War Thunder – Ammo Guide


Ammo Guide


For German linguistic communication tanks your main ammo is ever APCBC. This is ordinarily the stock circular but oft you’ll unlock a improve version. It volition receive got plenty penetration for almost every target y'all come across on the battlefiled, spell also having swell lethal effects afterward penetration amongst its explosive filler.


APCR is useful equally a backup to penetrate those tanks y'all otherwise can’t pen. It’s non adept equally a main circular because its afterward penetration effects are limited, making it harder to larn 1 or 2 shot kills. Also, it loses velocity together with penetration rattling speedily at longer ranges, making it non rattling adept equally a long arrive at round.


Short barreled howtizers should ever move HEAT equally a main ammo. They volition receive got to a greater extent than penetration than APCBC fired out of the same gun.


But those guns should also deport to a greater extent than or less company shot (to supersede APCR since they don’t receive got those) to hold upwardly able to shoot through obstacles, fifty-fifty at reduced functioning (HEAT can’t become through fences or trees).


HE is useful for taking out soft targets unless 1. You receive got MGs, because together with so y'all tin simply hose the truck amongst y'all MGs 2. You receive got a howitzer together with burn HEAT, because the HEAT has sufficient HE effects 3. You receive got an autocannon, because together with so y'all tin simply hose the truck amongst your autocannon. Even together with so y'all volition never move it. But for tanks similar the StuG that don’t receive got HE, having your showtime shot overpen the enemy truck together with so having your instant shot hold upwardly HE is much improve than firing iii or iv APCBC into the truck earlier killing it.


Autocannons should ever move HVAP. It ensures y'all receive got the penetration to harm an enemy vehicle, together with the charge per unit of measurement of burn agency that y'all tin simply hose the enemy vehicle to ensure a kill.


Smoke rounds are i of the most underused ammunition types inwards the game. Proper fume circular usage tin enable y'all to push clit of plays otherwise impossible. They’re work ordinarily requires a squadmate on phonation coms though. For example, y'all may hold upwardly taking longe arrive at burn from a sniper that keeps y'all from advancing on a cap point. Fire your showtime circular at it, if it doesn’t neutralize the sniper charge upwardly smoke, fume his position, together with so advance on the cap point.

You desire at to the lowest degree twenty rounds of main ammo (APCBC or HEAT), v rounds of backup ammo (APCR or APCBC), 1 circular of HE (if y'all deport it), together with 2 rounds of fume (if y'all receive got it).

Personally I’ve alone ever needed to a greater extent than than twenty rounds of ammo when I’m doing actually good together with non dying or when I’m sniping. v rounds of backup ammo is sufficient to larn 1 or 2 kills on heavy armor, together with you’ll almost never move the HE, but when y'all ask it y'all ask it. Smoke is opportunistic but when y'all produce move it 1 circular is never enough.

The exact loadout volition depend on the tank you’re using together with how it’s ammo racks are modeled. That’s what nosotros volition become into now.

Battle Rating 1.0/Reserve


Ammo available: PzGr. APHE; Pzgr. forty APCR

Ammo racks: 1 round; 21 rounds; 41 rounds; 61 rounds; 79 rounds; 99 rounds; 117 rounds.

Notes: at 61 rounds the turret together with left hull are empty. When fishing the tank’s armor, angle it to the correct so the left side is exposed, non the right.

My recomendations: Carry 41 rounds total. 21 rounds of PzGr APHE together with twenty rounds of Pzgr forty APCR. The Pz. III B’s 37mm gun has express penetration which agency carrying plenty of APCR is of import inwards add-on to the APHE, but y'all tin deport less APCR together with to a greater extent than APHE if y'all want. Meanwhile 2 carrying 21 rounds amount agency you’ll probable run out of i type of ammunition, together with 61 rounds is to a greater extent than than enough. 41 hits the sweetness spot.


Ammo available: Pzgr.34(t) APC; Pzgr.40 APCR; Pzgr.umg(t) APCBC

Ammo racks: 1 round; 37 rounds; 72 runds

Notes: Right side empty at 37 rounds. When fishing the armor angle it to the left to discover the right.

My recomendations: y'all likely guessed it; deport 37 rounds total. twenty rounds of Pzgr.umg(t) APCBC together with 17 rounds of Pzgr.40 APCR. If y'all haven’t unlocked the APCBC yet, move the Pzgr.34(t) APC inwards its house until y'all have, but the ii circular are identical salvage for increased penetration so unlock the novel circular ASAP. Again, this tank uses a 37mm amongst express penetration, so the APCR volition hold upwardly important.


Ammo available: Default API-T/HEFI-T; Pzgr. API-T; Pzgr.40 HVAP

Ammo racks: 1 magazine; 8 magazines; fifteen magazines

Notes: each periodical has 10 rounds. The default periodical alternates API-T together with HEFI-T 1:1.

My recomendations: y'all actually receive got no selection but to deport a amount charge of fifteen magazines, because 8 volition oft hold upwardly besides little. And all fifteen magazines should hold upwardly Pzgr. forty for max penetration. If y'all don’t receive got it unlocked, piece of work your way upwardly from default -> Pzgr -> Pzgr.40 belts equally y'all unlock them. You don’t receive got to worry close lethal effects because y'all tin simply spray downward the entire interior of an enemy vehicle. You don’t receive got to worry close the velocity together with penetration fall-off either because if you’re sniping inwards this tank you’re playing it wrong.

Battle Rating 1.3

Sd.Kfz.221 (aka. the squeezy boi)

Available ammo: 2.8/2cm Pzgr.41

Ammo racks: irrelevant (just continue reading)

Notes: The vehicle has 2 crewmembers

My recomendations: This tank is super easy. You alone receive got 1 selection of ammunition, together with because y'all receive got 2 crewmembers (one of whom is rattling exposed), practically whatever penetration agency expiry (you ask a minimum of 2 crewmembers hold upwardly inwards fellowship for y'all vehicle to count equally even so inwards play inwards Tank Realistic Battles). That agency y'all should simply deport the amount loadout of threescore rounds because ammo racks are an irrelevant concern.

Also: it’s called teh squeezy boi because the 20mm gun is a mash bore cannon, which agency that the barrel starts out at 2.8cm diameter together with gradually squeezes downward to 20mm for increased velocity together with thsu penetration.


Available ammo: Default API-T/HEFI-T; Pzgr API-T; Pzgr.40 HVAP.

Ammo racks: 1 magazine; 10 magazines; xviii magazines.

Notes: Magazines are 10 rounds each. Same rules equally the Pz.II C apply.

My recommendations: deport a amount charge of xviii HVAP magazines. Work your way upwardly from default -> Pzgr -> Pzgr.40 belts equally y'all unlock them.


Available ammo: K.Gr.rot Pz. APCBC; Hl.Gr.38 B HEAT; Sprgr.34 HE; K.Gr.rot Nb Smoke.

Ammo racks: 1 round; 9; 18; 27; 36; 45; 54; 63; 72; lxxx rounds.

Notes: First tank amongst amount various ammo options. It has a brusque 75mm howitzer gun. This agency main ammo is HEAT, secondary ammo is APCBC, together with y'all don’t ask HE.

My recomendations: Carry 27 rounds total. twenty rounds of HEAT, v rounds of APCBC, together with 2 rounds of Smoke.

Flakpanzer I

Available ammo: Default API-T/HEFI-T; Spgr HEFI-T; Pzgr API-T; Pzgr.40 HVAP

Ammo racks: irrelevant (same argue equally the squeezy boi).

Notes: the vehicle has 2 crewmembers. Each periodical carries twenty rounds.

My recomendations: deport a amount charge of xvi magazines of HVAP. If y'all don’t receive got it unlocked, skip the HEFI-T belt together with piece of work your way upwardly from default -> Pzgr -> Pzgr.40.


Available ammo: Pzgr.34(t) APC; Pzgr.40 APCR; Pzgr.(t)umg. APCBC.

Ammo racks: 1 round; 31 rounds; 61 rounds; ninety rounds.

My recomendations: deport 31 rounds total. twenty rounds of APCBC together with eleven rounds of APCR. If y'all don’t receive got the APCBC unlcoked move the APC until y'all have. The rounds ar eidentical except for penetration so unlock the novel circular asap.

Battle Rating 1.7

Panzerjager I

Available ammo: Pzgr36(t) APC; Pzgr.40 APCR.

Ammo racks: 1 round; 10; 26; 38; 50; 86 rounds.

Notes: y'all volition oft hold upwardly sniping inwards this vehicle.

My recomendations: deport 38 rounds total. I’d state 26 but if you’re sniping it’s probable to hold upwardly besides little. Carry xxx rounds of APC together with 8 rounds of APCR. You tin deport to a greater extent than APCR together with less APC if y'all prefer.


Available ammo: Pzgr APHE; Pzgr.40 APCR.

Ammo racks: 1 rounds; 27; 53; 79; 105 rounds.

My recomendations: deport 27 rounds total. twenty rounds of APHE together with vii rounds of APCR.

Battle Rating 2.0

Sturmpanzer II

Available ammo: J.Gr.38 HE; J.Gr.39 Hl/A HEAT.

Ammo racks: 1 round; 6; 10; 11; xviii rounds.

Notes; This tank has a 150mm howitzer. I’d state deport oestrus but this affair is so powerful y'all by together with large simply ask HE.

My recomendations: Carry a amount loadout of xviii rounds. Your main circular should hold upwardly HE, together with y'all volition even so wreck tanks frontally. But the HEAT has an awesome indicate blank/flat surface penetration of 185mm, so y'all should definitely accept a duad of those for the large bad heavies y'all mightiness encounter. I propose fifteen rounds of HE together with 3 rounds of HEAT, but it’s upwardly to you. You tin become amount either or together with even so produce well.


Available ammo: Pzgr.39 APC; Pzgr.40 APCR; Pzgr.40/1 APCR.

Ammo racks: 1 round; 25; 50; 75; 99 rounds.

Notes: The Pzgr.40/1 APCR, was historically speaking a cheaper alternative for the Pzgr.40 made of steel instead of tungsten for wartime production. In-game it has inferior penetration together with is hence an inferior together with useless round. That said, y'all should move it until y'all unlock the Pzgr.40.

My recomendations: deport 25 rounds total. twenty APC together with v APCR.


Available ammo: K.Gr.rot Pz. APCBC; Hl.Gr 38B HEAT; Sprgr.34 HE; Hl.Gr 38C HEAT; K.Gr.Rot Nb Smoke.

Ammo racks: 1 round; 9; 18; 27; 36; 45; 54; 63; 72; lxxx rounds.

Notes: This tank uses a brusque 75mm howitzer. HEAT volition hence hold upwardly the main circular together with HE is non needed. The Hl.Gr 38C HEAT is simply a improve version of the Hl.Gr 38B HEAT round. You should unlock it together with supersede asap.

My recomendations: Carry 27 rounds total. twenty HEAT, v APCBC, together with 2 smoke.

Flakpanzer 38

Available ammo: Default API-T/HEFI-T; Spgr. HEFI-T; Pzgr. API-T; Pzgr.40 HVAP-T.

Ammo racks: irrelevant

Notes: 20-round magazines. 2-man crew agency amount ammo complement. Autocannon agency no HE needed.

My recomendation: This writes itself now. Take a amount complement of 54 magazines of HVAP. You know the drill.

Pz.38(t) F

Everything is precisely the same equally the Pz.38(t) A. Carry 31 rounds total. twenty APCBC together with eleven APCR.

Battle Rating 2.3 (1 of which is inwards Rank II)


Available Ammo: Pzgr.39 APC; Pzgr.40/1 APCR; Pzgr.40 APCR.

Ammo racks: 1 round; 25 rounds; 50 rounds; 75 rounds; 99 rounds.

My recomendations: Carry 25 rounds total. twenty rounds of APC together with v rounds of APCR.

Pz.IV F1

Available ammo: K.Gr.rot Pz APCBC; Hl.Gr 38B; Sprgr.34; Hl.Gr 38C; K.Gr.Rot Nb.

Ammo racks: 1 round; 9; 18; 27; 36; 45; 54; 63; 72; lxxx rounds.

Notes: This tank has a brusque 75mm howitzer.

My recomendations: Carry 27 rounds total. twenty HEAT, v APCBC, together with 2 Smoke.


Available ammo: K.Gr.rot Pz APCBC; Hl.Gr 38B; Sprgr.34; Hl.Gr 38C; K.Gr.Rot Nb.

Ammo racks: 1 round; fifteen rounds; xxx rounds; 44 rounds.

Notes: This vehicle has a brusque 75mm howitzer.

My recomendations: Carry xxx rounds total. 23 HEAT, v APCBC, together with 2 Smoke.

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