Planet Zoo – Tips and Tricks


Tips together with Tricks

Getting Started

So You’ve Started the Game


  • WASD to move

  • L for flashlight

  • Q together with E to rising together with sink

  • Shift + WASD to speed upwardly movement

  • Scroll to Zoom inwards together with out

  • Press the Scroll Wheel to pin (I recommend to switch this to Ctrl)

  • Ctrl+D to duplicate an object

  • M to displace an object

  • X to opened upwardly the trademarked precision widget (allows advanced directional together with rotational axis control)

  • Ctrl+X to duplicate an object together with opened upwardly the widget

  • P to interruption the simulation (not opened upwardly the menu) ((I recommend changing this to Space))

  • Z to rotate an object

  • Shift to adapt the plough over of objects

Note: There are lots of other hotkeys together with I recommend looking at all of them. You tin dismiss come across together with alter them inwards the Settings bill of fare nether Controls

Starting to Build

  • If you’re planning to build something large together with complex, interruption your game.

  • Pay attending the lower right corner when inwards a edifice tab, there’s unremarkably useful configurations that you lot tin dismiss accept reward of (i.e angle snap, path width, length, barrier length, curved shape together with window)

  • When creating a grouping of objects or building, pay attending to what is grouped together with what is not. In instance you lot guide hold placed something together with you lot desire it to move apart of the group, together with thence Shift click the 2 of them together with click the icon that looks similar a Tree together with a addition sign.

  • Objects amongst a grid background adhere to a grid organization together with cannot move changed that means but items amongst a white background are ornament objects together with tin dismiss placed amongst total control.

  • To pith a décor detail on a wall or anything, press F

Zoo Beginnings

Before you lot tin dismiss actually practise anything regarding a zoo, you lot guide hold to guide hold some facilities such as:


  • Zookeeper Hut (The only house where a keeper tin dismiss prepare food)

  • Animal Trade Center (Acts every bit a gateway for animals into the zoo)

  • Research Center (Used past times Vets to farther the zoo’s noesis regarding animals)

  • Workshop (Used past times mechanics to perform research)

  • Staff Room (Buildings where staff tin dismiss snuff it to balance together with regain energy)

  • Veterinary Surgery (Only location for vets to process brute affliction together with injury)

  • Quarantine (Used to safely isolate sick animals earlier handling at a vet surgery)\

  • Power (Stuff similar solar panels together with transformers)

  • Water Treatment (Cleans H2O – works the same means every bit ability together with doesn’t guide hold to move touching water)

You require to house at to the lowest degree all of these things to, at the really least, acquire rid of the alerts demanding them. You should continue inwards hear that you lot should continue keeper huts approximately exhibits together with staff rooms accessible to staff. The staff people volition complain if a facility is too far away together with guests volition complain if they guide hold to move anywhere close a facility.

Your Zoo Tools

There are 2 of import tools you lot tin dismiss usage inwards Planet Zoo.

The Zoopedia together with The View Modes (or oestrus map, radar or whatever you lot wanna telephone phone it}

The Zoopedia is your best friend

The Zoopedia has a listing of every brute inwards the game. It displays:


  • General Information (stuff similar name, peril status, together with a full general bio)

  • Natural Habitat (It shows natural habitat information but most importantly the Minimum Habitat Requirements which is of import to keeping brute welfare up)

  • Species Data (The to a greater extent than nitty-gritty version of General Info – materials similar social needs, gestation menstruum together with whether or non guests tin dismiss move inwards their habitat)

  • Research Status (This displays everything you’ve researched regarding the species which also coincides amongst just what objects that brute likes together with needs)

  • Interspecies Enrichment (Any animals displayed inwards this department volition practise goodness from having this brute inwards their exhibit together with vice versa)

  • World Records (Displays whatsoever basis records you lot brand but only inwards Franchise Mode)

Long story short, the Zoopedia is worth looking at

View Modes

In the bottom left corner is a radar looking push together with clicking that volition practise a map of your game. At the plough over middle of the screen, it’ll exhibit the types of information the map volition display.

  • Animal Welfare (Everything volition move white except for the animals where cerise animals are unhappy together with greenish are happy)


  • Habitat (Click an brute to exhibit its traversable area, escape points, together with shelter quality)


  • Temperature (A literal oestrus map)


  • Water (Shows which H2O is beingness treated together with which isn’t together with which H2O handling facilities are working)


  • Power (The radius of electricity every bit inwards what is powered together with what is non along amongst which ability facilities are performance correctly)


  • Building (Displays buildings that are performance correctly inwards blueish together with those that aren’t inwards red)


  • Negative Impact on Guests (Displays invitee happiness (blue is good) together with staff facilities every bit cerise together with radius surrounding thence if a invitee is inwards that radius, they are beingness negatively affected past times the facility.


  • Guest Education (Shows instruction devices that are powered, powered together with amongst content, or non powered together with it shows the hit of instruction speakers)


  • Guest Needs (Displays invitee needs inwards colors from cerise ((bad)) together with greenish ((good)), needs similar Happiness, Energy, Hunger, Thirst, Toilet, together with Education.)


The Bear Essentials


Animal Trading


These are your typical terrestrial animals: Giant Panda, Aardvark, Saltwater Crocodile. They require a habitat amongst barriers, food, enrichment together with terrain preferences.

The Animal Market shows animals beingness sold together with from my agreement is exclusively random except inwards Sandbox where it displays every animal. It shows their cost inwards dollars or inwards those greenish leaves called Conservation Credits together with you lot acquire those for releasing animals to the wild. (or inwards offline mode, you lot guide hold to improve the zoo’s reputation)

When you lot guide an animal, it shows how long that brute is upwardly for gender, name, adoption, size, longevity, fertility, immunity, star rating, together with root (like where your buying the animal)

When you lot adopt an animal, it goes to your Animal Storage together with stays inwards your Animal Trade Centre until you lot displace it together with a Vet or Keeper volition displace it. Other tabs inwards this bill of fare include your purchase history together with rewards where you lot tin dismiss access whatsoever animals you lot are rewarded.

Exhibit Trading


These are the animals that reside inwards what the game calls an Exhibit. These are located inwards the Facilities tab together with inwards the Small Animal Exhibits sub-group. The Exhibit Animal Market is similar to the Animal Market except it only shows the animal’s name, star rating, gender, longevity, fertility, together with source. These animals don’t require anything inwards abide by to infinite likewise the Exhibit

When you lot click the Small Animal Exhibit, you lot tin dismiss access the animal’s welfare together with supply enrichment inwards the layout tab where (if you lot guide hold researched it) you lot tin dismiss supply rocks together with such for the animal. In the climate tab, you lot tin dismiss adapt temperature together with humidity together with it shows the recommended temperature together with humidity. In the windows tab, you lot tin dismiss opened upwardly together with unopen all iv windows together with fifty-fifty practise 2 together with 3D facades for the animal. The other tabs are Logs (shows upkeep costs) together with Mantainence (shows piece of work zone, together with fourth dimension since concluding visit)

Animal Welfare


The principal work concern of your zoo:

Click on your brute together with you’ll come across several of import information inwards the tabs:

  • Overview (provides an overview of the brute together with it’s welfare)

    Terrain (shows it’s terrain, climbable area, H2O together with difficult shelter needs inwards the white area. For example, an Indian Peafowl volition desire no to a greater extent than than virtually 30% of its exhibit to move stone but less than that is okay too.)

  • Environment (shows what pct of the exhibit the animals wants to move plants together with the coverage. It also shows the ideal continent for plants to come upwardly from together with it’s ideal biomes. Lastly, it shows the plants inwards the habitat together with whatsoever plants inwards cerise are conflicting plants that volition negatively impact welfare.)

  • Enrichment (shows enrichment welfare together with how much each enrichment object contributes to welfare. Placing a meg balls for the animals volition non improve enrichment. At the really most, it’ll aid a petty flake but all you lot actually require is ane of each object.)

    Studbook (shows the root of the brute together with it’s timeline)

  • Social (shows the social welfare of the brute similar how many adults it needs inwards the exhibit to move happy together with its electrical current mate.

  • Genetics (shows size, longevity, fertility, immunity, appeal, physical stats, together with lifetime stats.)

Comparing Mates


Breeding Programs together with Genetics:

  • In the genetics tab of an animal, you lot tin dismiss click the push Compare Mates where the Breeding Outcome bill of fare volition open. This supports the comparing of breeding outcomes for 2 animals, the woman raise on the left together with the prospective manlike mortal raise on the right. After selecting them, inwards the pith volition move displayed the predicted genetic outcomes. It also shows the pct of excogitation based off of fertility data.

How to Successfully Breed Animals

  • The animals must move inwards the same exhibit together with you lot improve chances past times ensuring skilful welfare, a lack of distraction from other mating partners together with veterinarian research.

-Note: None of these predictions are exact or guaranteed



  • Contraception tin dismiss move done past times physical separation of animals or actual medical contraception. To give medical contraception, snuff it to the Zoo tab together with the animals tab together with at the far right terminate of the row is the contraception switch. (or inwards the animal’s overview tab)

Releasing to the Wild

  • Animals cannot move released to the wild if they are: Juvenile, Sterile, Elderly, or Sick.

    Releasing an brute to the wild volition generate Conservation Credits together with boost the Zoo’s reputation. If you, for example, unloose 8 pea ane right afterward the other, the Conservation Credits generated volition decrease thence you lot should infinite them out.

The Other Stuff

The Other Tabs

The Zoo, Barrier, together with Habitat Tabs

(I’m non gonna explicate the Nature, Facilities or Construction because they are the most self-explanatory)

The Zoo Tab

The entire overview of your zoo:

The Sub-Groups:

  • Zoo Overview – Overview

    – Shows Zoo status, opening hours, reputation, ratings, finances, tax, ticket prices, active loans, guest, staff, together with brute happiness, number together with wages. It also shows electrical current research, loans, together with marketing.

    Zoo Overview – Graph

    – Graph information of pretty much everything I merely said

  • Zoo Overview – Guests

    – Guest information similar thoughts, needs, spending, together with yearly data.

  • Finances – Finances together with Graph

    – Shows finance information together with it’s respective graph tab

  • Finances – Loans together with Marketing

    – Apply for loans for your zoo together with pay for marketing campaigns for your zoo

  • Animals

    – Shows all the animals inwards the zoo together with their data, all the habitats together with exhibits inwards the zoo together with their data, together with all the quarantines inwards the zoo together with their data.

  • Staff – Staff together with Staff Room

    – Shows all of the staff together with staff rooms inwards the zoo together with their information together with the house to hire said staff.

  • Staff – Work Zones

    – Work Zones are zones you lot tin dismiss practise where you lot tin dismiss grouping areas, facilities, exhibits, together with habitats together with you lot tin dismiss assign staff to them thence that they remain the expanse together with piece of work there. This bill of fare manages said piece of work zones.

  • Facilities

    – Shows all staff, guest, power, together with H2O facilities inwards the zoo together with their respective data


Research is critical together with that’s why its getting its ain information.

What is Research?

If you lot are inwards Sandbox Mode together with thence you lot in all likelihood don’t guide hold to worry virtually this.

Research is the most critical column to creating a skilful zoo. There are 2 types of research:

  • Veterinary Research

    – For every vet you lot guide hold is every interrogation you lot tin dismiss do. Vets tin dismiss interrogation a specific brute or a specific medical affair similar a virus, bacteria, or condition

    – Researching an brute volition supply novel enrichment, nutrition, together with more

    – Researching a medical subject affair volition supply meliorate diagnosis, treatment, together with pharmacology (it’ll aid when your animals acquire sick)

  • Mechanic research

    – For every mechanic you lot guide hold is every interrogation you lot tin dismiss do. Mechanics tin dismiss interrogation a specific theme or a specific structure affair similar habitats, barriers, or nutrient shops

    – Researching things similar habitats, barriers or nutrient shops volition yield blueprints, extra objects, together with more

    – Researching themes volition yield scenery together with blueprints to that respective theme

The Barrier Tab

  • This ane is novel compared to Planet Coaster but it is relatively tardily to understand. The most of import affair to banker's complaint amongst the barrier tab is the bottom right corner where you lot tin dismiss alter the Angle Snap, Length, Curvature, Height Snap, Window, Labels, together with Camera.

Creating a Habitat

  • All you lot guide hold to practise to practise a habitat is to build a barrier into a consummate circuit together with and thence add together a gate. Clicking on a habitat

The Null Barrier


  • A lot of times what zoos volition practise is usage natural barriers similar cliffs, rocks, or moats instead of fences. The Null Barrier is for this exact purpose. Essentially, it’s an invisible barrier. You tin dismiss also usage Null to permit guests move inwards an exhibit.

The Habitat Tab


  • New to the Planet Franchise together with really important.

  • Inside you lot tin dismiss find

  • Food together with Water (You tin dismiss give away the H2O together with nutrient bowls together with troughs) ((If you lot guide hold researched it, you lot tin dismiss alter the nutrient lineament past times clicking on the nutrient container)

  • Heaters together with Coolers (These require ability together with the temperature tin dismiss move adjusted past times clicking on the objects)

  • Beds together with Shelters (In companionship for an animal’s difficult shelter welfare to move benefitted you lot must include the bedding amongst some form of shelter or construction)

  • Enrichment Items (There are 3 types: Food, Habitat, together with Climbing. Every brute requires nutrient together with habitat piece other animals similar primates require climbing area.

Important Tip:


Use the filter push (looks similar a funnel) to filter past times species thence that you lot tin dismiss come across just which objects your brute requires.

Other Stuff

Things that require to a greater extent than Detail:


Education is really of import and, believe it or not, your guests desire to learn.

You tin dismiss educate your guests via signs, speakers, together with tv’s. They must move powered together with and thence you lot guide hold to guide the content to display past times clicking the instruction device, the dropdown bill of fare together with and thence the brute you lot want.

Note: Putting ane or 2 signs or speakers isn’t going to cutting it for getting that instruction benefit

Animal Health

There are 2 ways an brute tin dismiss snuff it unwell:

  • Infection together with Physical Injury

Causes of Infection include:

  • Contagion from other sick animals inwards the same habitat

    – This tin dismiss move solved past times making certain you lot pose your animals inwards quarantine instead of forthwith inwards their exhibit.

  • Dirty habitats caused past times dung, rotting food, corpses, invitee food, together with muddied water

    – So brand certain your guests don’t litter together with your keepers laid upwardly clean the exhibit

  • Feeding from the ground

    – Solved past times Food troughs together with “Do non Feed” Signs

Injuries are caused past times fights betwixt species or past times predators.


Animals amongst lite injuries together with infections may move able to recuperate without intervening but this is subject on welfare together with other factors. Keepers who observe an number volition telephone phone vets who bargain amongst the issue. You should banker's complaint that vets are meliorate at detecting infections than keepers. The vets volition accept the brute to surgical operation together with endeavour to process it. The duration of this depends on the vet’s grooming level, the animals immunity, together with the severity of the illness. This also applies to physical injuries.

Making Money

  • The best ways to brand money are:

  • Shops together with invitee facilities

  • Donation Boxes (Found inwards Facilities nether Finance)

  • Zoo Ticket Sales

  • Loans

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