Diesel Railcar Simulator – Route Guide


Route Editor How to Use?

Start the route editor from the primary carte du jour either yesteryear right-clicking on an existing route or yesteryear clicking on the “Route editor” push clit inwards the route list. The minute alternative starts the editor amongst an unsaved minimalist route template which y'all tin clear yesteryear removing the rails nodes (the pocket-size squares) if y'all desire to start from scratch.

Use the gratis roam telephone commutation [8] as well as the map telephone commutation [9] to switch betwixt 3D as well as 2D views. Camera displace inwards the 3D gratis roam mode plant the same means equally inwards the actual driving simulation. The keys are configurable. Scroll the 2D thought yesteryear holding downwards the right-hand mouse button. Zoom using mouse scroll wheel.

Try right-clicking on things or empty infinite to exercise stuff, the same means equally you’d exercise inwards the timetable editor. The editor is divided into infrastructure (tracks, signals etc.) as well as scenery modes which y'all tin switch from the right-click popup menu.

In general, the left-hand mouse push clit accepts or confirms things or moves to the next phase. The right-hand mouse push clit cancels or moves dorsum to the previous phase. In some editing modes y'all tin also agree downwards the left shift telephone commutation for alternative behaviour: for example, when creating a siding y'all tin snap as well as align the siding to follow the primary track.

Don’t forget to salve oftentimes [CTRL+S] if you’re doing whatever serious route edifice amongst the editor. It’s also a expert thought to brand backups of your route folder.

It’s ok to salve a re-create of the existing routes included amongst the game as well as choke along from there, making your ain version of them as well as uploading them to the workshop.

The editor may hang or stutter when opening the editing popup carte du jour as well as making changes to the tracks or scenery inwards 3D-mode. In 2D-mode the hangs should hold out less noticeable.

There’s no built-in route removal characteristic (to hold out added) but y'all tin come across where the route folder is located inwards the route properties window as well as manually take away the folder as well as the files within.


The editor starts inwards the infrastructure editing mode. To switch dorsum to infra editing from the scenery mode, right-click on empty infinite as well as select “Switch to infra editor”.

You tin utilization the editor to create routes similar to the existing ones (UK, semaphore signals). Since the scenery features are nonetheless quite limited, the editor is best suited for creating urban as well as suburban routes. It’s non yet possible to customise the signals, the appearance of the track, or utilization your ain scenery items (3D-models).

Laying Tracks

Right-click on empty infinite as well as select “Add track”. Left-click to house rails nodes or right-click to cancel the close recent one. Hold downwards the left shift telephone commutation to forcefulness the rails become straight. Put the final node twice inwards the same house (which is essentially the same equally double clicking) to consummate the track.

The rails nodes tin hold out freely moved, lifted as well as rotated afterwards. Hold downwards the left shift telephone commutation to displace a node inwards direct job or to snap the management of the node to 22.5 degrees. When lifting a node, agree downwards left shift to sample the terrain elevation nether the mouse pointer or snap the pitch.

Removing a node from the terminate of the rails shortens the track. Removing from the pump of the rails bypasses the node instead of cutting the rails inwards ii pieces. See “splitting” if y'all bespeak to cutting the track.

Track nodes tin hold out bound individually to other tracks. If y'all displace or modify the shape of a track, nodes bound to it volition also move. If the ii nodes of a rails department are bound to the same other track, the rails department follows the shape of the other track. Avoid binding tracks mutually or inwards a cyclical trend equally this tin yield unexpected results. (Warning: the beta version of the editor tin crash inwards this situation!)

Holding downwards the left shift telephone commutation spell moving a bound node volition displace it inwards steps. You tin modify the snap/step/jump distance yesteryear right-clicking on empty infinite as well as selecting snap properties.

Track terminate buffers are created automatically as well as cannot hold out customised yet.

Turnouts Sidings

Right-click on an existing rails department or a node to create a siding. The siding tin loop dorsum to the primary rails or some other track, or it tin hold out a dead end. H5N1 siding is similar a normal rails but it has no bend superelevation as well as is automatically bound to the rails it originated from. Both tin hold out changed afterwards.

Sections of rails that overlap ane some other close a turnout or a crossing are shown inwards lighter colour. Two trains running on side yesteryear side tracks within the overlapping expanse would collide to each other, thence solely ane develop is signalled to the rails at a time. Avoid placing signals to the overlapping rails sections to ensure right operation.

Double Track

There are ii alternative ways to doubling (or tripling etc.) a unmarried line:

1. Add a siding off the start of the unmarried track, so agree downwards the left shift telephone commutation spell placing nodes of the siding to brand certain they’re a constant distance away from the unmarried line. Also agree downwards the left shift telephone commutation spell setting the node directions to brand certain they’re properly aligned. Finally, y'all tin take away the get-go node from the siding rails to assort it from the primary track.

2. Add a assort rails amongst solely ii nodes, so bind both nodes to the primary track. Finally displace as well as align the nodes spell holding downwards left shift key.

Siding nodes are automatically bound to the primary rails so changing the primary volition also displace the siding. You tin unbind the nodes ane yesteryear ane yesteryear entering the binding mode as well as pointing the mouse to the node itself instead of some other track.


To brand a rails crossing (where the ii tracks cross each other without points) as well as guide maintain it piece of work properly, you’ll bespeak to add together a mutual node for both of the tracks. Otherwise the trains may run through each other.

Start off yesteryear adding a node close the intersection signal to ane of the tracks, so some other ane to the other rails a flake further away. Then displace the minute node on top of the get-go ane so they’ll merge. Finally brand the crossing node undirected yesteryear clicking on the node itself when setting the direction. The node should plow pinkish as well as the tracks become right through it.

The “make symmetrical” editing mode for the pinkish node tin hold out useful for changing the shape of the crossing. The flatten mode moves all nodes to the same elevation.

Track Section Properties

Open the rails properties window to modify the name, type, superelevation or running management of the track.

A rails consists of ane or to a greater extent than rails sections (the flake betwixt ii nodes). Editing the rails properties affects all the sections. Some of the properties tin hold out overridden for a exceptional section, for example, to set a dissimilar rails type than for the residual of the track.

The belongings windows guide maintain tooltips which popular upwards if y'all agree the mouse nonetheless over the label of a field.

Splitting Merging

You tin split a rails into ii parts at a node if at that topographic point is no platform at that location. Splitting a rails tin hold out useful if y'all bespeak to modify the name, default develop running management or other properties of the other part, or if y'all bespeak to brand a gap betwixt the parts.

It’s also possible to contrary the split yesteryear merging ii tracks together. Merging tin solely hold out done for tracks where the merging node is the final ane for the get-go rails as well as the get-go ane for the minute track.

Other Railway Infrastructure

Bridges Tunnels

Bridges are completely automatic. There’s no means to customise them yet. Tunnels are non yet supported.

Stopping Areas Stations

A stopping expanse tin hold out a rider station platform, a staff platform, a depot stabling track, an invisible waypoint etc. Stopping areas exhibit upwards equally places inwards the timetable editor where y'all tin lodge trains to start, halt as well as terminate.

Right-click on a rails to house a stopping expanse as well as set its management as well as length. Only trains that locomote on that rails inwards the specified management as well as tally within the expanse tin halt there. The stopping expanse properties window has to a greater extent than details that y'all tin change. Each plain label has a tooltip which pops upwards if y'all agree the mouse pointer nonetheless over it.


Platforms are “just graphics”. In lodge to genuinely brand the trains stop, you’ll bespeak to add together ane or to a greater extent than stopping areas to the track. Stopping markers for the areas volition seem on the platform automatically. Some platform features similar the positioning of canopies as well as text on the rear signs tin hold out changed, spell details similar textures as well as colours cannot hold out customised yet.


To create a portal add together a long stopping expanse close the terminate of the rails (one inwards both directions). To guide maintain a develop go into or go out the portal at speed, brand the corresponding service lodge non-stop inwards the timetable editor yesteryear leaving the dwell box unchecked.

Signalling AWS

Place signals yesteryear right-clicking on a track. The signal applies to trains running inwards the specified management on that rails only. The possible paths onwards from a signal are determined automatically based on the allowed develop path directions of the tracks as well as rails sections. See the rails as well as rails department properties for details. Each path volition instruct its ain semaphore arm. In some cases the paths don’t quite become via the tracks you’d aspect them to, but unfortunately it’s non possible to manually edit them yet.

Distant signals tin hold out placed manually or automatically yesteryear right-clicking on a signal. The automatic placement adds a distant 1/2 or 3/4 mile downwards the rails depending on the speed limit.

AWS magnets tin hold out placed automatically yesteryear right-clicking on a signal or a distant. The editor places ane permanent magnet as well as ane electromagnet a set distance away from the distant signal. The electromagnet is automatically linked to the distant so that it plant equally expected.

AWS magnets tin also hold out placed manually equally “beacons” as well as their type changed from the properties. Although y'all tin modify the type to an electromagnet, the magnet cannot hold out manually linked to a distant as well as thence remains unfunctional. Permanent AWS magnets ever trigger an AWS caution when a develop fitted amongst the security organisation passes inwards either direction.

Speed Limits

Adding a novel speed bound inwards the pump of the rails does non modify the speeds: they volition initially hold out the same on the both sides of the bound (unlimited if at that topographic point are no other limits around). Change the speed from the bound properties. You tin solely modify the “high” management speed (the management the rails was set in, shown yesteryear the arrow caput when highlighting a track). To modify the “low” direction, modify the speed of the previous bound instead.

A 3D-sign for the bound tin hold out added yesteryear right-clicking on the limit. The sign tin so hold out moved as well as rotated similar a rails node. If y'all modify the speed of the limit, the sign volition non hold out updated automatically. Instead, you’ll guide maintain to take away the onetime ane as well as create a novel one.

Highlighting a rails shows its rear as well as the speed bound at the location nether the mouse pointer.

Right-clicking on a rails gives y'all options to automatically generate bend speed bound reductions, create clean upwards unnecessary limits as well as to create signs for all limits. Generated bend limits are based on the bend radius: the smaller the radius, the lower the limit. Cleaning upwards unnecessary limits removes ones that exercise non modify the speed or define a bound expanse likewise brusk to brand a existent departure to the running of the trains.


There are a few built-in models similar station buildings as well as signal boxes that tin freely hold out placed inwards the world. The models tin hold out moved as well as rotated similar rails nodes. It’s non possible to import custom models yet.


Enter the scenery editing mode yesteryear right-clicking on empty infinite as well as choosing “Switch to scenery editor”.

The scenery features are nonetheless quite limited, so the editor is best suited for creating urban as well as suburban landscapes. For example, fields as well as H2O are non yet implemented.


Ground is defined equally a triangulation of terrain nodes where the elevation at each signal within a triangle is interpolated from the corner nodes’ elevations. The triangulation is slow to come across inwards 2D-mode. In add-on each terrain node tin guide maintain a type which adds additional variance (noise) to the ground.

To start off amongst terrain nodes, environs your route amongst at to the lowest degree 3 nodes so that the tracks autumn within a triangle. Edit the “height” (elevation) as well as type of the nodes to create some distant scenery or horizon, so proceed to add together to a greater extent than nodes close the tracks to create local terrain formations.

The thought of this organisation is that y'all tin create vast areas of varying terrain inwards only seconds. In add-on the nodes convey real lilliputian difficult create infinite so the route files volition hold out real pocket-size as well as fast to download.

Roads as well as Streets

Roads as well as streets are placed using grids that tin hold out resized as well as rotated. The divulge of streets within the grid tin also hold out changed. There’s no other means of placing roads yet, but y'all tin utilization a large grid without inner roads (a square) to create the impression of a route that’s non component division of a town or village. The streets snap to each other when grids are placed unopen plenty (the grids themselves exercise non snap).

Overpasses, underpasses as well as storey crossings are created automatically where the roads cross tracks. There is currently no means of choosing what form of crossing appears where. H5N1 storey crossing may seem close a station if the next weather condition are met: the Blue Planet roughly the crossing is storey amongst the track, the crossing is non likewise wide, as well as at that topographic point aren’t whatever turnouts within the crossing area.

The electrical current beta version has some problems amongst the roads non connecting to each other properly, but these volition hold out fixed earlier the testing is over.


Buildings volition solely seem next to roads that are roughly within the radius of nearby edifice expanse circles. The choice of buildings tin hold out defined via the properties window. The properties guide maintain tooltips which popular upwards if y'all agree the mouse nonetheless over the label of a field. It’s non possible to utilization custom 3D-models yet.


Trees are placed yesteryear adding tree circles which the editor automatically populates. The type as well as density of trees tin hold out changed from the properties window. The properties guide maintain tooltips which popular upwards if y'all agree the mouse nonetheless over the label of a field. It’s non possible to utilization custom tree models yet.


Fences are fully automatic as well as cannot hold out customised yet (missing from the electrical current beta).


It’s non yet possible to house private scenery 3D-models or utilization custom models.


When submitting a route to the Workshop, the whole route folder is uploaded, including whatever timetables or other files inwards the folder. There’s no bespeak to submit the timetables separately if the files are inwards the route folder.

To add together a preview or encompass icon shown when browsing the Workshop, salve an icon amongst the filename thumbnail.png, thumbnail.jpg, thumbnail.jpeg or thumbnail.gif to the route folder earlier submitting.

Submitting the same route multiple times volition supersede the onetime version. The upload may neglect (“file non found”) if you’ve already deleted the item through the Workshop interface. In this instance opened upwards the route.txt file located inwards the route’s folder as well as manually supersede the steamItemId value amongst zero. (Check the location of the route folder from the route properties window.)

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