Dota Underlords – Tier List for Items, Synergies Units


Tier List for Items, Synergies Units


S Tier

  • Knights (An insanely rigid tank synergy, twosome amongst a damaging synergy to comprehend their weakness.)

  • Hunters (Not only is it high damage, but it’s to a greater extent than chances for on striking procs similar basher or maelstrom.)

  • Warriors (insane anti-physical capabilities, bully at dealing amongst hunters.)

  • Dragons (A lot of the dragon’s extra abilities dominate the battlefield, dragon knight requires the synergy at i time for dragon form.)

A Tier

  • Mages (Incredibly powerful flare-up damage, tin sack back upwards other standalone heroes similar techies or gyrocopter.)

  • Trolls (The item at i time stacking allows trolls to practice goodness other allies significantly, increasing assault speed of allies significantly.)

  • Warlocks (incredible squad sustain, non in addition to hence useful for mages.)

  • Inventors (provides hp regen, but has problem without other supplements.)

  • Heartless (Their item also decreasing wellness regen is a huge boon to this alliance)

  • Druids (Bigger units, faster, only demand 2 of four to move flat iii to receive got all four of them move so.)

  • Demons (50% pure harm allows the many powerful arrangements to snowball.)

  • Humans (An insanely high jeopardy to halt powerful enemies from casting their spells, doesn’t piece of work in addition to hence good against warriors though.)

B Tier

  • Savage (Extra harm for those who demand it, non also useful past times itself.)

  • Brawny (reliant on their item, but their item tin sack win the game outright, at to the lowest degree until enigma 2 appears.)

  • Scrappy (decent armor in addition to HP regen, but it fails inwards the facial expression upwards of burst.)

  • Elusive (relying on a % base of operations jeopardy isn’t a specially reliable vogue to play the game, notwithstanding does increment survivability of a lot of other synergies.)

C tier

  • Assassins (Too reliant on their item to move whatsoever useful, requires a tanky frontline alliance.)

  • Deadeye (Generally redundant equally almost depression wellness enemies are already beingness focused down.)

  • Primordial (generally a worse vogue version of the elusive alliance, amongst also varied a squad comp to move useful.)

  • Scaled (a niche pick only if you’re having distinct problem amongst mages.)

  • Shaman (good against creep waves, but creep waves aren’t specially hard to laid about with.)

  • Bloodbound (A gimmick that plant early game, but falls off fast.)

  • Demon-Hunter (too reliant on their item to move useful, the heroes that are inwards this degree are by in addition to large weak inwards their ain right.)


These are ranked on private mightiness primarily amongst fry consideration on how easily they tin sack check inwards to a synergy or squad comp. I’m also rating them past times tier because it’s easier that way.

Tier 1

  • Axe (an amazing tank that tin sack protect other frontliners.)

  • Tinker (High early game flare-up damage, in all likelihood the tankiest spellcaster.)

  • Batrider (Do non underestimate a batriders damage, especially if in that place are 2 of them.)

  • Tusk (A enterprise crit stun, but falls off belatedly game.)

  • Enchantress (Early game the heal is insane, but belatedly game she gets bursted down.)

  • Tiny (A bully AOE stun, but a bad race synergy.)

  • Clockwerk (Probably the worst of the mechs, but is able to 1v1 extremely well.)

  • Bloodseeker (A bully assassinator if he doesn’t instruct focused, but is commonly countered past times proficient positioning.)

  • Shadow Shaman (The buff that allows the troll item to stack agency that having all four trolls is much to a greater extent than powerful, therefor upping Shadow Shaman’s viability.)

  • Warlock (His spell is his redeeming factor, it tin sack completely salvage a unit of measurement or murder i if he gets it at a proficient time, flare-up ruins it though.)

  • Drow Ranger (A far autumn from grace, rather mediocre these days, but bully synergy.)

  • Bounty Hunter (A proficient burst, but is by in addition to large an assassinator y'all only desire for the scrappy synergy.)

  • Anti-Mage (a lot of units tin sack gain mana despite anti-mage attacking them, is completely underwhelming without foreign bedfellows.)

  • Ogre Magi (A cool tank for mages, but is dull to accuse in addition to requires a gimmick to bargain damage.)

Tier 2

  • Pudge (An early flat 2 pudge volition ship y'all through almost of the early game.)

  • Witch Doctor (An amazing early game CC ability, troll synergy spell belongings octarine heart in addition to soul agency a lot of casks.)

  • Puck (Puck amongst a dragon synergy is basically slark from DAC when he soundless had shadow dance. if a scrap less powerful.)

  • Queen of Pain (Large AOE burst, demonic pure damage, fast mana gain.)

  • Crystal Maiden (Useless past times her self, amazing amongst mana hungry allies.)

  • Juggernaut (Juggernaut is insanely tanky if y'all instruct forged inwards battle, but he dies speedily without the bonus health.)

  • Treant Protector (Probably the 2nd best druid, volition move through many battles if y'all upgrade him.)

  • Beast Master (The early game hunter tank, helps hunter viability significantly, especially amongst forged inwards battle.)

  • Chaos Knight (Chaos Knight has a fair amount of problem securing kills currently, but his stun is amazing for stopping other CC heroes.)

  • Timbersaw (a decent tank amongst a high harm aoe ability, non genuinely feasible till flat 2 though.)

  • Slardar (His labor tin sack easily move done meliorate past times heartless synergies, only a proficient pick for naga players or 9 warrior strats.)

  • Natures Prophet (More bodies, but also really vulnerable to beingness murdered past times accident.)

  • Luna (Too reliant on a powerful harm item to perform well.)

  • Morphling (is outdone inwards harm past times almost other assassins.)

Tier 3

  • Shadow Fiend (High damage, high spell gain, warlock synergy.)

  • Viper (Dragon Synergy increases the survivability harm output of viper quite significantly)

  • Slark (if left lone for long enough, volition shred the entire enemy team, brand certain y'all receive got tanks for this guy.)

  • Lycan (2 extra bodies equally good equally a complimentary crit chance, huge amounts of harm in addition to survivability.)

  • OmniKnight (Tanky equally hell, bully amongst both human synergy or autumn from grace, insane healing.)

  • Razor (Large AOE damage, the almost consistent primordial.)

  • Sand King (Surprisingly underrated, a bully stun in addition to large harm when stacked amongst synergies.)

  • Sniper (High harm amongst interplanetary space range, beware of assassins.)

  • Abaddon (A bully tank amongst Great synergies, but Omniknight outperforms him.)

  • Windranger (Her abilities business is thin, in addition to hence is rather weak against spread out teams.)

  • Arc Warden (Relies completely on refresher in addition to crystal first for viability, but volition destroy otherwise.)

  • Lina (out bursted past times almost other mages, also rather squishy.)

  • Phantom Assassin (A crit on a synergy that gets complimentary crits, becomes redundant.)

  • Terrorblade (Too reliant on foreign bedfellows, also tin sack instruct other powerful units killed when


  • Venomancer (The minions he summons don’t practice plenty to alter a fight.)

Tier 4

  • Kunkka (An amazing hero that scales inwards AOE size amongst levels, best CC.)

  • Doom (Is amazing at taking out substitution occupation targets, especially against mages.)

  • Medusa (split shot does in addition to hence much harm when combined amongst an entire squad stun.)

  • Dragon Knight (Now requires 2 dragons to move viable, but also gains an extra aoe harm in addition to harm reduction ability, viability went vogue up.)

  • Lone Druid (The best druid, the deport also deals harm to players.)

  • Troll Warlord (normally requires troll synergy, insane harm output.)

  • Necrophos (healing, healing in addition to to a greater extent than damage, a bully support.)

  • Mirana (her harm output is non to move underestimated, that arrow volition 1 striking a fair few units.)

  • Keeper of the Light (Was nerfed pretty heavily, definitely only move amongst a proper mage comp now.)

  • Disruptor (great at stopping spell casters, but is outdone past times hard cc almost of the time.)

  • Alchemist (A proficient warlock for scrappers, redundant if y'all receive got heartless inwards your comp.)

  • Templar Assassin (A rigid hero, but really susceptible to CC.)

Tier 5

  • Tidehunter (The 2nd best CC, the other hunter tank.)

  • Enigma (Consistent AOE damage, is liable to buy the farm if you’re non careful.)

  • Techies (Several squad comps likes the high harm output of mines.)

  • Gyrocopter (basically a worse techies at i time that his mine does magical damage.)

  • Lich (Great harm output, but is the to the lowest degree flexible out of all the 5th tier units, hard to operate without items either.)


Tier 1

  • Embarrassment of riches (A must pick if y'all instruct it inside the outset iii rounds, the versatility it allows y'all is absolutely insane)

  • Brooch of the martyr (an item that stays rigid fifty-fifty until the belatedly game, allowing your principal CC tanks similar Tidehunter or Kunkka to instruct to total mana long before the enemy can.)

  • Soul Sucking Syphon (A rigid item for a rigid synergy, the fact that it also allows spell harm to heal agency that fifty-fifty a mage comp amongst a few warlocks could practice goodness from this item.)

  • Chainmail (A enterprise survivability selection early on, doubles the armor of a fair few heroes, increasing the fourth dimension your tanks rest move massively.)

  • Blight Stone (A enterprise pick if y'all lack undead but also demand to a greater extent than damage, doesn’t final in addition to hence good into the belatedly game, but volition assist y'all instruct through a physical wall early on.)

  • Unstable Reactor (A bully item to stack amongst wellness items in addition to itself, equally it adds +20% per stack.)

  • Claymore (another enterprise early game harm item, slightly worse than blight stone due to the fact that y'all can’t amplify already high harm amongst this one.)

  • Vitality booster (The mightiness to tank for knights.)

  • Tranquil Boots (The extra wellness regen makes it a proficient item on early game tanks)

  • Strange Bedfellows (A staple of the demon-hunter archetype, would move great, if demon hunters always instruct buffed.)

  • Gloves of haste (Can move used to speed upwards dull assault speed heroes, but by in addition to large it’s only meliorate to endeavour in addition to pick out grip of the Troll global item in addition to branch into using them instead of this if y'all can.)

  • Cloak (by the fourth dimension y'all demand this y'all receive got access to meliorate options inwards Hood or BKB.)

Tier 2

  • Smuggler (Better items, faster, what else tin sack i say?)

  • Octarine Essence (Great for heroes who tin sack gain mana fast but are express past times somewhat dull mightiness accuse rates, heroes similar witch physician practice goodness from this especially well.)

  • Blademail (Who doesn’t dear the enemies pain themselves, bully for frontline tanks who are lacking a scrap of damage.)

  • Silver Lining (If y'all instruct this early y'all tin sack guarantee it is going to brand y'all a proficient amount of money, in addition to tin sack soundless salvage your income somewhat if y'all lose a winning streak.)

  • Coordinated Assault (Now that the assault speed stacks, this item skyrockets the amount of attacks y'all tin sack practice amongst a high base of operations assault hero, similar sniper.)

  • Mask of Madness (Amazing on heroes amongst no abilities, rather mediocre anywhere else.)

  • Arcane Boots (More mana for slower heroes past times using a faster hero.)

  • Brooch of the Aggressor (More mana for heroes who assault a lot, medusa in addition to mages practice goodness from this quite significantly.)

  • Forged inwards battle (Tough to instruct started, but it snowballs speedily if y'all instruct plenty kills on your brawny units.)

  • Aegis of the Immortal (Keeping winstreaks move since release.)

  • Unstoppable (The amount of survivability this brings is decent, but i detect that units tend to ignore units when they’re inwards their unstoppable state.)

  • Tooth in addition to Claw (Don’t underestimate the bleed, it hurts, unfortunately, it is also counteracted quite heavily past times healing.)

  • Fall From Grace (With the wicked intent buff, this is to a greater extent than viable, but the human synergy is in addition to hence proficient it’d move a shame to surrender on it.)

  • Completing the cycle (You’d preferably desire your healing to move done before your units die, but it’s decent if y'all receive got a lot of frontline heroes.)

  • Indomitable volition (humans don’t genuinely demand the debuff resistance, equally their quiet already stops almost debuffs in addition to CC from happening, only genuinely pick if y'all are facing an absolute ton of CC units.)

  • Age of Chivalry (Most knights don’t rest unopen plenty to your other units for them to practice goodness from this, in addition to hence almost of the fourth dimension it’s meliorate to pick upwards a to a greater extent than damaging item over this, equally knights usually lack on the harm side.)

  • Summoning Stone (Normally y'all don’t receive got plenty units that summon other units to move worth it, only pick out grip of if y'all plough over off to move going for a summon equally many things equally possible build.)

  • Blink Dagger (Basically turns whatsoever hero into an assassin, however, y'all could only instruct an assassin.)

Tier 3

  • A higher degree of criminal (better units, faster, allows y'all to genuinely construct for high flat synergies due to the fact y'all instruct flat four five units in addition to hence much before than those missing the item.)

  • Hunter’s Focus (The amount of harm your hunters recieve from this item is insane, doesn’t fifty-fifty require a total squad of hunters to practice goodness y'all greatly.)

  • Check the bodies (More money, to a greater extent than levels, to a greater extent than merges.)

  • Eye of Skadi (Absolutely amazing on assassins or frontliners who would rather receive got harm less frequently instead of surviving the harm they already tank.)

  • Sacred Relic (A bully utility harm item, literally only a meliorate claymore, genuinely allowing fast charging mages.)

  • Dragon’s Hoard (Stacking these wins games outright, dragons are insane at the moment.)

  • Vanguard (Great against lower flat enemies, non in addition to hence much against iii stars.)

  • Wicked Intent (Now that this item blocks HP regen, it is a must receive got for whatsoever squad trying to force through regen heavy tanks, similar Treant Protector.)

  • Pocket Sand (A bully tool for getting through spell heavy comps amongst assassins, but soundless doesn’t salvage them from their principal counter, the tank heavy meta.)

  • Mekanism (a bully heal for whatsoever squad lacking healing in addition to has multiple frontlines.)

  • Retaliate (usually if y'all receive got naga’s you’re choosing them for the CC, non to instruct hit.)

  • Skull Basher (Great for fast attacking targets, but is outshone past times other correct click items.)

  • Elusive Targets (Doesn’t halt enemy from gaining mana from taking damage, in addition to hence a rigid tidehunter soundless wipes y'all out.)

  • Final Flash (Most mages tend to buy the farm before getting the extra mightiness off.)

  • Hood of Defiance (Great against mages, non also useful anywhere else.)

  • Font of creation (The units are extremely susceptible to CC, in addition to are weak, only instruct amongst summoning stone.)

  • Shaman Pluck (Too depression a jeopardy to genuinely proc inwards legit situation.)

Tier 4

  • Friends in addition to Family Discount (less gilded spend, to a greater extent than coin for you.)

  • Black King Bar (The perfect item for your heroes who genuinely don’t similar beingness striking past times CC.)

  • Refresher Orb (Makes Arc warden a hero, also amazing for whatsoever hero amongst large CC abilities.)

  • Radiance (The item for if y'all receive got also many tanks in addition to non plenty damage.)

  • Pipe of Insight (A bully item for squad comps that similar to stick together, similar knights, but by in addition to large considered a worse BKB otherwise due to the lack of CC cancellation)

  • Daedalus (provides raw harm but slightly less utility from other items, soundless the crit is insane.)

  • Moon shard (If y'all receive got warlocks, this tin sack easily supercede Mask of Madness on heroes similar slark.)

  • Battlefury (High assault melee heroes at i time striking to a greater extent than enemies at once.)

  • Dagon (Great for finishing off enemies before getting their abilities off.)

  • Maelstrom (Usually outperformed past times other AOE items.)

  • Vicious intent (The extra harm this provides is redundant inwards also many situations.)

Tier 5

  • Expanded Roster (Want to move flat 11? at i time y'all can!)

  • Desperate measures (Now that this item also boosts mana gains, it is a godsend to whatsoever depression hp player, would recommend over expanded roster if your wellness is below 60.)

  • Heart of Tarrasque (A bully item amongst insane regeneration, if y'all receive got forged inwards battle, this is fifty-fifty to a greater extent than powerful.)

  • Recruiter (an amazing item for getting that final merge y'all needed for that iii star.)

  • Assault Cuirass (You receive got less damage, they receive got more.)

  • Shiva’s guard (The dull from this item is underestimated, bully against physical lineups.)

  • Bloodthorn (Good against fast mana tanks, especially if theres only 1.)

  • Divine Rapier (Will throw your game away.)

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