Risk of Rain 2 – Mercenary Guide


Mercenary Guide

An inwards depth guide on how to play Mercenary, i of the hardest characters inwards the game.


Have y'all ever wanted to go an anime graphic symbol equally generic awesome equally Kirito? Slicing through the air, spinning around, comboing onset into onset into attack, charging through hordes of enemies unscathed, somehow never setting human foot on the ground? Well at nowadays y'all can! Mercenary is a melee survivor who tin can effectively fly. He is a decently hard graphic symbol that uses invulnerability on his attacks to remain alive. If a fast paced, high science ceiling, high endangerment high vantage graphic symbol is what y'all are looking for, Mercenary is your man.

How to Unlock

At whatsoever betoken after y'all complete the concluding map y'all volition receive got a run a endangerment to observe on that says a “Celestial portal appears”. It’ll go side yesteryear side to a teleporter; in i lawsuit y'all go inwards the portal together with enter to the cease y'all volition acquire the Mercenary.

Laser Sword

Base onset speed 1 a second

At outset this displace feels awkward to check inwards when all your abilities are upward all the fourth dimension together with it leaves y'all genuinely vulnerable to attacks when used alone. However this is a genuinely strong displace because y'all tin can onset during your other attacks. If y'all agree on to Laser Sword earlier activating Whirlwind or Blinding Assault, Mercenary volition maintain attacking through their animation allowing y'all to onset piece pulling off other skills.

A cool flake of flavour is that y'all tin can sprint together with role this. If your Blinding Assault is downward together with y'all receive got a Wax Quail y'all tin can utilize this to accuse upward the 3 strikes earlier y'all achieve your target together with thence jump to acquire the 3rd i off together with cancel it.


3 minute cooldown

This is your principal harm tool but it also has mobility applications.


Your breadstuff together with butter. If this is on non on cooldown y'all are either incorrect or receive got 2 Backup Magazines. While on the the world this science sends y'all forward. This tin can movement it to immature adult woman it’s minute striking on a unmarried target if y'all are unopen plenty to it thence y'all genuinely only desire to role it when y'all desire to unopen the gap inwards a niggling to a greater extent than controlled way than Blinding Assault or harm a horde of enemies. However when inwards midair it gives y'all a curt jump together with makes it thence both hits striking a unmarried target getting that large flare-up of damage. So if y'all cancel Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation sword amongst an aerial whirlwind y'all tin can practise a flare-up of 530% damage. The only downside to this science is that it has decent cease lag important that y'all can’t human activity out of it for a piece after y'all role it. This is a fourth dimension y'all are vulnerable, can’t move, together with fourth dimension y'all can’t go into to a greater extent than or less other cancel marker the cease of your combo. Something genuinely cool though is that if y'all acquire the item Backup Magazine y'all tin can cancel a Whirlwind into to a greater extent than or less other Whirlwind.


When on the the world this gives y'all a brief dash. If y'all receive got no mobility items this tin can go really worth piece to practise to go the map quickly. When inwards air y'all tin can role it to maintain y'all there, dismiss all charges of whirlwind earlier y'all jump thence that they proceed cooldown piece y'all jump. You tin can acquire pretty far amongst whirlwind alone.

Blinding Assault

7 minute cooldown

This science tin can go used for damage, running away, together with reaching high areas. It also makes y'all invulnerable during the dash.


It is of import to know that this onset has NO cease lag. What this agency is that y'all tin can role whatsoever attack/skill at nowadays after y'all achieve your destination. This allows y'all to practise y'all Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation sword whirlwind cancel correct after Blinding Assault doing a 730% burst. This is genuinely crazy.

Running Away

Sometimes y'all simply receive got to run. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 unmarried dash lone tin can acquire y'all pretty far but attempt to striking an enemy on your way out together with 2 is fifty-fifty better. Keep inwards withdraw heed that fifty-fifty piece running getting a whirlwind cancel is worth it because it tin can potentially kill reducing the harm y'all select piece running.


If at that topographic point is an expanse y'all simply can’t achieve blinding laid on has got y'all covered. Just double jump together with dash upward to it. If y'all tin can striking something along the way y'all tin can acquire fifty-fifty farther. Look at enemies together with footstools to jump off of!


6 minute cooldown

In actuality what this does is brand y'all dash together with thence practise vii attacks inwards 1.5 seconds. This also has no cease lag giving it the same applications equally Blinding Assault. It also has the same dash attain equally blinding laid on making it tardily to learn. Something of import to scream upward is that inwards this fourth dimension y'all cannot go attacked thence when fighting bosses y'all may desire to relieve it to dodge their large attacks.

You CAN role to a greater extent than or less other accuse of Blinding Assault after eviscerate but y'all receive got a carve upward minute window to practise it. If that is what y'all desire to practise y'all demand to spam blinding laid on together with fifty-fifty together with thence sometimes it doesn’t work.

Perhaps the best thing virtually Eviscerate is that it buys fourth dimension for cooldowns. Unless y'all receive got to role it to remain alive, y'all should only role it piece Whirlwind together with Blinding Assault are on cooldown.

I haven’t confirmed it myself, but plainly onset speed increases the frequency y'all onset increasing the sum of attacks made during the same duration.

Cybernetic Enhancements

Starting amongst a double jump allows y'all to onset air units early on when blinding laid on is down, foreclose autumn harm if whirlwind is down, together with maintain upward amongst tankier targets thence y'all tin can delineate your combos on them twice earlier landing.

Dealing With Air

People seem to go genuinely scared of fighting air amongst a melee character. And when y'all enjoin it out loud it makes sense. However it’s genuinely really easy! Blinding Assault lone i shots wisps. So if y'all striking equally many equally y'all tin can amongst each private dash y'all genuinely clear them ameliorate than whatsoever other character. Also it’s of import to scream upward that Whirlwind keeps y'all inwards the air. If y'all handle your cooldowns good y'all tin can remain inwards the air for a really long fourth dimension (forever in i lawsuit y'all acquire a Backup Magazine) The same combos that go on the world enemies go on ground. Just allow yourself autumn a niggling flake earlier y'all role your side yesteryear side Blinding Assault. You also receive got a double jump allowing y'all to handle to a greater extent than air time. Once y'all acquire proficient at managing your cooldowns fighting flight enemies genuinely becomes genuinely fun!


All Bosses

You desire to relieve Eviscerate for their large flare-up attacks. You tin can dodge it amongst a unmarried push press. You tin can also role a accuse of Blinding Assault to acquire out of the way if Eviscerate is down. If y'all are inwards multiplayer y'all genuinely receive got the best trash clear out of all the other survivors thence y'all tin can go a bigger practise goodness yesteryear killing the niggling guys together with ignoring the boss. Sort of, if y'all tin can striking a ton of trash mobs AND the boss at that topographic point is no argue non to.

Wandering Vagrant

This create out sounds intimidating but it is personally my favorite. It becomes super tardily in i lawsuit y'all realize… y'all tin can stand upward on its head. That’s correct if y'all acquire on meridian of the Vagrant it is solid land. You role your Blinding Assault to achieve it together with thence brand certain that after your 3rd dash y'all nation on it’s caput together with create out similar normal.

Dr. Octopus

You know how I said y'all are invulnerable during your dash? It comes inwards handy here. When he’s using his dark hole together with sucking upward all the trash y'all simply jump inwards together with combo within of him. You receive got thence much AoE that him putting all the adds inwards in i lawsuit clumped ball makes the create out SUPER easy.

Magma Worm

Another scary looking create out that y'all should handgrip amongst ease! Every segment of the magma worm is a hitbox. This agency that if y'all whirlwind within of it or blinding laid on conduct upward through it, y'all are going to bargain CRAZY damage. Any AoE mightiness demolishes the guy together with lucky for you, everything y'all receive got except for eviscerate is AoE


I briefly went over to a greater extent than or less of the combos inwards each department but hither I am going to go into every unmarried one. Keep inwards withdraw heed that every i of these tin can go started amongst Laser Sword together with y'all tin can ever (and should ever if it’s upward exception beingness inwards air when y'all demand it to remain afloat) follow whatsoever science upward amongst Whirlwind.


LS=Laser Sword


BA=Blinding Assault


Laser Whirlwind (530% damage)


Blinding Assault into Laser Whirlwind

Blinding Whirlwind (730% damage)


Blinding Assault into Laser Sword

Blinding Sword ( 330% damage)


if y'all don’t mix inwards anything else together with practise this 3 times the string looks similar this


Remember that after whatsoever Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation sword y'all tin can whirlwind. While at that topographic point is to a greater extent than or less cease lag, it’s to a greater extent than of import to acquire the harm from whirlwind out together with thence receive got an endless chain. Whirlwind should ever go on cooldown.

Blinding Sword into Eviscerate

Only practise this on your concluding BA or y'all tin can free damage.

(2160% damage)


With i or to a greater extent than Backup Magazines


With v Backup Magazines y'all tin can literally simply agree on to M1+M2.

With 1 Backup Magazine

BA towards+LS+W+BA up+BA down+LS+W

Item Guide

I am separating this into tiers going from meridian to bottom together with talking virtually how every item plant amongst Mercenary. The higher tiers are what inwards multiplayer y'all absolutely demand to acquire early on together with inwards unmarried histrion what y'all should pick if y'all receive got a 3D printer or alternative of 3. As they acquire lower they are ameliorate to transcend upward together with give your teammates together with a lower priority for your personal selection. I also desire to brand a disclaimer on legendary items: EVERYONE WANTS THEM. Communicate if i drops together with spread the wealth. Unless y'all are playing amongst douchey randoms who aren’t showing y'all the same respect, go a proficient person.

I am going to add together pictures after thence y'all tin can encounter what y'all demand at a glance. I simply desire to force this out at nowadays thence y'all receive got it available for y'all together with this is going to select a flake of time.

OmG MiNe (Core items)

-Backup Magazine: You genuinely only NEED i but ii is ideal. Anything after that is overkill (but fun af) together with should go to teammates. When y'all acquire i y'all may equally good go playing a novel character. The unproblematic sentiment of hitting Laser Sword for to a greater extent than than a cancel goes out the window, y'all tin can never over again impact the the world inwards combat, together with the combos menses soooo nicely.

Armor Piercing Rounds: In multiplayer your teammate should go worrying virtually the bosses, non y'all dropping this to the bottom tier. In singleplayer this gets moved upward to centre tier because y'all suck versus bosses together with demand this to displace frontward inwards life.

-Wax Quail: Mobility is pretty of import together with Wax Quail provides all the mobility y'all need. On meridian of which it tin can human activity equally a replacement dash if both Blinding Assault together with Eviscerate are on cooldown. You only demand i of these.

-Foreign Fruit: It does non affair how proficient y'all are y'all are going to acquire out fast inwards the early on game. Overcoming the early on game is the biggest hurdle amongst Merc together with Foreign Fruit makes this a breeze. Once y'all acquire ameliorate survivability y'all tin can dump it for something else but this active is god sent together with volition deportment y'all at that topographic point amongst ease.

-Fuel Cell: This is only centre if y'all got that early on Foreign Fruit together with fifty-fifty together with thence y'all only demand 1 Fuel Cell. If y'all tin can acquire those ii yesteryear the minute degree y'all know y'all are inwards for a proficient run.

-Alien Head, Brainstalks, together with Hardlight Afterburner Let’s go existent here. Every graphic symbol has these 3 inwards this tier. It’s because they hard enable everything your graphic symbol does together with are DRAMATIC dps boosts.

-H3AD-ST v2: You know how I said y'all are going to fly? Well that agency y'all receive got a ton of opportunities to fall. It also comes amongst to a greater extent than or less wicked combos. Be a jerk. Steal this item. Get aaaaallll the kills.

-Unstable Tesla Coil: You are melee, who else is inwards a ameliorate seat to role this thing. Insane dps boost.

Lovin’ It

These items are the most ideal for you. They aren’t core, but they are the most preferable picks.

-Tougher Times, Monster Tooth, Personal Shield Generator, Medkit, Leeching Seed, Harvester’s Scythe, Infusion, Dio’s Best Friend, Rejuvination Pack together with Gnarled Woodsprite (if y'all don’t acquire Foreign Fruit): Survivability is a must. You are inwards melee attain together with volition select tons of harm amongst a meh wellness pool. Keep inwards withdraw heed that inwards multiplayer everyone is going to desire these thence don’t hoard all of them.

-Len’s Maker Glasses, Tri-Tip Dagger, together with Brilliant Behemoth. : You y'all are a terrible candidate for on-hit items that don’t scale inwards percentage. I volition explicate why inwards the tier these items are in. Instead y'all scale much ameliorate amongst items that each stack increases the run a endangerment they volition proc or that ever activate.

-Gasoline, Will-o’-the-Wisp, Ceremonial Dagger, Frost Relic, together with Happiest Mask: On kill items are also fantastic on you. This is because y'all receive got to a greater extent than or less of the best trash clear out of whatsoever other character. And tin can convert these items into unreal chain kills. Huntress is going to desire these too.

-Goat’s Hoof, Energy Drink, Hopoo Feather, Old War Stealth Kit Mobility is fundamental inwards combat together with these iv convey it inwards spades. You genuinely only demand i of each, but to a greater extent than is ever welcome.

-Bandolier More skills=win

-N’Kuhana’s Opinion: You are going to acquire a decent sum of healing making this a sizable harm increase.

-Soldier’s Syringe, Warbanner, Predatory Instincts, together with Beserker’s Pauldron: Because y'all tin can onset during your other animations, this makes onset speed really powerful on you. The biggest downfall to edifice onset speed is that it tin can brand timing your 3rd hit+Blinding Assault a niggling hard to time. But if y'all ca acquire it downward the harm is devastating.


These are swell items on y'all (in singleplayer at that topographic point is no such thing equally a bad item) but they aren’t peculiarly of import either.

-Bustling Fungus, Cautious Slug, Rose Buckler: While y'all practise receive got amazing disengage, the goal is to eventually never receive got to disengage to role these items. They tin can go god-sent early on game but autumn off mid.

-Bundle of Fireworks: These practise a surprising sum of harm together with if y'all receive got been edifice on kill items it tin can start to a greater extent than or less nasty chains. However, it is relatively inconsistent together with cannot go used inwards boss fights making it autumn dramatically inwards usage.

-Red Whip: No i doesn’t desire this but no i genuinely needs them either. Good for cleaning upward the cease of a degree or speed running. If y'all practise the after these may shoot upward on the list.

-Chronobauble together with Stun Grenade: Can aid maintain enemies lined upward but requires a decent sum of stacks to go useful for this survivor.

-57 Leaf Clover, Wake of the Vultures: No i doesn’t desire these but no i genuinely needs them either.

-Sentient Meat Hook 20% is a pretty proficient run a endangerment for y'all to go taking this item, yet if y'all receive got someone similar Commando or MUL-T amongst y'all it’s ameliorate off going to them.

-Disposable Missile Launcher, Primordial Cube, Ocular HUD, The Back-up, Preon Accumulator, Royal Capacitor, together with Radar Scanner. These are all acceptable items in i lawsuit y'all no longer demand the survivability active.

-Sticky Bomb, ATG Missile MK. 1, Ukulele, Runald’s Band, Kjaro,’s Band On-hit items demand reliable multi-hit or high onset speed. Eviscerate does this but is squatting on a half dozen minute cooldown. Whirlwind also fits the neb but y'all are non JUST using Whirlwind, y'all are weaving inwards unmarried striking attacks. They are simply ameliorate off on other survivors (other than Alchemist). However inwards singleplayer, harm is damage. If y'all are fine on other higher tier items or simply desire to striking harder these aren’t terrible choices.

Don’t Want It

These are items y'all don’t demand to worry yourself with. Just transcend them off to someone else who tin can role them more. And if they don’t desire them simply select it without a minute thought. Keep inwards withdraw heed inwards singleplayer at that topographic point are no bad items thence if it was from a breast or shrine its non a terrible thing. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 buff is a buff. But don’t consciously pick them until y'all are solid on everything else.

-Crowbar: Only plant on enemies at 90% or higher. This agency this is a hardcore flare-up item. That is something y'all practise NOT have.

-Milky Chrysalis: You already fly, this is redundant.

The Crowdfunder You are NOT looking at a unmarried target for long plenty to brand role of this thing.

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