Temtem – Combat Tips


Combat Tips

Combat Tips in addition to Tricks

This department of the guide volition supply to yous tips in addition to tricks that yous demand to know when playing Temtem. Whether you’re person who’s played every alpha of the game or person jumping inward for the get-go time, these tips in addition to tricks volition assist yous move a amend Tamer.

Know Your Type Advantages in addition to Disadvantages

Every Temtem has a type in addition to because of that, it has type advantages in addition to disadvantages. When yous purpose a technique amongst a type wages on an opposing Temtem, yous volition produce double the damage. If yous purpose a technique amongst a type disadvantage on an opposing Temtem,you volition produce one-half the damage.


You should essay non to purpose techniques that volition exclusively produce one-half harm equally they aren’t equally effective. This is why it’s of import to larn the unlike types inward Temtem in addition to how each plant against in addition to amongst each other.

Pay Attention to All Temtem on the Field

Temtem allows Tamers to purpose 2 Temtem inward each battle which adds an additional layer to scrap for yous to hold off out for.Your Temtem mightiness move rigid against 1 of the Temtems on the field, but it mightiness move weak to only about other on the field. It’s of import to hold off out for these sort of advantages in addition to disadvantages on the field.

The best fashion to scrap type disadvantages yous mightiness confront on the plain lies inward your squad composition. There are 12 types inward the game in addition to amongst a well-rounded team, yous tin have got at to the lowest degree 1 Temtem that is capable of countering each of those types.


For example, if you’re using Crystle, yous demand to know that its Crystal-type moves produce one-half harm against populace in addition to Fire-type Temtem. So, to scrap that, yous should learn Crystle techniques that produce double harm to populace in addition to Fire-type Temtem or have got a partner Temtem on the plain amongst Crystle that knows a Water-type technique.

Keep Each Temtem’s Techniques Varied

There are 12 types of Temtem in addition to techniques inward the game in addition to it’s of import that your squad of Temtem are able to scrap all of those types. This is where technique variance comes into play.

You should, of course, focus on varying the actual types of Temtem inward your squad. If yous have got all Crystal-type Temtem, a proficient Fire-type technique could wipe your entire squad out easily. Instead of all Crystal-type Temtem on your team, consider additional types similar Water in addition to Nature.


This method of thinking applies direct to technique types. If your Crystal-type Temtem exclusively knows Crystal-type moves, it volition have got a difficult fourth dimension against populace in addition to Fire-type Temtem equally they accept one-half harm from Crystal-type moves. But, if that same Temtem knows a Wind-type technique, it tin accept out that Earth-type Temtem that would otherwise give it problems.

We don’t recommend having a unmarried Temtem larn to a greater extent than than 2 of the same type techniques.

Always Have Healing in addition to Stamina Restoration Items

As yous battle opposing Temtem, your Temtem squad volition inevitably accept only about heavy blows. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 surprise Fire-type technique mightiness nearly wipe your Crystal-type Temtem. It’s of import for Tamers to move prepared inward situations similar this. That’s where healing items similar Balm come upwards in.

Balm is an item that tin move used on a unmarried Temtem to restore 25 HP. An item similar this tin plough the tide of a Temtem battle, specially 1 inward the wild where the opposing Temtem doesn’t have got a Tamer to heal its HP.


Stamina, on that same note, is something to hold off out for in addition to much similar HP, its depletion tin move remedied amongst a quick item use. Every fourth dimension your Temtem uses a technique, its stamina volition move depleted.

Stamina tin move equated to the ability or release energy of your Temtem. It’s what allows a Temtem to purpose a technique. When Stamina is out, a Temtem is left powerless in addition to tin wound itself if it tries to produce additional damage. Fortunately, items similar Ethers tin remedy those situations.


Pay Attention to Stamina

Stamina is an of import component inward Temtem battles. It’s represented past times a bar on enshroud below the HP of your Temtem. When your Temtem uses a technique, the Temtem volition exhaust a laid sum of stamina. For a total listing of all techniques inward the game, including how much stamina they’ll use, banking concern check out our All Techniques (Moves) page.


It’s of import to move along a watchful pump on stamina because if yous run out of stamina, yous won’t move able to purpose techniques. This leaves yous opened upwards for harm in addition to real vulnerable inward a battle. It’s likewise smart to move along an pump on the stamina of opposing Temtem.

If a wild Temtem that you’re trying to conduct deal of runs out of stamina, the Temtem could start hurting itself past times attempting to purpose a technique. This could move problematic because inward situations where you’ve lowered a Temtem’s wellness past times a large sum (to move far easier to catch), 1 incorrect displace past times a Temtem out of stamina could displace it to faint.

Don’t Be Afraid to Run

This one’s pretty uncomplicated inward concept, but sometimes the simplest things demand acknowledgement: don’t move afraid to run from a battle. Now, yous can’t run from a tamer battle, but if you’re inward a battle amongst an untamed Temtem in addition to it starts going south, select to run away.


It mightiness wound to nation goodbye to the beast yous peradventure wanted to catch, but the hurting is amend than the terms of reviving a Temtem in addition to the possible terms associated amongst that.

Look at the Rings Around a Temtem inward Battle

After selecting a technique for your Temtem to use, you’ll demand to select the Temtem to hit. Under each of the Temtem, you’ll view a ring. If yous haven’t caught a Temtem matching the type of the opposing Temtem, this band volition move white.


Now, if yous have got caught a Temtem matching the type of the opposing Temtem, the band tin yet move white. If this is the case, it way the technique you’ve selected volition produce neutral harm (It’s only a criterion laid on — non double harm or one-half damage). If the band is green, the selected technique volition produce double harm to the Temtem in addition to if the band is red, the selected technique volition produce one-half harm to the Temtem.

  • White: Neutral damage

  • Green: Double damage

  • Red: Half damage

Try to Achieve Technique Synergy

Each technique a Temtem uses has a type assigned to it. They tin move Water, Fire, populace or whatsoever of the other nine types inward the game. Synergy happens when a techniques type has synergy amongst a partner Temtem’s type.


For example, if yous purpose the Water-type technique, Aqua Stone, in that location is a possibility for synergy amongst a Fire-type Temtem. If a Fire-type partner Temtem is on the plain beside your primary Temtem, Aqua Stone volition have a boosted outcome known equally Burnt Condition. In this instance, Aqua Stone damages the opposing Temtem equally it ordinarily would in addition to likewise leaves the opposing Temtem burnt (as a final result of the Synergy).

There are dozens in addition to dozens of Technique Synergies to plough over inward the game in addition to then essay switching unlike Temtem inward in addition to out of primary in addition to partner spots on the battlefield to view what happens. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 displace yous dearest mightiness have got the possibility to move fifty-fifty to a greater extent than powerful amongst Synergy.

What You Need to Know About Techniques

Techniques are the moves your Temtem purpose inward scrap in addition to piece only about battles volition move equally uncomplicated equally a unmarried Technique selection, many of your scrap encounters volition require yous to accept into describe organisation human relationship a set out of factors of import to the effectiveness of a detail Technique.


Here’s what yous demand to know:

  • Technique Type: Similar to Temtems, each Technique has a Type that determines wages in addition to disadvantage against enemy Temtem when used.

  • Technique Category: The Category of a Technique determines which of the Temtem’s stats volition move used to calculate damage.

  • Technique Damage: This set out indicates the Damage output of a Technique.

  • Technique Stamina Cost: This set out indicates the sum of Stamina needed to purpose the Technique.

  • Technique Hold: The Hold set out tells yous how many scrap turns must exceed for yous to purpose a specific Technique.

  • Technique Priority: The Priority of a Technique determines at which dot inward the plough it volition move used. The higher the Priority, the sooner the Technique volition move used inward a turn.

  • Technique Synergy: When a Technique is inward Synergy amongst only about other Temtem on your squad that’s on the scrap field, the Technique volition have a boost to its effect. This could final result inward additional harm or additional stat changes.

Technique Category

The Category is a Technique determines which of the Temtem’s stats volition move used to calculate damage.


There are iii Categories inward Temtem in addition to each Technique volition move assigned to 1 of these iii Categories.

  • Status: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Technique inward the Status Category volition non inflict harm in addition to volition instead inflict a status status or alter a Temtem’s stats.

  • Physical: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Technique inward the Physical Category volition inflict harm determined past times a calculation that pits the user’s Attack against the enemy’s Defense.

  • Special: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Technique inward the Special Category volition inflict harm determined past times a calculation that pits the user’s Special Attack against the enemy’s Special Defense.

How Technique Damage is Calculated

Every Technique that inflicts harm inflicts said harm determined past times a formula. That formula determines how much wellness the enemy volition lose afterwards a Technique hits. The formula is equally follow:

(7 + Level/200 x Technique Damage x Attack/Defense) x Modifier = Damage

This formula volition spit out a set out that determines how much wellness the target Temtem loses. Of course, this formula happens nearly instantaneously in addition to behind the scenes in addition to then you’ll never have got to worry well-nigh the math.


Similar to Pokemon, STAB bonus is applied to a Technique’s harm when applicable. STAB stands for Same Type Attack Bonus. The STAB bonus is applied when a Technique’s Type matches the Type of the Temtem using the Technique. For example: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Water-type Temtem volition have a STAB bonus when it uses a Water-type Technique.

How To Get New Techniques

Techniques tin move acquired inward iii top dog ways: breeding, courses in addition to leveling. When yous capture a Temtem, it volition already know at to the lowest degree 1 Technique.


Additional Techniques tin move learned using whatsoever of the iii methods mentioned above. We’ll interruption downwards how each method words below:

Breeding: Certain Techniques tin exclusively move learned past times a Temtem bred specifically to larn special Techniques. Often, the Techniques learned through Breeding are Techniques the Temtem would non have got learned otherwise.

Courses: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Course is an item that tin move used to learn a Temtem a novel Technique. Each Course carries amongst it a specific Technique. The Course tin move used on a Temtem that is able to larn the Technique.

Leveling: This is the criterion fashion for a Temtem to larn a novel Technique. When a Temtem levels up, it volition sometimes essay to larn a novel Technique. If yous select to allow it, the Temtem volition larn the Technique.

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