Bendy and the Ink Machine – Chapter 2 The Old Song Walkthrough


Bendy together with the Ink Machine Wiki

Chapter 2 – The Old Song (Community Walkthrough)

Finished readin’ chapter one? Good! When you lot start chapter two, you lot wake upwardly from fainting. Pick upwardly the axe together with acquire going! Once you lot acquire into “Utility Shaft 9”, become over to a vocalisation recorder together with head to it. You volition hear the vocalisation of

“Sammy Lawrence”.

He claims bendy to hold upwardly “His lord together with savior”. Once the vocalisation log finishes, his vocalisation volition seem proverb “I said….Can i acquire an amen?” telling us that Sammy is inwards the area. After that, perish on forrard together with downwardly the small-scale hallway total of ink. Midway through, you lot volition reckon some..Strange ink monster passing through. After that, walk over to acquire him, together with you lot volition reckon that he’s gone. After that, become over to the big gate together with and thence you lot demand to await for iii switches inwards the area. Some mightiness hold upwardly sneaky to discovery though. Once you’ve done that, become over to the gate together with opened upwardly it.

After you’ve done that, become dig yourself through the woods together with you lot volition discovery yourself inwards the music department. Go over to the stairs together with you lot volition acquire that you lot neeed to ability upwardly the ink core to drain the ink flooding the floor. Press the ability switch at the stairs together with you lot volition see, all of the lights has gone out. Go out of the stairs and….BOOM! Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 ton of ink monsters volition fix on you. Try to kill them amongst your axe earlier they kill YOU! Once they all get got been defeated, you lot volition reckon a big gate opening. Before you lot become inwards there, cheque the good log adjacent to the music subdivision sign. You are hearing Sammy Lawrence (again) complaining nigh the ink machine together with it leaking, talking nigh the ink pump.

Once thats done, become through the gate together with you lot volition discovery a big hallway. One of the doors Pb to a piping organ. Play the piping organ together with you lot volition see…Someone calling for help. Another expanse leads to an clinic that is blocked off, together with ANOTHER door leads to a lilliputian purpose for drawing stuff. At the halt of the hallway, you lot volition reckon Sammy’s office. Peek through together with you lot volition reckon the core switch, though the door is blocked past times some to a greater extent than ink. Near the ink, you lot volition hear someone talkin inwards the vocalisation of “Wally Franks”. He tells you lot that he lost his cupboard keys inwards i of the garbage cans. You know what to do. Go search the garbage cans together with await for the key! Once thats done, become into Wally’s cupboard together with you lot volition reckon an good log speaking the vocalisation of Sammy Lawrence (again).

He says that he has a sanctuary, joey has his, together with he has his own. He volition tell some instruments to play. We’ll acquire to that later, okay? Go dorsum to the entrance together with and thence become upstairs. You volition reckon a projector you lot tin dismiss plough on, together with an good log. Using it volition play the vocalisation of “Norman Polk”. He complains nigh Sammy together with how weird he is. Now become into the musical instrument room. In there, you lot volition reckon alot of instruments together with ANOTHER good log, speaking the vocalisation of “Suzie (or Susie) Campbell”. She talks nigh how she LOVES vocalisation acting for the grapheme “Alice Angel”, who is a novel grapheme introduced inwards chapter 2. Alright, lets acquire dorsum to the sanctuary stuff, okay? So, Sammy volition tell a row of instruments.

Go to the room total of instruments together with you lot volition trigger a line. Now become dorsum to the upstairs constituent together with activate the projector. Then after that, run every bit fast every bit you lot tin dismiss to the musical instrument room together with play each musical instrument that Sammy said one-by-one! After that, you lot volition reckon “The Sanctuary” open. Go inwards it together with activate the ink flow. That volition drain the ink from Sammys office! Careful though, in i lawsuit you lot plough together with acquire out, a cardboard bendy volition peek at you! After you lot acquire past times him dorsum to the musical instrument room, alot of ink monsters come upwardly to get got some playtime! Once you lot defeat them, Go to the clinic together with it volition hold upwardly drained, but the ink valve is missing. Pull the lever nearby together with become downwardly the stairs, you lot volition reckon an good log amongst the vocalisation of ”

Jack Fain

“. You run across Jack Fain if you lot perish on forward. Jack Fain is a Searcher amongst a Hat on, he has the valve, but hes non gonna give it up. If you lot walk nigh him, he volition dissapear together with reappear somewhere else. To acquire him, you lot must describe a lever to the left of the entrance, this pulls a elevator amongst a crate on it up. Keep chasing Jack fain until he goes nether the lift, together with thence describe the lever to the correct of the entrance together with he volition hold upwardly crushed past times the lift. You tin dismiss selection upwardly the valve together with pose it dorsum on the clinic pipe.

“Sorry i had to produce that. Nice chapeau though.”

Go dorsum to the hallway together with acquire into Sammy’s office. Flick the ink core switch together with thence acquire going to the stairs! You’re almost there! Aaand…

“Rest your head, its fourth dimension for bed…”.

Once the concealment loads, you lot acquire into a room amongst you lot tied upwardly together with Sammy correct inwards forepart of you. About to start sacrificing you lot to bendy, aka: his lord. Once he finishes his schoolhouse essay, he gets KILLED past times bendy, you lot create produce to escape the ropes. Go acquire the axe together with start running total on Sonic speed!. Cut through the woods together with eventually, your axe breaks. You get got nowhere to become but forward. Once you lot footstep inwards the ink, bendy volition popular out together with scare the livin’ daylights outta you! (Again). Do what the game says: RUN AWAY. Once you lot managed to acquire into the room, where bendy cant arrive at you, become STRAIGHT forward, together with a lilliputian bottle of Bacon Soup volition ringlet out, implying that someone is there. You inquire them to come upwardly out together with exhibit themself, together with Boris volition acquire into the room.


Chapter iii starts from here…

Chapter 2 – The Old Song (Wiki Walkthrough)

The chapter starts amongst Henry waking upwardly inwards the pentagram room (after he fainted, every bit seen dorsum from the previous chapter). Then, select handle of the axe that is adjacent to Henry to unlock the adjacent objective.

Find a New Exit

Using the axe, interruption the woods blocking the door on the left side of the room, together with walk through it. Then become downstairs until you lot arrive at the Utility Shaft nine entrance. There Henry volition reckon the quote “HE WILL SET U.S. FREE” written on the wall (presumably past times Sammy Lawrence) adjacent to a Bendy cardboard, cans of Bacon Soup, candles together with a banjo. Explore the room until Henry finds a tape recorded past times Sammy, inwards which he talks nigh Bendy every bit if he was a god, together with that he volition relieve him. At the halt of the tape, he asks: “Can I acquire an amen?”, together with simply when the tape ends, Sammy’s vocalisation echoes: “I said, tin dismiss I acquire an amen?”.

Then caput to the ink flooded hall, where Henry tin dismiss hardly walk, together with acquire through it. There, Henry volition reckon a mortal passing through carrying a Bendy cardboard cutout, together with simply when Henry reaches him to inquire him for help, he´s gone, leaving the cardboard behind. Move to the correct corner of the room to unlock the adjacent objective.

Redirect Power to the Gate

There, Henry volition discovery a closed gate, together with you lot volition get got to discovery iii switches roughly the place. Two of them are randomly placed inwards the Utility Shaft nine room, but the concluding i is ever hidden behind several Bacon Soup cans on the shelf. These cans are located inwards the left corner of the room, at the base of operations of a destroyed shelf adjacent to the Bendy cardboard. Find together with press the other 2 switches together with supply to the gate. This volition unlock the adjacent objective.

Raise the Gate

At the gate, hitting the lever adjacent to it to activate it. The gate volition open, together with a novel objective materializes inwards the corner.

Find a New Exit

Once Henry enters the gate, interruption the woods blocking the entrance to the Music Department. There, Henry volition discovery some other tape recorded past times Sammy Lawrence, telling Henry that the Ink Machine started to leak, together with that Joey Drew installed a core to drain it periodically, together with that the switch to activate that core is inwards Sammy’s office. Then caput to the flooded stairwell to unlock the adjacent objective.

Drain the Stairwell

Next to Henry, attached to the wall, in that location is a “Power” switch, which Henry has to turn. This volition crusade the unloose energy to supply to the Music Department room, but it volition besides crusade a bunch of Searchers to attack, trying to kill Henry. Hitting them amongst the axe in i lawsuit volition kill them, though. Surviving the fix on volition activate a gate at the correct side of the room, together with a “Recording” missive of the alphabet volition calorie-free up. Entering through this gate volition Pb Henry to Sammy’s Office, which entrance is besides flooded past times ink, amongst a locked cupboard at the correct side of the room. There is a tape recorded past times Wally Franks inwards forepart of the office. Listening to it volition Pb Henry to the adjacent objective.

Unlock Wally’s Closet

In the tape, Wally volition set down that he lost his keys together with that they may hold upwardly at i of the garbage cans located all roughly the place. Doing thence may Pb you lot to the recording studio, which features a bunch of chairs, an ecram, microphones hanging from the roof, a recording booth, a tape recorded past times Susie Campbell, a banjo, a drum, a bass, a violin together with a pianoforte downstairs, together with a projecting booth, a projector, together with a tape recorded past times Norman Polk upstairs.

The tape recorded past times Susie tells you lot that she loves working for Joey together with that she actually feels a connecter amongst Alice Angel (the grapheme she voices). The i recorded past times Norman gives Henry a slap-up hint: It tells Henry that everyday, piece the band was recording the songs, Sammy closed downwardly everything together with told everyone to hold off outside. Then he turned on the projector together with ran downstairs to play some instruments. After a long time, he told everyone to supply to their activities. Turning on the projector together with playing the instruments volition non get got whatsoever lawsuit on the game until the adjacent objective is unlocked. Eventually, Henry volition discovery the keys and, amongst them, supply to Wally’s cupboard together with unlock it.

Find Sammy’s Sanctuary

Inside the closet, in that location are some cans of Bacon Soup together with a tape recorded past times Sammy. In it, he reveals that he has a sanctuary, simply similar Joey does, together with to acquire into Henry needs to acquire his “favorite song”: The vocal is ever a random combination of the v instruments located inwards the Recording Studio.

Then, Henry has to become to the projection booth together with plough on the projector, together with thence run downstairs together with play the combination earlier the projector turns off. Successfully doing it volition opened upwardly the gate to Sammy’s sanctuary, leading him to the adjacent objective.

Enter the sanctuary

Now Henry volition get got to acquire into the sanctuary together with activate the valve at the bottom of the hall. This volition unlock the adjacent objective.

Find the Second Valve

After activating the valve on the sanctuary Henry must leave of absence the hall together with caput to the Infirmary. This volition trigger a jumpscare travail of a Bendy cardboard (Just similar what happened during Chapter 1) together with several Searchers volition attempt out to attack, piece a mysterious masked person, who is afterwards revealed to hold upwardly Sammy, watches Henry from upstairs. After surviving the fix on of the Searchers, Henry must become to the clinic that was blocked past times ink earlier together with discovery the minute valve. But when Henry acquire to the piping where the valve should be, Henry notices that the valve was gone. Then Henry must describe downwardly the “utility access” lever together with become downwardly the flooded sewers. Then Henry wades through the ink coming from an opened upwardly pipe, together with encountering Swollen Jack, whose belongings the valve. Once Henry approaches him, he ducks dorsum downwardly into the ink. After walking through the ink farther together with listening to the recording past times Jack Fain, Henry enters a room where Swollen Jack is currently there, a small-scale elevator amongst a crate on it, together with ii cylinder shaped machines amongst levers attached to them. Henry together with thence must force the “up” lever on the left machine, which raises the lift, together with thence Henry must walk towards Swollen Jack until he appears nether the lift. Then Henry must force the “down” lever on the correct machine, which drops the elevator on top of Swollen Jack, killing him. Then Henry must selection upwardly the valve, convey it dorsum to the pipe, house it on the pipe, together with plough it.

Return to Sammy’s Office

After activating the minute valve, Henry needs to become dorsum to Sammy’s Office together with opened upwardly the door that was blocked amongst ink together with i leak of ink coming from a pipe. Then after opening the door of the office, Henry must activate the core control.

Take the Stairs

Now leave of absence the purpose together with become to the stairwell to leave of absence the place. Attempting to produce thence volition final result amongst Sammy knocking Henry out, together with when he wakes up, he’s tied to a wooden beam together with Sammy starts to beak to him, telling him that he intends to summon “Bendy” together with that he volition offering him every bit a sacrifice, thence he tin dismiss hold upwardly freed from his ink body. Sammy together with thence exits the room together with starts to sing a vocal nigh sheep through some speakers. He together with thence summons “Bendy” together with orders him to convey the sacrifice, but “Bendy” ends upwardly “murdering” Sammy. This volition Pb Henry to the adjacent objective.

Escape Bendy

Henry together with thence unties himself, together with Henry has to select handle of the axe to kill the Searchers that volition appear. Then, acquire into the hall inwards forepart of Henry together with interruption the woods boards blocking the way. Breaking the concluding woods board volition crusade the axe to break, together with and thence Henry has to acquire into a room completely flooded past times ink. Entering volition crusade “Bendy” to seem from the pond together with he volition start to chase Henry. Henry has to convey the path to the correct (the path Henry came from is straight off blocked past times debris) together with become through, where the Corridor Maze is, hold on running away every bit quick every bit possible inwards a direct transcend together with caput right, left, right, left, left together with right, the door at the halt of the hall. The door volition block itself after successfully escape from “Bendy”. The room volition hold upwardly filled amongst Bendy dolls together with a duet of machines attached to the wall

Chapter 2 – Secrets Easter Eggs

Reappearing Bendy

If Henry (You) breaks i of the Bendy cutouts laying roughly on a ritual circle together with turns away, together with thence dorsum again, they’ll reappear undamaged. Probably for paranormal reasons.

Bendy Band

Up to nine Bendy cutouts tin dismiss seem sitting or peeking inwards from the Orchestra Room, doing thence grants the thespian an achievement.


Once again, TheMeatly’s Easter Egg returns inwards Chapter 2 together with it is solely accessible after the ink pumps are turned on, he is accessed from the Music Writing Room.

Youtuber Tunes

In Sammy’s office, there’s an onetime fashioned radio that plays an instrumental together with shortened version of DAGame’s “Build our Machine” song.

Hidden Area

Right earlier your axe breaks, inwards the outset ink pool, await higher upwardly you lot together with you lot volition reckon some weird attic area.

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