The Blackout Club – Stalker


How to Play Stalker?

The intention of this guide is to indicate out some advanced mechanics stalker has. This guide volition assume you lot already receive got a basic agreement of the gameplay mechanics

A stalker is a misfit little of The Blackout Club who is attempting to halt the monastic tell single-handedly. They posses no extraordinary powers, in addition to inward a agency are weaker than the little themselves. Playing equally a stalker requires the purpose instrumentalist to live on patient in addition to watch, innovation their entrance, in addition to rack upward points past times playing inward the rim of the boundaries.


1- Be nonetheless in addition to watch. For THEY may judge. – The longer the kids are upward the to a greater extent than fourth dimension you lot volition receive got for points. It is okay to downward a little but essay out non to wipe out the whole time. Downing kids is of import because it tin do tempo. Which tin atomic number 82 to to a greater extent than fault in addition to peradventure some to a greater extent than kids sinning or the famous, panic tranq. ( Panic tranq! Panic Tranq!). Be careful equally this tin easily atomic number 82 to a snowball of wipes if the kids are correct adjacent to each other. (or if they’re all inexperienced.) Sometimes it is meliorate to allow i of the kids acquire the revive therefore the hunt tin move longer. I’ve had games where the exclusively agency kids got wiped was when they went into their 3rd down. This is ideally what you lot desire to move for. But if you lot *know* a little is recognized. ( recognize model, Stalker jacket/ Catcher jacket) If you lot *know* they’re an indom player. You mightiness desire to non allow them dorsum up. Regardless. Try non to mess likewise much amongst the terminal players if theyre actually wound in addition to beaten. Even recording them tin terminate their game most times. At the same fourth dimension though..

2- Give their vocalisation to the song- We no longer receive got a win leaderboard. But, nosotros nonetheless acquire a refunded dossier. If I’m high inward points in addition to if the chance where I tin wipe the squad arises. I volition move for the wipe. 600 points + my dossier refund? Oh yes.

3- The pump that dares behold itself, strike blind – In the foremost xxx seconds of the game. Most people but drib out in addition to start gathering. I do too. mostly. Sometimes I drib out in addition to start recording. Why? because the kettle is screaming correct now. We don’t know when we’re going to live on invading their missions. Sometimes things are happening equally presently equally I invade. Someone is getting chased past times the shape. Someone is tranqing people non stop. Take 10-15 seconds to peep everyone earlier diving to gather. It also helps to essay out to figure out how far they’re along on their mission to guess how much fourth dimension you lot mightiness receive got left earlier they contemplate beingness gargoyles or ditching you.

Moreover, delight await amongst the 3rd mortal photographic idiot box camera granted to us past times speak equally i earlier exiting your door. If you lot lose the kids in addition to halt sinning. These move first-class surveillance points. Use those 55 seconds. If you lot receive got to usage 2 minutes. move cover in addition to dive dorsum in. Being patient is key.

4- Actually stem them. Use those doors equally surveillance points. Spawn dorsum all the agency to the get-go of their mission. Walk through their steps. Look through the houses they used to acquire downstairs. Follow the same path they took. Loot from the same chests. Count how many flashbangs/traps/candy/bandages you lot got. Multiply that past times whatever seat out of players they have. Thats how many you lot receive got to brand them john / receive got to regard acquire used earlier you lot tin acquire actually comfortable.

5- Use your tag Tag H5N1 breast that has a flashbang but you lot couldnt acquire it because you lot had 4. Tag a closeby lucid that you lot like. Tag a far away lucid inward a pop house they run though similar musical instrument supply. regard if he drops, banking concern check on him later, etc. Tag a little that you lot mightiness non live on able to acquire on photographic idiot box camera but tin regard far away.

6- Have total stamina. These kids receive got supernatural powers. Some of them tin run for 10 whole seconds. Nonestop. in addition to non i affair you lot do, non i flashbang, non i trap volition halt that little from running 200 meters. Except a lucid. Or a Sleeper. but fifty-fifty in addition to therefore that wont terminal long. You receive got to live on ready. Always. Use your stamina to displace betwixt your chests, sure. But dont forget that if your bar isnt full. Theirs is. And they receive got *amazing* recover abilities when grouped up.

7- Time yourself As presently equally you lot start an encounter. Start a timer inward your head. The to a greater extent than fourth dimension you lot receive got there. The less fourth dimension you lot receive got to leave. How long do you lot receive got till you lot cant leave? I can’t say. But if you lot play similar this you lot volition live on able to guess-ti-mate how much fourth dimension you lot receive got until the kids start to collapse on you. With this said, knowing where every unmarried little is at every fourth dimension is extremely important. And how far. And how strong. in addition to etc etc.

8- You’re never security They can’t listen you. And you lot tin barely listen them. It is really slow to acquire snuck upward on past times a kid. Be really aware of your surrondings in addition to if you lot experience unsure, move.

What do you lot do?

When you lot foremost charge into a game you lot volition start inward the sleeper lockers.

My foremost pick is ever to regard where the kids are at in addition to sentiment them from my doors. I await at them to regard how far along they are on their quest, in addition to who the cast is on. if it’s on someone. etc.

Depending on what’s happening i volition either bring out myself in addition to tape orrrrr farm chests similar everyone else.

If I bring out myself early on ( similar earlier they fifty-fifty acquire to their foremost obj) the kids in addition to the kids receive got but started their bespeak they volition live on paranoid throughout the experience. They mightiness already live on inward a bad position. Most of the fourth dimension they are grouped together equally 2-3 when I determine to do this because of the multiplayer. It’s a practiced agency to acquire similar xxx points in addition to therefore ditch out to move farm chests. The kids volition definitely start to collapse when they acquire the photos. But it’s ever fun to regard them freak out tbh. However, doing this mightiness brand the kids modify the nature of their game. Instead of dealing amongst the objective they mightiness but focus on chasing you. Which is actually inward your do goodness because the game volition live on prolonged. But also non because directly their gaze has been turned to you.

If i hold back till the terminate to bring out myself they mightiness live on comfortable plenty to receive got tranq’d people. peradventure I’ll acquire items in addition to therefore laid on them, etc etc. To me this does move sometimes but I’ve had to hold back till the hyper terminate of the game. If you lot move into a political party amongst some get upward fragment finders (you’ll know) you lot mightiness receive got some luck doing this because sometimes people acquire trigger happy towards their exit. At the same fourth dimension you lot wont live on pressuring them / getting a dossier/ in addition to most probable you’ll but terminate upward amongst similar 300 pts drive they tranq spammed similar half dozen people but everyone wittnessed it.

In whatever case. Revealing yourself volition startle the kids in addition to they volition essay out to notice ways to capture you lot from that indicate on. Be fix when revealing yourself. it is of import to brand certain that your cooldown of your door volition live on fix past times the fourth dimension you lot postulate to escape. Escape items are non ever neccessary. Do non forget that the photos volition live on delivered at a delayed timer. If you lot already Bolt *before* they acquire the photo. they volition non notice you. Hello houdini! Alternatively. You could do a mixup in addition to accept a photograph outside, climb up, ( they volition move exterior because ohmergerd the angle of the foto!!!) tape them equally they boundary out. Hide again, etc. This is VERY slow to do inward the get-go of the game because surprise no i has items. It is really difficult to do things similar this later on because the kids volition most probable receive got broken into anything that doesnt have… good I’d tell invisible wall or a ruby gate but that’d live on a lie..

Regardless if youre higher upward them ok! Dont live on below them unless they’re gonna accept autumn harm because youll but acquire yourself caught lmao xd.

If you’re revealing yourself unopen to the mid- tardily game the same thought applies.

Know where the all the kids are at. in addition to split of like, brand upward a fourth dimension inward your caput equally towards how long you lot receive got earlier the kids are *almost* to where you lot are. ( dont forget you lot desire to start leaving earlier they demo up. Unless you lot got some sick flashbangage going on. Then move ahead. proceed. )

Come upward amongst some split of escape plan. It is fun to fly things but live on aware of your potential routes in addition to jooks. in addition to please, usage your doors equally surveillance points.


Gathering chests is arguably the most frustrating business office because of the potential bad RNG. But, in addition to i tell this to lots of novel stalkers, it’s a double edged sword. If you lot but pulled similar half dozen lockpicks. Well the kids receive got half dozen lockpicks. Back to using primative strategy! In all honesty though, Gathering is an of import business office of stalking. You receive got to live on fast. Like sonic fast.

Okay therefore this is similar a sacred path that i’ve come upward up amongst in addition to this is what i do dont @ me

  • Film – Maybe 3

  • Subliminal – peradventure 2

  • White room – Maybe 2

  • Teleport to New increment -maybe 4

  • Teleport to Dream past times airway -almost ever 5-7

  • >>Check for kids. If kids are non downstairs then:

  • Teleport to Host – i commonly ignore that i lonely breast int he dorsum unless what i receive got sucks walk to observation.

You spawn all the dorsum to where the kids spawned to follow through the chests they looted from in addition to count their items / await for hidden bodies. Dont live on afraiud to scout ahead of the expanse you lot volition live on running through using your doors if you lot can’t notice the kids. If kids are already approaching downstairs I volition spawn where they spawn.


I can’t learn you lot mechanics. But I tin tell you lot nearly some techniques.

  • Always tape inward max range.

  • Watch their hands. If they throw a flashbang live on fix to throw i dorsum in addition to consume a chocolate bar.

  • If you’ve been counting their bangs nows the fourth dimension to start crossing them out.

  • Jump backwards a lot. Throw foams/firecrackers at kids to stagger them. Combine these 2 in addition to you lot will♥♥♥♥♥♥people off a lot.

  • Place your traps. Stand ontop of them. It volition interrupt their frame when they essay out to catch you. They tin boundary over them.

  • Gather lots of traps. Pick a menage amongst 2-3 entrances. trap the crap out of it. Bait the little sinto the house. express mirth a lot.

  • Break draw of piece of employment of sight. Go behind them. Take some other photo. Leave i terminal time.

  • Record a kid. Wait a chip for people to freak out. Take a door. tape some other kid. scout them do a 360.

  • Use the maze entrances to  amongst their minds. They atomic number 82 to multiple houses. Take a photograph from i menage in addition to therefore move to some other in addition to scout them run to it

  • You tin boundary cancel a catch if………. but it exclusively plant sometimes in addition to inward the correct places.

  • Learn the risky route. That yellowish pipage has been the terminate all of many confident people that essay out to chase me on it. Those fences? larn to run on them without having to halt in addition to re-orientate yourself. Your momentum is imperative to your success.

    If you lot are running at total speed you lot tin boundary onto the hood of the trucks amongst no climbing animation.

  • Vaulting is ever faster than climbing therefore aim for the vault cancel.

  • Jump off high elevations in addition to cancel your falll harm amongst a vault. >>>always<<< This is imperative to your movement. you lot postulate to live on canceling all harm in addition to maintaining a higher elevation/ to a greater extent than stamina than the kids. It is VERY slow to juke them piece they are inward climbing animation in addition to it is VERY slow to catch you lot when you lot are inward yours.

  • Mixup your movement. if you’re upstairs it is slow to receive got the kids running inward a circle unopen to the houses but. Enter the house. Go into the maze. Exit from the other house.

  • Take a photograph from that house. Go dorsum inside. Go to the other house. Take another.

  • Climb upward on that menage now. Wait for them to chase you. Jump on the roof of the other house. They volition climb up. Record. Jump dorsum downward toward the fence. Cancel amongst a vault. Vault into the house. Break Line of sight. Etc. Etc.

  • If you lot are are recording a little who is beingness dragged live on wary of them picking upward a flashbang from the garbage in addition to throwing it out. Also when a little is struggling this mightiness happen.

  • Turn corners ofttimes in addition to essay out to remain at max arrive at therefore the kids volition receive got a harder fourth dimension pinning a flashbang on you.

  • The to a greater extent than unfathomable your movement, the to a greater extent than successful your juke it. sometimes the crazy is the best option. I’ve hidden nether the litttle roofy things infront of the menage in addition to receive got had kids drib correct infront of me in addition to maintain running straight.

  • Use your chocolate bars to consume upward the kids’ flashbangs

  • Fire crackers also bring out a kid’s location therefore if you lot know where someone is but non where they actually are you lot tin throw it over past times their location in addition to it volition bring out just where they are.


There isn’t much to tell hither except that your Flashbangs volition move on your ain allies ( sleepers / lucids/ shape) in addition to that you lot tin cancel the shapes sleeping animation past times flashbanging / foaming/ stabbing them/ This volition prolong the kids eventual slumber in addition to you lot tin assemble to a greater extent than points. Use this on the terminal little standing.

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