Red Dead Redemption 2 – How to Avoid Getting Banned?


How to Avoid Getting Banned Because of Hackers?

The Gist

Rockstar has 0 tolerance for cheaters. That agency that if yous produce something against ToS together with EULA, fifty-fifty if yous are non the i who initiated that but ultimately were the i to gain from it, yous volition last a mortal punished it amongst no agency to appeal. Obviously, I am referring to cheating here. Here I volition tell yous how to avoid losing your progress together with getting a monthly ban (or longer).

What Not to Do?

Basically, yous produce non desire to invite whatsoever i yous produce non know to your possee or last invited into a possee yous produce non know. Why? Because in i lawsuit yous are inwards a possee a cheater tin sack teleport to your military camp whilst yous are out together with nearly together with donate yous some variety out of items that tin sack last used equally materials or sold, similar tell a meg feathers. Of shape beingness inwards possession of those unfairly gained feathers is against the rules together with yous volition last the i punished for it.

What non to do:

  • So, produce non travel out an opened upwardly possee

  • Do non invite random people in, fifty-fifty if they seem friendly at 1st, they tin sack last quite deceptive

  • Try non to bring together whatsoever possee yous produce non know

I know it tin sack last irksome equally it is an online sense but I recommend solely playing amongst friends or yesteryear yourself. I to a greater extent than oftentimes than non play lonely together with I receive got achieved a lot.

There is also a novel fashion dupers (people who tin sack glitch an exceptional into the game unfairly) together with cheaters are trying to larn people banned. Here is what I saw a few days agone earlier I posted this:

There was a perfect cougar lying yesteryear the butcher inwards Saint Denis. I call upwardly to myself, weird. I await on the radar I run into a bluish blip on it. I opened upwardly the map, I locate the persons cite using the map. The mortal is standing nearby the butcher but hither is the kicker! He is *invisible*. So he was waiting for someone to selection upwardly the cougar together with sell it to the butcher for their ain amusement. Probably was going to written report the mortal equally well, knowing sum good they would last banned. They are non afraid of bans equally they oftentimes larn accounts yesteryear unfairly means.

I offset accusing the mortal using his nickname together with telling I would written report him. Next matter I run into his blip on the radar is running away from me together with and thus later a curt chase he quits the lobby. Unfortunately, I did non written report him inwards time.

What non to produce inwards this situation:

  • Do non selection upwardly creature materials together with corpses lying conveniently yesteryear places where yous tin sack sell them

  • Try non to bag creature corpses from random players too, yous never know how they obtained them inwards the 1st place, whether they spawned them inwards together with instantly trying to sell or duped them in. Maybe they are riding simply about together with waiting for someone to shoot them together with sell them. I know that it tin sack last quite tempting

  • And inwards future. simply endeavor non to autumn for Free things that await out of place, equally yous know the solely matter gratuitous is cheese inwards the mousetrap.

  • Just avoid interacting amongst cheaters together with their items inwards general, who knows what else they tin sack produce to you. Wanna last 100% safe? Quit the lobby.


  • Do non travel out your possee open

  • Do non bring together random possee

  • Do non invite randomers into your possee, play amongst people yous know

  • Do non receive got items (animal skins, corpses etc.) lying yesteryear the butcher without owners

  • Do non bag items similar creature skins together with corpses from randomers for sale or fifty-fifty skinning (must non look inwards your inventory)

  • Do non receive got freebies from players or bad advice (what if they brand yous dupe something, simply don’t brain to them)

    (The next ii points are extra precaution non a necessity)

  • Generally avoid cheaters if yous desire to last 100% safe, produce non interact amongst them, quit the lobby

  • Do non struggle their spawned NPCs perchance they volition alter the EXP yous get, simply to last security (this i has non been done all the same or confirmed but I added it simply to brand certain yous don’t larn a ban yesteryear accident, it mightiness last unfair XP later all)

All these things tin sack Pb yous to a potential ban amongst a grapheme reset. Imagine if yous worked difficult for 200 hours together with boom. Everything is gone, fifty-fifty most of the gilded if you’ve spent it.

Do non cheat together with receive got fun PvPing someone ’till they cry! Or simply Roam together with PVE!

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