Borderlands 3 – Hazardous Westergun (Legendary Weapon)

Like whatever Borderlands game – it’s all most the loot, too the Legendary Weapons are the cream of the crop. Borderlands iii features countless dissimilar Legendary Weapons that become higher upward too beyond normal weapons alongside novel styles, skins, too hidden effects.
Note that Legendary Weapons too Items tin hold upward constitute at dissimilar levels, too the weapon harm volition scale to your currently marker on finding it, precisely other effects stay the same.
Hazardous Westergun (Legendary Weapon)
- Accuracy: 71%
- Handling: 58%
- Reload Time: 2.4s
- Fire Rate: 5.51/s
- Magazine Size: 24
- +20% Weapon Charge Speed
- +75 Splash Damage Radius
- 1.7x Weapon Zoom
- Can switch betwixt Cryo too Corrosive element
- Red Text: I believe ya, precisely my tommy gun don’t
For a Maliwan gun, this SMG needs almost no accuse fourth dimension earlier you lot tin unleash either cryo or corrosive bolts at a rapid footstep alongside impressive splash damage, which is certain to displace chaos when going against bigger groups.