Fallout 76 – Final Exam Quest


Complete the Final Exam quest is a role of Into the Fire Main storey mission.

Complete the Final Exam Walkthrough


After completing the physical exam, yous withal conduct maintain to conduct maintain the lastly examination – your delineate of piece of occupation is to trigger an alert inwards a unsafe mine. Go to the house marked on your map. Talk to a Protectron named Bernie. You’ll have a Fire Breather Kit Ticket – utilisation it on the nearby dispenser. You’ll teach a firewoman outfit in addition to a holotape – pose the novel wearing clothing on in addition to play it. You tin instantly teach to the mine. It’s located nearby in addition to volition live marked equally the objective of the mission.

[su_note]Next to Bernie, yous should abide by a Power Armor – if it’s non there, endeavor to teach out in addition to re-enter the game to teach to roughly other server. In this quest, the Power Armor is real useful, because many opponents volition live waiting for yous inwards the core of the mine.[/su_note]


Inside, yous conduct maintain to opened upward the door using the terminal – it’s non secured, in addition to thence but pick out the pick to unlock the door. Go to the burning tunnel. Avoid the sack (when yous behave on it, you’ll have damage) in addition to follow the path. You’ll run across a lot of Scorched on the way.


In the house shown inwards the motion painting above, yous conduct maintain to start out going downwardly – utilisation the nearby stairs. Of course, yous tin likewise search the upper expanse – yous won’t abide by whatsoever exceptional items there, but roughly tin live useful for crafting.


Your goal is at the bottom. Head forward, but first, yous conduct maintain to bargain amongst the horde of Scorched. After reaching your destination, regenerate your wellness – when the alert starts, you’ll live attacked yesteryear roughly other moving ridge of enemies.

After defeating them, yous conduct maintain to determine how to come upward dorsum outside:

  • Using the same path yous got here.

  • Turning left side yesteryear side to the machine, where the alert was triggered.

Regardless of how yous teach back, teach to the Bernie again. Talk to him to complete the exam.

Completing the quest


Now, yous tin teach dorsum to the Charleston Fire Department. Go upstairs in addition to utilisation the computer. Move to the side yesteryear side room in addition to press the marked push – that mode you’ll complete Into the Fire quest. As a reward, you’ll teach Stimpacks in addition to a heavy metallic slice of armor.

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