Skullgirls – How to Beat Bloody Marie


How to Beat Bloody Marie


So. If y'all are here, y'all select reached a sure as shooting score of science inwards Skullgirls.

You select your favorite grapheme make at all times, as well as y'all start owning those nightmare-difficulty leveled enemies.

But y'all know, if y'all play inwards nightmare-difficulty inwards [Arcade] or [Survival] mode, marie volition seem equally your opponent inwards the ninth circular of arcade/or inwards the halt of survival mode(Yup. There is a halt inwards survival mode.).

This [Bloody Marie], or some say, [Marie 300%] is quite the enemy, as well as she volition totally ain y'all if y'all are non prepared.

But hey, at in i trial at that spot is a means that would brand y'all vanquish her quite easily!!

First of all, y'all would take away to select two or to a greater extent than characters equally a squad including Cerebella. The other characters tin endure anything y'all want, but I strongly recommend [Big band], or [Beowolf] inwards the team. If y'all tin fourth dimension your super attacks good enough, at that spot volition endure no work whatsoever. But y'all must select Cerebella inwards your squad to vanquish her.


There are some skills that y'all take away to memorize earlier starting that whole scheme.

[Cerebella] : Diamond Deflecter (RIGHT – DOWN – RIGHT – LP)

[Big Band] : Brass Knuckles[HP] (LEFT[hold] – RIGHT – HP) / Super Sonic Jazz (DOWN – RIGHT – P+P)

[Beowolf] : Gigan Arm Sweep[Without chair] (DOWN – HK) / Gigantic Arm (DOWN – RIGHT – P+P)

Fighting Marie

Now, the hard part

As y'all powerfulness select known, Marie has 3 phases.

Here are the steps to vanquish Marie.

First Phase

The First Phase is a adventure for y'all to both accuse upwards your meter as well as give some heavy harm onto her.

1. As before long equally the circular starts, Quickly switch to [CEREBELLA].

2. Keep your distance betwixt y'all as well as Marie.(Dash backwards. This volition enter easier for y'all to fourth dimension the deflecting against her attacks)

3. Keep deflecting!!

Marie has 4 first-phase attacks

[1] Swarm of skulls that she hurls at you.

[2] Giant Swarm of gigan skulls which flies to y'all horizontly/diagnol direction.

[3] Grab assail (from the ground)

[4] Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 skeleton popping from the terra firma (in standing form) which dissapears later a few seconds if non attacked or touched.

Number [1] as well as [4] are the attacks that y'all should try reflecting, as well as [2]/[3] are the ones that y'all take away to avoid getting hit.

Things y'all take away to know

1. If y'all desire to reverberate a projectile amongst Diamond Deflecter, that projectile should endure inwards unopen range(right in-front of her fingertips when she does the motion.)

2. You dont take away to instruct some the [4]th assail of Marie`s. If y'all reverberate a skull infront of a skeleton, it volition drive a chain reaction as well as post all the projectiles on covert to endure yours instead.

3. There volition endure times when Marie volition intermission betwixt the attacks. This is a proficient fourth dimension to make upwards your meter. Keep using the Diamond Deflecter unless y'all take away to block yourself from the [3] : Grab attack.

4. The [2]nd assail tin too endure deflected, but y'all volition instruct damaged if y'all try deflecting it alone.

Second Phase

The hard utilisation ! – Time to utilisation all your meter

1. Change into some other grapheme ([Big Band], as well as [Beowolf] are proficient examples.)

2. Use your meter betwixt Marie`s attacks.

3. Try blocking her attacks, or but ignore it!!(if you`re Big Band or Beowolf/or other grapheme that has armored attacks)

Marie has vii Second-phase attacks

[1] Smacking your aspect upwards – (Shadow)

[2] Smacking from behind – (Shadow)

[3] Uppercut – (Shadow)

[4] Stomping – (Shadow)

[5] Ballerina – (Diagnal[above])

[6] Mafia slasher – (Horizontal)

[7] Mafia shooter – (Diagnal[down])

Marie volition to a greater extent than frequently than non utilisation Attack [1] if y'all are some her, as well as sometimes mix others. There are two 3 seconds of time-space betwixt her attacks, which is a proficient fourth dimension for y'all to utilisation your meter.

Things y'all take away to know

1. If y'all select two 3 attack-based armored attacks, utilisation those attacks when she attacks you. If y'all utilisation Painwheel, This volition endure freaking easy(most of her attacks are heavy-armored)

2. There volition endure fourth dimension when she volition mess upwards your timing as well as give y'all heavy damage. Dont endure afraid to try again.(Unless y'all run across her inwards survival mode. If y'all are, as well as then proficient luck.)

3. Marie has a picayune infinite higher upwards her caput that y'all tin hitting her amongst your heavy attacks, if y'all are precise, attacking hither volition brand marie miss some attacks.

Third Phase

Showdown !! Revenger Cerebella

1. Switch dorsum to [Cerebella]

2. Keep your distance betwixt y'all as well as Marie.

3. Do the same affair amongst the [[First Phase]].

Things y'all take away to know

1. If y'all got a lot of harm equally Cerebella inwards the [First] or [Second] phase, y'all select a big adventure to neglect here. So…… Don`t instruct hit?

2. Try in i trial again as well as again. You select infinite chances here. (Unless y'all are inwards survival mode.)

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