Portal 2 – GLaDOS Test Chambers


GLaDOS Test Chambers


In this exam chamber, y'all take hold to house the kickoff portal on on the flooring only below the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation emitter. The 2nd i should live on the ceiling correct higher upward the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation catcher. Before doing this, brand certain that y'all are on the piston, the lift that is acquaint that takes y'all correct upward to the exit.


First, brand your manner to the corner that has a reflection cube. Portal your manner within too and then accept the cube to the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation that is emitted yesteryear the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation emitter. Reflect the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation amongst the cube, thence that the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation goes to the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation catcher. Make certain that y'all house the cube on a portable surface (surface on which portals tin live placed). Make your manner upward yesteryear the stairs. Now, house a portal correct below y'all on the portable surface. After that, house the 2nd i only below the cube too grab it. Place that cube on the push clit too teach going!


First, grab the reflection cube on the elevated surface which is acquaint inwards front end of the entrance. Grab that cube too brand your manner onto the elevated surface that gets lifted later amongst panels. Make certain to accept the cube amongst you. Align that cube thence that the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation tin live reflected to the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation catcher. Now, brand your manner dorsum over again to the elevated surface inwards front end of the entrance. Now, house a portal on a portable surface inwards front end of a Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation too about other on the elevated surface y'all standing on, to brand the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation become to the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation catcher. Now, both the lasers are inwards the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation catchers. Make your manner to the exit.


First, house the bluish portal on the left mitt side when y'all come upward through the entrance. And the orangish i on the portable surface virtually the push clit inwards front end of the entrance. Now, go betwixt the portals to the push clit too press it inwards social club to dispense the cube. Now, house the orangish portal on the portal on the portable surface where the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation goes to. Now, in that location volition live a platform coming to you, thence grab the cube too saltation onto it. Now, saltation higher upward the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation piece beingness transported or block the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation amongst the cube too brand your manner to the button. Drop the cube onto the push clit too and then become through the function out too onto the adjacent test.


This exam requires no portals, thence don’t purpose ’em. Launch yourself amongst the aerial religious belief plate onto the exit. Now, press the push clit too discover carefully. As before long every bit the cube touches the aerial religious belief plate below it, at that same time, y'all launch yourself amongst the aerial religious belief plate, too grab the cube inwards mid-air. Now, house the cube onto the push clit virtually the function out too teach going.


First, launch yourself amongst the aerial religious belief plate, without a attention inwards the world. Now, house i portal on i angled panel, too the 2nd on the other angled panel too momentum through to the button. Press the push clit 2 times too and then grab the cube every bit it comes to you. Make certain that those 2 portals remain in that location on the angled panels. Now, grab the cube too house it on the push clit yesteryear placing a portal on whatever portable surface virtually y'all too about other on meridian of the button. Throw the cube onto the push clit too teach going. REMEMBER! You can’t teach stuck inwards this exam chamber, in that location is e'er a manner to teach dorsum inwards flow.


First, block the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation amongst the companion cube to brand the piston come upward down. Jump onto it too and then house a portal correct below the cube too about other anywhere to unblock the laser. Now, house a portal on the correct angled panel that faces a button. Now, house the 2nd i correct below the cube to accept it. Now, house a portal correct below y'all on the surface where the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation was. Grab the cube too purpose momentum to teach to the button. Place the cube onto the push clit too house the portal on the other angled panel that faces the function out instead. Now, i time over again purpose momentum to teach to the function out too consummate the test.


First, become within through the emancipation grill too press the button. H5N1 reflection cube volition drop. Now, y'all tin run into that in that location is a hole inwards the drinking glass inwards front end of the push clit that y'all pressed. Now, from the outside, house a portal on whatever of the portable surface too other virtually you. Go through the portal to reverberate the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation to the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation catcher from the within through the emancipation grill. Now, become to the function out whatever manner y'all similar too maintain to the adjacent test.


After a painful procedure on jumping on that aerial religious belief plate thrice inwards a row. Place the bluish portal on the ceiling correct higher upward the angled panels on your correct when y'all come upward through that entrance. The orangish i on the ceiling correct higher upward the aerial religious belief plate. Now, launch yourself amongst that religious belief plate too become ahead. Go left from in that location to run into 2 angled panels. Place the bluish portal on the angled panel that is facing a push clit on an elevated surface, connected to a cube dropper. Now become through that portal too launch yourself amongst that aerial religious belief plate i time again. You volition live launched to that button, thence press it too teach that reflection cube dropped down. Place the bluish portal on the 2nd angled panel that faces the cube dropper. Now, saltation into that portal i time over again to launch yourself amongst the aerial religious belief plate to the cube that is dropped. Take that reflector cube too align it thence that the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation gets reflected to the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation catcher. You tin run into that in that location is a wall betwixt the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation catcher too the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation itself. So, reverberate the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation to that wall only. Now, house a portal on about other angled panel that faces the function out instead. Go through that portal too launch yourself amongst the aerial religious belief plate to the function out door. Now, house a portal on the wall where the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation is going to, too about other inwards front end of the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation catcher. Now, y'all tin run into that the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation goes through a portal to the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation catcher, which opens the function out door for you. Now, teach going!


You tin run into that in that location is a infinite beyond that aerial religious belief plate where in that location is a cube. Use momentum to brand your manner to that cube too grab it. After grabbing the cube, portal your manner dorsum to that aerial religious belief plate. Now, launch yourself amongst that aerial religious belief plate, piece grabbing the cube. Now, house the cube inwards front end of the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation catcher to block the laser. Now, become dorsum to that aerial religious belief plate, too launch yourself to an fifty-fifty higher platform. After getting fifty-fifty higher, house a bluish portal on the left on that portable surface. You tin also run into that in that location is a push clit over there, press it too take hold the reflection cube dropped. That cube volition come upward to y'all automatically, grab it too become down. The cube that y'all placed to block the laser, take away it too supervene upon it amongst the reflection cube. Reflect that Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation to the portable surface only contrary to the aerial religious belief plate that launches y'all to an fifty-fifty higher platform. Now, house the orangish portal on the portable surface y'all reflected the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation to. You tin instantly run into that the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation goes to the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation catcher, thence that the restrictions teach raised. Now, grab that measure cube too teach launched amongst the aerial religious belief plates. You volition teach to the exit, now, house the cube onto the push clit too teach going!


First, house the orangish portal on the portable surface where the difficult lite duet goes to. Place the bluish portal correct beside the exit. You volition run into a push clit over there, become ahead too press it. After pressing the button, in that location volition live cubes y'all tin run into that volition live dropped continuously into the deadly goo. Now, house the bluish portal contrary to the gap inwards betwixt the walls, too become through the portal to it. Now, become within the gap on that difficult lite bridge, too y'all volition run into about portable surfaces. First, house the bluish portal correct below y'all on a portable surface too nation on it. Then, on your right, house a bluish portal on the portable surface correct below you, i time over again too nation on it. Now, grab the cube that continuously falls into the goo. Take that cube through the portal too driblet it. Now, on your left from the entrance y'all come upward in, y'all tin run into that in that location is a button, behind about glass. So, house the bluish portal on the portable surface contrary to that. Now, become through the orangish portal amongst the cube too driblet it on the button. Now, become dorsum through the bluish portal too house a bluish portal beside the function out i time over again to brand your manner to the exit. Now, teach going!


After, y'all teach through that entrance door, house the bluish portal correct higher upward the difficult lite duet that is acquaint on the left from the entrance. Place the orangish portal anywhere virtually you. Go through that orangish portal to nation on the difficult lite bridge. Now, house the orangish portal onto the portable surface where the hard-light duet goes to. Then, house the bluish portal correct nether the cube dropper which was acquaint on the left mitt side after y'all entered the sleeping accommodation through the entrance. Now, become ahead too press the push clit that activates the cube dropper too grab that cube. Now, house the bluish portal correct contrary to the wall where in that location is the exit. Jump on the difficult lite duet amongst the cube too driblet it onto the push clit to opened upward the function out too teach going!


All y'all take hold to practise inwards this sleeping accommodation is only accept out turrets. Believe me, it’s rattling easy. Knock out the kickoff i yesteryear asset too throwing or releasing it. The second-, facial expression a minute, this is rattling easy. No ask to laissez passer on a walkthrough for this thing. Just house portals behind, below, or higher upward the turrets too accept them out yesteryear going through the portals too asset them too and then throwing or releasing them. At the last, only accept a cube from the starting, too house it on the push clit to opened upward the function out door too teach going!


First, motion that reflection cube from its order too house it thence that the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation goes through at to the lowest degree ii of those…..cones. Then house a portal on the wall where the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation goes to, too about other on the wall virtually the 3rd cone. This way, all the 3 cones volition live lit yesteryear the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation of the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation emitter, too the function out volition opened upward for you, thence teach going!


First, house an orangish portal to where the difficult lite duet goes to too and then house the bluish portal on the wall beside the turret which was acquaint on the left inwards social club to block its vision similar the turrets inwards the front end are blocked. Now, teach every bit unopen every bit possible to that turret on the left too and then speedily house the bluish portal elsewhere too knock out the turret. Now, inwards the front, y'all tin run into that in that location are four turrets on the right, guarding a cube. Place a portal on the portable surface inwards front end of y'all on the pillar to block their vision. Make your manner to the aerial religious belief plate inwards the front end now. As y'all see, that when y'all launch yourself amongst that aerial religious belief plate, y'all teach launched to about other one. Now, house the bluish portal on the wall acquaint on the left side that i.e. contrary to the turrets. This volition foreclose y'all from launching from i side to the other, resulting inwards y'all getting stopped inwards mid-air, too landing on a platform. Now, become direct too driblet on the cube to knock out all the four turrets too accept the cube. Now, driblet the cube onto the push clit to take away the drinking glass that prevents y'all from entering the exit. You tin run into that in that location are 2 turrets over there, thence block their vision also amongst a difficult lite duet too portal yourself behind them to knock ’em out. And, brand your manner to the function out to maintain to the adjacent test.


First, avoid the turret that is inwards a vent on the left when y'all come upward through that entrance. Now, stand upward on the button, i portal on the flooring where the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation goes to, too and then about other on the wall inwards front end of the 3 turrets that halt y'all from going whatever further. This volition destroy all the 3 turrets every bit the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation comes inwards contact amongst them. Now, comport the measure cube from in that location too house it on the push clit that activates the laser. Let the portals remain where they are. Now, purpose the reflection cube to reverberate the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation to the four turrets that stand upward inwards your manner too and then only reverberate the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation to the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation catcher too maintain to the function out to teach going!


This exam is the trickiest of all inwards my opinion. First, portal your manner to the difficult lite duet to teach the cube. Now, house the portal on the portable surface where the difficult lite duet goes to. And house the other portal virtually the entrance where the push clit is. In other words, only brand the difficult lite duet come upward correct higher upward the button. Now, accept the cube through the portal to the duet correct higher upward the button. Use the cube to block the laser. Now, become ahead too stand upward on the piston that leads y'all to the exit. Now, take away the portal which is having the cube on it too house it somewhere else. The cube volition driblet unblocking the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation too onto the button. This volition opened upward the function out too y'all volition also live transported to it. Hopefully, that makes sense.


After getting the worst ever surprise inwards portal history, house a bluish portal anywhere virtually y'all too about other on the wall that is behind the turret on the correct mitt side. Go through the portal too press the button. You tin run into that both the reflection cubes collide amongst each other too a take hold a seriously bad ending. So, house an orangish portal on the ceiling where the vertical difficult lite duet goes to. Then house the bluish portal inwards front end of the aerial religious belief plate that is on the side from where y'all came. This volition foreclose the reflection cube from going to the side from where y'all pressed the push clit too the other i volition come upward over to there. Now, house a portal correct behind y'all on a portable surface too portal behind the difficult lite bridge. Now, on the left mitt side, where the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation is, y'all tin run into that in that location is also a portable surface, thence house a portal in that location too the 2nd i should live correct nether the reflection cube thence that they tin teach transported to the laser. Do the same amongst the 2nd cube. Now, portal yourself to the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation every bit well. Place i reflection cube to reverberate the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation onto about other reflection cube. Take the 2nd reflection cube too direct the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation to the turret too blow it up! Now, accept the kickoff reflection cube too reverberate the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation to become through 2 cones. Now, pose the 2nd reflection cube correct inwards front end of the 2nd cone too reverberate the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation to the remaining 2 cones too the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation catcher. Now all five ticks are in that location to opened upward the exit, thence it’s opened. Now, house a portal on the ceiling where the difficult lite duet goes to, too the 2nd on the left mitt side of the function out to brand a duet to the function out too teach going!


First, pose a portal on the ceiling higher upward the aerial religious belief plates too about other inwards front end of it on the floor. You tin run into that y'all teach launched inwards the sky due to this. This is how y'all volition purpose momentum inwards this chamber. Now, if y'all take hold placed the bluish portal on meridian of the aerial religious belief plate on the ceiling, too orangish on the floor, y'all take hold to placed a bluish portal somewhere inwards social club to teach launched only similar velocity. I promise that makes sense. You tin run into a Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation on your correct leading to nix but a wall. Portal on that niggling expanse amongst the reflection cube. As before long every bit y'all teach there, reverberate the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation to the cone that is acquaint on the left beside the laser. Now, if y'all become dorsum to the entrance y'all tin run into that in that location is also a reflection cube on the right. Place a portal on the ceiling over in that location too go through about other portal to grab that reflection cube. After grabbing that reflection cube, i time over again purpose momentum to teach the cube where y'all lit upward the kickoff cone. Place a bluish portal on the ground, orangish on meridian of the religious belief plates, too and then when it launches itself inwards the sky house the orangish i on the wall contrary to where the kickoff cone was lit upward yesteryear you. Make certain to also become yourself too non the cube alone. After doing so, i time over again reverberate the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation from in that location to the cone that was acquaint inwards front end of the entrance to lite upward that i every bit well. Now, the final stage comes in. If y'all become dorsum to the entrance too then y'all tin run into that in that location is also a reflection cube on the left on an elevated platform. But every bit discussed earlier, purpose momentum to teach to that cube. Grab it too portal to the entrance direct away every bit in that location is a portable surface over in that location every bit well. Take the cube amongst y'all over in that location too nevertheless over again reverberate the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation to the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation catcher this time. Make certain that y'all also destroy all the turrets over in that location amongst the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation that y'all reflect. Now, i time AGAIN purpose momentum to launch yourself to the panels that popular upward i time y'all teach all the things done. Make your manner to the function out instantly to teach going!


When y'all come upward in, y'all tin run into that in that location are 3 lasers. On your right, y'all tin run into 3 Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation catchers. Place a bluish portal over in that location inwards front end of the 3 Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation catchers on the pillar. Then, on the left, y'all tin run into an angled Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation pointing at the wall. Place the orangish portal over in that location at that point. You tin run into that the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation goes direct to the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation catcher. Now, reverberate the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation that comes from the ceiling to the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation catcher that is on the right. In the end, the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation that is usually placed too comes direct tin live reflected inwards betwixt the 2 lasers to become to the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation catcher inwards the middle. This way, all the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation catchers teach activated too the function out door opens.


First house a portal to where the beam duet goes to too and then about other on the left mitt side of the function out where the push clit is. Travel through the portal too press the push clit to dispense the cube. But, facial expression a minute, who turned the lights off? Oh wait! SPOILERS! SPOILERS!


Come inwards too function out if y'all desire to. There is a companion cube on a button, opening the door to heaven. You practise wanna become in that location right? Oh, facial expression a minute, SPOILERS! SPOILERS!

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