Hearts of Iron IV 4 – Recommended Division Templates


Recommended Division Templates

The sectionalization template scheme is 1 of the substitution mechanics of Hearts of Iron IV. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 sectionalization is 1 basic unit of measurement depicted on the map during gameplay. The composition of each sectionalization is specified yesteryear its sectionalization template. Division templates tin hold upwards created together with modified yesteryear the actor using spending regular army experience. The composition of your sectionalization tin brand or pause a battle.

Where together with How to Edit Division Templates

You tin edit sectionalization templates yesteryear going to:

Recruit Deploy: Then click “Edit” on the desired division.


Each sectionalization has a sectionalization template.

Here is an instance of a seven Infantry – 2 Artilery sectionalization template:


Reset: Reset the edits you’ve made but haven’t saved.

Duplicate: Create some other sectionalization template exactly similar this 1 without spending regular army experience, useful if you lot wish to brand a novel sectionalization template patch soundless keeping this one.

The three Arrows: Red is for backup units, they are the in conclusion to have lineament equipment, white is for normal units, together with xanthous is for elite units, they are the outset to have lineament equipement (new weapons or of you’re lacking equipment they volition hold upwards the outset 1 to hold upwards filled). You tin manually withdraw which divisions you lot consider to hold upwards elite, normal or backup.

This is how a sectionalization looks like:


– Each sectionalization consists of upwards to five combat regiments together with five back upwards companies.

– Each combat regiment is composed of upwards to five battalions.

– It costs five XP to add together a battalion to a division, regardless if it is the same or novel regiment.

– Adding a battalion of a unlike unit of measurement type (infantry, mobile, or armored) adds a penalization of twenty XP per additional unit of measurement type.

– Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 sectionalization may have got whatever number of the same unit of measurement type for battalions, but alone 1 of each unit of measurement type for back upwards companies.

– Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 sectionalization template may hold upwards specified equally reserve, regular, or elite. Elite divisions volition hold upwards prioritized for amend equipment, followed yesteryear regular divisions together with finally reserves.

– Each sectionalization template tin have specific types of equipment if multiple types are available. An instance would hold upwards elite divisions alone using the latest weapons together with reserve divisions using the oldest.

The Stats Screen together with Base Stats

Base Stats, Combat Stats are Equipment Cost located on the correct side of the sectionalization template. These are the stats for the seven Infantry – 2 Artilery sectionalization from above.


The stats may alter based on your national ideas or completed researches.

Universally speaking, higher values are amend except for Weight, Supply Use together with Combat Width.

Base Stats

Max Speed: The base of operations maximum speed a unit of measurement tin go, this value is unremarkably lower due to terrain together with infrastructure modifiers, even so for certain things increment this such equally engineers.

HP (hitpoints): How much harm your unit of measurement tin convey during combat. Infantry together with variants have got a lot of this because they are many, patch armor has real little.

Organization: This is real important. It’s your unit’s powerfulness to sustain combat. It is of import to buy the farm along it inwards the dorsum of your head, but non larn far dictate your unit of measurement composition. Provided primarily yesteryear infantry together with motorized or mechanized. It’s unremarkably betwixt 25 together with 60.

Recovery Rate: How fast your units volition find organization. Recovery is equally of import equally organization. However, since most units that provide recovery likewise provide organization, these values unremarkably remainder each other out. It’s unremarkably betwixt 0.30 together with 0.44.

Reconnaissance: High reconnaissance increases the chances of a unit of measurement to option a combat tactic that amend counters the enemy’s chosen tactic. It is alone affected yesteryear 2 things: whether you lot have got back upwards battalions whether you lot have got ShockAwe inquiry of the Superior Firepower doctrine or Infiltration inwards Depth of the Grand Battleplan doctrine. Both of these doctrines are at or nigh the real halt of their trees, thence your recon value is unremarkably equal to your recon batallion’s flat alongside values betwixt 1 together with seven alongside an absolute maximum of 8.

Suppression: Whether you’re albe to buy the farm along the revolts inwards an occupied territory inwards check. Suppression has real few things that touching on it, cavalry is expert for suppression, providing 2 per cavalry patch most other units provide 1 together with the Military Police provides a 10% modifier to the unit of measurement value. In combat it doesn’t offering anything together with is pretty neglectable.

Weight: How many convoys it takes to send your unit. Only of import for countries that have got to send their units yesteryear sea. Very closely related to Supply Use, but together with so without whatever actual meaning.

Supply Use: How much furnish usage your units usage (press F4 inwards game to reckon the furnish lines), which straight translates to how many units you lot tin have got inwards whatever given province. As a full general rule: Infantry uses real footling supply, tanks usage a lot of supply, Logistics Company back upwards companionship is indispensible.

Reliability: Affected alone yesteryear the Maintenance Battalion, Reliability is a modifier to the base of operations reliability of a vehicle (such equally the number of a tank designer). This applies to vehicles only. As far equally I tin order it affects mostly during attrition, together with doesn’t appear to have got the same combat effects equally reliability does for ships.

Trickleback Exp.Loss: Trickleback is how many casualties are returned to your manpower puddle together with exp.loss is how much sense is lost when these casualties are replaced yesteryear fresh men. They alone alter alongside the usage of a Field Hospital battalion. This makes the Field Hospital back upwards companionship extremely of import for nations alongside a depression manpower pool.

Combat Stats together with Equipment Cost

2. Combat Stats

Soft Attack: A unit’s powerfulness to bargain damage. As a full general rule: Infantry has real depression soft attack, tanks have got pretty depression soft attack, artillery together with SPG units have got insanely high soft attacks. Most people, together with particularly the AI, construct an regular army consisting 90-100% of infantry, infantry is real soft together with thence soft assault is 1 of the real most of import stats you lot await at.

Hard Attack: A unit’s powerfulness to bargain difficult harm to tanks together with mechanized units. Tanks together with Anti-Tank guns have got high difficult attack.

Air Attack: A unit’s powerfulness to shoot at planes. Support AA (Support battalion) is to a greater extent than cost-effective than line-AA for air-attack purposes. Support AA or Line-AA is the most cost-effective (production-wise) AA when you lot convey the researches for this.

Defense: A unit’s powerfulness to non pause nether attack. Absorbing harm that would otherwise have got gone to a unit’s organization. This value is provided primarily yesteryear Infantry together with derivatives. For armored units, this lone makes motorized or mechanized indispensible equally without it your units are only unable to defend.

Breakthrough: A unit’s powerfulness to pause the enemy units nether attack. Breakthrough is less relevant than defence strength for the typical actor equally you lot wish to concur the reason that you lot take, having enemies bleed off their scheme on the assault together with counter-attacking to maintain momentum inwards a push. It’s unremarkably exactly about 150.

Armor: A unit’s powerfulness to resist the enemy’s piercing. When the enemy cannot pierce, you lot convey 50% less damage, 50% less scheme loss together with you lot bargain 50% to a greater extent than scheme loss to the units you lot are facing, this bonus is applied to your entire division. Thus, armor lone tin brand a unit of measurement work, fifty-fifty if on newspaper it seems hopelessly outclassed. Armor values are 1 of the things that develop extremely speedily betwixt armored vehicles. Not real useful unless you lot have got plenty of it.

Piercing: All piercing does is deny the enemy the bonuses armor could provide him. Units alongside the highest piercing are tank destroyers followed yesteryear regular tanks. Although infantry anti-tank provides expert piercing to all infantry units it volition show insufficient if you lot are facing a clever enemy inwards multiplayer, equally the piercing bonus is based on a percent value together with volition have got a express impact on actual stats.

Initiative: The reinforce charge per unit of measurement together with planning speed. It is affected alone yesteryear the signal company, together with seems to have got real footling tangible impact on battles other than the planning bonuses.

Entrenchment: Affected alone yesteryear the Engineer Company back upwards battalion, Entrenchment affects how much together with how fast a unit of measurement gets entrenched. Very similar to Recon, Reliability together with Initiative, at that topographic point are real few things that touching on this value, together with it is universal regardless of which line of piece of employment units you lot employ. While Field Marshalls alongside “Defensive Doctrine” touching on maximum entrenchment it is non represented inwards this stat.

Combat Width: How much infinite the unit of measurement takes on the battlefield. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 typical larn by has lxxx combat width, thence you lot could correspond 8 units of 10, iv units of 20, 2 units of forty or 1 unit of measurement of 80. Each combat width attain is representative of an approach to the game. When you lot brand many units of 10 combat width, you lot increment the density of back upwards battalions on the field, effectively increasing your entire army’s effectiveness at no additional terms of combat width.

The forty combat width aims to larn the most out of its line of piece of employment units. The twenty combat width is the balanced method. If you lot larn a Field Marshall alongside Offensive Doctrine, which reduces the combat width of all units nether his ascendancy yesteryear 10%, you lot tin create units of 11, 22 together with 44 combat width respectively together with have got them all human action equally if they are 10, twenty together with forty combat width.

Equipment Cost

Manpower: How many people your sectionalization employs. More men inwards the sectionalization way to a greater extent than men on the battlefield together with bigger casualty numbers. Typically you lot wish to buy the farm along this number equally depression equally possible, but at no indicate should this hold upwards your chief aim equally it is difficult to impossible to remainder out. As a full general rule, line-artillery units together with armor convey 500 men per unit of measurement inwards your division, infantry takes K together with motorized mechanized convey 1200.

Training Time: There are ii versions of preparation time, 120 together with 180. 120 is for infantry together with 180 for tanks. This is a fourth dimension listed inwards days, but since Armor = 180, Infantry = 120, you lot exactly have got to convey this value equally it is.

Equipment numbers > All the private numbers of vehicles together with other equipment you lot would require to create this sectionalization template. It is hither that you lot tin brand a expert gauge of how to distribute your overall production.

Additional Stats

Hardness (the bar below the sectionalization template): The ratio of harm you lot take. If your unit of measurement has 43% hardness you lot convey 57% soft assault together with 43% difficult attack. For example, if you lot are beingness attacked yesteryear a unit of measurement alongside K soft assault together with 200 difficult attack, you lot volition have (1000 * 0.57) + (200 * 0.43) = 656 damage.

Estimated Production Cost: The minimum together with maximum estimated production terms of a unit. These values stand upwards for the overall production terms inwards industrial capacity of your unit, together with practise non stand upwards for the cloth requirements of each division. Naturally a lower terms is better.


Infantry Divisions

20 width 7/2 divisions > 7 infantry together with 2 artillery battalions. Good starter division, but is completely outclassed yesteryear forty width divisions inwards virtually every situation. Still expert inwards depression furnish areas similar Africa or Asia.


20 width 6/2/1 divisions > 6 infantry, 2 artillery together with 1 Light Tank Destroyer of yr at to the lowest degree 1936. The finish beingness to provide an armor bonus against the bulk of AI together with possibly fifty-fifty actor builds patch providing piercing to rhythm out upwards whatever armor that may hold upwards encountered along the way. This does non piece of employment alongside the 1934 Light Tank Destroyer version.


The forty width divisions outclass twenty width divisions because of how criticals are calculated. The forty width divisions practise to a greater extent than harm at the expense of having one-half the scheme of twenty divisions because they have got the same, but it’s alone 1 sectionalization instead of 2 divisions, even so they bargain 4-5 times to a greater extent than damage, so the tradeoff for using 20’s is barely worth it.

This mostly leads to faster fights if both of you lot are fighting alongside 40’s. 20’s on the other paw powerfulness non practise so much harm but volition concur the line of piece of employment for longer. This inwards plough makes your enemy convey to a greater extent than attrition harm so don’t underestimate 20’s defensive power, particularly inwards broad theaters. Most people similar to have got a line of piece of employment of 20’s equally the front end together with and so a smaller regular army of 40’s to practise the pushing.

40 width 14/4 divisions > xiv infantry together with iv artillery battalions. This is preferable to the to a higher house division, particularly if you’re fighting inwards Europe.


40 width 13/4/2 divisions > xiv infantry, iv artillery together with 2 anti-tank battalions. These are expert if you’re fighting against tanks together with aren’t looking to abuse infinite marine divisions (see below.)


BROKEN/OP: forty width 13/4/1 divisions “Space Marines” > thirteen infantry, iv artillery together with 1 Heavy Tank Destroyer battalion. These are unremarkably banned inwards multiplayer games equally they are completely game breaking. The AI basically never builds plenty AT to counter the extra armor you lot have got on these infantry divisions.


Tank Divisions

20 width 6/4 sectionalization > half dozen medium tank together with iv motorized battalions. Maintenance companies are expert on your armored divisions to trim back attrition losses.


40 width 15/5 sectionalization > xv medium tank together with five motorized battalions. Higher production cost, but these divisions are nearly unstoppable. Probably banned inwards most MP games, together with volition destroy anything they human face upwards inwards singleplayer.


Ending Tips

Maintenance companies Attrition

Attrition is mostly caused yesteryear terrain non supply. So if you lot are fighting inwards the jungle, desert or mountains you lot volition endure a lot of attrition. Maintenance companies volition trim back attrition taken. You tin likewise exactly convey the losses taken.

AA divisions Strategic Bombers

No sectionalization AA alone protect the divisions they are inwards together with non the say or anything else. They trim back the defence strength together with speed penalization from enemy air superiority. They volition likewise shoot downward closed air back upwards engaged. But they have got to hold upwards engaged within combat.

Breakthrough Defense

Breakthrough is identical to defence strength inwards function. When you lot are on the offensive you lot usage breakthrough when on the defence strength you lot usage defense. These exactly trim back harm taken. There is a boundary equally every defence strength tin alone trim back 1 indicate of enemy attack.

Mechanized Heavy Tanks

Mechanized are a defensive upgrade for tanks alongside a secondary role of AT. Hardness greatly trim back harm infantry/mediums tin do, defence strength helps protect from counter attack, together with HP reduces losses. The higher the tech together with to a greater extent than tanks the amend these are. Heavy tanks provide armor, together with AT mostly at the terms of speed. You alone postulate 1 heavy tank to larn the bulk of armor at the terms of speed.

40 width twenty width > forty width is stronger inwards most situations. It’s less flexible but stronger inwards combat.

And remember, don’t abhor the build, but pattern a counter instead.

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