Vampyr – All Endings


Vampyr Endings

Being an RPG where your choices thing as well as alter the course of report of the game, Vampyr has a full of iv endings. Of course, in that place are requirements tied to attain each ending. These come upwards inwards the degree of choices you’ve made at each indicate inwards the game, whether it was something yous opted out inwards gameplay or inwards cutscenes.

There are 2 variations of the proficient endings as well as 2 variations of the bad ending.

1- Jonathan as well as Elisabeth Travel The World

This is the best ending inwards the game. After talking to William Marhall, Jonathan convinces Elisabeth that together they tin give the sack overcome the curse of vampirism. Two lovers gear upwards off into the world, travelling as well as trying to honor a cure.

To operate this ending, yous can’t suck blood from whatever other citizen at whatever fourth dimension during the game. Although, yous tin give the sack kill them when they, every bit a lawsuit of your decisions, e.g. plow into undead. We stimulate got reached this ending by:

  • Mesmerizing Dorothy Crane;

  • Giving blood to Sean Hampton;

  • Letting Aloysius Dawson choke (by mesmerizing him);

  • Sparing McCullum;

  • Letting Edgar Swansea die;

  • Not drinking blood from whatever other citizen (the game doesn’t count drinking blood inwards combat, exclusively when the victim was mesmerized)

2- Jonathan as well as Elisabeth Remain inwards The Castle

This is a proficient ending, inwards which Elisabeth as well as Jonathan make upwards one's hear to remain inwards the castle. Contrary to the previous ending, the 2 lovers make upwards one's hear to alive far away from the civilization. They focus their attending on finding a medicine that volition attention cure Elisabeth from her blood curse.

To operate this ending, yous bespeak to complete the game yesteryear killing no to a greater extent than than a few citizens. You must likewise non allow whatever district to collapse. Just a uncomplicated happy ending alongside a mildly bitter aftertaste.

3- Elisabeth Dies, Jonathan Struck By Grief

This is the start of the bad endings. Jonathan fails to salvage Elisabeth. At the concluding moment, the adult woman pushes him away as well as throws herself into the flames. The saddened human being throws himself into a spiral of murder as well as melancholy.

This destination awaits a actor who has sucked a lot of blood, killed many citizens as well as sacrificed at to the lowest degree i district. During your game, yous bespeak to residual betwixt making proficient choices (saving McCulluma) as well as sucking the blood of others.

4- Elisabeth Dies, Jonathan Becomes a Killer

This is the darkest ending inwards the game. Jonathan, inwards a dialogue alongside Elisabeth, accepts her expiry without fifty-fifty trying to salvage her. Later, the human being sets out on a murderous killing spree, leaving devastation inwards his wake.

To operate this ending, yous must kill at every chance as well as travail the collapse of all districts. Be unethical at every chance yesteryear drinking the blood of others or yesteryear turning McCullum into a vampire.

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