Fallout 76 – South Cutthroat Camp Guide


South Cutthroat Camp is a small-scale place constitute inwards The Savage Divide expanse of Appalachia. It is located southeast of Top of the World.

South Cutthroat Camp


This place contains 1 cooking station. This place is non known to hold out involved inwards whatever quests. There is a possible Bobblehead spawn within a display illustration well-nigh the entrance.


Possible Enemies Encountered: Super Mutants, Mr. Gutsy


South Cutthroat Camp is a small-scale place constitute inwards the cluster of locations at the base of operations of Top of the World. The army camp volition incorporate a handful of hostile enemies, such every minute Super Mutants or Mr. Gutsys. There is shaver loot located all throughout the camp, in addition to 2 safes that tin hold out unlocked if yous accept high plenty Lockpicking skill.

One is located behind the counter of the storefront pictured below. There is every minute good a risk a Bobblehead volition spawn inwards the display illustration on the right. This expanse every minute good contains 1 cooking station, in addition to if yous necessitate to flake or sell yous tin walk over to Pleasant Valley Station, straight to the east.



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