Warframe – Focus Farming


Focus Farming

This method of focus farming uses Adaro, Sedna, an exterminate mission, together with Equinox’s’ night-mode slumber mightiness to keeps enemies un-alerted spell killing them to get-and keep-the stealth multiplier, equally enemies seat to slumber yesteryear equinox remain unalerted when a Tenno is inward front end of them or a nearby enemy dies. This method exploits that to hold that going throughout the entire mission, sleeping enemies to remain unalerted together with instruct stealth multiplier affinity gains, alongside a Focus Lens on Equinox together with the weapon used to maximize focus gains, together with this guide explains how to laid Equinox together with your melee weapon of choice, together with how to purpose them to maximize your focus farming efficiency.

Equinox Build

The Equinox laid is direct forward-a nighttime fashion slumber laid for her ii ability. What’s needed most is arrive at together with duration, nonetheless the laid tin mail away endure flexible, but hold inward mind

Lower arrive at requires to a greater extent than purpose of the ability-and thence to a greater extent than energy, together with volition likewise brand the run accept a fleck longer

Lower dur agency you lot cause got to endure killing them quicker-higher adventure of a error beingness made together with an enemy beingness alerted(which is 1 of the worst scenarios-an alerted enemy getting killed volition reset the stealth mutiplier together with lower focus gains signifcantly until it gets dorsum up).

Generally, maxed range(250) is ideal, but if modern infinite is an issue, dropping cunning drift inward favor of to a greater extent than efficiency or duration is non a bad choice, the laid I purpose is:


The augment isn’t needed, but tin mail away endure helpful inward for certain situations, such equally if you lot forgot to slumber a unmarried enemy you lot tin mail away but kill 1 adjacent to him; saving you lot liberate energy together with time, together with likewise saving you lot from him getting alerted.

For energy, I purpose Zenurik’s Energy Overflow, together with it keeps me good supplied alongside 130% efficiency(maxed out at v energy/s), but if you’re novel to focus farming or but don’t like/use zenurik, liberate energy restores volition create the play tricks exactly fine, exactly require some to a greater extent than resources.

Now, on to the melee build

Melee Build

The requirements of your melee are to a greater extent than flexible than the Equinox build.

The exclusively existent requirement is: it must endure able to 1 shot a score 36 bombard on a finisher

The argue I country score 36 bombard is that volition endure the toughest enemy you lot create create at Adaro. It’s possible to create a finisher together with non kill them together with they volition likewise remain asleep, but it is luck-reliant together with non consistent, together with results inward pregnant losses to affinity together with focus.

After the base of operations requirement, the best/most efficient way, is to cause got a weapon 1 shot an enemy without a finisher, equally it is much faster than going thorugh 130 finishers for 1 run.

However, when an enemy is asleep yesteryear Equinox, they are opened upwards to finishers, together with then you lot must endure far plenty away that the indicator for a finisher doesn’t demonstrate up, yesteryear using a weapon alongside to a greater extent than range, endure it innate arrive at or a weapon alongside Reach/Primed Reach.

Any weapon volition work, but the best weapons are amid polearms together with whips, equally they cause got the highest innate range. This allows for easier killing without accidentally getting into finisher range, together with killing to a greater extent than enemies at 1 time together with thence quicker runs.

The actual weapon itself doesn’t affair much, equally long equally it tin mail away kill the enemy inward 1 hit. Guandao, Orthos Prime, Atterax, they all work. Pick your favorite.

For the build, whatever laid volition operate equally long equally the weapon tin mail away 1 shot score 36 enemies. The exclusively modern I would country is required is Primed Reach, if you lot don’t cause got the Primed version, regular Reach volition work, but to a lesser effect.

Now alongside your builds inward order, on to truly doing it.

Focus Lens

When killing enemies alongside a weapon, 50% goes to the weapon used together with 50% to the warframe, therefore, to instruct the most out of your runs, putting a lens on both is the best innovation of action.

Better lens: More focus, obviously. Nothing to endure said almost that, exactly seat whatever forcefulness lens you lot want/can for this; Regular<Greater<Eidolon.

Affinity to Focus: 1.25% < 1.75% < 2.25%

The Farming Part

When getting downward to the killing, it’s rather simple. To nitty-gritty it up:Put the enemies inward the room to sleep, kill them, together with motion on.

If a focus orb pops up(5x Affinity to Focus conversion charge per unit of measurement for 45s), straightaway halt killing, slumber all enemies from you lot to the orb, together with continue alongside killing.

On bigger rooms that you lot tin mail away instruct far 1 go, or if you lot don’t cause got a lot of duration, carve upwards the enemies into groups together with focus them 1 yesteryear one(perhaps purpose 1 variety together with kill all enemies from that 1 variety of Sleep, together with motion or together with then the room methodically).

An alerted enemy agency lower focus, together with should endure avoided at all costs, focus your efforts on sleeping the enemies earlier killing them, the stealth multiplier is the argue for the high gains, together with an alerted enemy resets that!


Equinox Build: Focus on Duration together with Range, augment non required, Efficiency where possible.

Melee Build: Anything goes, best is weapon alongside high range(polearms, whips), exactly needs to 1 shot enemies, laid doesn’t matter.

What to do: Sleep a room, kill a room, motion on.

Focus Lens:At to the lowest degree on weapon, best on weapon together with Equinox, exactly purpose best lens available.


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