Pathologic 2 – Tinctures Ingredients, Herbs Roots Locations


With this remove I’m going to learn y'all the recipes for the Tinctures every bit good all the Herbs in addition to Root locations.

Tinctures Ingredients, Herbs Roots

This is remove amongst all the herbs inwards game in addition to the recipes for all the Tinctures that y'all tin sack brew inwards game.

Tinctures are used for boosting the thespian Immunity, to bring out the symptoms of the illness then y'all tin sack administer the correct antibiotic in addition to to boost the commutation NPCs resistance to the infection to salvage every bit many every bit possible.

So y'all volition demand every bit many every bit possible.

Water Bottle


The Water Bottle, too quenching your thirst it’s the base of operations element that y'all demand to brew all the Tinctures, to learn a Water Bottle y'all demand a Empty Bottle, fill upward it amongst H2O inwards 1 of the fountains or H2O barrels inwards game to piece of employment a Water Bottle (Well obviously)

PS: Muddy Watter can’t endure used to brew Tinctures, it volition decrease your thirst only it volition increase infection


Collecting herbs plays a vital business office inwards the mechanics of the game.

You tin sack sell them for approximately profits at the pub “The Broken Heart“.

But storing them to brew Tinctures is advisable, peculiarly the rare herbs.

Ashen Swish (Rare)


Black Twyre (Common)


Blood Twyre


Brown Twyre (Common)


Swevery (Rare)


White Whip (Rare)


Roots Locations

At approximately indicate early on inwards the game, y'all volition remove heed a rumbling audio afterward exiting Lara’s house, turning left y'all volition honour a naked adult woman who volition innovate y'all to earth’s root.

Standing nevertheless it volition emerge from undercover in addition to pouring blood, from a blood-filled flask, on transcend of it it volition gift y'all amongst herbs, sometimes rare herbs.

click to enlarge

Blood-filled flask, tin sack endure obtained past times performing autopsies on corpses in addition to pouring out the blood into an Empty Bottle afterward performing the showtime cut.


Tinctures tin sack endure created past times combining 2 herbs in addition to 1 Water Bottle, in addition to are used to boost the player’s immunity or to uncovering illness symptoms when healing the infected.

Yas Tincture


  • Blood Twyre, Brown Twyre in addition to Water Bottle.

Yas Tincture+


  • White Whip, Swevery in addition to Water Bottle.

  • White Whip, Brown Twyre in addition to Water Bottle.

  • White Whip, Blood Twyre in addition to Water Bottle.

  • White Whip, Black Twyre in addition to Water Bottle.

Medrel Tincture


  • Black Twyre, Blood Twyre, in addition to Water Bottle.

Medrel Tincture+


  • Ashen Swish, Swevery in addition to Water Bottle.

  • Black Twyre, Swevery in addition to Water Bottle.

  • Blood Twyre, Swevery in addition to Water Bottle.

  • Brown Twyre, Swevery in addition to Water Bottle.

Zürkh Tincture


  • Black Twyre, Brown Twyre in addition to Water Bottle.

Zürkh Tincture+


  • Ashen Swish, Brown Twyre in addition to Water Bottle.

  • Ashen Swish, White Whip in addition to Water Bottle.

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