Outlaws Of The Old West – Facts



When nosotros verbalize nearly the American Frontier, we’re talking nearly a catamenia of Westward Expansion inward the U.S.A. that began with English linguistic communication Colonial settlements of the early on 17th century together with ended when the lastly territories became States inward 1912, together with all the history together with civilization that comes with it. Geographically, the frontier refers to the short town of the Indian lands due west of the Mississippi which are the present-day Midwest, Texas, Great Plains, Rocky Mountains, Southwest, together with the West Coast. In the instant one-half of the 19th century together with early on 20th century, the media focused largely on the American West, which is sometimes called the Wild West or the Old West. This led to an entire genre of books together with cinema devoted to the drama together with romance of the period, every bit good every bit comic books together with toys. Below are 47 wild facts nearly the American Frontier.

Holy Man/Tribal Chief

Sitting Bull was a tribal primary of the Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux Tribe. Because of his defiance against the US government, he became symbolic of the struggles betwixt the authorities together with the natives. In 1876, he together with his people were able to defeat General Custer’s regular army inward the Battle of the Little Bighorn. Finally surrendering inward 1881, he joined Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show. In Dec of 1890, he was shot yesteryear constabulary inward an arrest endeavour prompted yesteryear Indian Agents who feared he would attempt to escape.

Apache Leader

Native American leader Geronimo was fought against United Mexican States together with the US inward their efforts to expand into the Apache tribal lands inward what is straightaway Arizona. He led several raids against both of them after his married adult woman together with children were killed yesteryear Mexican troops inward the 1850s. He was given his quest his bravery inward battle, where he killed several Mexicans with a knife among flight bullets. Settlers believed he was the “worst Indian who always lived,” but after his give upwards to US troops inward 1886, he converted to Christianity together with fifty-fifty rode inward Teddy Roosevelt’s initiative parade.

The Wild Bunch

Because of the painting named after them, Butch Cassidy together with the Sundance Kid are oft mentioned together. But it was genuinely Cassidy who founded the gang known every bit The Wild Bunch, of which the Sundance Kid was a member, amongst gunslingers Kid Curry together with the Tall Texan.

Wild West Show

Buffalo Bill had a storied career, starting out every bit a rider for the Pony Express earlier he became an Army lookout adult man together with bison hunter. Bill recognized the amount of involvement people had inward life on the frontier together with capitalized on it yesteryear founding Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show. As the society grew, he toured all over the US earlier going over to Europe every bit well.

Violent Brothers

There were many famous outlaws inward the Wild West, but peradventure none to a greater extent than so than Jesse James. But did you lot know that he was oft accompanied inward his exploits yesteryear his blood brother Frank James? They began their criminal careers every bit Bushwhackers during the Civil War together with moved on to running their ain gang of outlaws. They robbed banks, trains, together with stagecoaches until Jesse James was killed yesteryear Robert Ford—one of his ain gang members.

The Castilian Territory

In add-on to the Louisiana Purchase, Jefferson also wanted to claim Castilian Florida. In 1819, the Andis-Onis Treaty or the Transcontinental Treaty gave upwards Castilian command of Florida to the US together with gear upwards a boundary betwixt the US together with New Spain. The treaty lasted for only nearly one-half a year, at which betoken Kingdom of Spain signed a treaty granting independence to Mexico. The Transcontinental Treaty together with so defined the border betwixt United Mexican States together with the US.

Incorporating Texas

When the newly independent United Mexican States temporarily suspended US immigration to Texas inward 1830, the people started pushing for the independence of Texas. Once that happened, they were eligible to bring together the United States, together with finally did inward 1844.

It Was Destiny!

The term Manifest Destiny was coined inward 1845 when it was published inward a summertime number of the Democratic Review. It described the philosophy that was behind the force for expansion into the West, together with peculiarly the Oregon territory. It held that the US was destined yesteryear God to expand their territory together with to convey commonwealth together with capitalism to the entire continent.

One More Push

Once the Oregon territory was settled, President Polk was anxious to larn California from Mexico. This led to the Mexican American war, which ended with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The treaty granted the US 525,000 miles of territory, including what is straightaway Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah together with Wyoming.

Making the West Wild

The pioneers who were settling the West were faced with harsh conditions every bit good every bit the violence that occurred every bit they forced Native Americans from their lands. This led to a breakdown inward law together with monastic say together with an everyday struggle for survival. The Indian Wars, which were the consequence of increasing tensions betwixt the Natives together with the settlers made the due west a unsafe identify to be.

Protect together with Defend

Because of the unsafe climate of the West, the settlers had to come upwards up with a way to protect themselves, together with many took upwards the correct to send arms inward monastic say to defend themselves.

Natural Phenomenon

St. Elmo’s Fire, or Foxfire is a phosphorescent calorie-free which was often seen on the tips of cattle’s horns, together with occasionally on a horse’s ears. It unremarkably occurred on stormy nights or when in that location was electricity inward the air. When the tempest is fully charged, leaves, blades of grass, together with the horns of cattle glow at their tips.

Wild Camels

In 1855, the authorities used funds to purchase together with ship camels from Egypt. They thought that they would do ameliorate inward the oestrus than horses would, making missions easier. When the Civil War broke out a span of years later, many camels escaped, together with bred, leaving hundreds of feral camels inward the wilds of Texas.

Say Cheese!

In the fourth dimension of the Wild West, convincing Earth of an outlaw’s expiry could live a challenge, so it became a custom to photograph the body. Outlaws were often posed upright against a wall together with photographed every bit rapidly every bit possible earlier they stiffened up. The photographs were also necessary to live used every bit proof for collecting rewards. Basically, if in that location was no picture, in that location was no guarantee the outlaw was dead.


Despite what the movies suggest, every bit many every bit 1 inward 4 cowboys were black. African American cowboys handled cattle, worked on ranches, tamed horses, together with fifty-fifty appeared inward rodeos. Somewhere betwixt 5,000 together with 8,000 dark cowboys are estimated to receive got been piece of work of the cattle drives of the 19th century. Some were slaves, brought to the due west yesteryear their white owners, but many continued inward the merchandise after emancipation.

Wildest Place inward the West

It’s called the Wild West for a reason, together with there’s nowhere that yell was embodied to a greater extent than than it was inward Fort Griffin, Texas. The town was built at the intersection of the West Fork of the Trinity River together with the Clear Fork of the Brazos River inward the northward piece of work of Texas. The fort was built on a colina overlooking the Brazos River together with was originally designed to protect the ranchers together with farmers who lived inward the short town below. The town rapidly became a pop stopover for cowboys together with outlaws, together with yesteryear 1870, skirmishes with the Indians inward the northward were taking upwards most of their forces, together with law-enforcement became almost non-existent. As a result, the town got fifty-fifty rougher, with the likes of Big Nose Kate, Doc Holliday together with Wyatt Earp passing through.

The World’s Oldest Profession

A mutual misconception nearly women inward the Wild West is that they were all prostitutes, but this was non genuinely the case. Some women were wives together with mothers, patch others owned businesses, worked every bit physicians, or fifty-fifty became outlaws.

Western Bar

In the Wild West, pub-bar hybrids called saloons popped upwards pretty much anywhere in that location was a settlement. They were a identify for cowboys, trappers, miners, lawmen together with fifty-fifty gamblers to come upwards inward for some nutrient together with quaff together with maybe a game of cards. Unlike the pop epitome of the saloon with the swinging wooden doors together with the hitching postal service out front, the master saloons were lilliputian to a greater extent than than tents or shacks. As the town grew, the saloons became to a greater extent than permanent structures, growing similar to what is pictured inward movies together with on TV.

Getting Out of Dodge

The well-known aspect “get the hell out of Dodge” was used inward the pop TV western Gunsmoke, together with referred to Dodge City, Kansas, which was a well-known hangout for gunslingers. In the 1870s, it became so well-known that when large companies needed fighting men to protect their businesses, they would expect for them inward Dodge. As 1 resident said, “They feared neither God, man, nor the devil, together with so reckless they would pit themselves, similar Ajax, against lightning, if they ran into it.”

A Contradiction inward Values

One of the most notorious criminals inward the Wild West was James “Killer” Miller who was a paid assassinator together with gunslinger. He was known to receive got killed at to the lowest degree xiv people, but according to legend, the number could receive got been every bit high every bit 50. He was also called “Deacon Jim” because he didn’t’ fume or drink, together with oft went to church. He was eventually caught together with pose inward jail inward Oklahoma, where he ended upwards beingness killed yesteryear a lynch mob who stormed the prison theater together with hung him inward a barn.

Not a Southpaw

An early on photograph of Billy the Kid shows him with his gun belt on his left side, leading people to believe that he was left-handed. What people didn’t realize was that the photograph was a mirror image, due to the type of camera, which meant that his gun belt was genuinely on his correct side, together with that he was non a lefty. Also of banking concern annotation was that the model of Winchester rifle that he carried alone loaded on the right, together with it would receive got hence been impossible for him to send it on his left side.

The Original Mountain Man

In 1804, John Colter took off on a journeying to the West every bit piece of work of Lewis together with Clark’s Corps of Discovery. After ii years, most of the expedition members returned home, but Colter decided to stick unopen to together with attempt to build it every bit a fur-trapper. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 famous story of Colter’s adventures pertains to a supposed run-in with the Blackfoot Indians. The band supposedly killed his partner, stripped Colter naked, together with gave him a caput start earlier chasing after him. Colter supposedly managed to outrun most of them earlier killing the closest pursuer with his ain lance. It’s also possible that he was the kickoff white human to reckon Yellowstone National Park together with a department of the Shoshone River inward Wyoming became known every bit “Colter’s Hell” due to geothermal activity inward the area.

That’s Strong Stuff

The whiskey that was sold inward American saloons was a combination of burnt sugar, alcohol together with chewing tobacco, together with was extremely strong. Cactus vino was also a pop quaff together with was made from a mix of tequila together with peyote tea. Firewater, a mutual term for whiskey at the time, originated from early on traders throwing whiskey on a give notice to bear witness to the Indians that it had a high alcohol content. When alcohol was combined with a game of cards, deadly gunfights could pause out, together with having some solid shooting skills was a wise thought for protecting their materials together with themselves.

Saloon Girls

The Wild West was a lonely identify for men. In most towns, they outnumbered women 3-1, together with inward California, it was every bit much every bit 9-1. To assist entertain the men, saloons would hire girls to trip the calorie-free fantastic with the men, sing to them, together with basically maintain them drinking together with playing cards. Although they were often lumped inward with prostitutes, they were non the same thing. Saloon Girls were to a greater extent than often than non considered to live goodness girls together with were unremarkably treated similar ladies. In addition, the money that they could build from 1 night’s commissions was often ameliorate than what men would build inward a month, so rattling few would also live prostitutes. Being a Saloon Girl could also live quite dangerous, together with it was customary for the girls to send a minor pistol or dagger for protection.

Most Famous Woman inward Arizona

As a teenager, Pearl Hart was to a greater extent than interested inward adventuring than school, together with at historic catamenia 17, she left her habitation inward Canada to elope with the gambler Fredrick Hart. When Hart turned out to live abusive, she left him, together with moved to Arizona where she met together with married Joe Boot. Unable to build money at mining, the pair took upwards robbery. In 1899, she formed a programme to rob a stagecoach with Boot. They powerfulness receive got successfully gotten away, but they got lost inward the desert together with were caught. She became the instant adult woman to rob a stagecoach together with the kickoff non to live killed patch doing so. She was pardoned after xviii months due to lack of accommodation inward the prisons for women.

A Lucky Symbol

Horses played an of import piece of work inward settling the West, together with along with the novel settlers came folklore nearly horseshoes. According to superstition, horseshoes drove away evil spirits when nailed to a higher identify a doorway or a sailing mast on a ship. Eventually, the spirit piece of work became less important, together with they became a lucky symbol. The shoes became a mutual symbol of the west, together with could live flora to a higher identify doors together with tossed onto pegs inward a game of the same name.

Talk Like a Cowboy

The Wild West had a linguistic communication all its ain together with many phrases are nevertheless inward work today. “Bellyaching” agency to complain. “Caterwauling” also refers to complaining, or to terrible singing. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 “fandango” is from the Castilian discussion together with agency large political party with lots of dancing. If you lot receive got a wishing for something, it’s called a “hankering” together with someone who is snooty or arrogant would live called “highfalutin.” If something “doesn’t amount to a colina of beans,” it’s essentially worthless, together with to live angry is to live “hoppin’ mad.”


In 1848, gilded was discovered inward California, which brought a rapid influx of settlers to the West. Over 175,000 people came to the West hoping to strike it rich, together with the catamenia became known every bit the “gold rush.”

Short Shootout

Over the years, the shootout at the O.K. Corral has larn a famous story of the Wild West, but inward truth, despite the involvement of 8 people, it alone lasted nearly xxx seconds, together with it didn’t compass at the O.K. Corral. The shooting genuinely took identify at the intersection of Third Street together with Fremont Street inward Tombstone, Arizona which is behind the corral, but the bloodshed involved was no exaggeration. Three lawmen were injured, together with 3 cowboys were killed.

Lone Star

Texas is known every bit the Lone Star State for its flag with the singular v pointed star, but the symbol of the star originated with High German Settlers, who would pigment stars on their barns. The settlers brought many of their customs with them to Texas, together with the barn star is the probable inspiration for the Texas flag.

Westward Ho!

Many of the settlers coming to the West traveled along a path known every bit the Oregon Trail, which started at Independence inward the East to Oregon City inward the West. Many people died on the journeying succumbing to affliction or inward conflict with the Native Americans who were defending their land. It was from this westward motility that the epitome of the carriage trail seen inward movies was derived—as good every bit 1 of the greatest early on reckoner games mankind has always seen, despite how frustrating having your household unit of measurement repeatedly larn out of cholera tin be.


Delmar, Nevada became a Wild West town known for the unsafe conditions of its mines. In 1889, gilded was discovered inward nearby Monkey Wrench Gulch, together with inside a few years, Delmar grew to a population of 1,500 with a hospital, a school, together with multiple saloons. In 1893, a manufacturing flora was built to refine the gold, together with it exposed the miners together with the townspeople to silicon dust which when breathed inward could impairment the lungs together with elbow grease death. At 1 point, in that location were every bit many every bit 400 widows living inward Delmar which gave it its reputation every bit the Widowmaker. The manufacturing flora was torn downwards inward 1909, together with though the mines briefly restarted, they also ceased. By 1934, all the residents had moved away, together with the town was abandoned.

Queen of the Card Table

Alice Ivers was born inward England but moved with her household unit of measurement to America inward 1865 together with was sent to a girl’s boarding school. She moved West together with became notorious for her skills at the poker table. Whether she got her skills from her dad or from her gambler married adult man is unknown, but she became queen of the menu tabular array together with earned the nickname “Poker Alice.” She was known for smoking cigars, wearing the most expensive dresses money could buy, together with for beingness an proficient at counting cards. She fifty-fifty had a catchphrase that went something similar “Praise the Lord together with identify your bets, together with I’ll receive got your money with no regrets!” It’s said that she won nearly $250,000 inward her lifetime.

Notorious Outlaw

Billy the Kid was 1 of the most infamous outlaws of the Wild West. He claimed to receive got shot 21 people inward his lifetime together with was eventually shot yesteryear lawman Pat Garrett.

Big Horned Cattle

The Texas Longhorn is a type of cattle known for its vast horns. They were brought to the US yesteryear the Castilian together with were key to cattle drives. The breed is known for its hardiness together with powerfulness to last the cattle drives across states similar Colorado together with Texas. Today, they are a mutual American symbol together with tin live flora inward steakhouse décor together with inward the University of Texas Mascot.

Cowboy Kerchief

One item that cowboys couldn’t alive without was the bandana. It was used every bit a dust mask during cattle drives to protect the men from the dirt that was kicked upwards yesteryear the cattle, it protected their necks from sunburn, their ears from the cold, together with fifty-fifty worked every bit a pot holder for hot pots together with branding irons. Outlaws also used the bandana every bit a mask to enshroud their faces patch robbing the stagecoach or bank. They could live made of silk, linen, or cotton, together with most often, were red. To have on a bandana, you’d crimp it into a triangle together with necktie a knot behind the neck.

Properly Attired

Other than a bandana, Cowboys had some other essential accessory. Chaps, which are genuinely pronounced “shaps,” were leggings designed to protect the cowboys’ legs from contact with the animals together with from injury caused yesteryear the terrain they were riding through. The chaps were made of leather or suede together with would receive got a belt attached that cowboys used to buckle them over their trousers. Chaps are nevertheless used today inward many horse-related activities both for piece of work together with for show.

Doc’s Sidekick

Mary Katherine Haroney was born to wealthy parents but was tragically orphaned at historic catamenia xiv together with placed into foster care. She ran away from her foster habitation to hook upwards with a dentist together with when he died, she went to Texas where she became a trip the calorie-free fantastic hall daughter together with prostitute. After coming together Doc Holliday, she followed him across the province every bit his sidekick together with sort out of girlfriend. She earned the nickname Big Nose Kate for her prominent nose. Among her famous exploits was setting give notice to an quondam shed every bit a distraction so that she could costless Doc Holliday from incarceration.

Rowdy Mining Camp

Towards the goal of the 19th century, Deadwood, South Dakota was a pretty oil place. Gold was discovered in that location inward 1868, but the authorities tried to maintain it a surreptitious to accolade a treaty with the Lakota-Sioux. In 1875, a miner flora gilded inward the Deadwood Gulch, together with inside a year, the town was overrun with miners anxious to larn rich quick. As to a greater extent than together with to a greater extent than brothels, saloons, together with gambling parlors sprang up, the danger increased. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Methodist government minister was murdered patch walking to church, together with Wild Bill Hickock, who was a characteristic inward the town was shot inward the dorsum of the caput during a poker game.

The Cowboy Hat

Typical cowboy wearable was designed to withstand oil conditions together with live warm together with comfortable. In add-on to the jeans, chaps together with bandana, cowboys wore wide-brimmed hats called Stetsons which would protect their heads from the sun. Also essential for a cowboy were his guns together with pistols, which would protect them from whatsoever unsafe characters they powerfulness run into along the way.

Weapon of Choice

The six-shooter revolver was the preferred weapon of gunfighters similar Wild Bill Hickock together with is a recognizable symbol of the Wild West. Today, the epitome of ii crossed half dozen shooters tin live flora on t-shirts, inward sculptures, together with on gravestones throughout the west.

Dead Man’s Hand

Wild Bill Hickock was likely the most legendary gunfighter inward the West. He arrived inward Deadwood, South Dakota, together with was oft flora at the poker tables. According to legend, when he died, he was holding a pair of dark aces together with dark eights, which later on became known every bit the Dead Man’s Hand.

Folk Heroine

Annie Oakley was an proficient markswoman who became the kickoff woman somebody superstar inward what was traditionally a manlike somebody profession. In 1875, she entered a shooting check with proficient marksman Frank Butler, where to everybody’s astonishment, she trounce him. She eventually married him, together with inward 1887, joined Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show where she became famous. She performed with the demo for the side yesteryear side the side yesteryear side 17 years together with amazed audiences with her powerfulness to dissever cards on the edges, shoot the corks off of bottles, together with pose out candles with a shotgun.

The Adventures of a Corpse

When Elmer McCurdy robbed a rider develop inward 1911 that he believed to incorporate thousands of dollars, he managed to larn away with a whopping $46 together with was shot yesteryear lawmen. What happened after his expiry is far to a greater extent than interesting. His trunk was embalmed with an arsenic essence together with sold to a traveling carnival every bit a side show. As if that wasn’t crazy enough, for the side yesteryear side sixty years, he was bought together with sold yesteryear diverse haunted houses together with wax museums, finally ending upwards inward a funhouse at a Long Beach entertainment park. His identity was alone discovered inward 1976 when the TV demo The Six Million Dollar Man was filming there, together with a slice of the “prop” broke off, revealing human tissue. McCurdy was set to remainder at the Boot Hill Cemetery inward Dodge City Kansas.

The Good Neighbor

In 1870, a solitary traveller flora himself invited inward for a repast inward a family’s woods cabin inward New Mexico. When he asked the immature boy where the other Native Americans were, the boy replied, “Can’t you lot olfactory holding the 1 Papa pose nether the floor?” This doomed traveller had fallen upon the lair of Charles Kennedy, an Old West series killer who killed at to the lowest degree xiv people over the course of education of his career. Kennedy shot the traveller together with fifty-fifty trounce his boy to expiry for alert the man; Kennedy’s wife, grieving her son, ended upwards finally escaping together with making a total confession.

Garden Party

Also inward 1870, a household unit of measurement calling themselves the Benders settled inward Kansas. The household unit of measurement opened an inn, together with fifty-fifty though they were rumored to do magic, they seemed to do a decent concern for themselves. But together with so settlers started to disappear all across the countryside, together with trunk parts turned upwards inward their place. The locals called upwards a search political party to raid every describe of piece of work solid inward the area, but they were pose off yesteryear bad weather. When they reached the Bender describe of piece of work solid at last, the household unit of measurement had fled. That didn’t halt the search political party from finding a trap door to a surreptitious basement stained with blood, or the 8 bodies buried inward the family’s garden. 1870: non a goodness year.

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