Warframe – Kuva Liches Guide


Kuva Liches Guide

A novel enemy type blueprint to hunt yous down, Liches can’t last killed via normal means. And when left unchecked, they volition maintain to bag your stuff. This guide aims to aid players sympathise how to bargain amongst them.

Requiem Mods


Before creating or hunting your really ain Lich,

it’s highly recommended that players attempt out all 8 requiem mods to brand life easier after on.

The 8 are

Req RelicMod
Req ILohk Xata
Req IIJahu Vome
Req IIIFass Ris
Req IVKhra Netra

These mods are Required to kill / convert a lich.


Requiem mods tin last gotten through the novel T5 relic, also known every bit requiem relics.

These relics receive got a 100% drib hazard from Kuva inundation missions,

and a 30% from Kuva Siphon mission.


Requiem mods are a 11% hazard each when inward intact,

And a 20% hazard each when radiant.

The best way to larn all the mods is to hop into recruit chat to practise Rad Share / Staggers.

Weapon Elemental Bonus


One concluding thing earlier creating a Lich. No affair what, Liches volition e'er spawn amongst a weapon bonus. This weapon bonus volition last amongst the weapon 1 time yous larn it.

The type of elemental bonus is dictated past times the Warframe yous convey when creating a Lich.

ImpactBaruuk, Gauss, Grendel, Rhino, Wukong, Zephyr
HeatChroma, Ember, Inaros, Nezha, Vauban, Wisp
ColdFrost, Gara, Hildryn, Revenant, Titania, Trinity
ElectricityBanshee, Excalibur, Limbo, Nova, Valkyr, Volt
ToxinAtlas, Ivara, Khora, Nekros, Nidus, Oberon, Saryn
MagneticHarrow,, Hydroid, Mag, Mesa
RadiationAsh, Equinox, Garuda, Loki, Mirage, Nyx, Octavia

As for the harm percentage, sadly its random ranging from 20-60%. With currently no known way to behave on it.

Lich Ephemeras


Kuva Liches receive got a hazard to spawn amongst seven novel vengeful ephemeras (% hazard non nevertheless known) When it spawns amongst it, the Lich card volition exhibit the lawsuit but no actual text proverb that it has a ephemera. To larn it, only kill / trounce the Lich, as well as and so it should last inward your attachments.

The dissimilar ephemeras are based on the weapon elemental bonus that the Lich has:

ImpactVengeful Shockwave Ephemera
HeatVengeful Flame Ephemera
ColdVengeful Chill Ephemera
ElectricityVengeful Charge Ephemera
ToxinVengeful Toxin Ephemera
MagneticVengeful Pull Ephemera
RadiationVengeful Trickster Ephemera

(The Example inward a higher house is Vengeful Toxin Ephemera)


Nidus Example (Vengeful Toxin Ephemera)

Creating a Lich


Now that nosotros receive got the elemental type yous want, it’s fourth dimension to create a Lich. To begin, players must notice Grineer nodes inward a higher house degree 20. The best node inward my sentiment for this is Adaro inward Sedna.

(no pictures for this yet, sorry)

Progress through the mission node normally, if weather condition are met your concealment should flash a chip crimson midway through the mission.

(Unconfirmed) When this happens kill a bunch of enemies, similar to the spawn mechanics of a juggernaut.

If done correctly, a Kuva Guardian should start speaking as well as a Kuva Larvling icon should appear on your map.

Kill the larvling, consummate the mission objective as well as extract. And yous receive got yourself your really ain Kuva LIch.

Killing the Lich


The Lich can’t last killed past times normal means, as well as needs to last dealt amongst using the Parazon.


This is where the requiem mods come upwards in. Each Lich has a unique transcend code inward gild to kill them. Using 3 requiem mods every bit the codes, an representative could follow




Each Lich yous larn volition receive got a unique code, inward total at that spot is 336 combinations amongst the 8 mods.


So how well-nigh practise yous notice the unique code amongst your Lich?

There are ii solutions;

  • Requiem MurMur


  • Brute Forcing

Lich Menu

Before explaining the ii methods, a few things would laissez passer on ameliorate context to the situations.


In the ESC menu, a novel icon volition appear 1 time yous created your Lich.


This icon is a card to exhibit dissimilar stats as well as combinations for requiem mods.

Lich Abilities


These exhibit the dissimilar abilities your specific Lich tin activate, hover over them to run across a total description of what they are.

Anger Level


This bar shows how angry a Lich is towards you, a higher bar hateful a to a greater extent than probable hazard the lich volition human face upwards yous inward 1 of his controlled territories.

Lich Rank


A Lich’s rank determines how many planets is inward the Lich’s control. It also determines how tanky the Lich is, every bit good every bit what degree the Lich territories are.

Liches volition rank upwards if yous endeavour to kill them amongst the wrong Parazon combination. The maximum cap rank is 5. When the Liches rank up, their Anger degree also resets.



Misc stats volition last shown similar resistances / immunities to elements, weapons, etc.



The parazon department tin last establish towards the right of the Lich menu,

This includes:

Currently Equipped Combination


Combination equipped currently on your parazon

Failed Assassination Attempts


Times when yous confronted as well as attempted to kill your Lich amongst the wrong Combinations

(The game examination the combinations from left to right, so if your commencement parazon modern is wrong, it volition immidiately consider it every bit a neglect fifty-fifty if your minute as well as 3rd ones are correct)

Known Mods needed


Requiem Mods that are confirmed to last role of the killing phrase of your Lich

Influence Nodes


After the creation of your Lich, 1 of your planets volition last infected past times your Lich’s influence.

Displayed past times a crimson glow alone some the node.


As good every bit an icon displayed on the node when hovering over it.


Any mission completed on the planets where your Lich has influence inward volition drive them to bag certainly items, the higher your Lich’s rank the to a greater extent than items they volition steal.


Influenced nodes volition receive got a novel mission type: Your Lich controlled version

In these missions aspect a few things:

  • Enemies volition last higher degree ( Level depending on your Lich’s Rank )

  • Lich Thralls volition spawn consistently

  • Your Lich has a hazard to human face upwards yous personally

  • No affair the place it volition e'er last Grineer

Lich Confrontations

Occasionally inward the controlled nodes, your Lich may spawn as well as examine to struggle you.

Depending on what strategy you’re going for it perchance skilful or bad.


Kuva Liches volition spawn amongst 3 wellness bars as well as 1 shield bar, each wellness bar tin only last unlocked after figuring out 1 of the requiem mods inward the code.

After yous deplete 1 bar He’ll decease into this downwardly state, if yous endeavour to parazon goal him amongst the wrong code, he volition insta-kill yous as well as rank up.

If yous parazon goal him amongst the right code it’ll unlock the side past times side bar of health.

Requiem MurMur


Now that yous larn the context for everything, how does Requiem MurMur work?

Requiem MurMur is a organization that allows yous to slow decrypt what mods are inward your Lich’s kill phrase.


To get amongst it only start your Lich controlled missions.


  • Occasionally you’ll run across this icon.

  • It indicates the enemy every bit 1 of your Lich’s Thralls.

  • And he’ll receive got a faint bluish glow some him.


Bring him downwardly to 0 wellness as well as he’ll decease into this state.

In this state, you’ll last able to perform a Parazon finisher on him.


And after yous do, this volition popular upwards on your concealment showing a circle amongst white progress,

keep killing thralls, 1 time it’s filled upwards at the halt of the mission the game volition order yous 1 of it’s kill codes.

Note: Requiem MurMur takes a long fourth dimension to create total upwards so last patient, teaming upwards amongst squad members powerfulness last a skilful solution but finding all the kill phrases to a Lich takes perchance a few hours of gameplay.

Finally Killing the Lich

Once yous know 3 of the kill phrases, it becomes a game of trail as well as error,

The game doesn’t order yous which phrase comes first, minute or third, which is where the parazon card inward the Lich card comes into play.


Because it logs your history of parazon mods, yous tin examine each of the known kill phrases inward each slot, if it’s wrong when yous examine to kill the lich it’ll last slashed out.


But if it’s the right modern inward the right place it’ll last brilliant yellow.


From at that spot you’ll last able to figure out the combination as well as create upwards one's hear their fate.

Vanquishing them volition laissez passer on yous their weapon, amongst all associated bonus. Converting them allows them to appear inward missions occasionally to assistance you.

Brute Force

So how well-nigh practise yous decease Brute-forcing the combination to the Lich?

Well if yous recall well-nigh it, all 3 of the combination codes volition last different.

It volition never last something similar XATA – XATA – XATA .

This inward plow posses a interesting situation, every bit if yous endeavour to kill the Lich amongst a random code,

It volition depository fiscal establishment tally the commencement requiem modern first, therefore

you volition receive got a 1 inward 8 hazard of guessing the commencement modern correctly, 12.5%.

If it’s incorrect, as well as so it becomes a 1 inward seven hazard for guessing the commencement mod,

because yous know the mods yous tried isn’t it.

Not to cite that 1 time yous approximate the commencement code, it can’t last repeated inward the minute as well as third.

Thus the minute code volition receive got a 1 inward seven hazard of beingness guessed, 14.29%.

and the 3rd 1 inward 6, 16.67%.

Guessing all 3 at 1 time is close impossible (1 inward 336), But usually past times the fourth dimension i larn 1 requiem Murmur,Probability states i would receive got cracked the commencement mod,

Requiem MurMur receive got equal chances to last 1st, s or 3rd. Therefore it’ll last 66.67% for it to last s or 3rd mod, inward plow shortening the chances inward your favor.

Using this method volition brand your Lich rank upwards all the way to 5, but for this strategy it’s good.

When it hits rank 5, i won’t degree upwards anymore, which agency it’s anger degree won’t reset. Hence, yous tin spam dissimilar combinations at a faster rate.


The only employment amongst this method is that it relies on RNG if yous larn actually unlucky yous tin larn the seven inward 8 hazard to larn the commencement modern all wrong (happen to me once)

But i’ve killed vi Liches so far as well as converted 2, requiem MurMur took me 3hrs+ per Lich

Brute strength takes 1.5-2.5 hrs depending on RNG. ( NOTE THAT THIS IS SOLO )

Teaming Up


Another strategy relies inward recruit chat, if yous larn inward your recruit chat yous may notice people looking for / hosting ‘MurMur farms’


In summary, you’re able to bring together other players on their ain Lich influence nodes. And when whatsoever histrion kills the thralls, it volition contribute to everyone’s MurMur progress.

Teaming upwards makes the grind less painful, so i would recommend it.


The only drawback it seems is the anger bar doesn’t growth when other Lich’s thralls are killed.

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