Teamfight Tactics – Classes Cheet Sheat


Champions inwards Teamfight Tactics non entirely bring an Origin, they besides belong to a specific Class. Akali, for example, is an Assassin, acre Yasuo is a Blademaster, together with having a for certain discover of the same Class on the board volition confer a exceptional bonus exclusive to that archetype.

Class bonuses vary wildly, amongst Assassins buffing each others’ critical boom damage, acre multiple Blademasters bring a conduct chances to boom additional times during each attack. In Teamfight Tactics, it’s of import to residue the Classes inwards your squad composition then you’ve got a broad make of bonuses which bolster together with complement everyone on your roster.

LoL Teamfight Tactics Classes

Champions Assassin

Assassins bound to the farthest enemy at the firstly of combat together with bargain additional Critical Strike Damage.

  • 3 Assassin – +150% critical boom damage.

  • 6 Assassin – +350% critical boom damage.

Assassin Champions: Akali, Evelynn, Katarina, Kha’Zix, Pyke, Rengar, Zed.

Champions Blademaster

Blademasters bring a 35% conduct chances to boom additional times each attack.

  • 3 Blademaster – One additional strike

  • 6 Blademaster – Two additional strikes

Blademaster Champions: Aatrox, Draven, Fiora, Gangplank, Shen, Yasuo.

Champions Brawler

Brawlers have bonus maximum health.

  • 2 Brawler – +300 Bonus health.

  • 4 Brawler – +700 Bonus health.

Brawler Champions: Chogath, Darius, RekSai, Volibear, Warwick.

Champions Elementalist

Elementalists gain double mana from attacks.

  • 3 Elementalists – At the firstly of combat, summon an Elemental.

Elementalists Champions: Anivia, Brand, Kennen.

Champions Guardian

  • 2 Guardian – At the firstly of combat, all Guardians together with following allies have +30 armor.

Guardian Champions: Braum together with Leona.

Champions Gunslinger

After attacking, Gunslingers bring a 50% conduct chances to burn downwardly additional attacks.

  • 2 Gunslinger – Attack about other random enemy.

  • 4 Gunslinger – Attack all enemies inwards range.

Gunslinger Champions: Gangplank, Graves, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Tristana.

Champions Knight

Knights block harm from basic attacks.

  • 2 Knight – xx harm blocked.

  • 4 Knight – twoscore harm blocked.

  • 6 Knight – eighty harm blocked.

Knight Champions: Blitzcrank, Garen, Kayle, Mordekaiser, Poppy, Sejuani.

Champions Ranger

Every 3s, Rangers bring a conduct chances to double their assault speed.

  • 2 Ranger – 25% chance.

  • 4 Ranger – 65% chance.

Ranger Champions: Ashe, Kindred, Varus, Vayne.

Champions Shapeshifter

Shapeshifters gain bonus maximum Health when they transform.

  • 3 Shapeshifter – +100% max health

Shapeshifter Champions: Elise, Gnar, Nidalee, Shyvana, Swain.

Champions Sorcerer

Allies bring increased spell damage.

  • 3 Sorcerer – +35% spell damage

  • 6 Sorcerer – +100% spell damage

Sorcerer Champions: Ahri, Aurelion Sol, Karthus, Kassadin, Lissandra, Lulu, Morgana, Veigar.

Classes Cheat Sheet


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