Borderlands 2 – Beginner Guide


Beginner Guide

Opening videos

When you lot kickoff start upward borderlands 2, you lot volition come upward to a championship covert that tells you lot to press whatever fundamental to continue. Wait. That’s right. Wait. For the kickoff time, together with whenever you lot want, merely don’t press whatever push clitoris together with a video volition start that I intend is fun, together with goes along amongst a catchy soundtrack from The Heavy. It shows you lot a glimpse of the 4 master copy playable characters inwards the game: 1. the commando; 2. the siren; 3. the gunzerker; together with 4. the assasin. (More on each of those below.)

Also, when you lot kickoff start the game, it begins amongst a video that you lot tin skip. I recommend watching together with listening to the video the kickoff fourth dimension because it tells the story of what happened (I think) inwards Borderlands 1 or at to the lowest degree sets the scene for what is going on inwards borderlands 2. Anyway, it is slowly to skip, but I recommend watching it at to the lowest degree once.


One of the kickoff things that I recommend you lot doing is starting to accumulate shift codes because they tin expire. More hold coming along, but you lot can’t teach the onetime ones that you lot direct hold missed. It volition direct hold a piece before you lot are able to exercise the keys that many of the shift codes provide, but that doesn’t hateful that you lot can’t start accumulating them now.

From the chief card of the game, select “Extras” together with and then select “SHiFT code”. Do what it tells you lot to create to sign upward for the thing–you tin teach into a simulated e-mail address equally far equally I tin tell. You exclusively direct hold to create it once, but 1 time you lot sign up, whenever you lot log onto borderlands 2, you lot tin move to the SHiFT codes.

Another note, though, before you lot move entering inwards all of the codes at once: at that spot is a limit of 255 golden keys that you lot tin have, I think, at a time. Whenever you lot log into a grapheme for the kickoff fourth dimension afterwards redeeming a shift code, it volition nation you lot how many golden keys you lot have. So, if you lot teach into codes that seat the heart total of your keys inwards a higher house 255, you lot are wasting those codes.

You tin cut-and-paste the whole code, alt-tab to borderlands 2 covert to teach into the codes, together with and then submit them.

So what create these golden keys create that you lot are accumulating? Well, farther along inwards the game, at that spot is a breast that tin exclusively live opened amongst the golden keys. Whenever you lot opened upward the chest, it removes 1 golden key, together with within the breast volition live 1 or to a greater extent than random item or weapon. These are e'er leveled specifically for whatever your flat is when you lot kickoff opened upward the chest. But they are actually expert for your electrical current level.

It tin live helpful, if you lot honour yourself beingness out-gunned, to live able to move to the breast together with trace out some novel expert loot that is laid for your electrical current level. You tin e'er pick out when or how to exercise it, but without the golden keys that you lot teach through the SHiFT codes, you lot don’t direct hold that choice.

So, I recommend going ahead together with starting to teach the SHiFT codes that volition expire into your account.

Character Choices

There are 4 master copy grapheme classes, together with 2 DLC added classes (6 classes total) that you lot necessitate to pick out betwixt when you lot start the game. Every grapheme tin exercise whatever of the weapons (as long equally the grapheme is high plenty flat for the weapon), although some classes direct hold bonuses that you lot tin select equally you lot flat that boost something almost a for sure category of weapon.

As you lot teach to higher levels, the play styles for the unlike classes tin live rattling different. There is a lot written almost the end-game strategies together with abilities. But this guide is for the exactly contrary halt of the spectrum.

The kickoff 4 levels of whatever grapheme are the exact same.

Then, at flat 5, the exceptional powerfulness is unlocked for the character. Each shape has its ain exceptional ability. The abilities are major advantages, together with thus unlike play styles emerge for each shape merely because they tin each create such unlike things amongst their abilities. One of the things that has given the game thus much replayability for me is that, piece the story together with side quests remain the same, the sense of going through them amongst the unlike characters is thus unlike it keeps it a novel sense fighting a detail boss or expanse based on what grapheme you lot were using.

After flat 5, each flat lets you lot upgrade something almost the character, together with each grapheme has unlike things that tin live upgraded that are unique. While you lot can’t alter classes (you tin e'er start a novel game amongst some other class), it is relatively slowly to alter how you lot spec your character’s stats for each level.

But you lot necessitate to start amongst 1 character, thus hither is a rattling very basic description of each character, their abilities, what their playstyle mightiness hold off like, together with if they are able to teach fifty-fifty meliorate at for sure types of weapons.

1. Axton the commando:

The commando’s powerfulness is to deploy a stationary turret that fires at enemies. The turret tin live upgraded inwards unlike ways equally you lot flat up. You tin reclaim the turret when it is deployed before its timer has run out, together with that volition travail its cooldown to live shorter for the adjacent fourth dimension you lot desire to live able to deploy it. The turret tin live used equally a distraction (put it downward together with run equally enemies onset it), equally some other agency to kill stuff, or at a much higher level, equally a shield. He tin likewise specialize inwards using laid on rifles.

2. Maya the siren:

The siren’s powerfulness is to “phaselock” an enemy, which temporarily freezes an enemy inwards mid-air for everyone to shoot at. It industrial plant against almost all enemies, including some bosses. The ones that it doesn’t operate on, it takes a chunk of their wellness away instead. The phaselock likewise has the shortest cooldown timer of all of the classes’ abilities, thus it tin live done pretty regularly. The siren likewise has some healing abilities that tin live activated equally she levels up. She tin create the support/crowd command role pretty well.

3. Salvador the gunzerker:

The gunzerker’s powerfulness is to live able to duel wield ranged weapons. During the gunzerker rage, ammo together with wellness are regenerated. Basically, this grapheme is able to “tank” (survive getting attacked a lot) together with “dps” (do a lot of damage) at the same fourth dimension piece inwards the rage. The gunzerker tin likewise specialize inwards pistols. Sniping (or anything that requires aiming) doesn’t actually operate good amongst the powerfulness because, piece duel-wielding, you lot can’t aim either gun (you merely confront a administration together with shoot).

4. Zero the assasin:

The assasin’s powerfulness is to move invisible for almost five seconds, together with during that time, to projection a hologram that the enemies volition onset instead. Once you lot onset from beingness invisible, you lot move visible again, but you lot create bonus harm (which increases the longer you lot had stayed invisible). This tin live used to brand actually deadly attacks or to escape. The assasin tin likewise specialize in, together with move actually deadly with, melee harm or sniper rifles.

Then at that spot are the dlc characters;

5. Gaige the Mechromancer:

Gaige is able to deploy “deathtrap,” a flight robot that generally goes around to enemies together with melee attacks them (or it has a ranged onset for flight creatures) together with then, afterwards that enemy dies, moves onto some other until either the robot is killed or its timer runs out. The cooldown for the robot is the longest of the abilities, i think, together with you lot can’t withdraw the robot when you lot don’t necessitate him anymore to trim the cooldown timer, similar the commando tin create amongst the turret. The mechromancer likewise has an interesting powerfulness called “anarchy” that creates a “stack” for every reload afterwards emptying a magazine inwards combat together with every kill you lot brand (deathtrap’s kills don’t develop upward anarchy stacks). You lose all of your anarchy stacks if you lot reload your gun before you lot empty your magazine. Each stack increases the harm you lot inflict, but decreases your accuracy. At high amounts of anarchy stacks, you lot tin create ridiculous amounts of damage–if you lot tin hitting something. That dynamic creates a totally unlike playstyle than whatever of the other characters.

6. Kreig the Psycho:

The psycho’s powerfulness is to move into a rage where you lot switch your weapon to an axe that everytime you lot kill an enemy amongst it (you tin either melee amongst the axe, or you lot tin throw it), you lot gain total health. And it does a lot of damage. The rages lend themselves to playstyles that the psycho runs into the mix of things, slashes things up, together with comes out amongst total health. Or he dies trying. He is likewise has an interesting laid of skills that you lot tin pick out at higher levels that basically merchandise wellness for harm output. He tin specialize inwards explosive stuff–launchers together with grenades.

If you lot desire to hold off into the specific skills available for unlike classes at higher levels, you lot tin hold off at a website (the 1 I exercise is: ) to play amongst unlike levelling options. Like I wrote earlier, it is elementary to re-spec your grapheme together with reallocate where your points move within that a specific class’s science trees.

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