Total War : Warhammer 2 – Vampire Counts


Vampire Counts

The Vampire Counts (VCs) get inwards a bad position; they are stuck betwixt ii of the largest race-nations on the Old World map: the Empire (humans) together with the Dwarfs (dwarfs). Thankfully, both race-nations have got other things to bargain alongside than Western together with Eastern Sylvania, your starting position.

Vampires are ageless together with immortal, together with they tin afford to play the long game. Taking territory a chip at a time, together with solidifying it behind you, is arguably the best strategy you lot tin use. Vampiric Corruption is a useful tool on the displace map, every bit it increases world social club together with causes attrition amidst enemies, but it takes many turns to establish, past times default.

VC Suitable Climates are anything human-based, including the Empire together with its Provinces, the Border Princes, together with the Bretonnian Kingdoms (mostly west). For some reason, so are many of the Greenskin settlements to the south-east.

VC Unpleasant Climates include other nearby race-nations such every bit the Dwarfs (mostly due east together with south). This is some other expert argue to exit the Dwarfs lonely until you lot tin afford it.

VC Uninhabitable Climates are those uncivilized areas of the map similar the Wood Elf kingdoms to the west, together with anywhere alongside besides much Chaos Corruption.

Slow Steady Progress

In the early on game, it is unwise to expand besides quickly; fifty-fifty though cities are the unmarried biggest rootage of income for VCs, their armies inwards the early on game are weak, together with non well-able to defend newly-seized territory. The toll of novel cities, novel armies, together with world social club penalties must hold upwards accounted for before novel territory is claimed. The first off primary “questline” of the VCs is to seize to a greater extent than together with to a greater extent than territory, but survival together with administration of your electrical flow domains should have got precedence most of the time. It is non worth it to seize a novel town similar Pfeildorf if it agency you lot lose Castle Drakenhof to an invasion past times Dwarfs or Greenskins.

VCs demand to have got fourth dimension to restore Public Order inwards their seized towns; since all of the other nearby race-nations have got a diplomatic Aversion to vampires, novel VC acquisitions exterior Sylvania have got stronger world social club penalties. H5N1 state of war machine presence inwards an occupied town or urban pith volition forestall unrest together with rebellions, but the state of war machine presence needs to occupy that site for many turns before world social club is restored together with in that location is a high plenty bird of Vampiric Corruption to start giving world social club bonuses. Having a hero inwards the regular army alongside potent Vampiric Corruption traits tin speed this along.

Pillage, Raze, Colonize

To maintain a expert treasure together with expert world order, VCs should conquer a town, pillage it for the most money, together with so raze it the next turn. Also on the next turn, they should hold upwards able to colonize it alongside the conquering army, or a following, inexpensive regular army composed of skeletons together with zombies. The to a greater extent than stacks of units an regular army has, the cheaper the colonization.

An extremely valid strategy for the Vampire Counts is to seize command of towns together with cities that were razed past times other armies. The trade-off for this is that this tin hold upwards hard to accomplish, because inwards the first off place, whatever regular army that is powerful plenty to raze a urban pith or town is probable your enemy, together with mightiness render to raze your novel town before long after you lot found it. In the 2nd place, if you lot are making friends alongside your nearby races, the conflicts that final result inwards razed towns volition hold upwards farther away, together with you lot volition almost sure as shooting have got to go extensively across uncorrupted terrain to make the towns (this course of didactics of go causes attrition inwards your armies).

The expert intelligence is that VCs tin have got over razed towns fairly cheaply thank you lot to Raise Dead. H5N1 half-stack regular army tin displace around the map together with defend itself (or flee) long plenty to make a razed site. Then, the Lord of the regular army tin utilization Raise Dead to summon a number of Zombies together with Skeletons to fill upwards out the ranks, reducing the toll of founding a novel town on a razed site. After a VC instrumentalist has researched cost-saving methods (see “Savings” inwards the “Treasury Management” section), this procedure tin hold upwards comparatively really cheap, together with give the Lord of the founding regular army a stack of inexpensive trash troops to defend the novel town together with increment world social club until the village tin amend defend itself.

Even if an enemy returns together with attacks your novel city, you lot exercise non lose every bit much investment every bit other races do. Founding novel towns on ruins also prevents you lot from having to run to state of war alongside the race-nation that used to occupy that city.

Vampiric Corruption

The displace map trait of the VCs is Vampiric Corruption, which grows steadily over time. Taking over settlements inwards a territory, garrisoning armies, together with many Hero together with Lord traits tin increment the charge per unit of measurement at which Vampiric Corruption spreads. It is worthwhile to have got i hero inwards an regular army who has high Vampiric Corruption (part of the blueish displace traits at the bottom of the science tree for Vampires together with Vampire Lords) inwards social club to spread it faster. Taking over a village inwards a territory also gives Vampiric Corruption inwards a make around that settlement, which agency your armies exercise non endure attrition inwards that range.

When VCs have got over a novel settlement, it volition endure a world social club penalization until Vampiric Corruption reaches 50% or higher. At that point, world social club should stabilize at around 0, gaining or losing piece of cake each turn, depending on other factors. VC world social club is direct related to the amount of Vampiric Corruption inwards a territory; the higher the Vampiric Corruption, the higher Earth social club bonus.

NOTE: H5N1 sometimes-viable strategy is to exactly permit a village rebel, together with quash the rebelling army, so taste the high world social club bonus inwards next turns.

The 2nd outcome of Vampiric Corruption is to create attrition inwards whatever non-Undead army. (The only armies I’ve confirmed that Vampiric Corruption attrition does non comport upon are the Vampire Counts, Vampire Coast, together with Bretonnian Vampire Lords). Specific units may also hold upwards immune to attrition caused past times Vampiric Corruption (such every bit stronger Greenskin units).

Lords, Heroes, together with Their Roles

Legendary Lords

Mannfred Von Carstein

Helman Ghorst – Helman Ghorst is only available if you lot have got “The Grim together with the Grave” DLC for TWW1!! I consider this to hold upwards a expert investment, since I oft play VCs alongside Helman Ghorst every bit my first off Legendary Lord, for 3 uncomplicated reasons: all units inwards his regular army inflict toxicant attacks, he gets a Corpse Cart mountain early on (level 10), together with he receives some really prissy toll reductions to Raise Dead. Poison slows together with weakens your enemies attacks, which gives you lot a slight bonus when fighting an regular army that is stronger than yours; the Corpse Cart mountain heals nearby troops, giving your regular army slightly to a greater extent than staying power. Cheaper Raise Dead helps you lot spawn a novel regular army quickly, without pain your treasury every bit much every bit other Lords such every bit Vampire Lords, who have no special toll reduction.

  • Heinrich Kemmler

  • Vlad Von Carstein

  • Isabella Von Carstein


  • Vampire Lords

  • Master Necromancers

  • Strigoi Ghoul Kings

Bloodline Lords

Lahmian Vampires

Von Carstein Vampire Lords

Blood Dragon Vampire Lords – Blood Dragons hail from a modest bloodline of vampire knights, together with so their skills focus on state of war machine actions. The unmarried best argue to specialize inwards the Blood Dragon Bloodline is their tier 3 ability, which eliminates the attrition caused past times moving through uncorrupted territory (other forms of attrition, such every bit Deep Sea attrition together with Chaos Corruption attrition soundless apply!). As state of war machine commanders, Blood Dragons exercise goodness cavalry units the most (Black Guard, Black Guard Lancers, Blood Knights), reducing their upkeep together with increasing their assail power. Otherwise, Blood Dragon Vampire Lords have got the same abilities every bit other fighters together with leaders.

  • Necarch Vampire Necromancers

  • Strigoi Ghoul Kings



Wight Kings – Use almost exclusively inwards fighter together with leadership roles; Wight Kings excel at dealing harm every bit business office of a larger trunk of troops, specially to other heroes together with lords. On the displace map. they are also expert at grooming your troops over fourth dimension to give the to a greater extent than levels (which increases unit of measurement leadership, together with accuracy for ranged units).

Necromancers – Necromancers are expert for 3 things: spellcasting inwards battle, together with Stealing Technology together with Wounding other heroes on the displace map. Though Banshees are amend at Wounding together with killing other heroes, you lot volition in all likelihood have got Necromancers before than Banshees, giving Necromancers a few levels to specialize inwards Stealing Technology, Wounding heroes, or specific spells that assist your battle tactics the most.


Lord Hero Roles

In a “standard” VC army, you lot should plain 1 Lord who is either a spellcaster or a fighter, together with at to the lowest degree 1 other hero who fills the other role (fighter or spellcaster). It is also a expert persuasion to plain a 3rd hero, who tin back upwards your regular army Lord, or gives displace map bonuses such every bit higher Vampiric Corruption, amend world order, or economical bonuses for your defensive armies that by together with large remain inside your ain territories.

Your Heroes volition gain traits that assist them alongside actions they perform the most.

Economic Bonuses – Construction toll reductions are gained past times stationing heroes inwards cities that have got lots of construction going.

Treasury Management

Vampire Counts (VCs) exercise goodness from large stockpiles of Dark Magic (hereinafter referred to every bit “money”). They have got a slight wages inwards the early on game because the bulks of their armies are inexpensive trash troops similar zombies together with skeletons, important that they tin salvage upwards coin for larger projects together with expenditures.


Most of the VC gains come upwards from their cities; dissimilar other race-nations such every bit the greenskins together with Norsca, they exercise non larn whatever special benefits from raiding together with pillaging cities (though heroes tin “specialize” inwards pillaging if they exercise it oft enough, gaining bonuses to the amount of coin harvested).

VC query inwards the Lahmian tree gives bonuses to several different edifice chains, such every bit Repression (small gains of 100-150 monies/turn) together with Vampire Crypts together with Necromancer Libraries (large gains of 300-500 monies/turn).


VCs play a long economical game; it takes quite a chip of query together with specialization to have got a high steady income. H5N1 lot of this income is based on reductions inwards upkeep costs for most of your regular army troops. All of the query trees eventually have got upkeep reduction costs for specific regular army units, together with in that location are several extremely valuable researches to perform inwards the early on together with midgame. Namely, these are “Master of the Putrid Horde” together with “Defiler of the Ancient Barrows” nether the Arkhan tree. These give free, no-cost upkeep to zombies together with skeleton units, respectively.


VCs exercise goodness from large stockpiles of Dark Magic (hereinafter referred to every bit “money”). They have got a slight wages inwards the early on game because the bulks of their armies are inexpensive trash troops similar zombies together with skeletons, important that they tin salvage upwards coin for larger projects together with expenditures.

Counting things similar the additional toll to recruit units alongside Raise Dead, a VC instrumentalist volition oft hold upwards forced to take away betwixt upgrading their armies or upgrading their settlements.

1) Bribery : It is a really expert persuasion to salvage upwards coin for diplomatic gifts to give to your surrounding race-nations, such every bit the Dwarfs together with the Empire. Even though these are your ii biggest enemies, together with crushing them is your long displace goal, inwards the commencement it is amend to pay them off so they exercise non declare a two-front state of war on you. Small gifts tin maintain them happy plenty so that they won’t declare war, together with medium or large gifts tin improve their mental attitude plenty so that they volition concur to Non-Aggression Pacts or fifty-fifty Trade Agreements.

2) Raising Dead : The major strategic strength of the VCs is their powerfulness to heighten large armies on brusque observe thank you lot to Raise Dead. Between city-based recruitment together with Raise Dead, a VC instrumentalist tin heighten a total regular army of twenty stacks inwards 3-4 turns, AS LONG AS they have got plenty coin to pay the Raise Dead costs together with at to the lowest degree a few turns of upkeep on the novel army.

3) Building Upgrades Repairs:  Building upgrades for the VCs larn expensive fast; it tin have got several turns to salvage upwards plenty coin to purchase a unmarried edifice inwards i urban pith or town. It is a expert persuasion to stockpile a groovy bargain of money, together with so purchase every bit many edifice upgrades every bit you lot tin afford inwards your most well-defended cities. There is some synergy inwards VC buildings, important that i edifice volition oft exercise goodness some other edifice chain somehow. Research inwards the Lahmian tree also helps a groovy bargain alongside income from buildings.

Diplomatic Relations

The Vampire Counts (VCs) have got a long history alongside the other race-nations surrounding them; inwards the past times (and in all likelihood the present), they have got been aggressive together with war-like against the Empire together with the Dwarfs, which are your ii biggest neighbors. Accordingly, most of the race-nations around you lot have got a Diplomatic Aversion to vampires, setting your starting human relationship at a penalization ranging from -15 (Bretonnian Kingdoms) to -50 (Dwarfs), alongside the average existence -30 (almost everybody else, including the Empire).


The closest allies of whatever VC field are other vampire-based Undead race-nations, namely: The Vampire Counts, the Von Carstein Bloodline, Templehof, Mousillon, The Barrow Legion, together with the Vampire Coast nations inwards the New World.

The Problem of Templehof

Your first off mission playing every bit a Vampire Count is to exterminate the Templehof faction; I would propose that you lot run on this policy until Templehof has only i village left. Assault this settlement, but afterwards take away to Subjugate Templehof every bit your Vassal, instead of exterminating them entirely. Optimally, Templehof volition seize an Empire Province territory exterior of Western together with Eastern Sylvania, which you lot should pick every bit your terminal target to Subjugate them.

In this way, Templehof volition 1) give you lot tribute each turn inwards the degree of money, 2) human activity every bit a buffer betwixt you lot together with to a greater extent than aggressive Empire Provinces, together with 3) eventually run a steadfast trading partner.

A similar policy tin hold upwards adopted alongside the Von Carstein Bloodline or the primary Vampire Counts faction led past times Mannfred, depending on which you lot have got chosen to play.

The Enemy of My Enemy

It is wise for a VC instrumentalist to take away from the commencement who they volition ally alongside (if anybody), together with who they volition maintain every bit long-term enemies. This helps command the amount of wars that the VCs are fighting at whatever given time, together with hence the number of fronts they are fighting on. Even if your chosen allies have got a diplomatic Aversion to you, this tin eventually hold upwards mitigated together with overcome.

The safest trend for VCs to gain diplomatic relations alongside their allies is to offering them gifts inwards the degree of money.

Maybe the quickest trend to gain diplomatic relations alongside allies is to shipping Heroes to assail together with harass the enemies of their allies, since this tin hold upwards done every turn, together with the diplomatic bonuses stack alongside your chosen allies (and the penalties stack alongside your chosen enemies!). For this purpose, I recommend using Necromancers to “Steal Technology” from an enemy settlement, every bit this volition give a bonus to your query speed. If you lot have got chosen an enemy far away from Sylvania, so actions such every bit “Assault Garrison” are less beneficial to you.

Chaos Invasions

Counter-intuitively (but really much inwards keeping alongside the themes of Warhammer), the VCs exercise non have got whatever special positive human relationship alongside the forces of Norsca or the Chaos Warriors.


As a Vampire Count, your weapons are the dark arts, guile, together with terror.

In the early on game, a Vampire Counts regular army volition in all likelihood have got to plain twice every bit many low-level troops every bit whatever other regular army to have got a expert jeopardy of winning. The starter troops – zombies, skeletons, ghouls – have got numbers, but really petty else going for them.

General Tactics

NO RANGED UNITS – Perhaps the primary weakness of VC armies is their almost consummate lack of ranged units, unless the instrumentalist wants to super-specialize inwards social club to larn all of 2 ranged units. That is a maximum for your entire campaign, non per army. The only ranged units VCs ever larn are Sylvanian Crossbowmen together with Sylvanian Handgunners, both of which are available only through the Von Carstein Bloodline specialization.

BUT FLYING UNITS! – To brand upwards for the lack of ranged units, VCs have got several flight units: Dire Bats, Vargheists, together with Terrorgheists. These are extremely useful every bit mobile troops to strike enemy units from behind, piece they are engaged alongside your primary trunk of slower troops. Keep the flight units out of make until the enemy is otherwise engaged, so utilization them to disrupt together with create morale damage, or to chase away broken units so that those units exercise non render to the fight.

Vampire Lords, together with Bloodline Lords also have got access to flight mounts at bird 10 (Hellsteed, a dark pegasus) together with bird xviii (Zombie Dragon, which is everything you lot demand inwards this game). Vampires access the Hellsteed at bird 10.

Keep Your Army Tight – don’t spread out besides far, or shipping your units besides far away from your primary force. Weak units tin hold upwards picked off, together with all VC troops volition start to disintegrate if they lose their morale. Even potent units similar the Varghulf tin hold upwards overwhelmed together with start to disintegrate if exterior your heroes Leadership Auras. If you lot have got incoming reinforcements for your side, endeavor to run across upwards alongside them every bit before long every bit possible, sending only quick, disposable troops to harass the enemy together with tiresome them downward before the primary engagement.

Field Several Heroes – The backbone of the regular army are the Heroes together with Lords, which render a Leadership Aura around them to strengthen the morale of your forces. They are also the only early on units capable of withstanding enemy Heroes together with Lords. (Zombies, skeletons, together with ghouls volition larn taken to pieces if they don’t disintegrate first.)

Keep An Eye on Morale – The TWW2 interesting have got on the Undead is that they exercise have got morale, together with it is a constant trouble for an regular army commander. Unlike other races, VC troops volition non flee when their morale is depression or broken; instead, if a VC unit of measurement loses its morale (even Heroes together with Lords), they volition start to have got heavy wellness damage, together with the troop tin perish inwards a few seconds.

Lords Heroes

Many VC Lords together with Heroes are splendid assassins; Vampire Lords together with Vampires both regenerate hitpoints piece inwards melee combat, giving them groovy staying power.

Wight Kings – Your front-line fighters. Well-armored, alongside a potent assail together with damage, Wight Kings are best used to bolster a weak line, assassinate enemy heroes, together with atomic number 82 charges.

Vampires Vampire Lords – Both are commander-type units, important that they give potent bonuses to the Leadership of your hordes, which is extremely valuable if you lot plain large numbers of weak units similar skeletons, zombies, together with ghouls. Spread your Vampires throughout your deployment, so that these units are e'er covered past times the leadership aura.

Vampires (the females) lean to a greater extent than towards magic, together with tin hold upwards upgraded to hold upwards potent spellcasters, or melee combatants. Vampire Lords (the males) are potent melee combatants together with leaders.

Necromancers – Spellcasters, meant to hold upwards stationed behind the front end delineate to back upwards alongside spells such every bit Invocation of Nehek, Raise Dead, together with Wind of Death. The primary trouble alongside Necromancers together with spellcasting Lords is non to cast besides many spells besides quickly; salvage upwards your Winds of Magic reserves to maintain regeneration high, together with casts spells only when you lot demand to protect or back upwards expensive units. Keep inwards heed that you lot tin cast Inovcation of Nehek on Heroes, Lords, together with unmarried units such every bit Varghulfs to heal them to full.

Banshees – Your hero assassins. Quick, deadly, together with alongside a jeopardy to ignore physical (non-magical) damage, Banshees excel every bit assassins both inwards battle together with on the displace map. They are non every bit expert inwards prolonged engagements every bit units of incorporeal troops are (Cairn Wraiths Hexwraiths), so salvage them for decapitating strikes that volition demoralize the enemy army.

Specific Units

VC units tin hold upwards divided into the next categories: weak/strong, slow/fast, easily-broken/army-breakers.

Siege Weapons – Vampire Counts larn siege weapons similar other race-nations do, together with they tin also utilization Crypt Horrors, Varghulfs, together with Terrorgeists to destroy urban pith gates quickly.

Dire Wolves Dire Bats- Harassers; utilization Dire Wolves together with Dire Bats inwards the same way: to chase downward enemies who are fleeing because of Fear or Terror, or utilization them to assail an embattled enemy unit of measurement from behind, together with bargain fifty-fifty to a greater extent than morale damage. Dire units tin maintain broken enemies off your back, so that the enemy unit of measurement does non find its morale together with render to the fight. The wages of Dire Bats is that they tin wing over a battle, instead of having to run around. DO NOT USE against armored troops alongside high morale!

Crypt Horrors – Even though they are few inwards number (6 inwards a total unit), Crypt Horrors are really useful because they are in all likelihood the first off unit of measurement you lot volition plain that has Armor Piercing attacks.

Varghulfs – (Varghulves??) With speed, armor-piercing attacks, regeneration, together with huge size, varghuls are splendid formation-disruptors together with hero-slayers, taking out chunks of powerful units alongside each attack. They exercise demand support, since they have got comparatively depression morale, so you lot tin grouping them alongside your hero or lord to create an assassination squad, or shipping them plowing through the enemy ranks piece they are engaged alongside your Skeletal Spearmen or Zombies. Varghulfs also bargain groovy harm to urban pith gates; ii Varghulfs tin have got a gate downward inwards virtually a minute.


Use spellcasting (especially Invocation of Nehek) judiciously; similar money, VCs exercise goodness from stockpiling their Winds of Magic reserve, to either cast several spells inwards rapid succession, or brand sure they have got plenty Winds of Magic to cast a spell at the correct time.

Every Lord together with almost every Hero has Invocation of Nehek, which heals a friendly Undead unit, together with tin reanimate lost units. Aside from its obvious uses during battle, Invocation of Nehek tin hold upwards cast after the battle is finished but before you lot exit the battle hide (assuming you lot won), to heal together with replenish your troops for the adjacent create out (especially if you lot have got some other enemy exactly waiting to pounce on your weakened army).

Fear Terror

A expert business office of the battle-play for the VCs is command over morale; exactly every bit depression morale is a unsafe weakness of your armies, it is also a powerful weapon against your enemies.

Several VC units create Fear or Terror (ex: Hexwraiths, Terrorgeists), together with several Heroes tin hold upwards upgraded to create Terror every bit good (Vampire Lords), so spread them throughout the delineate of battle together with have got them assail different units i after another. When a unit of measurement routs, shipping Dire Bats or Dire Wolves to harass them together with maintain them running away.

The only armies where this tactic is non effective are the beau Undead armies (who are your closest allies anyway).


Ghouls, Crypt Horrors, together with sure special units have got Poison attacks, which tiresome your enemies together with makes them exercise less physical damage. Spread it around! If you lot have got several units of Ghouls, have got them assail several different units of the enemy, inflicting Poison on all of them. Be sure to have got a decent unit of measurement backing upwards the ghouls, though, such every bit Grave Guard, who are amend able to soak the lessened damage, together with take away grip of upwards to slowed enemies.

Raise Dead

Raise Dead deserves its ain department because of the of import role it plays inwards Vampire Count logistics together with regular army recruitment.

Raise Dead is a recruitment pick for whatever Vampire Counts regular army led past times a Lord. When selecting an army, select the golden skeletal manus listed at the bottom of the regular army unit of measurement window. Using Raise Dead allows the VC instrumentalist to at nowadays recruit troops into their army, for a slightly greater toll than recruiting the same unit of measurement from a settlement.

A VC instrumentalist tin recruit every bit many troops inwards i turn every bit they tin afford, together with every bit are available inwards the Raise Dead window. More together with amend troops tin hold upwards Raised at Battle Site Markers.

Battle Site Markers

A golden skeletal manus alongside a plus symbol (+) on the displace map is a Battle Site Marker; this agency that because a large battle alongside powerful units was fought inwards this territory, using Raise Dead volition offering amend together with stronger troops.

Interestingly, Raising Dead at a valuable Battle Site Marker tin permit the VC instrumentalist recruit much stronger units than they tin recruit from their ain cities, long before the recruitment buildings are unlocked. However, these units are both expensive to Raise, together with have got expensive upkeep (in the hundreds of monies per unit).

Chaos Invasions How to Avoid Them

First, you lot may ask, “Why should I bother avoiding Chaos invasions? Mostly, they are things that hap to person else.”

The response is, “Because after they are done alongside somebodies else, they volition come upwards for you.”

Chaos together with the Vampire Counts (VCs) exercise start off at state of war alongside i another, but Chaos volition run for Norsca, Kislev, together with the Empire first, which allows the VCs some breathing room before having to appear upwards Chaos – but sooner or later, appear upwards them you lot will. The confrontation tin hold upwards postponed for a expert long time, until you lot have got the economic scheme together with troops to bargain alongside at to the lowest degree 1 Chaos regular army at a time.

Avoiding Chaos Invasions

The simplest trend to delay Chaos invasions is to never completely seize both Western together with Eastern Sylvania, together with never consummate the Battle of Hel Fenn. Seizing both territories gives you lot Mannfred Von Carstein, some other faction leader (if you lot did non start play alongside him; otherwise it gives you lot some other legendary lord), together with starts a countdown to the first off Chaos invasion. If you lot seize both provinces past times turn forty or so, the first off Chaos invasion tin start anywhere betwixt turn lx to 100. You may larn the occasional alert virtually “Chaos is coming”, but they should non genuinely spawn armies for a expert long, long time, if ever. Through these delaying mechanisms,I have got postponed the first off Chaos invasion until turn 160 before.

Dealing With Chaos Invasions

As mentioned above, when Chaos spawns, the initiatory is on your side. Chaos volition hold upwards happy for many turns subjugating Norsca together with razing Kislev together with the northern provinces of the Empire. All-too-soon, however, they volition larn inwards your territory, specially if you lot have got been pushing north.

Working the feasible VC tactic of inhabiting ruins, you lot tin shipping a inexpensive regular army total of zombies together with skeletons inwards the wake of the Chaos hordes, colonizing novel settlements. Expect to lose these settlements. Build only lite economical infrastructure, together with peradventure also Vampiric Corruption buildings if you’re level alongside wealth. Though the economical gains are small, they add together upwards if you lot colonize a dozen novel cities without much farther investment. Vampiric Corruption inwards your novel provinces may whittle downward Chaos or Norscan armies passing through your territory, though they are 99% probable to Raid their trend across the map, preventing attrition. Causing attrition inwards this trend does non seem to impose a negative penalization on your diplomatic relations (like it did inwards TWW1).

And Then Things Get Worse

As if normal Chaos Lords were non bad enough, if you lot together with the AI handle to defeat or at to the lowest degree delay the first off Chaos invasion, the 2nd moving ridge volition hold upwards named Legendary Chaos Lords such every bit Archaon the Everchosen together with Kholek Suneater. These increment the danger of Chaos armies geometrically, since they also take away along Regiments of Renown together with give themselves economical together with replenishment bonuses.

At minimum, VCs volition demand 2 armies to defeat 1 Chaos regular army if you lot take away to auto-resolve – including every bit many armor-piercing units such every bit Crypt Horrors together with Varghulfs every bit you lot can. Even then, it is sure as shooting amend to manually command the battle together with save your best units alongside discrete, effective utilization together with Invocation of Nehek. Chaos units also have got high morale together with are sometimes immune to Fear together with Terror, making their armies almost unbreakable. Having 2 VC armies gives you lot the jeopardy to environs together with to a greater extent than effectively demoralize a unmarried Chaos army. Assassinating their Lords together with Heroes is also to a greater extent than difficult, but affects their Leadership exactly similar it does for other armies – so the only number becomes defeating the naturally-high base of operations leadership of each unit.

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