Borderlands 3 – Trevonator (Legendary Weapon)

Like any Borderlands game it’s all most the loot, as well as theLegendary Weapons are the cream of the crop. Borderlands three features countless unlike Legendary Weapons that become higher upwards as well as beyond normal weapons amongst novel styles, skins, as well as hidden effects.
Note that Legendary Weapons as well as Items tin bathroom endure flora at unlike levels, as well as the weapon harm volition scale to your currently score on finding it, simply other effects rest the same.
Trevonator Shotgun
- Accuracy: 70%
- Handling: 69%
- Reload Time: 2.7s
- Fire Rate: 6.61/s
- Magazine Size: 15
- +28% Weapon Charge Speed
- +75 Splash Damage Radius
- Red Text: Trev is gunna larn you!
My advert is Trevor, as well as then naturally this is the best gun inwards the game. Each shot out of the Trevonator fires a outburst of 4 orb projectiles that explode on impact.