Fallout 76 – Crashed Space Station

Crashed Space Station is ane of the Locations within the Toxic Valley region. Players tin access locations past times progressing inwards the game’s even out in addition to every bit business office of Side Quests. Some Locations are seemingly inconsequential, simply tin vantage players amongst especial Equipment in addition to Items.
A destroyed infinite station that has crashed into the northeastern border of Toxic Valley, creating a shallow crater. Components of the machinery tin hold upwards constitute lying around, likewise every bit the decomposed bodies of the infinite crew.
On the south-eastern corner of the area, on the upper-ledge of the crater, you’ll honour it standing exterior a shack. The shack itself has a Jangles the Monkey within of it, thus if the monkey is at that topographic point in addition to the armour isn’t, in addition to then you’ll ask to hold off for it to respawn.
Quests inwards Crashed Space Station
The next quests are related to this location:
Enemies inwards Crashed Space Station
The next Enemies inhabit this location
- Scorched
- Super Mutant/s
- Mirelurk
Resources inwards Crashed Space Station
These notable Equipment Resources tin hold upwards constitute at this location:
- Power Armor Spawn – Raider: Southeast, on the upper border of the crater, standing exterior a compact sentry shack (with a Jangles the Moon Monkey inside).
- Airlock C7 Inventory List
- Spacesuit Helmet
- Spacesuit
Notes tips
The conform in addition to helmet tin hold upwards constitute within Airlock C7
The inventory listing tin hold upwards looted from ane of the skeletons.