The Outer Worlds Keyboard Controls


Here yous volition cash inward one's chips acquainted amongst the buttons too keys used during the game. We convey included data nearly all platforms on which the game is available – PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One. The tables below volition enjoin yous how to play The Outer Worlds, regardless of the available platform.

The Outer Worlds Keyboard Controls


  • W: Walk Forward

  • S: Walk Backward

  • A: Strafe Left

  • D: Strafe Right

  • Space Bar: Jump

  • Left SHIFT: Sprint

  • Left CTRL: Crouch / Sneak


  • E: Use / Interact

  • R: Reload, (HOLD) Holster Weapon

  • Left Mouse Button: Attack, (HOLD) Power Attack / Overcharge

  • Right Mouse Button: Aim / Block

  • T: Quick Melee

  • F: Inhaler

  • Q: Tactical Time Dilation

  • Z: Companion Move, (HOLD) Follow

  • X: Companion Attack

  • C: Companion 1 Special Ability

  • V: Companion ii Special Ability

  • 1: Weapon 1

  • 2: Weapon 2

  • 3: Weapon 3

  • 4: Weapon 4

  • Mouse Scroll Down: Next Weapon

  • Mouse Scroll Up: Previous Weapon

  • Mouse Scroll: Click to opened upward Weapon Radial

  • F5: Quick Save

  • F9: Quick Load

Menus (Cannot hold out Rebound)

  • TAB: View Ledger

  • I: View Inventory

  • K: View Character Menu

  • J: View Journal

  • Comma: View Companion Menu

  • M: View Map

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