Planet Zoo – Starting Guide


Basic Starting Guide – Avoid Feeding “Bug”

The Start

The start affair I do, is guide a elementary layout. Two Habitats, non likewise big. You desire to start rattling slow, to teach your income going together with non autumn behind.


1. Starting to large of a build. You desire to maintain your coin spent on the low. Don’t create to a greater extent than than 2 or three Habitats to start.

2. Starting alongside large animals, specially carnivores. The larger the animal, together with the to a greater extent than animals you lot have, the to a greater extent than it volition toll to feed them. Start simple.

3. Hiring likewise many staff. You create non require that many to start out.

4. Vet edifice together with Quarantine. There is no argue to prepare these fast, every bit long every bit you lot play smart. They are rattling expensive.

5. Be cautious alongside nutrient enrichment. In my opinion, avoid them completely. You create non require them, together with they tin forcefulness out crusade issues.

6. Do non over-train your staff. There is no argue to create this early. They are enough able to create the jobs at hand, together with croak quite expensive.

To Do:

1. Build 1 Keeper Hut together with 1 Staff Room per Habitat, rattling unopen by. These are for your Keeper only. This keeps him on skilful rotation.

2. Create a travel expanse for every Habitat. Name them. I commonly cite them afterwards the beast that volition travel within of them.

3. Assign 1 Keeper to the pre-made Keeper Hut, Staff Room together with Habitat. This way that Keeper’s sole focus volition travel on Keeping that Habitat inwards tip travel yesteryear shape. He won’t travel getting lost anywhere, or confused alongside other Keepers.

4. As above, start elementary on animals. You require to bake the pie earlier you lot sell it. Not likewise many, non likewise expensive, non likewise large. Expand every bit your income allows.

5. FULLY question each beast earlier you lot proceed to creating or together with thus other Habitat alongside to a greater extent than animals. This volition allow you lot to max out that animals welfare acre educating your guests. Educated guests are happier guests, together with volition pass to a greater extent than money.

6. Have multiple donation boxes wherever your guests appear to congregate. Donations are your lifeline.

7. Make certain all buildings, including doors to habitats, induce got power.

8. Make certain all standing H2O is inwards attain of a H2O cleaner.

9. Once you lot teach 2-3 successful Habitats going, alongside income coming inwards – start next the guide the guests supply for you. If they are thirsty, supply drinks. If they are hungry, supply food.

10. Don’t forget to add together educational signs.

11. If you lot are getting vandals on your signs together with trash cans, install safety cameras pointed at them.

In my start screenshot below, you lot volition run into the layout.

1 Keeper Hut, 1 Staff Room on each side. One laid for each Keeper.

1 Staff Room together with 1 Trade Center on ane side. One laid for my caretaker.

The 2 buildings near the Habitats are Information Centers. They supply skilful early on income together with education.

I induce got non withal added a workshop together with question center, nor hired the staff for them.







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