Mutant Football League – Dynasty Guide



Tips suggestions for starting out a novel Dynasty

Starting out (Week 1)

When y'all start a novel Dynasty, your squad volition hold upwardly crap. Everyone volition hold upwardly 45’s across the board. You mightiness create produce early amongst putting upwardly points, keeping points off the board, or fifty-fifty keeping your players alive.

In calendar week 1 y'all tin sign 3 gratis agents (subsequent weeks volition permit for 1 FA signing each calendar week until the merchandise deadline).

What I did at the start was become amongst a Kicker, Running Back, as well as Line Backer. The reasoning for those choices is thus:

Kicker: You’ll probable create produce to consistently movement the ball early on. Having a dynamite kicker gives y'all the chance for long plain goals when/if your drives stall out, as well as has the added bonus of putting the ball deep on kickoffs. In addition, fifty-fifty the best kickers damage side past times side to zippo contract wise compared to say…a QB.

Running Back: Early on, amongst everyone on the squad beingness rubbish, getting a practiced passing game going volition hold upwardly a struggle. You’d involve a decent QB, WR/WBR (TE), as well as corporation O-Line, this is equally good much to larn fifty-fifty amongst your 3 gratis agents. Instead, grabbing a lights out RB from the get-go should permit y'all to chew upwardly yards early as well as often.

Linebacker: Almost every formation volition cause got at to the lowest degree i LB on the field, as well as their combination of tackling, as well as at times coverage skills tin actually assistance a struggling defense.

Each calendar week you’ll also hold upwardly able to pass upwardly to 1.5 meg on purchasing xp to boost your players (400k per player). In Week 1 I invested all my boosting xp into my 3 O-Line starters, specifically inwards Run Blocking. This mode your RB’ll cause got an easier fourth dimension getting into the opened upwardly as well as getting y'all get-go downs or TD’s.

Your get-go few games players volition larn killed, sometimes entire seat groups volition larn wiped out. If y'all run out of QB’s, you’ll forfeit the game. If y'all run out of whatsoever other seat group, y'all simply won’t cause got whatsoever of that type of thespian on the plain fifty-fifty if they’re supposed to hold upwardly there. This tin hold upwardly particularly tough on defence where, say, all your CB’s larn killed as well as y'all cause got no i dorsum inwards coverage. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 practiced affair to maintain inwards hear when assigning early XP is to invest inwards the Toughness science for your players then they’re to a greater extent than resistant to expiry (I initially went for seventy toughness per starter).

Weeks two Through the Trade Deadline

After your get-go game you’ll cause got xp to pass players to resurrect. I highly recommend manually assigning the xp (to focus on edifice upwardly player’s toughness/intelligence).

In weeks 2-4 I continued to construct upwardly my Defense as well as Special Teams, grabbing a Kick Returner, Blitzer, as well as Corner Back. After that I signed whatever I had holes to fill upwardly or whatever I felt was the biggest need. I tend to run a defence that rarely if ever has Enforcers on the field, then I didn’t sign my get-go Enforcer until my minute season. I would recommend getting a practiced QB earlier the merchandise deadline of your get-go season, simply to start making things easier on the offense.

Other Helpful Tips/Info

Intelligence is of import for QB’s, Safety’s, as well as Line Backers. The higher the news of those players on the field, the to a greater extent than formations as well as plays volition hold upwardly available to y'all inwards the playbook.

Speaking of the playbooks, brand sure enough to cheque yours ofttimes during your get-go season. As those 3 position’s news rises, you’ll unlock to a greater extent than formations as well as slots for plays inside each formation that y'all tin role (while your smarter players are alive). When/if your QB goes downward as well as the backup comes in, y'all mightiness good lose several formations or plays out of the playbook equally a result.

Certain attributes volition damage to a greater extent than or less than the measure 1xp per indicate for unlike mutant types. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 prime number event is that Intelligence as well as Speed are quite expensive for Orcs. I produce non know all the increased expense attributes for each type, nor produce I know all the discounted attributes for each type, but don’t hold upwardly surprised if for roughly argue it costs to a greater extent than (or less) xp than y'all anticipate to boost sure enough attributes for sure enough thespian types.

Intelligence is e'er doubled inwards damage for QB’s, this volition stack (I believe) amongst Mutant type penalties as well as overall rating xp damage increases, then an Orc QB mightiness non hold upwardly the best mode to go, for example.

When your players hitting an overall of 70, xp costs double. When they hitting an overall of 85 (I believe) they become to 3x. Keep that inwards hear when spending xp. If a thespian is virtually to hitting i of those thresholds as well as roughly attribute that doesn’t send on their overall is nonetheless low, maybe invest inwards boosting that upwardly a fleck earlier y'all cross the 70/85 plateaus.

Keep rail of the thespian goals, these volition opened upwardly up novel attributes for y'all to pass xp on equally the players progress upwardly the ladder.

When signing Free Agents, accept a expect at all the attributes as well as become for what suits your needs. You don’t e'er cause got to accept the ‘best’ at each position. Also, pay attending to their contract costs. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 practiced WBR (TE) volition damage virtually one-half that of a similarly rated WR, as well as tin hold upwardly simply equally deadly inwards the passing game, patch at the same fourth dimension helping out a ton when running the ball amongst their blocking ability.

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