Thronebreaker : The Witcher Tales – Deck Building



You’ve belike come upwards up amongst some of your ain ideas for expert decks inward Thronebreaker. I exactly made this deck to meet how high a score I could brand it i round. My kickoff existent examine I got 35,000 points. Then I got 150,000 during i game in addition to figured I’d examine for 1 million, in addition to I was able to instruct it. Here is a moving painting of a battle close the terminate of the game amongst 124 i K 1000 points.

I exercise desire to yell for out that this is non the most practical deck inward the game — y'all tin (more) easily trounce most enemies amongst exactly a Bombers/Strays of Spalla deck. This deck is to a greater extent than for fun. You tin commonly exactly create upwards 500 points inward a distich turns in addition to trounce most opponents without dragging the game out inward companionship to instruct 1,000,000+ points. Also, this deck is truly optimized for single-round battles, but I’ll comprehend that inward depth farther on inward this guide.

Lastly I exercise remove to emphasize that this deck does require a distich cards only available from Act iv (Angren Map) onwards. You could belike create a watered downwards version of the deck before inward the game, but y'all won’t instruct the explosive 1 i K 1000 or to a greater extent than combos.

Deck List – Cards


1x Meve: Warhammer


1x Lyrian Banner


1x Reinforcements

1x Wolfsbane

1x Artefact Compression – Optional

1x Other – Optional [1]

Units (Gold / Heroes):

1x Black Rayla

1x Reynard Odo+

1x Arnjolf – Optional [1]

1x Gabor – Optional [1]

1x Xavier – Optional

*Throughout the game several hero units volition locomote out your political party due to decisions y'all make. The only hero y'all absolutely must remove maintain is Reynard+. Black Rayla is truly useful but y'all tin brand this deck without her.

Units (Bronze)

5x Aretuza Adept

5x Alchemist+

5x Forager+

5x Regiment Drummer+

5x Lyrian Pathfinder

2x Mahakam Shieldbearer

3x Lyrian Blacksmith

5x Lyrian Scytheman – Optional

5x Field Medic – Optional

4x Strays Bomber+ – Optional [1]

5x Strays of Spalla – Optional [1]

2x Gheso Arbalest – Optional [1]

Optional: The deck does non require these cards.

Optional [1]: These cards are primarily used for 3-round games.

Building the Deck

For the total deck you’ll remove to instruct to Angren, which is Act iv of the game (the fourth map). From Act iv onwards y'all remove maintain access to exactly most all the cards you’ll ever get, likewise perhaps a few heroes.

Story Decisions:

You absolutely must remove maintain Reynard+ to create this deck, in addition to Black Rayla is a rattling powerful carte du jour equally well, though non necessary. Also I would justice that i unit of measurement could live on missed based on story decisions. For to a greater extent than details on this meet the Notes – Story Decisions department of this guide.

Camp Building Requirements:

You desire the Royal Tent levelled upwards to at to the lowest degree three trinkets, ideally iv (for 3-round battles).

The Mess Tent should live on maxed out (level 3) for including equally many cards equally possible.

You tin instruct past times amongst 200 Recruit Cap, but maxing out the Command Tent gives y'all breathing room when experimenting amongst the deck. The extra armor is also prissy versus enemies that plink your guys.

You remove Training Grounds (3) from the Training Grounds inward companionship to upgrade the Regiment Drummer+. Having the Strays Bomber+ is also useful inward whatever 3-round game.

The Workshop gives y'all access to the Alchemist in addition to Aretuza Adept. It is worth noting that the upgraded Aretuza Adept+ is truly non necessary for this deck.

Strategy / Playing the Deck

Note: This entire department focuses on 1-Round battles. For strategy on a ‘Standard Battle’ (a 3-Round battle) refer to Notes – 3-Round versus 1-Round Battles department of this guide.

The Draw Engine

The deck revolves exactly about a rattling corporation depict engine of Regiment Drummer+ combined amongst Reynard+. Those solitary would allow y'all to depict your entire deck, but nosotros remove maintain a distich backup options inward Black Rayla, Wolfsbane, in addition to Lyrian Pathfinders. Pathfinders are truly a ameliorate selection than Drummers when y'all remove maintain v or less cards inward your hand. You desire to refill your mitt to remove maintain to a greater extent than turns to role to a greater extent than Order abilities (more on this later).

Meve: War Hammer combined Lyrian Banner trophy in addition to Regiment Drummer+ allows y'all to pick whatever unit of measurement inward your deck (Meve Commander Ability) in addition to and thus play it using the Drummer’s Order ability. If y'all don’t remove maintain Reynard+ inward your hand, your kickoff unit of measurement selection should e'er live on him. That volition in addition to thus reset your Drummer allowing y'all to Order some other unit of measurement onto the field, in addition to every subsequent fourth dimension y'all role your Commander Ability because of Reynard+’s Loyal ability.

Black Rayla basically does everything a Drummer does except she lets y'all pick the unit of measurement directly.

Lyrian Pathfinders in addition to Wolfsbane depict cards to your hand, but y'all tin all the same role your Commander Ability beforehand to brand certain y'all instruct cards y'all want.

The Forager: Cornerstone of the Deck

With the depict engine established, y'all tin in addition to thus role Foragers to clear the crowded battlefield. With Drummers in addition to Pathfinders filling the battlefield, y'all volition shortly run out of space. Foragers swallow other units. Combined amongst Reynard+, y'all tin swallow 2 units every three turns. Once y'all remove maintain some Drummers and/or Pathfinders on the battlefield, y'all tin role your card-draw options to play Blacksmiths or Adepts to recycle Trinkets or add together units to your deck. These units inward plow are expert nutrient to instruct your Foragers started.

Eating your Trophy volition double a Forager’s power, but your Trophy is a fundamental chemical constituent of your depict engine in addition to should non live on eaten until the terminate of the game.

Battlefield Layout: It’s belike easiest to remove maintain i row dedicated to Foragers in addition to their nutrient (Blacksmiths, Pathfinders, in addition to other non-Order cards). The other row is in addition to thus dedicated to the Order cards that fuel the depict engine, namely Rayla, Reynard, Drummers in addition to Alchemists.

Keep inward hear that each row tin remove maintain a maximum of ix units.

Alchemists in addition to Shieldbearers: Spread the Power

Once y'all remove maintain a large Forager y'all tin role Alchemists in addition to Mahakam Shieldbearers to re-create his power. Shieldbearers specifically are ameliorate used inward the mid/late game because they remove maintain to live on inward the Forager row, but y'all don’t desire to eat them. So playing a Shieldbearer adjacent to a 10,000 strength Forager in addition to and thus using an Alchemist to brand the Shieldbearer also 10,000 allows y'all to re-create that mightiness to the other row, or some other nutrient unit.

Two Alchemists per Forager is a expert release to remove maintain on the battlefield, because it allows y'all to eat 2 units amongst a Forager in addition to and thus re-create his increased mightiness to the adjacent 2 units beside him that volition live on eaten. This way a Forager tin triple inward size every fourth dimension y'all reset Order abilities amongst Commander Ability/Reynard+.

Reinforcements – Get Units out Fast

You don’t remove to play Reinforcements, the Drummers in addition to Pathfinders solitary should allow y'all to depict your entire deck. However it tin live on useful to instruct Drummers on the plain inward the early on game, or to play a bunch of Pathfinders piece of cake inward the game to refill your mitt (see notes on Adepts). If I only remove maintain 1 or 2 Alchemists inward play I remove maintain used Reinforcements to instruct them out thus I tin start spreading Forager power.

TL;DR – Use it on Drummers or Alchemists early on game or Pathfinders mid/late game.

Aretuza Adept – Create Additional Units

In full general the best selection equally a target is Lyrian Pathfinder, because it cycles itself equally a carte du jour depict in addition to refills your hand. Forager is also a decent target because sometimes you’ll remove maintain Foragers eating Foragers, in addition to and thus there’s a shortage. Those are truly the only 2 targets; y'all shouldn’t remove to a greater extent than Drummers or Alchemists.

Keep inward hear that y'all remove to target a unit of measurement either inward mitt or on the battlefield. I oft play Adepts in addition to and thus realize that the unit of measurement I wanted to target is non available.

Side Note: You tin target Adepts amongst Black Rayla in addition to War Hammer, Immune does non touching on cards non inward play.

Extending the Game:

Because this deck does ameliorate inward full general the longer y'all remove maintain to play, y'all desire to extend your game equally long equally possible amongst additional cards in-hand. To exercise this, Wolfsbane, Artefact Compression, in addition to optionally Decoy lay cards inward your mitt for to a greater extent than turns. You should also role Adepts on Pathfinders to depict more. Keep inward hear that drawing is ameliorate than playing a carte du jour straight from the deck inward late-game, thus Pathfinders > Drummers afterwards on.

Maximizing Points: When to play which Units

In a unmarried circular battle y'all tin role your entire deck in addition to instruct massive Forager(s). The game doesn’t demo unit of measurement mightiness inward a higher house [9999], but it does perish on runway of the release fifty-fifty if it doesn’t demo it. That agency it’s upwards to y'all to retrieve who your biggest units are inward companionship to role Alchemists/Shieldbearers to re-create their power.

You desire to kickoff constitute a moderate depict engine, 1-2 Drummers or Pathfinders at the rattling least. Then role your Commander Ability to instruct Black Rayla in addition to Reynard+ into play. Then y'all should focus on playing all v Adepts because they are Immune in addition to cannot live on boosted past times your Alchemists. By at nowadays your battlefield volition live on pretty total thus you’ll desire to instruct 2 Foragers into i row to start eating unnecessary units similar expired Pathfinders in addition to Adepts. Use Blacksmiths equally necessary to reuse either Reinforcements or Trinkets that refill your mitt (Wolfsbane, Artefact Compression). The Foragers volition live on large plenty to start multiplying their mightiness amongst Alchemists. Try to instruct 2 Foragers inward i row in addition to iv Alchemists inward the other. Then role Drummers or exactly play units from mitt to the Forager row. Use the iv Alchemists to re-create the Forager mightiness to the newly played units, in addition to and thus eat them to triple the Forager power. Repeat this equally many times equally possible, piece continuing to depict cards in addition to play units via Pathfinders.

A expert starting mitt (for a 1-Round game) should remove maintain Wolfsbane, Artefact Compression in addition to Reinforcements Trinkets. Then y'all desire at to the lowest degree 1 Drummer or Pathfinder to start refilling your hand. Adepts operate good equally early on units. You may desire 1-2 Strays Bombers to whittle downwards annoying enemy units. If y'all tin instruct Reynard or Rayla inward your opening mitt it’s great, but if non y'all tin e'er role your Commander Ability to depict them ASAP. Having Blacksmiths inward your opening mitt is also useful because using in addition to reusing Trinkets tends to instruct your game started faster.

Cards to avoid in addition to redraw inward your opening mitt are Shieldbearers, Alchemists. You won’t remove these Order abilities until y'all already remove maintain a large Forager.

Notes – 3-Round versus 1-Round Battles

In a 3-Round game, or ‘Standard Battle’ equally the game calls it, y'all remove maintain to alter your strategy a bit. The cards listed equally Optional [1] inward the Card List are cards y'all tin role to instruct an opponent to speedily forfeit the kickoff round. Strays Bombers followed past times Strays of Spalla volition destroy an entire row of enemy troops. Gabor – Left Hook does expert impairment in addition to tin kill 1-2 enemy units, in addition to Arnjolf tin pick away at enemy units. Your fourth Trinket should live on reserved for beating kickoff rounds. Dimeritium Shackles is a expert choice, at i time giving y'all three units. Damage Trinkets similar Northern Wind or Zoria Runestone are also expert picks.

Basically y'all desire to instruct through Round 1 without playing whatever of your combo cards — Drummers, Pathfinders, Rayla, Reynard, Alchemists or Foragers. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 notable exception are Adepts; these are almost ameliorate to play inward Round 1 equally long equally y'all remove maintain a target inward hand, because in addition to thus your deck gets built upwards for the next round.

Notes – Story Decisions (Mild Spoilers)

I’ve only beaten this game i time thus far, but (I think) a distich cards inward the deck could live on unavailable based on decisions y'all brand inward the story.


Late inward the game y'all instruct an chance to post Reynard away from your army. Don’t exercise this.

I think correct after this selection he changes from Reynard to Reynard+.

Black Rayla

Black Rayla hates Scoia’tael (Elves in addition to Dwarves), in addition to at that spot are several decisions throughout the game concerning them. You remove maintain to side amongst Rayla pretty much every fourth dimension or else she’ll locomote out the party. She’s okay amongst Dwarves inward Mahakam (as she tells y'all at i point), but at that spot is i town where y'all instruct ambushed past times Scoia’tael. I would propose avoiding this town entirely. When y'all uncovering the town in addition to the story prompts y'all to brand a conclusion exactly alt+f4 the game, restart in addition to avoid that town.

Mahakam Shieldbearer

This carte du jour isn’t absolutely necessary inward the deck, but it is a convenient way to motion carte du jour mightiness around. I’m guessing that if y'all anger the Dwarven leader too much inward Act three in addition to thus he won’t give y'all Dwarf troops in addition to y'all could missy out on this card. So whenever prompted, live on true in addition to side amongst Brouver Hoog the Dwarf leader.

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