Elite Dangerous – Dangerous Star Types Exploration Advices


List of Most Dangerous Stars

To avoid terminology confusions hither are some clarifications: past times “boost” I hateful to growth restrain arrive at past times supercharge inwards a jet, past times “scoop” I hateful scoop fuel from the star.

1. White Dwarf


A) Unablity to scoop

B) Medium threat afterward restrain exiting

C) Short jet for FSD boost

D) High guide a opportunity to hitting an exclusion zone during jet scooping (plus, depression restrain growth if boosting is sucessful)

E) 80% probability of death, if dropped to normal infinite inwards a jet

2. Neutron Star


A) Unablity to scoop

B) Medium threat afterward restrain exiting

C) Probability of hitting an exclusion zone during boosting (high, if boosting inwards the begin of a jet)

D) 10% probability of decease if dropped inwards the terminate or inwards the middle of a jet, 80% if dropped inwards the begin of a jet

3. Black Hole


A) Unablity to scoop

B) High threat afterward restrain exiting

4. Stars of classes: L, T, Y – protostars, carbon stars, Wolf-Rayet stars


A) Unablity to scoop

Advices for Players as well as Especially Explorers

A) Never ever boost from white dwarfs, fifty-fifty if you lot experience that you lot volition brand it. You volition pass a max of ii hours to get together materials for basic FSD injection, but you lot tin sack lose hundreds of hours inwards instance of failure during boosting.


B) Never boost from neutron stars inwards the middle or begin of a jet: ever boost inwards the end. Fly on the parallel business to the terminate of a jet, pitch prow of the shipping threescore degrees upwardly from the parallel, accelerate a chip as well as wing into a jet, tiresome downwards to nothing (X past times default) as well as hold back for FSD supercharge, acclerate as well as wing out of a jet.

C) It is preferable to ever press nothing speed push clit (X past times default) afterward begin of restrain countdown. In this instance your shipping volition leave of absence restrain on minimal speed as well as you lot volition non crash into a star. Also it is a necessity for restrain to a dark hole drive you lot volition leave of absence only about it as well as without a slowdown hitting the exclusion zone inwards less than 3 seconds afterward entering a arrangement (the other selection is to directly plough the shipping from the dark hole afterward exiting, but, every bit for me, pressing 1 push clit is easier).


D) Before going to a arrangement on the outskirts of the galaxy plough off jet-cone boost to brand certain that it is non one-way system. Also banking concern jibe the road for scoopable stars, so you lot volition non accidently teach stuck without a fuel. If the road cannot travel plotted without boosts and\or scoopable stars so plot a road to the closest arrangement for which both atmospheric condition are met, travel to it as well as exclusively from in that place begin to carefully plot the road to your destination.

E) If you lot are stuck without fuel:

I. Not plenty fuel for a jump:

The actions are written chronologically, so if you lot cannot perform a electrical flow endeavour the adjacent one.


1) Check the electrical flow arrangement for scoopable stars – scoop if they are presented.

2) Find the closest arrangement amongst scoopable stars as well as endeavour to restrain there.

3) Check the arrangement for neutron stars – boost if they are presented, as well as endeavour to restrain to the closest arrangement amongst scoopable stars.

4) Perform a max FSD injection as well as endeavour to restrain to the closest arrangement amongst scoopable stars (if you lot are nearly without fuel as well as the closest arrangement is farther than thirty years, this volition probable to travel a waste product of materials, so inwards such a instance I recommend to direct travel over to the final point).

5) Discard all cargo (if you lot have) as well as endeavour to restrain to the closest arrangement amongst scoopable stars.

6) Drop to normal space, deactivate all modules except life support, re-create the arrangement hollo as well as mail a asking to Fuel Rats. They volition give you lot farther instructions.

II. Ship systems are offline as well as oxygen countdown started:

If in that place are to a greater extent than than twenty minutes or tin sack inwards some mode accept your fourth dimension as well as create non rush, if less – create everything quick.


1) Check the possibility of oxygen synthesis, if you lot receive got plenty materials at to the lowest degree for 3 injections – everything is to a greater extent than oft than non fine. If non – create everything fifty-fifty to a greater extent than quick.

2) Copy system`s name, quit the game as well as mail a asking to Fuel Rats. They volition give you lot farther instructions.

F) If you lot were rotated to the heart as well as mortal during boosting from neutron star: slowdown to nothing (X past times default), exiting to normal space, deploy of a heatsink (if you lot receive got one), waiting for cooldown, going dorsum to supercruise on max speed (also endeavour to bespeak shipping at to the lowest degree perpendicularly to the jet).


G) If you lot were dropped out of supercruise past times exclusion zone during boosting from a white dwarf or a neutron star:

1) Quickly opened upwardly chore managing director as well as kill the game procedure (yes, this mode is non truly fair, but I create non mean value that this is a groundbreaking abuse, moreover your information as well as shipping are likewise precious to only travel lost, nevertheless, if you lot watch it every bit a cheating you lot tin sack skip points 1,2,5 as well as inwards 3 aim the escape vector correct away)

2) Restart the game, tentatively prepared the managing director for some other game killing.

3) You volition motion into amongst the prow of the shipping to the escape vector, so create non motion the shipping as well as only engage the charge, simultaneously deploying heatsinks (if you lot have) as well as repairing cockpit canopy (if you lot receive got AFMU).

4) After the accuse corrert your class to aim the espace vector as well as you lot volition receive got to rest focused on it nearly 0.2 seconds to escape.

5) If your canopy was breached (if you lot are inwards the bubble it is non truly a threat, but inwards the deep infinite it tin sack travel your demise) or powerfulness flora died or the tempreature exceeded 300%, kill the game procedure as well as repeat points 3-4 1 time again (the position out of tries varies from your luck as well as skills, you lot tin sack escape on the commencement endeavour or on the thirtieth).

H) If you lot create non receive got plenty restrain arrive at to restrain to the nearest star:


The actions are written chronologically, so if you lot cannot perform a electrical flow endeavour the adjacent one.

1) Check the arrangement for neutron stars – boost if they are presented, as well as endeavour to restrain to the closest system.

2) Perform a max FSD injection as well as endeavour to jump.

3) Discard all cargo (if you lot have) as well as endeavour to jump.

4) If all of the higher upwardly does non work, you lot are probable to travel inwards a one-way system. In fact in that place is exclusively 1 option: self-destruct as well as revival at the station. Nevertheless, you lot tin sack endeavour to contact Frontier Developmets support, as well as if you lot receive got non sent such requests earlier you lot mightiness travel recovered inwards the nearest arrangement from which you lot volition travel able to provide to the galaxy disk.


I) I you lot were dropped past times exclusion zone close the star as well as you lot desire to travel dorsum without spending a heatsink then: stand upwardly perpendicularly to the star, plough off all modules except thrusters, FSD, life-support (though if you lot receive got 10+ minutes you lot tin sack deactivate it too, every bit the whole procedure volition accept exclusively nearly thirty seconds) as well as those which eat 0% of liberate energy (scanners, heatsinks etc), engage FSD as well as accelerate forward, you lot should receive got nearly 60-80% oestrus flat during charge, afterward flying from the star activate all needed modules.

My Own Fails

The pictures inwards this department are non truly informative as well as inserted exclusively to foreclose it from becoming patently text. So you lot tin sack only read it as well as savour the views.

Yeah, it is pretty piece of cake to give advices but harder to enjoin nearly your ain mistakes as well as fails. I know that you lot desire to read nearly them, so hither they are:

Boosting Exclusion Zone Dropping


I was dropped to normal infinite past times exclusion zone during boosting 3 times as well as all 3 were close white dwarfs, that is why I strongly create non recommend to boost from them. First was on DBE non far from the bubble as well as I truly managed to escape during the commencement endeavour because the shipping is low-cal as well as easy-to-control. Second was on Python as well as though hull as well as modules were quite durable I flew out exclusively on the 2nd try. The final 1 has happened lately on Anaconda during the expedition as well as I receive got been truly frightned past times the case: the shipping is fully filled amongst diverse modules so itself truly heavy, as well as inwards add-on it has D-class thrusters. Plus, it had been already pretty damaged past times the fourth dimension I got inwards the jet, so escaping was a existent problem as well as I managed to create it exclusively on the half dozen or seven try.

Jet Turning


I truly was turned to the heart as well as mortal exclusively 1 fourth dimension as well as fifty-fifty so it was my fault drive I flew out of jet likewise early on as well as decided only to pitch the prow of the DBE 180 degrees to return. As a result, I was only sucked past times the jet as well as was piece of cake approaching the core. I dropped to nornal space, as well as though I was truly beingness shaked past times the jet I managed to bespeak the shipping nearly thirty degrees from the heart as well as mortal as well as flew out to a greater extent than oft than non fine amongst 70% of canopy as well as slight module damage

Stuck Without Fuel


I create non know how, but during all of the 2000 played hours I receive got never run out of fuel as well as called Fuel Rats. Either it is because I tend to install fuel scoop on nearly every shipping or because I am real cautious or because I am only lucky – I create non know. Though in that place was a instant when I was only about it. While I was exploring Black Fields[www.edsm.net] I was non truly careful as well as at some bespeak constitute out that I did non receive got plenty fuel to create 3 jumps to the scoopable star (the star density in that place is higly depression , plus, it is a dark hole cluster). I decided non to surrender so quick (after all, I had 25 min of oxygen as well as soundless pretty much fuel to powerfulness life-support for several hours, so fifty-fifty if I would neglect I could travel rescued) as well as jumped to the nearby arrangement which had Neutron Star 300 000 low-cal seconds from the cardinal dark hole. I got to the former, boosted as well as managed to escape to the closest scoopable star.

Stuck inwards the One-Way System


As amongst the previous point, it happend nothing times though I could potentially terminate upwardly inwards such province of affairs during trip to HL Lupis. It is distant catalogue arrangement which I idea I could teach to, but it turned out that it is truly one-way trip which requires boost cast the nearby (not truly nearby amongst 200 low-cal yr distance but whatever) neutron star. I was pretty dissapointed past times this fact but the dissapoinment could travel much to a greater extent than considarable if I truly entered the system.

Hitting Star’s Exclusion Zone After Entering the System


It happened countless times as well as truly loathe myself because of this. I tend to create something paralelly during long flights: non that I teach bored past times them but only why non create some shaver things field you lot receive got a form of gratis time. So, I am likewise lazy to hold back these 10 seconds of accuse as well as I only engage FSD as well as minimize the game until the restrain is finished. I normally grapple to wing out of the hitting class amongst normal stars but, every bit I receive got already mentioned, it does non operate amongst dark holes drive you lot receive got less than a 2nd to accept whatever actions earlier you lot are dropped. So, if you lot are every bit lazy every bit me only await at the star cast of the adjacent arrangement during accuse earlier leaving the game as well as brand certain it is non a dark hole. If it is – brand yourself hold back these couplet of seconds of accuse as well as press slowdown button. The dark holes are difficult to come upwardly across (even inwards the galactic center), so you lot volition non lose lots of fourth dimension past times these pocket-sized waitings.

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