Imperator : Rome – Tips and Tricks


Tips too Tricks


  • There are iii distinct types of countries that play real differently: Republics, Monarchies too Tribes.

  • Those too so receive got a discover of subtypes with unlike bonuses.

  • Only 1 of those worth mentioning is Migratory Tribe that has access to the unique migration mechanic.

  • Countries with the same regime type volition play real differently based on the populations every bit good every bit terrain inwards too simply about them.

  • Map is carve upwards into Cities.

  • Cities are grouped into Provinces.

  • Provinces too grouped into Regions.

  • Almost all interactions travel on on metropolis or province level.

  • Each province has a metropolis that is a province capital. They are marked with a white column on the map.

  • Each solid reason has their Capital Province too Capital Region based on where their Capital

  • City is located. Capital City is marked on them map with a white column adorned with a golden wreath.

  • Each solid reason has a ruler who’s abilities too traits may receive got a major lawsuit on the whole state.

  • Gold is generated yesteryear taxes too commerce (see: Pops, Trade) too spent on armies, fortifications too reward for characters, with other things.

  • Army upkeep volition live your main cost too a limiting factor.

  • Manpower is generated yesteryear sure pops too spent to reinforce your armies or prepare novel units.

  • Military, Civic, Oratory too Religious Powers are generated every calendar month based on the four matching abilities of your ruler with additional points for matching regime civics.

  • Each regime type has 2 or to a greater extent than civic slots to live filled with available bonuses for 50 oratory mightiness a piece.

  • Each of those slots has assigned a type based on a country’s government. Matching those types volition provide of import bonuses, including additional monthly mightiness income.

  • It’s of import to create total those asap.

  • New civics travel available upon reaching rank half-dozen too and so 12 of the matching research.

  • Countries are ranked yesteryear the discover of cities they control: City State, Local Power, Regional Power, Major Power too Great Power.

  • Each subsequent rank provides increasing bonuses too unlock novel diplomatic options.

  • Becoming a Regional Power (25 to 99 cities) doubles your governmental bonuses including ones to mightiness income. It is of import to gain that grade every bit shortly every bit possible.

  • Only countries of the same rank tin can live allies. For instance a Regional Power can’t ally with a Local Power, it tin can only guarantee it.

  • You are eliminated from the game yesteryear beingness annexed or losing a civil war.


  • Civil wars tin can live VERY scary too remove to live managed with utmost caution.

  • There are no slice deals inwards civil wars – side loses when it runs out of territory.

  • Territory taken inwards a civil state of war siege instantly switches to the besieger. There is no business similar with normal war.

  • In Diplomacy hide (F7) you lot tin can switch your diplomatic stance for a base of operations cost of 100 oratory power. Bonuses they provide may live real important depending on your situation.

  • Stability is decent, but non nearly every bit crucial every bit inwards EU4.

  • Declaring an early state of war without a casus belli is a valid strategy most of the time, but has some limitations (See: Military)

  • At the same fourth dimension religious mightiness is ordinarily something you lot receive got plenty of to spare.

  • Aggressive expansion upwards to 50 points tin can live managed fairly easily if you lot assimilate your newly conquered pops fast enough. It volition mess with your trading tho.

  • Past 50 points aggressive expansion starts to increment all your mightiness costs, so it would live expensive to remain that way for long.

  • Tyranny tin can live real hard to larn rid of to whatever solid reason that isn’t an Aristocratic Monarchy. Avoid when necessary, the bonuses it provides are non worth it.

  • Value of unlike mightiness points tin can vary greatly based on your solid reason too overall situation, but Civic seems to live almost ever a frontrunner.


  • Your solid reason volition receive got a discover of of import characters inwards it taking roles of rulers, governors, generals, regime officials every bit good every bit pretenders too rebels.

  • Characters are carve upwards into families.

  • Families tin can travel scorned causing all their members to slow lose loyalty if less than 2% of province income is paid to them.

  • You won’t live able to travel along all the families happy, but it volition live wise to satisfy the most powerful ones.

  • Wages are paid to characters every bit a % of province income based on their job. Government officials too researchers larn 1%, generals too admirals larn 2% too a leader gets 5%.

  • Each grapheme has a discover of statistics that depict them, including abilities, traits too personal relations with other characters.

  • They also receive got their personal wealth used to pay for their ain troops too inwards some events.

  • Martial Ability is real of import for generals too admirals. Three points of divergence are plenty to offset crossing a river into a mountain. Make sure your best generals struggle your most crucial battles.

  • Finesse is crucial for governors inwards provinces with pops you lot desire to assimilate (change their civilization to yours).

  • Zeal is crucial for governors inwards provinces with pops you lot desire to convert (change their faith to yours).

  • All four abilities of your ruler influence your monthly mightiness income yesteryear adding one-half of that discover rounded down.

  • Traits tin can receive got unlike effects based on characters business – rulers, governors too generals, respectively. They tin can also add together special rules I.e. “Honest” characters can’t live bribed.

  • Your ruler is also considered a governor of all the provinces inwards your Capital Region.

  • Keep a closed pump on a loyalty of your generals too governors including modifiers that touching it.

  • Cohorts volition on occasion travel personally loyal to full general too you lot won’t live able to disband the or bring them from their command.

  • Loyal cohorts are paid for yesteryear the grapheme using their personal wealth, but they nevertheless reinforce using province manpower (except clan retinues). Disloyal full general with xx cohorts running simply about the desert may drain your manpower reserve inwards a span of months.

  • If the full general runs out of coin or dies the cohorts volition render to the state.

  • Each loyal cohort provides a stacking drain on character’s loyalty.

  • Characters below 33 loyalty volition live considered disloyal too volition seek to start a civil war.

  • You cannot unassign characters 1 time they travel disloyal. If 33% of your regular army is nether the command of disloyal generals a timer for the civil state of war volition start.

  • Giving a grapheme a chore volition increment their loyalty yesteryear 20. Sacking them volition lower it yesteryear 20.

  • This tin can live real of import for pretenders, clan chiefs too political party leaders.

  • Corruption is some other affair to travel along runway off. It volition increment grapheme reward every bit a base of operations lawsuit but it gets worse for rulers too governors. It also enables a discover of nasty events.

  • Corruption of the ruler volition increment all mightiness costs piece they’re inwards charge.

  • Corruption of governors volition severally increment unrest inwards all the cities nether his or her administration.

  • As a ruler you lot tin can endeavor to brand friends with other characters. It helps with their loyalty too with back upwards of the senate inwards republics.

  • Attempting to befriend someone causes iii consecutive events to can ranging from real proficient (ruler giving their friend-to-be some of their wealth) to real bad (+5 tyranny).

  • As of 1.0 you lot seem to receive got to ever pick the most meaningful alternative to succeed.

  • Otherwise you lot ever fail.

  • If you lot are forced to travel yesteryear on 1 of the friendship events (to avoid tyranny for example) simply travel yesteryear on the relaxation too endeavor 1 time again hoping for the ameliorate set.

  • Characters volition sometimes receive got an ambition that volition touching their stats too which fulfillment tin can receive got some additional effects.

  • There are likewise many large too pocket-size interactions betwixt statistics themselves too other elements of the game to include them all here, so endeavor to read the tooltips.


  • Each pop has iii defining characteristics: type, civilization too religion.

  • Base happiness is 20% for citizens, 25% for freemen too 100% for both Tribesmen too Slaves.

  • Base happiness is too so changed yesteryear type-specific, culture-specific too religion-specific modifiers resulting inwards the happiness value for each too every pop.

  • Average happiness of each pop type (citizens, slaves etc.) inwards the metropolis determines the base of operations output of that pop type. (I.e. 2 citizens with happiness of 100 too 1 with happiness of forty volition outcome with base of operations output of 240/3=80 for that whole strata).

  • Bonuses to pop output are multiplicative rather than additive (I.e. +10% citizen output with average 50% happiness volition only outcome inwards 55% output) only reaching their total potential when average happiness is 100%)

  • Happiness of a pop can’t travel over 100% too excess happiness doesn’t count for average happiness of the pop type inwards the city.

  • Bonuses to happiness are ameliorate than ones to output when the onetime is low, but travel worthless 1 time it’s maxed out.

  • Every unmarried pop with happiness below 50% volition create unrest inwards the metropolis (see: Cities too Provinces)

  • Culture of the pop has yesteryear far the most impact on its happiness.

  • Happiness of pops of the main civilization are only affected yesteryear country’s Tyranny score every bit good every bit depression ruler’s popularity.

  • Happiness of pops of the incorrect civilization but of the same civilization grouping gets a 10% hitting too and so too additional 0,5% for every betoken of Aggressive Expansion score.

  • Happiness of pops of the incorrect civilization grouping gets a 30% hitting too and so too additional 1% for every betoken of Aggressive Expansion score.

  • Assimilating pops to your civilization is crucial for making them productive too your existent stable.

  • Best way to assimilate pops is using a “Cultural Assimilation” policy inwards the province, but you lot tin can also manually assimilate them for the base of operations cost of xx oratory mightiness per pop when necessary, but it gets real expensive real soon.

  • Happiness hitting for incorrect faith caps out at 15% (5% for incorrect province faith too 10% for incorrect faith of the local governor).

  • Wrong faith with pops volition lower your religious unity too thence touching your omen power, but that’s nearly it.

  • Best way to convert pops is using a “Religious Conversion” policy inwards the province, but you lot tin can also manually convert them for the base of operations cost of xx religious mightiness per pop when necessary.

  • Pops tin can live promoted from tribesmen too slaves to freemen every bit good every bit from freemen to citizens for the base of operations cost of 10 oratory power.

  • Pop type makeup of your cities tin can live also affected yesteryear “Civilization Effort” too “Social Mobility” edicts.

  • “Civilization Effort” gradually turns tribesmen into slaves too freemen with a speed based on civilization grade of the city.

  • “Social Mobility” volition slow residuum out the discover or citizens, freemen too slaves inwards the cities without affecting tribesmen.

  • Citizens are the only pop that produces enquiry points. They also create some commerce income.

  • Citizens’ base of operations happiness of 20% is modified yesteryear the civilization value of their city. Which makes them quite like shooting fish in a barrel or real hard to delight based on a solid reason you lot play.

  • Freemen are your main rootage of manpower, but they don’t create anything else.

  • Freemen’ base of operations happiness of 25 is modified yesteryear the one-half of the civilization value of their city. That makes them quite like shooting fish in a barrel or hard to delight based on a solid reason you lot play.

  • Other happiness bonuses for freemen are easier to come upwards yesteryear than the ones for citizens.

  • Tribesmen provide both manpower too tax, but non every bit much every bit freemen or slaves respectively.

  • Tribesmen start with basic happiness of 100%, but it is lowered yesteryear the civilization value of the city. You desire to start getting rid of them 1 time your civilization values start reaching the 40s.

  • Slaves provide taxation too tin can create merchandise proficient surpluses inwards cities (see: Cities too Provinces)

  • Slaves start with 100% base of operations happiness too receive got no inherent modifiers.

  • Unhappy slaves tin can revolt. If non defeated apace they volition enlist slaves from provinces they occupy bolstering their numbers.

  • Pops tin can live moved betwixt cities inside the province or neighboring cities (even betwixt provinces) for the base of operations cost of five civic mightiness for slaves too xx civic mightiness for others.

  • As of game version 1.0 at that spot are no like shooting fish in a barrel way to hold back through all those pop feature at 1 place, but at that spot are few views that when combined volition give you lot a closed to total picture:

  • Nation hide (F1) allows you lot to encounter how many pops of each type are inwards every province too metropolis (upon hovering over the province number).

  • Nation screen’s (F1) total discover of pops volition listing the religion+culture grouping of pops inwards your patch when hovered over.

  • Religion screen’s (F6) Religious Unity value volition tell you lot how many pops of incorrect faith are inwards your solid reason when hovered over.

  • Switching to civilization mapmode (T) too hovering over cities volition listing the inhabiting pops yesteryear their cultures too carve upwards into pop types.

  • Switching to faith mapmode (Y) too hovering over cities volition listing the inhabiting pops yesteryear their religions too carve upwards into pop types.

  • Going into Macro Builder (top left of the screen, simply nether the flag) too selecting “Convert” or “Assimilate” activity volition allow you lot to apace highlight the cities that receive got the pops of incorrect civilization or religion. Hovering over those cities volition provide similar details to ones shown using mapmodes above.

  • Similar technique tin can live employed to hold back for those elusive tribesmen afterward inwards the game.

Cities too Provinces

  • Each metropolis has an assigned terrain type too a merchandise proficient produced. All the other stats are dependent to change.

  • For each fifteen slaves inwards the metropolis (base value) it volition create too additional “copy” of its merchandise good.

  • That discover tin can live affected yesteryear local (I.e. -2 for “Farmland” type of terrain) every bit good every bit country-wide modifiers.

  • First re-create of each resources produced inwards the province volition ever remain at that spot providing bonuses to all the cities inwards it, but the subsequent ones (be it via multiple cities producing the same affair or yesteryear slave-induced surplus) tin can live traded away. (See: Trade).

  • For each 10 pops inwards the metropolis you lot tin can create an additional building.

  • Marketplaces volition increment taxation too commerce income every bit good every bit both electrical flow too max civilization value.

  • They run best inwards cities with a lot of slaves and/or citizens too inwards provinces that import/export a lot. Very useful for increasing the civilization value when needed.

  • Training camps increment local manpower too inwards plough both maximum too monthly manpower of your country.

  • Training camps only brand feel inwards cities with a lot of freemen or (less likely) tribesmen.

  • Fortresses are also buildings so you lot tin can only create them if at that spot are costless slots inwards the metropolis too the province is loyal. (See: Military)

  • Fortresses also cost a pretty penny every month, so endeavor non to create to many too cheque every other state of war or so if you lot shouldn’t demolish some of the conquered ones.

  • Granaries mainly serve to provide pop growth, but with the electrical flow 0.06% increment it would bring a unmarried granary 138 years to create a unmarried pop. Spam responsibly.

  • Each metropolis has a civilization value betwixt 0 too the max (hover over greenish bar nether the discover to cheque it).

  • Civilization value increases population growth too render boundary every bit good every bit affects the happines of the pops inwards the city(see: Pops).

  • Civilization grade volition ordinarily slow climb towards the max. It tin can live sped upwards using “Civilization Effort” province edict.

  • Civilization grade tin can travel downward rapidly if it’s pillaged. Even to a greater extent than so if it is done yesteryear the AI controlled neutral barbarians that periodically spawn inwards parts of the map. Check barbarian mightiness mapmode (Ctrl+Q).

  • If your province borders a barbarian stronghold too your civilization value is high plenty (not sure nearly exact numbers) your “Civilization Effort” edict volition gain some other lawsuit – gamble of increasing the civilization value of the stronghold eventually resulting inwards its destruction.

  • Dominant civilization too faith of the province is determined yesteryear the most numerous alternative with all the pops regardless of their type. In instance of the pull at that spot volition live no change.

  • As of 1.0 both dominant civilization too faith don’t properly update, oftentimes taking months or fifty-fifty years. You tin can strength an update yesteryear manually assimilating or converting a pop inwards the city. (see: Pops).

  • Each metropolis is a business office of the province, which is a business office of a region.

  • Each province has an automatically generated majuscule – it’s most populous province at the given time. It has to live conquered to allow demanding the whole province inwards the peace deal.

  • If province is carve upwards betwixt multiple states each of those parts volition receive got its ain majuscule for the fourth dimension being.

  • All provinces inwards the part portion the same governor.

  • Capital part has the ruler every bit its governor.

  • Governor policies are applied to every province separately too are changed yesteryear the AI every fourth dimension a novel governor is appointed (except for majuscule region).

  • Changing a governor policy costs base of operations 50 oratory mightiness too an additional 1 tyranny when done exterior majuscule region.

  • Choose your governors wisely. Young (to preclude having to alter the policies after an old appointee dies), loyal, non corrupt with high Finesse (for assimilation) too Zeal (if conversion is needed) is what you’re looking for.

  • Each metropolis has an unrest score affected yesteryear unhappy pops (see: Pops), corrupt governors (see: Characters), state of war exhaustion, laws, local modifiers, edicts too others.

  • Positive unrest score of the metropolis volition touching city’s output every bit good every bit lower the loyalty of the province the city. The loyalty hitting volition live based on the % of the province population living inwards the city.

  • If the province loyalty falls below 33 it becomes disloyal disabling almost all the interactions, including ones that would allow you lot to rectify the problem.

  • Your majuscule province is ever loyal.

  • 33% of the pops lives inwards disloyal provinces too subjects a countdown to the civil state of war volition start.

  • Turing a province from disloyal to loyal may bring a piece so it’s of import to monitor the loyalty earlier it’s likewise late.

  • The brusque term solution is changing governor policy to Local Autonomy or/and lowering the local unrest yesteryear changing laws or activating a proper omen.

  • Since the most mutual crusade of unrest are unhappy citizens of incorrect civilization grouping the best long term solution is using “Cultural Assimilation” governor policy to slow but certainly disarm the problem.

  • Colonization is done yesteryear moving a unmarried pop to the novel metropolis using a “Colonize” push on its interface. It costs base of operations xx civic power.

  • To colonize a metropolis you lot remove to receive got a neighboring 1 (be it yesteryear solid reason or sea) with at to the lowest degree 10 pops too a dominant civilization too faith matching the province one.

  • It may live beneficial to motion some slaves simply about or manually convert some pops to enable colonization.


  • Citizens are the only rootage of research points.

  • Your majuscule city, province too part each provide a serious, stacking modifier to citizen output, so getting a lot of citizens closed or inwards your real capital, making them happy too and so showering them with farther enquiry betoken bonuses is a proficient way to boost your tech.

  • Same goes for other provinces with a lot of citizens – importing some papyrus at that spot tin can exercise wonders.

  • Most of import value for enquiry is Research Efficiency – a ratio of enquiry points produced inwards the solid reason inwards a twelvemonth to the total discover of pops inwards it.

  • Research Efficiency tooltip is confusing. The 1st discover is a yearly enquiry output which is simply Research Points (as shown to the left of it) multiplied yesteryear 12.

  • That inwards plough gives a Monthly Research value which is too so affected yesteryear enquiry speed multipliers every bit shown following to every enquiry type.

  • Most effective bonuses are ordinarily Research Point ones (since they 10 to receive got higher values), too so global enquiry speed bonuses too live on ones affecting only 1 of advances.

  • Make sure to periodically cheque your assigned researchers – every unmarried betoken of the mightiness inwards enquiry gives you lot additional 10% speed – an amount hard to come upwards yesteryear using other means.

  • Each grade of advances gives the stacking bonus inwards its champaign (hover over “Current level: x” too a greenish bar for details).

  • Each grade also gives access to iii predefined inventions.

  • Inventions tin can live picked upwards for a base of operations cost of 100 oratory mightiness each.

  • As of 1.0 only iii inventions per advance type are accessible with the of late unlocked replacing the older, unpicked ones.

  • To live able to pick the older inventions you lot remove to “dig” for them yesteryear selecting the newer ones until you lot gain the ones you lot want.

  • Depending on your enquiry speed and(to lesser extent) oratory mightiness income you lot may struggle to travel along upwards with the torrent of novel inventions.

  • Value of inventions varies a lot, both situationally too objectively, so pick out them wisely too cherish every betoken of civic power, peculiarly if your enquiry speed is upwards to par.

  • You tin can larn “ahead of time” inwards your enquiry resulting inwards increased cost of novel advances too serious diminishing returns.

  • Still – bonuses provided yesteryear each grade are powerful, peculiarly the armed services one.

  • In full general smaller too slower to expand nations volition enquiry to a greater extent than apace piece to a greater extent than expansionist ones too bigger may struggle. Especially if they’re tribes that receive got difficulty keeping their citizens happy.


  • Cities create predefined trade goods at base of operations charge per unit of measurement of 1 per city

  • For every fifteen slaves inwards the metropolis (base value) that metropolis volition create some other “copy” of its merchandise good.

  • In some situations it may live worth it to motion some slaves inwards social club to create a surplus of a fundamental resource. (See: Pops)

  • Trade goods are managed on the grade of provinces.

  • First re-create of every merchandise proficient produced inwards the province volition remain at that spot too provide local bonuses to all the cities inwards that province.

  • Subsequent copies of a merchandise proficient brand upwards a surplus that provides additional, albeit smaller bonuses for every re-create present.

  • Surplus merchandise goods tin can live exported both internally to your unlike provinces too extrenally.

  • First re-create of every merchandise proficient exported abroad provides a unique country-wide bonus.

  • First surplus inwards the majuscule province also provides a unique country-wide bonus, ordinarily fifty-fifty to a greater extent than powerful one.

  • You tin can block other countries from requesting your majuscule surplus goods yesteryear switching a toggle inwards the acme correct corner of the Trade hide (F9).

  • Specific bonuses are of real unlike value depending on the solid reason too the situation.

  • Both importing too exporting goods provides you lot with commerce value.

  • Commerce income provided yesteryear trading goods tends to scale much faster with expansion than taxation income.

  • To import goods a province needs to receive got a costless trading route available. Those are created yesteryear laws, inventions, achieving a mightiness rank, governor policies other solid reason modifiers too fifty-fifty events.

  • Creating a merchandise route costs base of operations 25 civic power, but that cost tin can live lowered yesteryear selecting a mercantile diplomatic stance on diplomacy hide (F7)

  • Capital province merchandise routes are yesteryear far the most of import too almost ever worth spending the civic mightiness to utilize.

  • You tin can only import goods from countries inwards your diplomatic range. It gets bigger every bit you lot climb the mightiness ranking.

  • Diplomatic gain tin can live seen both using a diplomacy mapmode too yesteryear selecting a merchandise route from the province menu. It is shown every bit the lighter shade of gray.

  • As of 1.0 diplomatic gain seems borderline broken inwards some places so your milage may vary.

  • Import asking from other countries are based on their diplomatic range, non yours.

  • Non-capital merchandise routes tin can live real useful every bit well, but I’d advice throttle considering their cost.

  • As of 1.0 AI tends NOT to intermission trades when they start hating you, but they’ll live automatically canceled when you lot terminate upwards at state of war with your partner, or the metropolis that produced the proficient you lot import changes hands. It may terminate upwards costing you lot quite a lot of civic mightiness if you lot aren’t careful.

  • At the same fourth dimension high aggressive expansion resulting inwards lowered sentiment volition preclude you lot from establishing novel international merchandise routes. It may live wise to permit it tick downward and/or to improve relations with fundamental futurity partners (*cough

    Egypt *cough*) betwixt the serial of wars.

  • Importing from other provinces to your majuscule is oftentimes a proficient idea. You may review your electrical flow exports inwards merchandise tab (F9) too perhaps cancel an export understanding of something you lot remove at that spot every bit it volition non exhibit upwards on the province merchandise route screen.

  • Both high too depression commerce taxation settings inwards Economy tab (F6) tin can live quite useful peculiarly early on.

  • Additional import routes provided yesteryear “Free Trade” setting volition easily provide plenty income to pay for that -15% debuff few times over, but you lot remove to receive got both goods to import too civic mightiness to burn. Use with caution too merchandise route cost discounts.

  • “Transaction Taxation” on the other manus gives a basically costless +15% commerce income to countries that are nowhere nigh getting fifteen slaves inwards 1 of their provinces.

  • If a armed services unit of measurement requires an access to a merchandise resources to live built, you lot won’t live able to reinforce it if you lot lose access to it.


  • Countries are ranked yesteryear the discover of cities they control: City State, Local Power, Regional Power, Major Power too Great Power.

  • Diplomacy is express yesteryear diplomatic range. You tin can extend it via inventions too yesteryear climbing the ranks every bit world’s power. As of 1.0 it seems to live off at times, peculiarly on the eastern side of the map.

  • Diplomatic options available to you lot alter with your rank.

  • Only countries of the same rank tin can live allies. For instance a Regional Power can’t ally with a Local Power, it tin can only guarantee it.

  • Opinion punishment given to you lot yesteryear aggressive expansion volition live the main limiting factor inwards your diplomacy.

  • Aggressive expansion decays over fourth dimension yesteryear 0.20% of its electrical flow value when you’re at peace. It may live a lot or real petty depending on how much of it you lot have.

  • Additional aggressive expansion decay tin can live provided yesteryear your regime officials, inventions or fifty-fifty merchandise goods. That form industrial plant both at peace too at war.

  • You tin can slow improve sentiment of other solid reason yesteryear upwards to base of operations 50 points yesteryear paying a base of operations cost of 50 oratory cost. Both the amount too the cost tin can live changed via diverse modifiers.

  • Increasing improve sentiment maximum also increases the measuring inwards which the sentiment is gained.

  • Increasing sentiment is twice every bit effective towards your subjects.

  • You tin can also improve sentiment yesteryear 25 yesteryear sending a gift, but travel along inwards hear that it is capped at 25 so subsequent gifts volition only refresh the bonus.

  • There is discover of dependent types providing unlike bonuses, but travel along inwards hear that neither Tributaries non Tribal Vassals tin can live integrated.

  • Other dependent tin can live integrated after 10 years too reaching 190 opinion.

  • Integration takes at base of operations speed four months per every pop inwards the dependent country.

  • Base integration speed tin can live doubled yesteryear picking Subjugative Stance too for every five points of Diplomatic Reputation.

  • Each betoken of Diplomatic Reputation increases the likelihood that out diplomatic offering volition live accepted yesteryear 1. It’s non nearly every bit powerful every bit inwards EU4. It also speeds upwards dependent integration.

  • Each solid reason has a diplomatic stance that tin can live alter for the base of operations cost of 100 oratory mightiness inwards the Diplomacy tab (F6).

  • Bellicose Stance volition allow you lot to salve xx oratory mightiness on claim creation, but it’s main utilisation is lowering the warscore cost inwards peace deals which may allow you lot to bring to a greater extent than solid reason at the same time. Keep that alternative inwards hear when putting together a peace deal.

  • Appeasing Stance doubles your innate aggressive expansion decay (it only happens at peace!) too lowers the cost of improving relations yesteryear 12 oratory mightiness a piece. It seems most useful after a long conquering spree when nosotros desire to live able to exercise merchandise with the basis again.

  • Mercantile Stance significantly increment the commerce income too allows to salve seven points of civic mightiness per merchandise route created piece it’s active. Good selection when we’re struggling with coin too outright necessery 1 if nosotros project design on creating a lot of merchandise routes (See: Trade).

  • Subjugative Stance, every bit mentioned above, doubles the base of operations speed of dependent integration.

  • You tin can fabricate a claim on a province for the base of operations cost of 200 oratory power.

  • You tin can declare a state of war without a claim, but it volition cost you lot 2 stability. It tin can live worth if oratory mightiness is to a greater extent than valuable to you lot than the religious 1 (it ordinarily is).

  • “Show Superiority” cassus belli volition brand all the solid reason taken inwards the peace bargain cost iii times the normal amount of warscore.

  • Taking solid reason of a dependent province inwards a state of war costs double to warscore.

  • Declaring the state of war with a claim lowers the warscore cost yesteryear 25%.

  • You remove at to the lowest degree 10 warscore to live able to demand anything inwards a peace deal.

  • “Length of the war” volition brand peacing out apace difficult, unless you lot attain total victory.

  • To live able to demand a province inwards a peace bargain you lot remove to conquer its majuscule (marked yesteryear a white column too mentioned on the peace bargain screen) too all the forts inwards it. You don’t remove to conquer whatever other city.

  • You tin can also demand unmarried cities, but you lot remove to direct command all of them.

  • You cannot demand territory you lot won’t live able to gain via solid reason or bounding main (military access too subjects or allies exercise NOT count).

  • You cannot fabricate a claim on such lands either, otherwise you’re simply express yesteryear diplomatic range.


  • Each solid reason follows 1 of the armed services traditions. Few countries tin can alter those via scripted events, but the vast bulk is stuck with what they got.

  • Each tradition provides a starting bonus you lot tin can cheque yesteryear hovering over a moving painting inwards the acme correct corner of the Military tab (F3).

  • You tin can only select a tradition of the 1 to a higher house it has been taken. You don’t receive got to focus on a unmarried column tho.

  • Base cost of the tradition is 800 armed services points too increases yesteryear 50% for every tradition already selected.

  • Each grade of Military Advances (See: Research) lowers the cost of armed services traditions yesteryear 25%, so it may live wise to stockpile armed services points for a longer piece if the bonuses aren’t forthwith needed.

  • Traditions on acme of diverse scrap bonuses provide access to unique abilities too tactics for our armies.

  • Armies are made of diverse cohorts, each with unlike cost, requirements, statistics, abilities too scrap match-ups vs. one-another.

  • Some cohorts require specific resources or fifty-fifty traditions to recruit.

  • If you lot lack the required merchandise resources needed to recruit a cohort you lot won’t live able to replenish the ones you lot already have.

  • Armies motion at the speed of its slowest units, so too regular army of 10 low-cal cavalry volition motion at the speed of four piece the same regular army with 1 additional low-cal infantry volition motion at speed of 2.

  • Maneuver determines how many tiles to the side a cohort tin can onset during the battle.

  • Unit with maneuver of 1 volition only live able to struggle enemy correct inwards front end of it every bit good every bit its neighbors on both sides, piece a cohort with maneuver of five tin can gain upwards to xi enemy cohorts (1 inwards front end too five on each side).

  • More numerous regular army with high maneuver units on the flanks tin can apace overwhelm a superior but shorter enemy line.

  • Keep inwards hear the bonuses too debuffs unlike cohorts endure against other unit of measurement types.

  • Your heavy infantry may express joy at enemy low-cal infantry, but their Equus caballus archers is an alone unlike thing.

  • In the acme correct corner of the regular army hide you lot tin can switch a tactic used yesteryear that army.

  • Each patch has access to 5+ tactics too novel ones tin can live sometimes unlocked via traditions.

  • Try to counter an enemy tactic or at to the lowest degree non allow an enemy to counter yours – it may plough a potential win into a costly defeat.

  • You tin can hover over tactic effectiveness discover below the tactic’s icon to encounter what constitutes it.

  • Tactic effectiveness is of secondary importance every bit it only comes into lawsuit if you lot managed to counter too is utterly worthless inwards 2 other cases.

  • Keep an pump on river crossings too terrain, those tin can crusade harsh penalties for the assailant inwards combat.

  • An regular army besieging a fort is considered an assailant inwards every battle inwards the province.

  • You remove to receive got at to the lowest degree 5000 men per grade of the fort to besiege it. Keep attrition inwards mind.

  • Check if the enemy fort isn’t undermanned. Sometimes assaulting it (base cost: xx armed services power) may live a ameliorate option.

  • Only sure unit of measurement types tin can onset the city.

  • Forts provide a zone of command to all cities simply about themselves. Those tin can live viewed using fortification mapmode (Ctrl+T).

  • An regular army inwards a zone of command tin can only motion the the side yesteryear side fort or dorsum to the metropolis it came from.

  • Battle outcome indicators on the map tin can live useful, but they aren’t ever right.

  • Army (and navy) without an assigned commander volition endure a 25% morale penalty.

  • Military science of the commander is extremely important. iii betoken divergence inwards commander science with offset attacking across the river into mountains.

  • Only 1, best commander volition genuinely Pb inwards the battle,


  • Economy tab (F6) provides a lot of useful data so brand sure to give it a read

  • All of the economical policies tin can live switched inwards an instant for costless so experience costless to utilisation them.

  • But travel along inwards hear that armies, forts too fleets volition non replenish their lost men or morale inwards an instant.

  • Deficit volition give you lot nasty modifiers every bit good every bit periodic bad events – avoid every bit much every bit possible.

  • Most of your income is a outcome of pop too merchandise direction so hold back for clues there.


  • Religious mightiness is used for stability, omens, manual pop conversion too inwards some events. It’s ordinarily 1 of the to a greater extent than plentiful powers.

  • Each faith has the same omens, simply named differently.

  • You should ordinarily gauge omens based on how hard to obtain that form of boost would live yesteryear other means.

  • By that the 2 most powerful ones are a pop growth 1 (for a long term) every bit good every bit a national unrest 1 (when risking a civil state of war due to disloyal provinces) too the bailiwick 1 (when inwards a genuinely tough war).

  • Others tin can live situationally useful every bit well, but should live approached with some reserve.

  • Base omen duration is five years too tin can live increased with modifiers

  • That beingness said longer omen duration locks us out of changing the omen when nosotros may remove it for a pocket-size exercise goodness of saving a flake of religious power.

  • Omen mightiness is based on religious unity so it’s prissy to convert your pops, but it’s non nearly every bit of import every bit assimilation so focus on that 1 first.

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