Risk of Rain 2 – Engineer Guide (Of Turrets and Healing Fungus)


A (hopefully) humorous, likely far also long-winded, together with quite probable incomplete guide, on how to succeed every bit an Engineer.

Risk of Rain 2 Of Turrets together with Healing Fungus (An Engineer Guide)

The Good, The Bad together with the Off


– Turrets aim together with shoot hence yous don’t have got to, because aiming is hard

– Turrets also distract enemies together with absorb impairment for you, because they dear you

– Completely negate unsafe attacks from bosses

– Hugely produce goodness from a span of niche items that most other characters aren’t also concerned with


– Puny nerd biceps; relies on turrets for protection together with damage

– So much cooldown to worry most yous could live false for a refrigerator


– No motility mightiness (get some speed somewhere or cry)

How to produce the Thing (Engineer’s Abilities together with How to Use Them)

TurretsClick together with Hold, Nerd

Engi’s basic assault (M1) shoots bouncy bombs. I’m gonna telephone telephone them BBs. Now that I’ve given them a cute nickname, allow me live honest amongst you: they kinda suck to use. In a game total of characters that point, click, together with have instant gratification, Engineer has to accuse upward a volley of his cute niggling bouncy balls together with concern human relationship for the lawsuit of gravity inwards social club to impairment targets. That’s non to state that the BBs are bad for damage; on the contrary, they’re quite powerful inwards total volleys, together with tin speedily shave downward a boss’s HP. The primary number is they’re a flake sluggish to utilization on the smaller baddies, which is why you’re going to desire to rely on something else, i selection being…

TurretsMine, All Mine

Your secondary assault (M2) places mines. You tin concur upward to, together with house upward to, 10 of them (note that fifty-fifty if yous larn upgrades letting yous concur more, yous tin alone always have got 10 active!). They produce lots of impairment per, hence if you’re inwards a tight spot don’t hesitate to huck them directly into an enemy’s appear upward at bespeak blank. The explosion volition non wound yous or your allies. You could house them where yous think an enemy is going to be, but honestly, they’re ameliorate saved for other purposes, which I’ll larn to later. The primary matter to retrieve is utilization them. Having 10 mines sitting inwards your fun regal backpack is a waste product considering only how much impairment they tin do.

Side note: It’s worth noting that your mines stick to whatever surface. And I produce hateful whatever surface. The ground, the walls, the enemies… together with your friends. If yous tin deal to move on whatever of your buddies yet for a second, it tin live fun to slap a bunch of mines onto their together with enjoin them to accuse something (please banker's bill that I produce non endorse slapping people inwards the(without consent).

TurretsI Feel Safer Inside the Bubble

Replacing the slot unremarkably reserved for a motility skill, your 3rd mightiness (Shift) places a shield generator. The shield it creates is dome-shaped, together with broad plenty to jibe most 10 MUL-Ts standing shoulder to shoulder. This bubble is no joke. It negates every ranged assault inwards the game, including massive shockwaves from the Wandering Vagrant (giant jellyfish), decease lasers from the Stone Titan, together with whatever season of fireball yous tin imagine. Use this. Often. The cooldown is long, but there’s alone most a 9-second downtime betwixt active shields, hence house them whenever yous have got projectiles that demand to live negated. Which is likely all the time.

The most of import matter to retrieve is that, similar the Gungan shield inwards The Phantom Menace, your big blueish bubble does non halt anything that walks through it, hence you’ll yet live vulnerable to melee attackers. Stay on your toes, together with don’t live afraid to abandon your shield together with whatever’s within it if running is a safer bet.

TurretsTurret Syndrome

This is it. The alpha, the omega, the best of times, the worst of times, together with likely the alone argue the Engineer bothers to move out of bed inwards the morning: turrets. Pressing R volition convey forth a niggling holographic overlay which is basically a yes/no prompt call for yous if you’re certain yous desire to summon the life-saving mightiness of a faithful mechanical wingman forth to your side. The respond is typically yes. Left click together with a joyous niggling robo-bugger volition boundary forth, ready together with willing to shoot the everloving heck out of anything that hence much every bit twitches within its assault radius.

You tin house 2 turrets at once, but despite the fact that to a greater extent than is mostly better, yous may desire to concur off if a unmarried turret volition produce the job. At the same time, don’t hesitate to utilization these bad boys; if you’re sitting pretty at 2 stocked turrets, there’s basically no argue non to allow i liberate to pelting hell upon enemies chasing yous spell you’re searching the map for the teleporter together with other goodies. He’ll stand upward his ground, valiantly blasting away to earn yous exp together with coin without yous always having to elevator a finger. What a proficient boy.

Turret encampments are where your other abilities truly start to shine. Lay downward both turrets, house your shield, together with spread some mines around the protected area. Voilà; yous at nowadays have got a fortified defense strength that volition output consistent damage, every bit good every bit a prophylactic house to calmly lob BBs from. This is your go-to tactic when there’s a boss that needs slaying, or you’re feeling threatened past times swarms of projectile-spewing enemies. As an added bonus, your allies tin army camp out inwards the shield every bit well, giving yous all an chance to sit down down, relax, together with have got a positive team-building experience earlier you’re all inevitably swallowed past times a Magma Worm.

What to Pack for Lunch (Which Items Should an Engineer Use?)

The brusk answer? Mushrooms. The long answer? As many mushrooms every bit yous tin eat, a belt to hang them on, together with a flag to denote your dear for mushrooms. Let me explain:

TurretsDo the Bustle

One of the best-kept secrets of the Engineer (a clandestine which hence happens to live noted inwards the grapheme select screen, so… non much of a secret, really) is that your turret-pals are treated similar tiny versions of yous amongst less HP together with more… guns. What this way is that Bustling Fungus, an exceptional which heals yous (and nearby allies) rapidly when you’re standing still, volition live activated past times your turrets. And since they can’t truly live moved whatsoever, they move rapidly-regenerating, area-healing impairment dealers. I’m non kidding when I state a few stacks of Bustling Fungus volition brand your turrets (and perhaps you) nearly immortal throughout most of a run. This exceptional is, without doubt, a huge priority, if non your arrive at priority, together with if someone who’s non an Engi steals this exceptional from you, yous have got every correct to live salty.


Everyone knows cooldowns are the worst, together with Engineer has to a greater extent than cooling downward to bargain amongst than an integrated graphics carte du jour running this game at Ultra settings. As such, it goes without maxim that an exceptional that directly recharges abilities is basically Engi’s holy grail. With only a unmarried stack of Bandolier, yous tin live enjoying ammo pack drops that allow yous to perpetually upkeep your shield bubble, together with supersede whatever turrets that seize amongst teeth the dust spell fighting the proficient fight. This exceptional is absurdly good, but live wary inwards multiplayer; the Bandolier benefits yous a lot to a greater extent than than another characters, but other characters volition likely yet desire it.

TurretsWalk Softly together with Carry a Soft Drink

You have got no motility abilities. You’re slow. An Energy Drink or 2 volition brand your sprint speed experience less similar dragging a corpse through a lush undergrowth together with to a greater extent than similar the jetpack-glide it appears to be. Is simple.

TurretsOne Small Level for a Man, One Giant Buff For All of His Bros

Warbanner is a groovy item. You don’t demand me to enjoin you. However, it’s a tad less beneficial to characters who prefer to live running around dodging everything. Handy, then, that the Engineer has a shield together with immobile emplacements that encourage to a greater extent than of a “stand your ground” form of playstyle. With a banner at your back, your niggling encampments volition move an fifty-fifty greater strength to live reckoned with.

TurretsThe Fast together with The Hurtiest

Now, I know what you’re going to say: “Ignitehawk, everyone inwards the game benefits from Soldier’s Syringe! Putting this inwards your guide is similar maxim I ought to seat ketchup on my fries!” Well, kickoff of all, did yous only assume my preferred condiment, yous animal? And second, Engi isn’t the alone i who benefits when he picks upward the syringe. His turrets also benefit. How many other characters tin claim that iii individuals larn boosted from a unmarried Soldier’s Syringe, huh? Nobody else.

“But Ignitehawk, a turret isn’t a p-”

Don’t yous dare destination that sentence. My turrets are my peers, my best friends, my guardians together with my children. And despite the fact that I create them knowing they volition likely conk for my drive I yet treasure every minute spent inwards their presence.

Moral quandaries aside, a unmarried Soldier’s Syringe volition nurture Engi’s BBs from annoyingly sluggish to truly usable spell simultaneously boosting his turrets’ output considerably. I recommend taking a unmarried syringe when yous larn the risk together with leaving the residuum for your teammates, because yes, they’re apparently going to desire them, too.

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