Hearts of Iron 4 – Historical Nationalist China SP Guide


A guide to convey PRC out of the ashes of the 2d Sino-Japanese War as well as onto the world phase inwards a seat to tackle the Axis, Allies, or Soviets.

Historical Nationalist PRC SP Guide

China is inwards an interesting house inwards Jan 1936. It is technologically backwards, militarily stretched thin, as well as quite friendless. Historically, it fought the Japanese for 8 long years as well as was left devastated. Hyperinflation as well as insurrection left the Nationalist authorities unable to stalk the tide of pop communist revolutionary Mao Zedong.

In Hearts of Iron, PRC has a tremendous potential to last a mid to belatedly game powerhouse. It tin displace comfortably sustain Total Mobilization amongst Volunteer Only as well as hit 0% Consumer Goods. Though it volition have got some fourth dimension to construct upwardly its tech, it has access to the most versatile air designer inwards the game as well as tin displace churn out a dark-green H2O Navy amongst astonishingly quick speed. Added to the fact that Chinese troops fighting on Core territory tin displace await to larn upwards of 30% Attack as well as Defense, commanded yesteryear what volition probable last the world’s most seasoned generals.

By the fourth dimension you lot shrug off Nippon as well as force them out to the sea, you lot volition last inwards a prime number seat to unite PRC as well as and thence brand a determination betwixt iii paths;

  • Continue the deal against the fascists. Joining the Allies proper volition allow you lot to have got the deal to Nippon as well as claim your rightful house equally i of the ‘Four Policemen’ proposed yesteryear FDR.

  • Make peace amongst the fascists, perhaps fifty-fifty bring together them. You tin displace retake the lands stolen from PRC inwards the Unequal Treaties as well as maybe fifty-fifty salve the Axis from its doom.

  • Wage state of war on the Soviet Union as well as have got for yourself the immense steel reserves of Siberia… as well as perhaps also chase downward where Mao fled to i time you’ve kicked him out.

Focus as well as Research Tree

Now this is far from ‘optimal’ play for defeating Japan. The programme hither isn’t to win the state of war equally speedily equally possible, though it volition last won considerably sooner. The objective is to last inwards the best seat after the war. Short-term sacrifices volition last made for long-term gain.


1. Military Affairs Commission (Army XP +0.05/day)

2. Three Principles of the People (Stability +5%)

3. Democracy (PP +120)

4. Unified Industrial Planning (50% Industry Bonuses x2)

5. Expand the Academica Sinica (Research Slot +1)

6. Executive Yuan (PP +0.25/day)

7. Nationalism (Stability +10% Stability)

8. Army Reform

Knock knock. It’s Japan.

We’re hither to larn equally much PP equally possible thence nosotros tin displace create some crazy materials inwards a bit.


1 2: Electronic Mechanical Engineering as well as Grand Battleplan Doctrine

3. Basic Machine Tools

4. Grand Battleplan II

5. Concentrated/Dispersed Industry*

6. Improved Machine Tools (This should last your 3rd question slot as well as i of your question bonuses)

7. Grand Battleplan III (Prepared Defense)

8. Concentrated/Dispersed Industry (Second question bonus)

9. Radio

10. Support Weapons I. You should larn a 15% bonus from the warlords

11. Construction I. Another 15% bonus

We’re going to last playing select handgrip of upwardly for a patch thence an extra question slot equally presently equally possible isn’t equally useful equally it sounds. We also don’t desire to duplicate our efforts amongst our allies. Remember you lot volition larn upwardly to a +15% engineering scientific discipline sharing bonus from the warlords for free. Unfortunately, they have got real express question slots as well as create non role them optimally, thence this mostly only applies to early on techs that they have got a preference for (Infantry/Artillery/Industry as well as bizarrely some Air Doctrines). However, if you lot run into that bonus on equipment it agency you lot tin displace license it from i of the other warlords. In this way you lot tin displace question older engineering scientific discipline fairly quickly.

So what’s the bargain amongst Concentrated/Dispersed Industry?

This largely comes downward to personal preference. You mightiness think Concentrated plays to China’s strengths, given how technologically backwards it is. To an extent it does. This is also the road the Warlords larn downward but you lot won’t genuinely larn to have got payoff of the question bonus.

It is of import to recollect that you lot are e'er going to last growing- constantly adding novel factories to your production lines. Sometimes you’re going to larn a huge amount of factories seemingly overnight when you lot annex territory. Once your tech is upwardly to snuff, you’re also going to last rapidly upgrading equipment. You’ll question Fighter IIs equally presently equally you lot destination Fighter Is thence you lot desire your lines to warm upwardly to it.

I would say that you lot should stick to Concentrated if you lot desire to proceed amongst the strategy of volume Infantry. Go dispersed if you lot desire to modernize the armed services amongst armor as well as aircraft towards the belatedly game. And yesteryear ‘modernize’, I hateful that you’re going to have got 150+ infantry divisions as well as maybe 12 dedicated armor/mechanized.

Grand Battleplan Doctrine

Now fifty-fifty if you lot stick amongst Mass Assault, it’s non all that helpful. The greatest advantages of Mass Assault (width reduction) come upwardly fairly belatedly inwards the tree as well as you lot tin displace create attrition issues amongst proper infrastructure-as-you-go. Going amongst Grand Battleplan agency nosotros tin displace larn to Prepared Defense inside several months of the state of war starting. Entrenchment as well as Planning Bonuses play into our strength of superior generals as well as training. Dominicus Tzu would last proud. So volition you lot last when your 8 width infantry divisions are beating Japan’s 24 width monstrosities.

Political Power

We’re going to last using a lot of PP inwards the hereafter thence we’re going to have got to larn into the state of war inwards a somewhat weaker seat inwards companionship to emerge out of it stronger inwards mid’ 39.

1. Silent Workhorse (PP +15%)

2. Old Guard Chief of Airforce (PP +10%)

3. Backroom Backstabber (PP +5%)

4. Popular Figurehead (Stability +15%) or First Lady of the Republic (Stability +5%, War Support +5%)

5. Improved Worker Conditions (Stability +12.5%)

Hold on a chip until the state of war amongst Japan…

Popular Figurehead or First Lady of the Republic genuinely depends on what path you lot desire to larn on. If you lot desire to bring together the Allies, larn the lovely Lady Chiang to brand some trips over to America. If you lot desire to larn amongst the Axis or strike out on your own, stick amongst the Popular Figurehead. For now, nosotros ask that stability for our economy.

Construction, Production, as well as Trade

Boy, Civilian Economy sucks but we’re gonna last stuck amongst it for awhile. You know what isn’t penalized though? Forts!

Build storey 3 forts all along your edge amongst Nippon as well as their puppets. Put a coastal fort on that port due south of Beijing as well as only to last safe, a storey 2 as well as storey 1 fort on the northern most provinces bordering Shanxi. The Japanese volition in all likelihood suspension through your allies at that spot as well as you lot don’t desire them to rush through that gap betwixt the hills as well as behind Beijing.

That volition pretty much proceed you lot busy until the state of war starts. After that, you lot tin displace start making armed services factories where it pleases you.

For production, you lot know where to set it. Basic Infantry Equipment. Keep that i manufacturing works life on interwar fighters! You mightiness equally good allow your cruiser destination as well as and thence shift your unmarried dockyard to convoys i time its complete. Don’t worry, mighty Chinese Navy, we’ll larn to you lot eventually.

The only thing you lot desire to merchandise for immediately is Steel. Don’t trust on Guangxi to have got plenty for you, but experience gratis to shipping your civilian factories over to whoever you lot desire to win inwards Europe.

Army, Navy, Airforce Composition

  • You start amongst a enterprise 57 divisions, all of which are basic Infantry or Cavalry.

  • 24 of them are conveniently Sanjiao Jun (12 width infantry)

  • 5 are Qibing Jun (8 width cavalry)

  • 28 are reserve Juntuan (8 width infantry)

It’s going to last a long fourth dimension earlier nosotros tin displace genuinely play only about amongst partition templates.

Remove each non-regular as well as set them into an Earth forces devoted alone to exercising as well as and thence filter them dorsum out to their respective armies when they hitting regular. I create this throughout the entire game if I have got an equipment surplus. I volition fifty-fifty take away frontline divisions that have got lost their regular status for some RR amongst the grooming command. We won’t have got superior technology, template design, national spirits, or fifty-fifty doctrines for a long time. The only advantages nosotros have got going for us is a puddle of talented officers as well as experienced troops. Keeping your Earth forces highly trained as well as cycling out depleted divisions is a expert way to go. The 75% bonus you lot larn amongst maximum veterancy is huge, particularly combined amongst a +50% planning or entrenchment bonus. That’s how you lot larn 8 width divisions to deal similar they’re iii times larger.

The Juntuan tin displace practise equally a grouping off the bat as well as unfortunately you’ll have got to convert the cavalry into human foot infantry. You tin displace sometimes larn cavalry commanders afterward downward the business (and they tin displace last useful) but for correct now, there’s nowhere to effectively set them. Duplicate the Juntuan template, larn inwards default render priority as well as convert your cavalry to that template. Might equally good alter its prototype too.

Once everyone is regular, I set the Sanjiao Jun on the iii provinces bordering Nippon only about Beijing. 8 divisions to a province agency to a greater extent than than plenty to create total combat width. I set the sometime cavalry on the other side, facing Mengkukou.

Put reinforcement as well as upgrades to max as well as start grooming xix of your not-cavalry 8 widths. Then develop eleven Juntuan inwards 4 lines. At the onset of the war, you lot should have got a comfortable surplus at this pace. Maybe 5k rifles or so. Eventually you’ll have got 3 neat armies of 24, 24, as well as 72 divisions.

Hey, that 3rd Earth forces is genuinely big! Why, it’s because of the garrison order. That’s right, the most wonky mechanic inwards the game. If used properly, it tin displace last EXTREMELY useful for macromanaging. Cover the whole of PRC inwards a garrison companionship (including warlords except the communists) as well as laid them to guard only ports as well as forts. The biggest payoff to this is genuinely beingness able to set 72 divisions nether i dedicated entrenchment/defense general. Despite non having a frontline, your full general inwards accuse volition gain experience pretty quickly. That’s non all, garrison companionship automatically fills inwards gaps wherever it finds them thence it volition react to naval invasions that you lot didn’t fifty-fifty see. As long equally you lot have got plenty troops to comprehend your ports as well as forts, it mostly won’t larn out whatever unguarded.

Seems similar Paradox fixed some of those nasty bugs…

Now the Japanese shouldn’t suspension through your business but if they do, garrison troops are rather effective at plugging inwards holes as well as fifty-fifty encircling an enemy that gets equally good ambitious. The fun constituent is that you lot tin displace role this offensively equally well. If you lot breakthrough the enemy as well as have got a garrison companionship on the territory you lot want to capture, those troops volition come upwardly flooding through the gap as well as spread inwards every direction. It is a real convenient way to plug inwards pockets created yesteryear capitulation patch you lot redirect your elite troops to where they’re needed.

Command Power is real slim starting out but you lot only have got 5 generals as well as champaign marshals to pass it on. That’s to a greater extent than than plenty for now. Organize each full general nether a champaign marshal as well as give them ‘Organization First’ equally presently equally possible. There’s a maximum amount of XP a full general tin displace accrue inwards i hr as well as you’re going to have got a LOT of combat going on thence you lot desire to maximize these gains amid equally many of your officers equally possible. Ignore the brownnoser Hu Zongnan for now. Eventually you lot are going to role all x of these officers. You should have got only plenty CP to create total inwards your Field Marshal’s traits AND activate More Ground Crews on your wings inwards Northern China. You desire to create this.


Combine your fighters into i fly of 100 as well as then… split upwardly them again. Split them a lot. Split them until you lot have got 100 wings of 1 fighter each. Keep doing this whenever you lot have got plenty planes that you lot experience similar deploying them. Put them on daytime air superiority over Northern China. You’ll run into why nosotros create this when the state of war breaks out.


Well, you’ve got 5 low-cal cruisers as well as 2 destroyers. Could last worse I guess. Put them on create non engage as well as have got them run convoy raids, I guess? You mightiness lose a few during the state of war but this should proceed your fleet largely intact. Honestly the only thing you’re doing is giving your Create-an-Admiral some experience from running away.

Not One Inch!

So some boozer Japanese soldier wandered off shipping as well as got himself into a spot of trouble. Now we’ve kicked off a state of war that would bridge 8 years as well as millions of lives inwards existent life. Oof.

You should last sitting on at to the lowest degree 100 divisions, 5-10k spare rifles, 150+ PP, as well as a consummate fort business only about Beijing. There’s a few things to consider as well as a few things to create when this kicks off.

Sometimes, fifty-fifty on historical AI, you lot won’t larn invited to brand peace amongst the communists. This volition larn out you lot as well as Shanxi lonely to bargain amongst Japan. Now this is bad but non the worst thing that tin displace happen. If this occurs, you lot have got 2 options.

1. Beeline the focuses Foreign Threats as well as United Front. This volition delay the unification of PRC until you lot progress through the entirety of the Foreign Aid path but is the safest option.

2. Beeline the focuses Prioritize the Interior as well as Subjugate the Warlords. With whatever luck, you’ll larn a few puppets that you lot tin displace describe divisions from. This may delay your unification of PRC a chip however. If you lot declare state of war on whatever of the warlords during your battle amongst Japan, they’ll bring together the Co-Prosperity Sphere. Even if you lot force them off the mainland as well as sign an armistice, the warlords volition regain all their territory as well as soundless last inwards Japan’s faction. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 state of war against them volition drag Nippon dorsum in… this fourth dimension amongst defensive state of war bonuses. Not ideal. If you lot soundless have got the Cassus Belli after you’ve beaten Japan, you lot tin displace invade them as well as it is possible Nippon volition non invite them in- particularly if you lot soundless have got an active truce.

Either way, you lot should immediately have got plenty PP to boom that Total Mobilization clit on solar daytime 1. Whoa. There goes all your manpower. Don’t worry, it’ll have got a long fourth dimension to deplete. If you lot have got Soong Mei-Lin, you lot tin displace grab Women inwards the Workforce correct away. If you lot picked the Popular Figurehead, you’ll have got to hold back for the aces to start coming in… as well as man child volition they start coming in.

Do non activate your battle plans! It’s genuinely quite simple; you lot don’t ask to assail until Nippon stops attacking. When you lot create activate them, you lot ameliorate last prepared to larn all the way to Korea. You don’t desire to halt as well as give them fourth dimension to vesture you lot downward inwards Manchuria.

For Focuses, larn downward either Foreign Threats/Prioritize the Interior thence you lot tin displace larn the powerful War of Resistance bonuses when your reforms are complete. You may consider idling amongst no focus if your Army Reforms are genuinely unopen to completion as well as you lot tin displace progress downward the War of Resistance tree. You mightiness desire to consider getting Scorched Earth, non because you’ll role it- but because you’ll ask Forced Conscription to maintain Total Mobilization after the war.

Consider Subjugate the Warlords if you lot can. It’s genuinely feast or famine. If you lot larn Guangxi, consider spending the PP equally presently equally possible to annex them. That should give you lot only plenty factories to pursue your quaternary question slot.

Also, ALWAYS TAKE ARMY REFORM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Nippon is able to cut down its Marco Polo debuff yesteryear 10% every vi months. You should have got only plenty Army XP to have got the adjacent phase of Army Reform equally the concluding i finishes, important you lot tin displace whip your boys into tip summit shape inwards only ix months.

If you lot formed the Chinese United Front, you’ll start getting offers from the warlords to have got their expeditionary troops. Take them as well as set them on Shanxi’s border. If you lot allocate garrison troops to Guangxi, that’ll gratis upwardly divisions for them to set nether your command. This is extraordinarily useful because they role their abode country’s equipment. You tin displace sap your allies’ strength dry out if you lot thence wish, but I recommend keeping them on cautious execution for the sake of winning the war. …Maybe brand an Earth forces particularly for the Communists as well as set them on aggressive though if you lot desire to brand Chiang Kai-Shek’s ghost proud.

You volition lose some of Shanxi but Beijing should concur strong. Once you lot larn 100% War Support, experience gratis to consolidate your air wings nether the best ace. You should retain air superiority over Northern PRC this way.

I mostly halt grooming divisions hither as well as rely on the warlords to render me amongst the quaternary as well as 5th armies that I set nether offensive champaign marshals. If the state of war goes on for awhile, they’ll render you lot amongst plenty divisions to start making a sixth army. Put a champaign marshal inwards accuse as well as subordinate him to i of his peers.

Get the Military Theorist first, as well as thence the Infantry Military Staff as well as the Genius Defense Army Chief. Don’t forget to cheque your generals’ skills. They should have got novel traits inwards a affair of months as well as whoever is stationed inwards Beijing should speedily larn Urban bonuses.

A note, the actual metropolis of Beijing is NOT important. You’ll lose 2 civ factories if it falls. What IS of import is that airport. You create non desire to give Nippon air superiority over Northern China. Keep an middle out on them both as well as attempt to micro-manage reinforcements whenever those combat bubbles plough red. If you lot have got to lose one- lose the metropolis as well as non the airport.

But that shouldn’t happen, should it? We meant it when nosotros said non an inch!

So now… when create nosotros counterattack? I role the expeditionary forces to decide. Since they role their ain equipment, I have got them on active assail orders throughout the entirety of the war, though soundless on cautious execution. The offset 24 divisions I have from the warlords reinforce Shanxi. It’s a expert sign when they start reclaiming territory as well as pushing into Mengkukou. The adjacent 24 reinforce Beijing as well as assail that lilliputian enclave of Japan.

Once the warlord troops genuinely start pushing the enemy back, allow loose your ain elite troops. It mightiness have got a twelvemonth or two, but your Beijing forcefulness should have got maximum veterancy as well as i hell of a full general commanding them. Reorganize them nether your offensive champaign marshals as well as force until you lot hitting Korea. You should have got a huge surplus of rifles but don’t last afraid to larn into the ruby during the offensive. It is of import to proceed attacking. It mightiness last tiresome at first, but capitulating Mengkukou is the start of the snowball.

If you lot absolutely desire to play it safe, hold back until you’ve got the War of Anti-Imperialism focus.

Thinking About the Future

So you lot should reliably last able to force Nippon out yesteryear 1939 if you lot followed this guide. There are a lot of factors though, similar how your generals as well as Japan’s generals storey up. Sometimes you lot larn unlucky. But fifty-fifty if you lot had to surrender i inch or were fifty-fifty pushed dorsum to the Yellow River, I believe inwards you! Use your best sentence to react to the province of affairs as well as you’ll last able to throw off the invaders much sooner than the historical result of 1945.

Under normal conditions, yesteryear the fourth dimension you lot defeat Japan, it should last only about 1939 as well as WW2 is near to pop off! You are inwards a pretty strong seat to create upwardly one's heed your future… as well as heck, the hereafter of the world! I’ll assume you lot desire to reunite China, but nosotros tin displace create that simultaneously amongst whatever of these other things. If you lot vanquish Nippon as well as used Subjugate the Warlords, you lot mightiness only last lucky plenty to have got those Cassus Belli soundless active! Kick the warlords out of your faction as well as invade them speedily earlier your truce amongst Nippon ends. Mao tin displace last tricky… because he likes to bring together the Soviet Union. I would either hold back for him to shoot offset or have got him out amongst the One PRC Policy focus.


You tin displace settle downward as well as operate on fixing PRC but this is a tiresome as well as ponderous path that volition mayhap hateful you’ll motility into WW2 equally good belatedly to brand a difference. If that suits you lot only fine, operate towards adding as well as removing inflation on your way to Rural Schooling. Grain Tax is worth picking up. …Having 0% consumer goods inwards a game where everyone has hundreds of factories is crazy. Go amongst this if you lot desire to genuinely pick upwardly steam inwards the shipping game, 1945+

However, if you lot desire to motility into the world phase inwards fourth dimension to brand a difference, there’s a few options available to you. Remember to boost relations amongst whatever province you lot desire to larn with!


If you lot think to persecute this state of war to the halt as well as reject Japan’s armistice or sign a peace only to wage state of war on them again, invite unusual investors as well as shipping a Mission to the the States as well as thence the Ally of your choice. In damage of speed, the USA is the fastest… except all those naval bonuses aren’t all that helpful. French Republic is minute fastest as well as offers some real expert bonuses. England is the slowest as well as requires dipping into American support. Remember to boost the relations amongst your novel friend.

If you lot desire to bring together the Allies, you’ll ask to last at state of war amongst the Axis or Nippon i time again patch they’re fighting. Oh, as well as you’ll ask to dissolve your ain faction, which does hateful severing your ties amongst the warlords you lot didn’t puppet. Danzig or War volition spike World Tension upwardly high plenty that you lot tin displace guarantee whatever of the non-aligned countries inwards Europe that the Axis invades. Being non-aligned agency you lot tin displace soundless wage offensive wars pretty much indiscriminately. The Allies don’t much attention if you lot have got Tibet, Korea, Bhutan, or Nepal. Going downward the democratic path is genuinely sort of superfluous. If you’re feeling genuinely spiteful, you lot tin displace e'er declare an offensive state of war on Japan, though I’m sure they’ll appreciate the bonuses that gives them.

It’s pretty much only a affair of fourth dimension earlier the USA comes as well as gives their navy a wallop, particularly after you lot weakened them. In the hateful time, you lot tin displace start grooming paratroopers or your ain fledgling Navy to mountain an invasion i time Japan’s coastline is defenseless. Paratroopers are… a chip of feast or famine. It’s easier to larn aerial superiority than naval superiority earlier the Allies are involved, sure, but because you lot threw Nippon off the mainland, most of their divisions are sitting on the Home Islands. It’s gonna last a tough nut to crack… but who said vengeance came easy?


Well, aren’t you lot a masochist? You only vanquish Nippon as well as immediately you lot desire to have got on the Allies or the Comintern? Now you lot tin displace for certain larn REALLY fast state of war goals on them yesteryear a essence territory state of war goal but eventually you’re going to confront severe resources shortages. Rely equally good much on merchandise as well as you’re inwards for a painful lesson when state of war breaks out. This is why you lot desire to motility towards Renegotiate the Unequal Treaties thence you lot tin displace alter your merchandise law. Make sure to larn the motorized tech only about the same fourth dimension you lot have got ‘Closer Ties amongst Germany/Rapprochement amongst Soviet Union. This is the fastest path. It’s only 490 days equally opposed to 560 amongst the US, 700 amongst France, as well as 770 days amongst the UK. Keep this timeframe inwards mind, particularly if you lot ask One PRC Policy.

The British Raj is fairly hard to have got out from your natural borders. Your best bet for a quick victory is to conquer Tibet as well as Nepal as well as come upwardly downward from the north. No ask to role the focus on Tibet, only justify the expert old fashion way. Best to create this earlier you’re at state of war amongst the Allies- you lot don’t desire scissure British Divisions defending the Nepalese Mountains.

Do this as well as you lot should larn offers to bring together the Axis. It’s… quaint, considering China’s human relationship amongst Federal Republic of Federal Republic of Germany earlier WW2… but non real helpful. Wait until Nippon is at state of war amongst the allies as well as larn amongst them instead. Having Nippon equally a faction fellow member is genuinely really helpful since they’ll brand upwardly for your naval deficit.

If you lot desire to avoid state of war amongst the Allies as well as only have got on the Soviet Union, you lot tin displace hold back until Federal Republic of Federal Republic of Germany invades them as well as declare a simultaneous offensive war. In my experience, this mostly leaves Federal Republic of Federal Republic of Germany inwards a real weakened province fifty-fifty if you lot win since the USA as well as the Allies have got all the fourth dimension they ask to bounce back. That could last precisely what you lot desire though… if you’re the backstabbing sort.

Alternatively, you lot tin displace declare state of war on Federal Republic of Federal Republic of Germany when it invades Russian Federation as well as bring together the Comintern. If you lot create this, brand sure you lot larn downward the One PRC path as well as remain inwards the Chinese United Front thence you lot tin displace bargain amongst Mao earlier he runs to Papa Stalin. This should last doable yesteryear the fourth dimension Operation Barbarossa kicks off. Stalin volition appreciate the hundreds of divisions you lot shipping to the Eastern Far Western front end as well as Federal Republic of Federal Republic of Germany should autumn fairly quickly.

But then… earlier you lot defeat the Axis, why non reclaim Hong Kong? There’s a expert conduct a opportunity you’ll drag Stalin into a state of war amongst the Allies.

And that’s when the fun begins.

I larn out the residue to you.

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