Mordhau – Toolbox Guide


Toolbox How to Use, When to Use?

1. The Toolbox, what’s inward it?


The toolbox costs 8 gear grade to equip on your loadout. It tin live used to build structures as well as mounted crossbows. Using the toolbox requires provide (kind of ammunition for the toolbox). Regardless of the game vogue at that topographic point is a bound of half-dozen structures as well as 1 mounted crossbow per player. If yous build to a greater extent than when yous withdraw hold already hitting the limits, the one-time ones volition live automatically destroyed inward the club they were placed.

There is a separate balancing inward the game for the Horde mode. All the other game modes part the same balancing, hence all the numbers discussed are considering the ‘normal’ values as well as the horde vogue differences are presented inward a separate section.

The toolbox contains initially 3 supplies when yous spawn amongst it. You tin gain 3 supplies yesteryear visiting a resupply box (ammo box) as well as at that topographic point is a moderate delay earlier yous tin resupply. You tin send a maximum of half-dozen supplies. If yous resupply amongst 4 or v supplies, yous are wasting your refills!

2. What tin yous build as well as how to do it?



All yous require for edifice the 2 structures as well as the weapon is the toolbox. However, yous tin speed upwardly the build upwardly of the structures but non the weapon amongst specific tools, to a greater extent than on that later.

Once yous withdraw hold the toolbox equipped as well as yous withdraw hold the necessary amount of supply, yous tin build amongst left mouse clit as well as modify the object yesteryear pressing R. Once placed, at that topographic point volition live an assembly audio as well as the object volition automatically build up. Do authorities annotation that the mounted crossbow pick solely shows upwardly amongst half-dozen or to a greater extent than supplies!

The wooden spikes

The wooden spikes withdraw hold 125 health, terms 1 provide as well as it takes 20 seconds for the automatic build. The build progress is indicated yesteryear sawing noises that ascent inward pitch every bit the build becomes ready. The spikes bargain harm based on the velocity of the role musician when moving towards the spikes. On a apartment terrain, at that topographic point is no way to bound over the spikes from the pointy goal but amongst some elevation inward the terrain it tin move possible. The harm is dealt both to squad mates as well as enemies. The spikes volition acquire damaged yesteryear friendly as well as enemy attacks.

The spikes are exceptionally skillful for keeping horses away as well as creating traps.

The wooden walls

The wooden walls withdraw hold 250 health, terms 1 provide as well as it takes 20 seconds for the automatic build. The build progress is indicated yesteryear sawing noises that ascent inward pitch every bit the build becomes ready. You tin provide comprehend amongst it for your archers or block doorways as well as narrow corridors amongst them. One tin also relatively easily stab amongst a spear or sword through the hole but it does require some practise as well as an enemy to stand upwardly quite close on the other side.

The walls are exceptionally skillful for blocking pathways as well as providing cover.

The mounted crossbow


The solely weapon that yous tin build is the mounted crossbow. The mounted crossbow has 50 health, costs half-dozen supplies as well as takes 10 seconds to build. The build upwardly procedure is indicated yesteryear 2 laud assembly sounds after the initial one, amongst the lastly i having to a greater extent than intermission earlier it comes as well as indicating that the weapon is ready. It has a v ammunition clip that is initially total as well as recharges at 1 ammunition per v seconds every bit long every bit the clip is non full.

Because I do non withdraw hold friends who play this game, I withdraw hold been unable to properly evidence the damage, but it seems to do from 25 to 75 harm depending on the enemy armour as well as if yous hitting the caput or not. The burn charge per unit of measurement is quite fast but the arrows wing slow as well as the turning angle is real limited.

Anyone tin shoot the mounted crossbow but due to the express turning angle, it cannot genuinely live used against you. B ecause of the modest health, it is ofttimes destroyed inward a few swings i time the seat is overrun yesteryear the enemy.

The mounted crossbow is exceptionally skillful for shooting narrow choke points from curt to mid range.

3. Repairing as well as speeding upwardly the build



There are 2 tools inward the game that allow yous to repair all your structures as well as the mounted crossbow every bit good every bit to repair fortifications inward the Frontline game mode: The wooden mallet as well as the blacksmith hammer. In addition, at that topographic point is the smith perk for 1 gear socre, which increases the repair as well as edifice speed of your tool yesteryear +50%.

In club to speed upwardly the build, yous require to hitting the actual object, which tin sometimes live a fleck tricky. Crouched overheads as well as uppercuts are your friend here. The smaller the wellness of the construction is, the faster yous tin build it upwardly amongst the tools, amongst the exception of the mounted crossbow which cannot live sped up. Speeding upwardly the build is essentially the same every bit repairing the object.

There are 4 levels of repair (and build up) speed that yous tin obtain as well as these scale direct amongst the gear grade costs. The to a greater extent than yous spend, the to a greater extent than yous get.

Gear grade requirement direct equals the degree of the repair speed:

  • 1 gear grade – Wooden mallet

  • 2 gear grade – Wooden mallet + Smith

  • 3 gear grade – Blacksmith hammer

  • 4 gear grade – Blacksmith hammer + Smith

If yous want to do repairs spell at that topographic point are enemies nearby, I do non recommend aiming for anything less than the degree 3. You tin sort of handle amongst the degree 2 but degree 1 is but a waste materials of gear score.

There is quite a gap from degree 2 to degree 3 as well as 4, spending the extra amount is real noticeable especially when edifice the spikes every bit the build tin live finished inward 2 hits amongst degree 4.

Damaged as well as destroyed buildings

The walls acquire wholes every bit they are beingness damaged as well as spikes respite down, they essentially move through the stages of edifice upwardly inward opposite when they respite downwardly amongst the exception of the mounted crossbow, which becomes to a greater extent than muddied as well as scratched looking when it is damaged.

The most effective tools against the buildings are axes as well as the wrecker perk every bit good every bit burn pots. If yous withdraw hold a degree 4 repair speed, yous tin hold upwardly quite good amongst an axe but a burn pot volition apace destroy all the objects that tin live built.

When an object is destroyed beyond repair, it volition live deleted from the game. The solely exception is the mounted crossbow which splits into 2 parts for a spell earlier disappearing.


That beingness said, at that topographic point seems to live a immature lady agreement amongst the spikes for quite many. Very ofttimes yous tin catch the spike sticks on the Blue Planet similar inward the figure on the right. However, the spikes are solely disabled as well as i hitting away from beingness destroyed. If yous catch spikes similar this, yous tin yet repair them, but remember, yous must accomplish a direct hitting so a crouch overhead is your friend on apartment terrain.

Interestingly though, the harm of the spikes is non affected yesteryear their status amongst the exception of the lastly phase where they are completely disabled. The wall evidently gets to a greater extent than holes that arrows, spears as well as sword thrusts tin skid trough.

4. What to await when playing amongst the toolbox

The toolbox is a real expensive slice of gear. Your scrap capabilities volition hence live real limited. Throughout my testing, I also encountered a lot of players from my ain squad that were intentionally destroying my buildings or killing me. There are also some who similar to boot yous out of the mounted crossbow so that they tin utilisation it instead, which is real of dumb of their goal every bit they are ordinarily to a greater extent than equipped for scrap as well as tin accomplish to a greater extent than yesteryear heading out to the front.

The toolbox is real difficult to utilisation effectively, inward fact, I think at that topographic point are a few buffs that should live applied to it inward my opinion, but nosotros withdraw hold what nosotros withdraw hold as well as I volition say to a greater extent than on that inward the comment section. Luckily, at that topographic point are those awesome moments amongst right placement that do acquire yous to giggle so at to the lowest degree it is real fun at times.

The toolbox is also a slap-up tool for trolling, which inward plough makes the life of those who genuinely want to utilisation it fifty-fifty pitiful every bit the full general mental attitude towards buildings is real negative. Expect your buildings to live destroyed yesteryear your enemies as well as your squad mates.

Dealing amongst the hostility from your squad mates

When yous are getting squad killed or an ally is destroying your buildings, at that topographic point are few things to consider. First, brand certainly that yous did non build a trap for your squad mates or that yous did non completely block an of import road from spawn surface area to the side yesteryear side target . If yous are certainly that yous did non commit on whatever of those, as well as so yous did nada wrong. Everyone is responsible for using their eyes but if yous build a block that has a tricky way to acquire through, similar climbing or jumping from a certainly spot, live certainly to demonstrate every at nowadays as well as and so how to acquire through for yous squad mates.

If yous did something wrong, the misbehaviour of your squad mates is caused yesteryear a proper reason. Replace your buildings inward a way that it is non completely harmful for your squad mates. If yous did non do anything wrong, as well as so it is but best to ignore them, repair as well as rebuild all your buildings.

People play this game amongst the mental attitude of ‘HULK SMASH’. Therefore, they acquire quite easily bored to the audio of clapping woods as well as bashing their squad mates without whatever resultant on your game play. Trust me, they volition move dorsum to smashing some enemy heads inward no time. Do non endeavor to handle dorsum amongst your hammer every bit yous rarely withdraw hold a run a jeopardy as well as they acquire bored faster if yous do non give a damn almost them. Furthermore, if yous facial expression totally helpless, quite many are willing to ‘lend yous their sword’.

Keep calm, as well as move on building.

5. Tactical determination making

I withdraw hold used the toolbox inward pretty much every game mode. It should live rather obvious that playing amongst a toolbox inward Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch or Skirmish should live done solely for the memes, live certainly to pick upwardly the lute or frying pan to complement your style. Orange pilus colour, huge olfactory organ as well as a floppy vox amongst the highest pitch are your solely run a jeopardy of successfully pulling it off. Although, yous tin create some prissy arenas on 1v1 Deathmatch servers, for example, a span department enclosed amongst spikes so that if a role musician backpedals likewise much they jeopardy getting straight off killed.

That beingness said, the to a greater extent than serious environments for using the toolbox are the Frontline as well as the Horde. The toolbox is real powerful inward the Horde if used correctly. Therefore, the guide lines provided nether this department were created amongst Frontline inward mind, every bit at that topographic point is an ain separate department for the Horde mode.

Recognise what yous are trying to achieve

The provide yous withdraw hold is real limited. With a total charge of provide yous tin either create a unmarried mounted crossbow or half-dozen structures. If yous require to acquire out your buildings to acquire to a greater extent than provide from farther away, at that topographic point is a high run a jeopardy that the battle has already moved elsewhere or that your buildings were destroyed yesteryear whatever player.

These are the major goals on the battle yous tin accomplish amongst provide costs that are ordinarily needed for each plan:

  • Fully block a choke dot (1-3 supplies)

  • Partially block a choke dot (1-3 supplies)

  • Create a trap (1-3 supplies)

  • Provide protection from horses (3-6 supplies)

  • Provide comprehend on an opened upwardly surface area (3-6 supplies)

  • Add pressure level to a choke dot (6 supplies)

If the resupply box is nearby as well as the battle drags out yous may live able to consummate fifty-fifty a duo of these goals.

If yous are having problem inward deciding what to do or withdraw hold moments of real ineffective gameplay, accept a facial expression at this listing as well as get upwardly to the side yesteryear side sections for inspiration.

6. Blocking choke points

There are 3 ways to block a choke, fully blocking, one-way blocking as well as two-way blocking. Your principal construction for this should live the wooden wall due to the high wellness puddle except amongst the two-way block where yous should utilisation mainly spikes. The amount of spikes yous utilisation as well as how dense yous brand your buildings decide how fully or partially the choke volition live blocked.

There are ever multiple ways roughly so do non await your defense forcefulness to live blood tight. Ideally yous should partially block a side flank amongst a one-way block as well as partially block the principal entrance amongst a two-way block.

Fully blocking a choke point

You should solely consider fully blocking a choke dot every bit agency of waiting for reinforcements as well as stalling the enemy. It is an active defense forcefulness tactic as well as should live used solely inward a pinch. Do non but fully block something as well as acquire out it there, live sort as well as accept it out earlier yous leave… if yous can.

A total block tin live made on a narrow passage or a doorway as well as consists of solely wooden walls side to side until the narrow passage is closed. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 doorway takes i wall but bigger entrances accept three. Do authorities annotation that if at that topographic point are whatever friendlies falling dorsum yous volition judgement them to buy the farm if yous closed the escape road earlier them.

Partially blocking: one-way block


The one-way block consists of a unmarried laid of spikes as well as ordinarily null to 2 wooden walls. The principal role of the one-way block is to allow fast displace to i management as well as block the displace completely into the other direction.

The best house for a one-way block is on a side flank where non that many enemies are encountered every bit at that topographic point is a jeopardy of buy the farm trapping your friendlies if at that topographic point becomes a lot of resistance on the other side.

Partially blocking: two-way block


The two-way block is the best i to house on a principal entrance or when yous are unsure if yous should completely block something or not. It is also the solely i of the blocks that may non live destroyed amongst a unmarried burn pot.

The two-way block is but basically laying out spikes on a narrow passage so that it is completely condom to run to i management but attention must live taken when traversing to the other direction. You should endeavor to house the spikes roughly corners every bit people 10 to hug the walls. You tin also utilisation walls to narrow a passage downwardly earlier yous lay out spikes.


The mutual misconception is the management of the spikes. The spikes should genuinely live facing the management yous are coming from. In Frontline, it should move quite clear that the battle is a constant dorsum as well as forth movement. One squad pushes forward, as well as so the other i pushes as well as so on.

The thought amongst the two-way block is to allow the enemy to easily force inward but move inward extremely difficult for them to backpedal as well as run out, essentially creating a trap as well as allowing your squad to grade a lot to a greater extent than kills when yous start to force dorsum in. If yous handle to Blue Planet a blow or boot an opponent that is standing inward front end of the spikes, it volition live an instant kill.

If yous house the spikes to confront your opponents, they volition never run to them every bit they tin catch the spikes from far away. However, yous volition kill your ain squad mates when they endeavor to backpedal to security after a push, or fifty-fifty worse, start sprinting inward panic into the spikes.

Do non bound your self solely these text majority similar placement patterns, yous should mix the spacing upwardly but do hold inward hear the full general role of the blocks. For example, yous tin withdraw hold the condom passage on a side of a two-way block instead of the oculus if yous so desire.

7. Creating traps

The two-way block tin live considered every bit a trap, but at that topographic point are a fleck to a greater extent than powerful alternatives to that. If yous want to create a trap, yous volition require a real narrow passage or yous require to narrow it downwardly amongst a wooden wall. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 trap is essentially the same every bit a one-way block but the spikes should live facing yous instead, allowing enemies to easily hop inward but making it real unsafe every bit they cannot escape through the road they came from.

The right house to do this is on a battle front end where yous withdraw hold allies roughly to handle the enemies that bound over. I wishing at that topographic point was a clit that yous could press to flip the management of the spikes but for now, yous but withdraw hold to live quick as well as brave. If yous withdraw hold ever thought that it is annoyingly difficult to kill a backpedaling shield boi, good approximate what, this is how yous do it inward no time.

Some other skillful placements for the spikes include the top of the ladders as well as on climbable ledges that tin solely live climbed upwardly from certainly spots every bit good every bit the areas where people bound of the walls for illustration on the Camp map.

Instant kill trap

Yes, this does currently be inward the game, an instant kill trap, as well as yous tin withdraw hold at most 4 of them at the same time.

Let me innovate yous to the deport trap:


The deport trap is a consumable detail that tin live placed down. It volition closed on a role musician that walks over it, dealing 50 harm as well as ever knocking the role musician backward, amongst relatively high velocity. Once placed yous tin move to a resupply breast as well as obtain an other one. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 individual tin withdraw hold a maximum of 4 deport traps placed on the Blue Planet at the same time.


You tin build an instant kill trap yesteryear placing a deport trap nether fully finished spikes every bit closed every bit the game allows. If yous house it earlier finishing upwardly the build, yous tin genuinely withdraw hold the deport trap so closed to the spikes that it never activates. When correctly constructed, the trap volition straight off kill a individual walking to it from whatever management every bit the autumn downwardly animation begins within the spikes, straight off killing the person.

However, it is completely condom to walk over the spikes from the non-pointy end. Only backpedaling inward high armor over the spikes volition harm you, as well as fifty-fifty as well as so solely the trap volition move off as well as knock yous away from the spikes dealing 50 damage. For some reason, if yous crouch backpedal over the spikes it is completely safe, fifty-fifty when wearing heavy armour.

8. Providing protection

Provide protection from horses

This should live the solely argue yous closed a passage amongst spikes pointing towards the enemy. You tin spike against horses yesteryear placing half-dozen spikes hither as well as at that topographic point or if at that topographic point are many horses giving yous trouble, it tin live a skillful thought to closed a passage amongst spikes.

Provide comprehend on an opened upwardly area


Specifically on Camp, at that topographic point are some moments when the battle happens on an opened upwardly champaign so that at that topographic point are non many passages i could closed or trap. In that case, the most sensible matter to do is to utilisation all your supplies for wooden walls as well as provide cover, either for your archers inward the dorsum business or if yous are a battle builder, driblet some for your front end troops every bit yous go.

9. Adding pressure level as well as combining it all

For adding pressure level to a choke point, yous should withdraw hold gathered half-dozen supplies so that yous tin build a mounted crossbow. Place the crossbow close the choke as well as endeavor non to shoot your allies. The crossbow is real inaccurate at long ranges but from a curt distance, yous tin apace kill the start few brave souls that dare to force through.

Combining it all

After yous withdraw hold learned to build the basic vogue formations, it is fourth dimension to mix it upwardly as well as combine all your knowledge. Once yous figure out the skillful spots, which depend on the map as well as the nation of the battle, yous tin endeavor to convert your blocks as well as pressure level points into nests.

Nests basically combine the pressure level of the mounted crossbow amongst the stalling as well as trapping capabilities of the other structures. There are no right way to build them.

10. Gear combinations, hammer or no hammer?

As previously stated, the battles inward Frontline are ofttimes real dynamic. For this reason, yous don’t genuinely fifty-fifty require to attention almost repairs if yous don’t want to. If yous want to repair properly, yous should invest 3 to 4 gear scores towards it as well as reserve an equipment slot for the tool.

The toolbox itself already takes upwardly i slot as well as one-half the available gear grade leaving yous amongst 8. If yous accept the blacksmith hammer as well as the smith perk, yous are left amongst 4 gear grade as well as i slot, which is non a lot. There are a few to a greater extent than dissimilar gear options as well as play styles if yous but acquire out the hammer out.

Hammer/Mallet as well as Toolbox

If yous accept the measure road of bringing inward a hammer as well as a toolbox, your scrap capabilities are real limited. It is difficult to acquire a lot of efficiency out of the combination as well as don’t await to live anywhere close the top of the grade board.

This is to a greater extent than of a back upwardly build inward a feel that yous are trying to closed off flanks as well as create comprehend for your allies. You tin acquire out the tertiary slot opened upwardly for picking upwardly a weapon that mightiness live on the ground, but your armour is ordinarily non suitable for closed quarters combat.

Medic bag/Fire pot as well as Toolbox

If yous want to build a lot, yous should quite apace catch that yous are constantly running for the supplies. The front end of the battle keeps actively moving so yous either require to reposition or rebuild a lot. While yous are at it, yous mightiness every bit good choose handgrip of a medic handbag that yous tin throw for your allies to heal or a burn pot that yous tin throw on top of your enemies. This way, yous tin at to the lowest degree acquire some extra value for constantly running to the resupply create as well as dorsum to the structures.

Bear trap as well as Toolbox

This is the build yous want to utilisation if yous want to create the instant kill traps. Here I would propose to accept the blacksmith hammer every bit good every bit yous rely on keeping those walls as well as spikes intact for the traps to work. This play vogue is to a greater extent than for the fun of the instant kills as well as is non that effective towards winning the war. However, it is a skillful origin of some giggles. Remember that yous tin block amongst the hammer as well as endeavor to guide your enemies to the deport traps.

Bow as well as Toolbox

If yous acquire out the hammer out, yous withdraw hold but plenty provide for a recurve bow or a crossbow, leaving yous amongst 1 to a greater extent than gear grade to spend. That beingness said, yous volition withdraw hold no armour so I propose picking the crossbow for the range. However, I do non recommend this build every bit all the objects yous tin build are to a greater extent than effective the closer to the enemy they are. You volition accomplish a lot to a greater extent than if yous but acquire out the toolbox out as well as accept a pavise shield as well as a backup melee weapon, leading to a quite similar play vogue but allowing for ameliorate perks as well as armour.

Shield as well as Toolbox

Even if yous pick a hammer or a mallet, yous volition withdraw hold plenty supplies for a shield. I specifically recommend the heater shield every bit it gives a lot of protection for a depression terms of 2 gear scores. Shields are genuinely rigid inward Frontline for boosting your survivability as well as it volition compensate a lot for your lack of armour. If yous want to endeavor out edifice on the front end of the battles, I definitely recommend picking upwardly a shield.

Short spear, Shield as well as Toolbox

Ahh yess… If yous haven’t already heard almost the curt spear as well as shield combo inward general, yous withdraw hold non genuinely played the game. It is an extremely versatile combo. The harm is non huge but the relatively long attain of the curt spear combined amongst the protection of the shield volition move inward real condom to acquire that harm in.

I recommend on picking upwardly that resupply every bit shortly every bit yous spawn so that when yous catch a battle moving into a choke point, yous tin driblet the mounted crossbow, move poke for a few seconds as well as and so start shooting the enemy heads. Because of the shield, yous tin move on firing until the enemies genuinely attain you, every bit the shield should allow yous to backpedal to security spell generating some resistance amongst your pokes.

This is a real active toolbox build. If yous are decent amongst your scrap awareness yous should live able to accept role inward the battles quite good inward add-on to applying that extra pressure level to the choke points or blocking them if needed, either amongst a quick total block or partial block. Just scream upwardly that yous yet do withdraw hold depression armour, so do non dive inward likewise deep, pick your twenty-four hours of the month timings as well as endeavor to move for those pokes from the side.

On top of everything, yous tin of course of written report throw the spear to goal off a fleeing enemy or Blue Planet a kill on an unsuspecting archer. Just brand certainly that if yous immature lady the throw, at that topographic point is something to halt your spear every bit the weapons do withdraw hold a relatively curt timer earlier they disappear, non giving yous likewise much fourth dimension to pick it up.

This is the build that I experience contributes the most for the battle from all the toolbox builds.

11. Horde mode

There is a separate balancing inward the Horde mode. The toolbox costs 225 golden which is quite a lot, so yous require to acquire roughly the mid game inward club to utilisation it. In addition, the provide comes amongst packages of 2 as well as the parcel costs 50 golden to purchase. In Horde mode, the toolbox has a bound of 10 supplies instead of half-dozen as well as initially comes amongst 4 supplies. The wooden spike terms is increased to 2 supplies inward Horde vogue but everything else is the same.

The next text contains spoilers for how to consummate the horde vogue easily, so if yous want to figure it out yourself, don’t opened upwardly the spoilers.

Due to the high terms of the toolbox, it is solely accessible inward mid game, but i time yous acquire there, combine it amongst a bow as well as yous cannot live killed. You should start prioritise obtaining a bow as well as and so the toolbox as well as a blacksmith hammer. If yous want to move for a budget option, obtain the blacksmith hammer start for xxx golden as well as and so move for a recurve bow for 100 gold, detect a tower to army camp as well as farm the lastly 225 as well as build some spikes below the ladders. If yous spill out to withdraw hold 275 or more, build the mounted crossbow start instead.

Get to whatever tower amongst ladders every bit the bots cannot climb them upwardly as well as build a mounted crossbow on top of it for gratis interplanetary space ranged damage. Once yous withdraw hold the time, house spikes behind doorways as well as roughly the ladders every bit the bots volition force each other into the spikes, killing many earlier they are able to smack them down.

The most unsafe enemy are the crimson firepot dwarfs that spawn for the lastly duo of waves, yous should prioritise killing them amongst whatever bow as well as your mounted crossbow. Avoid towers amongst solely elementary wooden flooring every bit the burn pots tin live thrown through as well as endeavor to house spikes on modest choke points to irksome the enemy down.

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