


  • Executrons tin assist bargain some of the to a greater extent than meniel tasks in addition to tin give a leg upwards inward combat.

  • Executrons self-destruct when trying to kill their CEO.

  • Executrons tin survive upgraded if autobalance is on.

Ore Processor

This facility boosts the production of ironite from raw ironite. The facility has 2 lock points on the due east in addition to due west sides in addition to has no defences.


  • You tin create iii of them.

  • Use them to extend the path to your CEO.

Gateway Facility

This edifice replaces the troop carry in addition to allows instant teleportation betwixt the facility in addition to gate probes. It’s essential if you lot conception to accept over a station equally the probe volition connect to whatever opened upwards lock-point in addition to allows soldiers to invade. The edifice has 1 lock-point in addition to 2 turrets inward a higher house the door.


  • When a probe is destroyed, the gateway facility volition creafte a novel one.

  • It genuinely has four; enemy soldiers tin purpose your ain gate.

  • Research volition allow you lot lead maintain iii probes at 1 time.

Goods Factory

This prduces the production of your company. Once produced the goods tin survive sold to traders for coin which tin survive used to purchase mining rights, resources, in addition to the blueprints for Mechanoids. Most of the room is sectioned off, reducing walking infinite to an L-shaped hallway amongst a minor room.


  • There is an alternative to win amongst the total of goods you lot lead maintain inward the game setup.

  • Goods toll 100 ironite to produce.

  • You tin auto-sell goods to traders if you lot want.

  • You genuinely lead maintain to survive inward the facility to gain goods.

Repair Facility

The edifice emets an aura that repairs allied ships that are inward range. It is the smallest edifice amongst iii lock-points at east, north, in addition to S in addition to no defences.


  • Place it where there’s rattling piffling room.

  • The repair aura is weak in addition to small. Up to you lot if you lot desire it.


The Assembly seems to survive a placeholder for now. There are 2 lock-points at the due east in addition to west. No defences what in addition to hence ever.


  • Only purpose it if you lot desire to extend a path.

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