Teamfight Tactics – Classes Cheet Sheat

Champions inwards Teamfight Tactics non entirely bring an Origin, they besides belong to a specific Class. Akali, for example, is an Assassin, acre Yasuo is a Blademaster, together with having a for certain discover of the same Class on the board volition confer a exceptional bonus exclusive to that archetype.
Class bonuses vary wildly, amongst Assassins buffing each others’ critical boom damage, acre multiple Blademasters bring a conduct chances to boom additional times during each attack. In Teamfight Tactics, it’s of import to residue the Classes inwards your squad composition then you’ve got a broad make of bonuses which bolster together with complement everyone on your roster.
LoL Teamfight Tactics Classes
- 3 Assassin – +150% critical boom damage.
- 6 Assassin – +350% critical boom damage.
Assassin Champions: Akali, Evelynn, Katarina, Kha’Zix, Pyke, Rengar, Zed.
Blademasters bring a 35% conduct chances to boom additional times each attack.
- 3 Blademaster – One additional strike
- 6 Blademaster – Two additional strikes
Blademaster Champions: Aatrox, Draven, Fiora, Gangplank, Shen, Yasuo.
Brawlers have bonus maximum health.
- 2 Brawler – +300 Bonus health.
- 4 Brawler – +700 Bonus health.
Brawler Champions: Chogath, Darius, RekSai, Volibear, Warwick.
Elementalists gain double mana from attacks.
- 3 Elementalists – At the firstly of combat, summon an Elemental.
Elementalists Champions: Anivia, Brand, Kennen.
- 2 Guardian – At the firstly of combat, all Guardians together with following allies have +30 armor.
Guardian Champions: Braum together with Leona.
After attacking, Gunslingers bring a 50% conduct chances to burn downwardly additional attacks.
- 2 Gunslinger – Attack about other random enemy.
- 4 Gunslinger – Attack all enemies inwards range.
Gunslinger Champions: Gangplank, Graves, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Tristana.
Knights block harm from basic attacks.
- 2 Knight – xx harm blocked.
- 4 Knight – twoscore harm blocked.
- 6 Knight – eighty harm blocked.
Knight Champions: Blitzcrank, Garen, Kayle, Mordekaiser, Poppy, Sejuani.
Every 3s, Rangers bring a conduct chances to double their assault speed.
- 2 Ranger – 25% chance.
- 4 Ranger – 65% chance.
Ranger Champions: Ashe, Kindred, Varus, Vayne.
Shapeshifters gain bonus maximum Health when they transform.
- 3 Shapeshifter – +100% max health
Shapeshifter Champions: Elise, Gnar, Nidalee, Shyvana, Swain.
Allies bring increased spell damage.
- 3 Sorcerer – +35% spell damage
- 6 Sorcerer – +100% spell damage
Sorcerer Champions: Ahri, Aurelion Sol, Karthus, Kassadin, Lissandra, Lulu, Morgana, Veigar.
Classes Cheat Sheet