Squad – Leader Guide


Preparing your 1st stand upwardly for every bit Squad Leader. It’s non an tardily job, but it’s also non that difficult.

Why Shall you lot Lead a Squad?

It’s much easier to remain dorsum in addition to savour the squad piece of work oriented run gun, right? To live on a squad leader, you lot demand to guide your squaddies, communicate alongside other SLs in addition to sort out tons of problems occurring endlessly during the whole match. It’s super exhausting, why don’t nosotros only live on normal squad mates in addition to remain away from SL kit?

Well, I receive got had the idea until I came across steam sale. With the influx of novel players, those experienced squad leaders may non receive got sufficient fourth dimension to instruct in addition to atomic number 82 simutaneously. Experienced players should instruct newbies inwards the battlefield, but what virtually squad leading? There are likewise many normal players, but likewise piffling competent squad leaders. Especially later V10 V11, fancy novel materials attracted lots of people, but novel players demand a confident, informative in addition to reliable leader. Veterans, it’s fourth dimension to stand upwardly out in addition to atomic number 82 a squad!

If experienced instrumentalist never stand upwardly out in addition to atomic number 82 newbies, Squad volition non maintain upwardly the high lineament community in addition to instrumentalist base.

We ever demand to overcome such catamenia later major updates, every bit novel players swarmed the server, you lot may experience nervous to live on a leader, fifty-fifty for experienced players. Don’t worry, hither are some tips in addition to reminders for you.


Setting Up the Squad

Ask yourself before heading to battle:

  • Am I familiar alongside SL’s function?

  • Do I know how to position downwards rally? FOB in addition to HAB?

  • Do I know how to usage ascendance chat?

  • Do I know how to grade targets on map?

Go exercise it inwards Jensen’s Range if your respond is “No”. 

1.Start alongside maps, gaming types in addition to people you lot familiar with

As i of the experienced players, you lot should receive got observed lots of gaming modes in addition to maps. Choose i you lot experience the most confident to start with, because you lot know what tactics other SLs may unremarkably use, in addition to you lot tin elbow grease next their steps at first.

Invite your friends, since working alongside friends makes you lot experience confident. Doing then also lowered the opportunity of having troll or unreliable players inwards your squad, it’s already busy to atomic number 82 for the firstly time, do non add together unnecessary workload yourself.

2.Create your squad ASAP

The before you lot create a squad, the to a greater extent than fourth dimension you lot learn to care people. And hither comes a component : You tin elbow grease becoming a server regular first, it volition live on much easier to piece of work alongside people you lot know. Recognize who’s expert at spotting, who’s expert at operating vehicle…etc. Make certain everyone has a mic, in addition to enquire squad rules to live on picked up. (2 Medic, 2 LAT)

Set upwardly burn downwards squad leaders when feeling necessary, perferable FTL roles are Scout, Marksman, LAT/HAT in addition to Vehicle Gunner/Commander. Make those people who got magnified scope, or operating exterior the squad (ex:HAT or Vehicle) a FTL, then they tin care their burn downwards team.

3.Look how other squads laid upwardly their team

If some other squad is running past times a clan or server regulars, at that spot should live on no employment executing their plan, then it’s considered relialbe. Those are people you lot tin trust, they volition live on carrying you lot for the whole match.

On the other hand, if the other squad got a non-SL kit leader, similar marksman (“oh cyk4 sniper SL”). Or you lot view them throwing SLrule amidst sqad members, alongside nobody switching to SL kit. Such squad should live on considered incompetent, do non await likewise much from them until you lot experience condom to do so.

Before Match Begins

1.Plan conservative.

Yes, it’s your firstly match. Don’t rush unless you lot receive got some other squad together, or you’re actually confident that you lot volition live on at that spot first. Taking a transportation truck in addition to move backcapping is also a nifty move, permit those experienced SLs handgrip the mid-flag rush.

Here’s a expert saying: “Never permit your confidence overtake your ability.”

2.Announce you lot conception to everyone, including your squad in addition to other SLs. 

It’s mutual to view many Squad vaterans only play every bit infantry, bucause it’s actually exhausting to play every bit SL every match. In the beginning, it’s ever expert to denote you lot conception first, in addition to enquire for feedbacks. They volition give you lot precious advices on adjusting your strategy.

Let other SL know your plan, its importance could never live on overemphasized. Simply saying “This is Squad 2, we’re going on backcaps alongside carry truck.” or “Squad 2 is going to rush Poppy Farm alongside Squad 1 in addition to 3.” is far improve than maxim naught in addition to halt upwardly backcapping alongside 2 total squads.

3.Keep an opened upwardly mind, hear to the suggestions given past times others.

The other squad may receive got already arranged people on back-cap flags, or they desire you lot to rush together, or you lot laid upwardly a shi*ty conception similar putting downwards a FOB at see of nowhere. LISTEN TO FEEDBACKS, because it’s actually tardily to misunderstand each other during the staging phase.

4.Recognize other squad’s plan, live on create to move conception B

Make certain you lot know what other squads are going to do, in addition to live on create to modify your conception if something goes wrong.

During the Match

1.Keep other SLs updated, permit them know how your conception goes

Is your rush tactic sucessful? Do you lot demand assistance on attck/defend cap? Do you lot demand logi run? The commutation component of winning a stand upwardly for is expert communication. The before you lot transcend over your message, the to a greater extent than fourth dimension left for other squad leaders to alter their conception in addition to aid you lot out. Never hesitate to say, it’s all expert for us. Intel payoff is what helps us to win the match.

And hither comes some expert habits on using ascendance channel:

  • Keep your message brusque in addition to clear.

  • Use straight message to accept to specific SLs.

  • Only transcend NECESSARY message.

If you lot view an enemy logi truck behind defence line, don’t hesitate to transcend the critical message. Those intels are considered necessary to live on shared inwards ascendance voice:

  • Friendly HAB overrun/FOB going down

  • Location of enemy FOB

  • Capping/Losing cap on the flag

  • Movement of hostile vehicles APC/ LOGI / Tank…

2.Guide your sqaddies, maintain them updated past times using both aural in addition to visual cue.

Announce your order, guide your squad thorough the battlefield. I unremarkably guide my squad alongside both social club in addition to brief province of affairs study similar this : “Good labor team, at nowadays nosotros volition live on defending Poppy Farm until squad 2 in addition to three neautrlize the side past times side cap. Possible enemy conterattck from NE, I desire MG in addition to LAT to scout that crossroad (Mark alongside observation icon on map)”

3.Maintain the readability of the map, don’t spam icons.

Asking Squaddies to “Ping” the map for reference, in addition to position down accurate marks, it’s of import because this volition also influence other players. I tin retrieve the 2d I rolled my Stryker to a “BTR” marked on map in addition to discovered a T-72 sitting there…So house right marks!

Personally, I volition erase map icons i time reported contacts got downed. Never permit imitation icons remain on the map for likewise long, it tin mislead everyone easily. I also maintain myself from putting downwards likewise many icons (Like tons of infantry marks to a greater extent than or less defensive FOB), since the squad demand to concentrate.

4.Speak alongside name, give clear in addition to straight message.

Use cite to prompt your squaddies, in addition to give straight message similar this : “Don, I demand you lot to do a logi run, arrive half/half, thanks” or “Dorkly, select us to the due west side of Ali AirBase, Ro ‘s tank volition live on flanking that Abrams from south.” Try non to usage “I guess….”, “You may….” when commanding the squad, they volition select inwards some mis-understandings.

5.Talk to your squaddies.

I loved to chat to my squadmates, sh*t talks are ever welcome, because nosotros play Squad to savour the teamwork. And I unremarkably asked my squad members to maintain unnecessary talks inside local voice once gunfight begins. Also, I usage “Listen up!” when passing necessary message.

6.Be honest, asking dorsum upwardly whenever necessary.

We’re human beings, nosotros brand mistakes. Don’t experience afraid to tell it to other squadleaders, the sooner you lot told us you lot fu*ked up, the to a greater extent than fourth dimension nosotros got to re-evaluate our plan. And ever experience costless to inform us that a defensive HAB is virtually to learn overrun, much improve than tell naught in addition to halt upwardly alongside a neutral flag.

  • If you lot did fu*k up, speak up, (apologize if that’s your fault) in addition to maintain fighting.

  • If others fu*ked up, don’t roast them inwards ascendance channel.

Do non roast other SL inwards populace chat, nosotros all know which SL is a dumb, other players volition definitely do it for you lot in addition to roast his/her a*s to well-done. Concentrate on managing your team, in addition to maintain toxic chatters away.

Relax, but usage hammer when required.

  • If it’s expert for your squad, never experience afraid to learn an a*shole.

  • Control the situation, don’t permit the feeling of untrust prepare inwards your team.

A micless marksman inwards your squad? Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 naughty instrumentalist who insisted jumping into tank inwards your infantry squad? Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 noisy chatterbox who blocks the whole vocalization channel? Take activeness in addition to bargain alongside them.

Some people similar to exam other’s confine in addition to outcry “This is SL abuse!!” or “Admin abuse!!” later you lot smashed hammer on them. Those variety of young players are rattling piffling inwards Squad’s community, nosotros telephone telephone such type of people “Those haven’t run across bad plenty guys inwards their life” inwards Taiwan.

I used to live on an all-time expert variety guy, in addition to I realized that if you lot can’t dominion your squad, you lot also can’t guide in addition to atomic number 82 them. Here’s a storey : Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 instrumentalist joined my tank squad in addition to backseated my leading alongside annoying tone. I did non boot him at the firstly moment, but my driver in addition to gunner told me that they can’t contend alongside such player. That’s the truth: You can’t ever live on a expert guy, at nowadays I unremarkably take those who spend upwardly to coordinate or harrass other players from my squad immediately.

Yes, you lot may live on hated past times those young players, but people inwards your squad volition appreciate you lot for making the squad working. Don’t afraid to learn the “Bad Guy”, because sometimes people demand to live on “Managed” to learn things right.

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