Europa Universalis 4 Console Commands


Usefull Eu4 console commands (We volition endeavour to update the guide together with therefore it covers close of the Eu4 cheats together with many variations of them)

General Cheats Eu4


(add ducats). (can live negative)

example: cash 999999 (adds 999999 ducats).

example 2: cash -2000 (removes 2000 ducats).

cash without a value gives 5000 ducats


(add adm dip together with mil power). (can live negative)

example: powerpoints 9999 (adds 9999 dip/mil/adm power).

example 2: powerpoints -666 (removes 666 dip/mil/adm power).

powerpoints without a value gives 999 dip/mil/adm power


(grants manpower). (can live negative)

example: manpower 999 (adds 999000 manpower to your manpower pool).

example 2: manpower -100 (removes 100000 manpower from your manpower pool).

manpower without a value grants 50000 manpower


(grants sailors). (can live negative)

example: sailors 99999 (adds 99999 sailors to your sailors pool).

example 2: sailors -5000 (removes 5000 sailors from your sailors pool).

sailors without a value grants 5000 sailors


(adds prestige) (can live negative).

example : prestige 100 (adds 100 prestige)

example 2: prestige -100 (takes 100 prestige away)

prestige without a value adds v prestige


(changes your ruler legitimacy(only for monarchies) (can live negative)).

example legitimacy fifty (adds fifty legitimacy)

example legitimacy -50 (removes fifty legitimacy)


(adds or substracts stability) (can live negative)).

example stability 1 (adds 1 stability)

example stability -4 (adds -4 stability)

stability without a value volition add together +6 stability


(adds corruption). (can live negative)

example: corrupt 25 (adds 25 corruption).

example 2: corrupt -1 (removes 100 corruption (due to a glitch)).

cash without a value gives 5000 ducats

inflation [amount] [Country tag (OPTIONAL)]

(adds or removes inflation from your province or desired country)

example: inflation 1 (will add together 1 inflation to your country)

example 2: inflation -5 (will take v inflation from your country)

example 3: inflation M TUR (will add together M inflation to the ottomans)


(grants adm power) (can live negative)

example adm 200 (adds 200 administrative power)

example adm -200 (removes 200 administrative power)

adm without a value gives 999 adm points


(grants dip power) (can live negative)

example dip 200 (adds 200 diplomatic power)

example dip -200 (removes 200 diplomatic power)

dip without a value gives 999 dip points


(grants mil power) (can live negative)

example mil 200 (adds 200 armed forces power)

example adm -200 (removes 200 armed forces power)

mil without a value gives 999 mil points

Religion Cheats

change_religion [Country Tag] [religion tag]

(changes an entire province faith to specific faith (better purpose this ane amongst debug_mode))

example: change_religion PAP sunni (changes faith of the papal province to sunni)

example 2: change_religion GEN orthodox (changes faith of genoa to orthodox)

example 3: change_religion TUR protestant (changes faith of the ottomans to protestant)

change_religion [province ID] [religion tag]

(changes a province faith to specific faith (better purpose this ane amongst debug_mode))

example: change_religion 118 sunni (changes faith inwards rome to sunni)

example 2: change_religion 112 shiite (changes faith inwards venezia to shia)

example 3: change_religion 76 tengri_pagan_reformed (changes faith inwards salzburg to tengri)

religion tags:

Catholic: catholic

Protestant: protestant

Reformed: reformed

Orthodox: orthodox

Coptic: coptic

Sunni: sunni

Shia: shiite

Ibadi: ibadi

Theravada: buddhism

Vajrayana: vajrayana

Mahayana: mahayana

Confucian: confucianism

Shinto: shinto

Hindu: hinduism

Sikh: sikhism

Animist: animism

Fetishist: shamanism

Totemist: totemism

Inti: inti

Nahuatl: nahuatl

Mayan: mesoamerican_religion

Norse: norse_pagan_reformed

Tengri: tengri_pagan_reformed

Jewish: jewish

Zoroastrian: zoroastrian

Nestorian: nestorian

Fraticelli: fraticelli

Cathar: cathar

Messalian: messalian

Waldensian: waldensian

Lollard: lollard

Monophysite: monophysite

Bogomilist: bogomilist

Monothelite: monothelite

Iconoclast: iconoclast

Paulician: paulician

Zikri: zikri

Yazidi: yazidi

Kharijite: kharijite

Druze: druze

Hurufi: hurufi

Mazdaki: mazdaki

Manichean: manichean

Samaritan: samaritan_faith

Karaite: karaite_faith

Jainism: jain

Romuva: baltic_pagan_reformed

Hellenic: hellenic_pagan

Slavic: slavic_pagan_reformed

Suomenusko: finnish_pagan_reformed

Zunist: zun_pagan_reformed

change_religion_court ruler [Religion Tag]

(changes faith of your ruler to specific religion)

change_religion_court heir [Religion Tag]

(changes faith of your heir to specific religion)

change_religion_court consort [Religion Tag]

(changes faith of your consort to specific religion)

change_religion_court admadv [Religion Tag]

(changes faith of your hired administrative advisor to specific religion)

change_religion_court dipadv [Religion Tag]

(changes faith of your hired diplomatic advisor to specific religion)

change_religion_court miladv [Religion Tag]

(changes faith of your hired armed forces advisor to specific religion)


(add 100 papal influence)

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