Sekiro Shadows Die Twice – Guardian Ape Guide


How to Beat Guardian Ape inwards Sekiro Shadows Die Twice

HowGuardian Ape

  • Defeat the Guardian Ape

After going through Gun Fort together with ending upward at Riven Cave, you’ll notice a larn by seat direct inwards a higher house you lot together with the idol. After whipping yourself upward onto the ledge, follow the path downwardly together with choke along until you lot laissez passer on some other idol: Bodhisattva Valley. Just due north is the arena.

First Phase

It’s recommended to live aggressive on Guardian Ape despite the amount of expanse they give you lot inwards the arena. Upon entering, rush towards him together with larn a few swipes inwards earlier his opening animation ends. At the terminate of the animation, he normally does a correct slice, thence live on the look-out for that.

Continue to step-dodge to his backside, getting inwards a few hits earlier he ends upward turning around. If you’re having problem dodging, I’d recommend hitting him in 1 lawsuit together with thence running to reposition earlier you lot striking him again.

Feces Throw

One mightiness is that he throws his feces. You’ll notice him retreat a far distance dorsum together with laissez passer on behind him. Once this happens, rush towards him quickly. You’ll dodge the throw together with live able to brand it a few slices earlier he reorients himself.

If you lot create terminate upward getting hit, it’ll bargain a massive amount of impairment together with toxicant you. If you’re having troubles amongst this part, it’s wise to bear a few antidotes on you lot inwards the rare upshot that you lot larn poisoned. It also helps amongst his flatulence ability, but that’s pretty slow to avoid.

Sweeping Grab

At sure as shooting points through your combat, his left arm volition sweep downwards to choose deal of you. This does a lot of damage, thence live sure as shooting to boundary the minute you lot run into that mightiness come upward up. It’s recognizable past times the carmine symbol floating inwards a higher house your caput if you lot weren’t sure.

  • Fireworks tin operate good to stun him for a duo seconds.

Second Phase

After you lot spell the Guardian Ape’s caput off, you’ll notice that he gets dorsum upward together with carries a sword now. This tin genuinely live finished easily amongst a fleck of patience together with agreement how his abilities volition terminate upward landing.


You’ll notice the red-colored symbol appear inwards a higher house your head. At this point, you’ll desire to run away every bit fast every bit you lot can. This causes fearfulness together with in 1 lawsuit your fearfulness bar is filled, you’re dead for good. This happens fairly ofttimes but it’s also quite slow to avoid.

Belly Slide Slice

He’ll larn a slight running start earlier diving forward. He’ll post his sword sweeping. If you’re skilful at timing this, you lot tin only boundary over it together with spell him a duo of times earlier he gets dorsum up. Careful, he’ll most probable create his shrieking mightiness presently after.

Continue to knock his wellness downwardly together with you’ve done it.

Guardian Ape Immortality Severed Achievements

HowGuardian Ape Immortality Severed

  • Used the Mortal Blade to sever the Guardian Ape’s undying

After beating Snake Eyes inwards the Ashina Depths, continuing farther downwardly volition offering you lot a direct chances to kill the Guardian Ape in 1 lawsuit again. The exact same move-set from his headless cast volition live introduce here. You volition non convey to worry close feces flings or poisonous flatulence. Just his fearfulness shriek.

For this fight, you lot won’t live able to cheese his dive mightiness similar you lot did the lastly Guardian Ape fight. The arena is much every bit good small. This time, you’ll desire to stick around him together with choose deal of opportunities to spell inwards betwixt his shrieks. This is past times far the best method.

Second Iteration

Once you lot larn the kickoff deathblow down, he’ll summon some other ape to come upward downwardly together with fight. This is a lot easier than it genuinely sounds. Equip your fireworks prosthetic together with purpose this against the secondary ape. You’ll abide by their stagger bar goes upward considerably. It took me close 20 seconds to kill.

Then you’ll become dorsum to fighting the Guardian Ape only similar you lot did before! Once you lot deliver the lastly deathblow to him, you’ll desire to spell his corpse a few times to permit a 3rd deathblow on the insect that was controlling him.

You’ll become into an animation amongst the individual blade together with execute them for the achievement.

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