Far Cry 5 – Arcade Editor


Arcade Editor

When starting a map you lot receive got the selection to select a Canvas as well as Game-mode. You also receive got the selection to edit ane of your prieviously made maps or a map you lot receive got favourited inwards the Browser.


Canvases are a computer-generated environs built from scratch when you lot charge upwards a canvas. These are helpful for pre-made environments as well as map leveling if you lot don’t actually know how to edit the terrain. The canvases available are:

  • Cedar Forest

  • Jungle

  • Savanna

  • Swamp

  • Rocky Island

  • Outerworld

  • Winter


Game-modes volition guess how your map volition live on played really. The objective for each game-mode is different. The Game-mode tin live on changed ane time inwards the Editor, withal this volition delete all AI already placed onto the map. The Solo / Co-op Game-modes along alongside objects required are:


  • Kill all the enemies (no objects required).


  • Make it to the locomote out (an extraction indicate is required).


  • Eliminate the targets as well as escape (AI targets as well as an extraction indicate is required).


  • Kill all the enemies at the outpost (an warning is required).

The Multiplayer Game-modes along alongside the objects required are:


  • Free-for-all, no teams (no objects required).

Team Deathmatch

  • 6 vs. half dozen deathmatch (team 1 spawns / squad 2 spawns).

Budget / Settings


The budget is where you lot tin cheque how much infinite you lot receive got left on your map. The overstep panel shows how much infinite you’ve taken upwards across the whole map. It covers objects as well as more. The bottom panel covers high toll areas of the map, so you lot know which parts of the map receive got high particular or receive got upwards performance. When sure enough areas achieve a total budget AI as well as objects cannot live on placed at that spot unless you lot delete others. When your map reaches the boundary you lot volition live on notified, at this indicate at that spot is an selection to locomote on building, this makes the map unable to live on published; the other selection is to delete a lot of objects so to a greater extent than infinite is avaliable for publishing. The ‘budget squares’ tin live on shown through the Arcade Editor settings. Yellow is moderate particular as well as cherry-red is over particular inwards that ‘budget square’.



This is where you lot tin create a snapshot for your map. Snapshots are required for you lot to give away the map. You tin also add together a tag which uses ane discussion to depict your map (this is optional). You tin also alter the game-mode (you volition live on able to salve the former version firts), past times changing the game-mode volition all of the AI on the map volition live on removed.


The Arcade Editor Settings are only for HUD options whilst you lot create your maps. This makes creating your maps a lot easier every bit visibility is much clearer. Options for fog, shadows, icons as well as to a greater extent than tin live on shown or removed.

Gameplay Modifiers

Gameplay Modifiers are for extra game changing options. These tin operate inwards unmarried thespian as well as multiplayer.

Solo / Co-op

Options for Solo / Co-op gameplay modifiers are listed below:

  • Disable wellness regeneration

    Player tin alone heal alongside medkits.

  • No autumn damage

  • No burn damage

    Damage from flamethrowers / other fire.

  • No explosive damage

    Damage from grenades etc.

  • Invincible

    Nothing kills you.

  • Infinite ammo

  • Unlimited underwater breathing

  • Friendly fire

    Co-op partners tin live on shot.

  • One shot kills enemy

    Any gun kills enemy AI.

  • One shot kills player

    Any AI tin kill you lot inwards ane hit.

  • Reckless driving

    Vehicles don’t receive got damage.

  • Modified bound height

    Change how high you lot tin jump.

  • Modified gravity

    Change the gravity of your map (1: Normal G / 100: Zero G).

  • Highlight NPC

    All human AI is highlighted (basically wallhack).

  • Hunter’s Instinct

    All beast AI is highlighted (basically beast wallhack).

  • Countdown

    Sets a countdown for your map, when countdown finishes game ends (in seconds // min: 10 seconds / max: 1 hour).

  • Game over when detected

    If detected past times whatsoever enemy AI the game volition at nowadays end.


Options for Multiplayer gameplay modifiers are 99% identical to Solo / Co-op gameplay modifiers, except some are removed. There is also an selection for Team 1 modifiers as well as Team 2 (TDM) modifiers so each squad receive got the selection to receive got dissimilar modifiers activated. Extra selection listed below:

  • Countdown

    Countdown to halt of correspond is slightly dissimilar (in seconds // min: five minutes / max: fifteen minutes)

  • Score to reach

    The score for the thespian / squad to achieve (score min: five / max: 200 kills)


Placing Objects is the master copy as well as most crucial purpose to making a map, because without objects at that spot isn’t a map. Read the data below to encounter what objects are avaliable inwards the Editor, this department alone includes objects non AI.


The objects library includes a wide-range of objects from Far Cry five as well as other Ubisoft titles. Objects constitute inwards the game-mode objects department include objects like: Spawn points, objective markers, as well as whatsoever other objects depending on the game-mode. Search this library for an endless render of objects to create what ever maps you lot want.


Once an object is placed you lot tin displace it inwards multiple directions. However some natural objects like, trees, bushes, etc. cannot live on moved vertically across the Z axis every bit they are stuck to the ground.

If you lot desire to practise to a greater extent than precise motion you lot tin usage the motion panel, where you lot tin displace the item decimal past times decimal or digit past times digit, depending on how far you lot desire to displace it.


Rotating objects works almost just similar moving, items tin live on rolled as well as turned, vertically or horizontally. Just similar motion though, objects similar trees, bushes, as well as at nowadays ladders cannot live on rotated vertically along the Z axis. Also precise rotation tin live on done alongside the rotation panel.

Audio / Visuals


Audio volumes are technically a trigger indicate for the thespian to walk into. Once the play walks through the book the background sounds volition change. As far every bit editing goes for these Audio volumes alone their XYZ axis size tin live on changed.


Soundpoints are scriptable sounds that are originally assault an infinite loop. For these items to operate scripting must live on used. There are no editing options for soundpoints.

Visual FX

For visuals you lot tin receive got many dissimilar variants, flame effects, H2O effects, smoke effects, etc. These visuals tin live on used for basically anything you lot want. Most of the visual effects tin live on scripted. Effects such every bit the flame effects tin harm you lot so if you lot don’t desire the effects to harm you, plough off burn damge inwards Gameplay Modifiers.

Lighting Visuals


Lighting is also some other item constitute inwards the Visuals section. The ii lighting objects are the Omnilight as well as Spotlight. Options for the lights are: RGB colour, flickering options, homecoming distance, low-cal intensity as well as low-cal distance. Both low-cal objects tin live on scripted.



With the terrain tools you lot tin usage tools such every bit the Texture Tool, Painted Vegetation, Road Tool, Bump, Raise / Lower, Flatten, Ramp, Set to Height, Smooth, Noise, Erosion, Water as well as Hole tools. The previous tools read are listed below:

  • Textures

    Textures pigment the ground, they vary from grass to sand etc.

  • Painted Vegetation

    Plant life that tin live on easily placed. It varies from pino trees, to rocks as well as shrubs.

  • Roads

    Roads tin live on drawn onto the maps, these come upwards inwards helpful for AI pathing every bit AI which are inwards vehicles oftentimes follow this pathway (if non linked to a Control Zone).

  • Bump

    Raises / Lowers terrain at a piece of cake rate, edges are smoothish so forming isn’t besides dramatic.

  • Raise / Lower

    Raise / Lower is dissimilar to the bump tool, raising is much to a greater extent than exagerated compared to it, this volition brand vertical edges.

  • Flatten

    Sets terrain no affair what summit to an equal apartment level.

  • Ramp

    Turns a loma into a shine xxx even out ramp which is flat.

  • Set to Height

    The terrain is laid to a sure enough height, this flattens it at a really specific height.

  • Smooth

    Smooth jagged hills to shine hills.

  • Noise

    Makes hills jagged as well as inwards a random blueprint slash form.

  • Erosion

    Makes hills await similar pre-landslide, makes hills slightly bumpy.

  • Water

    Water levels tin either live on laid to a height, this is called Ocean Water. However objects named lakes tin live on placed which tin live on scaled to fit inwards sure enough areas of the map you lot are creating. Tides tin live on laid to really tranquility upwards to really strong.

  • Hole

    Holes delete sections of the terrain so you lot tin encounter directly through the natural floor.

Natural Objects

Natural Objects are items similar placeable rocks, shrubs as well as other flora life. These iteams tin live on moved individually as well as practise non require the user to pigment on the canvas. Every item, except plants tin live on rotated / moved from every angle. Plants cannot because they’re fixed to the Earth similar existent plants would be, withal fallen trees as well as some stumps / logs tin live on rotated / moved inwards multiple directions. These items come upwards inwards handy every bit they tin shape natural looking map boundaries as well as brand natural environments await to a greater extent than live on as well as realistic.

Environmental Settings

Environmental Settings are ane of the telephone commutation features to a map. They laid the fourth dimension of day, weather, fog, music, background audio as well as more. Without environmental maps your map would live on acre as well as boring. This department is seat into dissimilar parts to highlight each expanse of the environs of your map.


The Skybox expanse changes the subject of the map as well as overall appearance of it. The listing below shows each purpose of the Skybox department inwards the Editor:

  • Time of day

    Scales the fourth dimension from 00:00 inwards the morn to 23:59 at night.

  • Latitude (sun as well as moon)

    Sets how brilliant the fourth dimension of twenty-four hr menses / black is, decides whether the natural brightness is extremely brilliant or dark.

  • Sun Angle / Luna Angle

    Sets which navigational management the Sun / Luna volition shine on.

  • Moon Phase / Size

    Phase allows you lot to guide the reason of the Luna (full Luna etc.) The size of the Luna sets how closed / fatty away the Luna is to your map.

  • Preset Options

    Sets the overall mood on the map, whether you lot receive got it every bit an outside setting or a interior setting, withal this actually doesn’t touching on the maps actual theme.

  • Ambient Colours

    A RGB slider which shows the lighting colours on the map. This effects how Red, Green or Blue the Map is.


The weather condition changes the settings of the heaven box colours as well as type, weather condition effects as well as to a greater extent than Sun / Luna options.

  • Sky options

    The heaven options alter the appearance of the sky, sure enough colours etc. The clouds tab changes the cloud heaven box, to demonstrate how cloudy your map is. Height of the clouds tin live on changed as well as if the clouds cast shadows. Along alongside that a current of air strength tin live on changed, this effects items similar flags as well as windmills etc.

  • Extra Lord's Day / Luna options

    Sun as well as Luna lens flares tin live on changed hither to brand the Sun / Luna to a greater extent than or less obvious when the thespian looks at it (this does non touching on the brightness of the map).

  • Storm

    Currently their is alone ane tempest selection which is a rainstorm.


Fog is actually to a greater extent than of a particular aspect to your map, it changes how ‘foggy’ your map is. All these options alter how dense the fog is. You tin laid the max summit as well as the min summit inwards the options so the fog doesn’t completely receive got over your map. RGB colours tin also live on changed hither to laid the perfect mood of your fog.


Backdrop creates an extra improver to the skybox, these vary from an Alpine, Alpine Snow, City, Desert as well as Mountain backdrops to brand your maps await bigger than they are as well as to brand the Earth experience to a greater extent than alive. Height as well as angle of the backdrop tin also live on changed.


Post FX tin alter the coloring effects on the map these laid sure enough themes to the map. Also HUD effects tin live on added, at the minute these alone vary from muddied as well as vignette. Both of these Post FXs tin live on scaled.


Audio options vary from the ambient sounds such every bit Forest, Mountain audio effects etc. Music Themes tin also live on changed, these vary from subject music used inwards other Far Cry games aswell every bit Far Cry 5. These assistance laid the intensity of the map you lot are creating.


AI is what makes a map a map, mainly because you lot cannot give away whatsoever unmarried thespian map without at to the lowest degree 1 moving ridge of AI. AI inwards the Arcade tin live on edited as well as scripted inwards high detail. Read to a greater extent than to discover out how to edit AI inwards the Editor.


The AI come upwards inwards many dissimilar types, Enemies, Friendlies, Neutrals as well as Animals. These types of AI are really various as well as tin live on used inwards multiple situations on your map, below are the listed types of AI that tin live on used inwards the Editor.


Enemies come upwards inwards many dissimilar varieties, at that spot are 8 catergories for this AI Type: Follower, Security, VIP, Chosen, Heralds, Angels, Zombies as well as DLZ NPC. Below is a brief description most each Enemy Category:

  • Follower

    Default AI for the game characters vary from, Badass Followers, Cult Followers, Flight Crew, Vietcong Soldiers as well as more. Each grapheme has seven versions, this changes what weapons they comport (they tin live on either manly someone or female). These versions are named: Assaulter, Beserker, Brawler, Defender, Pistolero, Rocket as well as Sniper (bottom of NPCs Section).

  • Security

    Security AI are similar to Follower AI except they receive got dissimilar types, these vary from: Bikers, Daredevils, Omega Security (Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon) as well as more. There is ane novel improver to the Character Version inwards the Security Section, the Flamer as well as Heavy characters (bottom of NPCs Section).

  • VIP

    These are iconic mini-bosses from the Far Cry five Campaign, these vary from a Baptist, Butcher, Chemist, Priestess, Scientist as well as Trainer (bottom of NPCs Section).

  • Chosen

    Chosen are the pilots from Far Cry 5’s Campaign, versions tin live on either the Defender or the Hunter (bottom of NPCs Section).

  • Heralds

    Heralds are the master copy antagonists from Far Cry 5’s Campaign, the characters are: Jacob Seed, John Seed, John Seed (Trenchcoat Variant), Joeseph Seed, Joeseph Seed (Shirtless Variant).

  • Angel

    Angels are the original Campaign’s version of Zombies, farmers who are inwards a trance at basic. These enemies all usage melee as well as usage hammers, hoes, knives, shovels or their fists.

  • Zombie

    Zombies receive got 3 versions. They comport zippo as well as commonly swarm the player, if non scripted. The versions of the Zombie Type are: the Roach, Walker as well as Behemoth (below).


    These are the Enemy AI from the Dead Livng Zombies DLC. These characters vary from the Vulturez gang or the Evil Corp Military. Both versions usage the same version arrangement every bit the Followers as well as the Security, excluding the Flamer / Heavy.



Friendlies are reskins of the Enemy AI, withal they practise non onrush you. However enemies similar Heralds, Angels, DLZ NPC’s etc. are non avaliable every bit an AI Friendly. This fourth dimension they are non linked into categories so you’ll receive got to discover them the difficult way. New additions similar Resistance Fighters tin live on constitute close the bottom of the Friendlies category.



Neutrals tin deed every bit normal Civilians, Hostages as well as more, they tin live on manly someone or female, African American or White American.



Animals are actually a side characteristic to your map (sometimes) they assistance brand the Earth experience to a greater extent than live on as well as natural to the player. There are many variants of animals, including zombie versions of some. Different Types are listed below:

  • Air

    Eagles, Crows, Owls, etc.

  • Ground (Domestic)

    Dogs, Cats, Goats, etc.

  • Ground (Wild)

    Bears, Wolves, Deer, etc.

  • Water

    Salmon, Trout, Smelt, etc.

  • Arachnids

    Hatchling Soldier (Elite), Queen (Elite), Scout (Elite), Soldier (Elite), Worker (Elite).

  • Zombies

    Zombie Yeti, Moose, Bear, etc.

  • Blood Dragons (found inwards Zombies)

    Blood Dragon (Easy, Normal Hard Difficulty).


These are all the classes for the AI characters (Allies / Enemies).

  • Assaulter

    AR-C / 1911 / Frag Grenades

  • Beserker

    M199 / MAC-10 / Smoke Grenades

  • Brawler

    Melee Weapons / Throwing Knives

  • Defender

    AR-C / 1911 / Frag Grenades

  • Pistolero

    1911 / Frag Grenades

  • TNT

    .44 Magnum / Dynamite Sticks

  • Sniper

    AR-CL / 1911 / MAC-10

  • Heavy Gunner


  • Heavy Flamer


  • Hunter

    Bow / Arrow

Enemy Waves

There are a maximum of five Waves inwards Solo Maps, this is mainly based for Enemy AI withal Friendlies, Neutrals as well as Animals receive got upwards the Wave 1 Budget.

Wave 1

This Wave starts every bit before long every bit the thespian spawns. They are the alone Wave out of the five that tin live on scripted.

Game-modes: Outpost – Wave 1 cannot live on reinforcements.

Wave 2

This Wave spawns later a sure enough amount of Wave 1 enemies are killed.

Spawning Options: Spawn After: One / 25% / 50% / 75% / All Dead (Cooldown Options Avaliable)

Game-modes: Outpost – Wave 2 enemies tin live on classed every bit reinforcements every bit an option.

Wave 3

This Wave spawns later a sure enough amount of Wave 2 enemies are killed.

Spawning Options: Spawn After: One / 25% / 50% / 75% / All Dead (Cooldown Options Avaliable)

Game-modes: Outpost – Wave 3 enemies tin live on classed every bit reinforcements every bit an option.

Wave 4

This Wave spawns later a sure enough amount of Wave 3 enemies are killed.

Spawning Options: Spawn After: One / 25% / 50% / 75% / All Dead (Cooldown Options Avaliable)

Game-modes: Outpost – Wave 4 enemies tin live on classed every bit reinforcements every bit an option.

Wave 5

This Wave spawns later a sure enough amount of Wave 4 enemies are killed.

Spawning Options: Spawn After: One / 25% / 50% / 75% / All Dead (Cooldown Options Avaliable)

Game-modes: Outpost – Wave five enemies tin live on classed every bit reinforcements every bit an option.


Outpost – Any moving ridge apart from Wave 1 tin live on reinforcements – Once ane is selected the next waves also shape every bit reinforcements (Wave 2 = Reinforcements hence 3, 4 five are also reinforcements)

Bounty Hunt – Any moving ridge tin live on a target.


Animation Points are creative to a greater extent than making the map await realistic as well as to a greater extent than dynamic to the player. Animation Points tin live on placed inwards the vacinity of the AI you lot desire to commit the action, withal this volition non e'er work. The AI volition tend to wander off away from the Animation Point as well as volition non commit the action. For AI to rest inwards the expanse so they tin commit the activity a Control Zone must live on placed, for to a greater extent than on Control Zones caput downward to PART 16. Also to indicate out Animation Points practise non operate unless the AI commiting the activity is ‘related’ to the animation indicate for example: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Zombie must live on linked to a Zombie Animation Point etc. Animation points tin live on infinitly looped or tin live on looped on cooldown of a fourth dimension you lot choose. Below is an instance of a Zombie eating a corpse on my map Swamp Things.



This is an object that tin live on constitute inwards Gameplay > Climbing Navigation > AI. It is a bound machinery which works for zombies. If a zombie crosses the object they volition automatically ragdoll, this works slap-up for jumping across ledges as well as etc. In the object preferences you lot tin select how high the zombie volition autumn from for it to work.


Control Zones

These are Volumed objects that maintain AI inwards a sure enough department of your map. Editing options allow you lot to alter the width, length as well as summit of the Control Zone. To link an AI to a Control Zone opened upwards up the AI’s Object Preferences Menu as well as press the drop-down bar on ‘Control Zones’ so select the Control Zone Volume you lot would similar your AI to live on linked to for example: Defend – 138 (the issue represents the issue of the object that has been placed down). Listed below are the dissimilar types of Control Zones.

  • Defend

    A Zone where the AI linked to it as well as stands completely still, volition sometimes commit default idle animations or enjoin full general dialogue. These zones are skilful for keeping a AI inwards a sure enough area, specially for Animation Points.

  • Defend Cautious

    Almost just the same every bit the Defend Control Zone the Cautious Zone makes the AI deed ‘cautious’, almost every bit if they suspect you lot are near.

  • Move Defend

    A Defence expanse where the AI walks or so a specific expanse every bit if they are on a sort of Patrol or so the area.

  • Rush Point

    A Zone which is non a Volume, it is a indicate on the map where the AI chosen is scripted to run towards the indicate where the Rush Point is. Once the activity is consummate the AI volition wonder aimlessly but non besides far away from the original object.

  • Territory

    Only applies to animals. Basically a Defend Control Zone made for all Animal AI.

  • Alarm

    Only applies for Outpost game-mode. When thespian is spotted AI enemy assigned to this command zone volition laid off the alarm.


Triggers are what causes the Script to consummate it’s action(s). Without a trigger indicate a script volition non consummate the activity read the next data on trigger points to sympathise how to usage them.


Trigger events are where an activity from the thespian must receive got house for the script linked to work. Listed below are the dissimilar events you lot tin usage to laid upwards a trigger point.

  • On AI death

    Link AI to trigger indicate past times pressing ‘add lawsuit target’ as well as so selecting the AI you lot would similar to target.

  • On object destroyed

    Link a destructible object to the trigger indicate past times pressing ‘add lawsuit target’ as well as so selecting the object you lot would similar to target.

  • On moving ridge started

    Select which moving ridge you lot would similar to receive got linked to the trigger point, the script should operate later this.

Look At

A trigger await at is where the thespian must await at the trigger indicate for the script to activate. The alone thing that tin live on edited for this trigger indicate is the pull distance (the distance the thespian must live on away from the trigger for the script to evacuate the smaller the issue the closer the thespian must be).


A trigger book is where the thespian must locomote into the triggers expanse for the script to activate. The alone thing that tin live on edited is the size of the book (XYZ measurements)


Scripts tin alone live on linked to a trigger indicate inwards ane agency (trigger to script non script to trigger). At the bottom of the trigger’s object preferences a driblet downward bar volition reveal the scripts that trigger tin live on linked to. Also multiple triggers tin live on linked to ane script. Select the script as well as so the script should operate ane time manifestly triggered (script must include actions).


Scripts add together a lot to a greater extent than multifariousness to the map, they tin fifty-fifty alter the total construction of your map. Read below on how to perform sure enough script actions.


Read the next text to larn how to practise each item below:

  • Spawn object

    (select object)

  • Spawn object alongside lifetime

    (select object as well as so select the fourth dimension it takes for it to despawn)

  • Despawn object

    (select object)

  • Spawn AI

    (select AI)

  • Despawn AI

    (select AI)

  • Delay

    (delays next script past times sure enough amount of seconds)

  • Teleport player

    (place ii teleport points [sender as well as reciever] on the locations you lot desire the thespian to live on teleported to)

  • Change fourth dimension of day

    (select what fourth dimension of twenty-four hr menses you lot desire your map to alter to)

  • Set fog

    (changes fog on the map to some or none)

  • Set storm

    (adds / removes rainstorm environmental settings)

  • Change music theme

    (adds / removes or changes background music)

  • Set piece of cake motion

    (changes the speed of your game; alter alongside slider tools, this tin alter the speed of decease loading fourth dimension as well as objective consummate time)

Actions tin live on moved upwards / downward or removed. This determines which script plays first, scripts also receive got options for when some other script is already running. This is variety of express every bit you lot tin alone ‘queue’ the script or ‘stop’ the script from working, it’s a shame you lot can’t run ii scripts at once. Once the script is consummate you lot tin so link it to a trigger point.

Publish / Update

Map Validation

Once you lot believe that every object has been placed downward correctly as well as complete, you lot must at nowadays either wing or so as well as cheque that no object is clipping through some other or the terrain every bit this tin ruin surgical physical care for as well as also brand the map await buggy as well as awful. You tin practise this at the halt of everything, but I would recommend checking each as well as every fourth dimension you lot add together a novel object to the canvas. The Map Validation department does assistance alongside this withal every bit it points out which items are clipping (items that are marked alongside a cherry-red ‘X’ hateful that the map cannot live on published earlier this employment is solved as well as items that are marked alongside a xanthous warning symbol hateful that at that spot is a employment but it doesn’t touching on the maps surgical physical care for or gameplay).


Some game-modes require sure enough objects which are required for the map to work. If these are non implemented into the map, the map cannot live on published.

  • Journey

  • Extraction point.

  • Bounty-hunt

  • At to the lowest degree ane target as well as an extraction point.

  • Outpost

  • Alarm as well as at to the lowest degree ane Wave 2 enemy.

    (All maps require at to the lowest degree ane spawn point, a snapshot as well as at to the lowest degree ane enemy AI)


To update a previously made map, you lot offset involve to ‘request deletion’ from the Arcade Browser, non the map carte du jour every bit this volition delete your map completely. After this edit the map you’ve only deleted as well as press give away to add together it dorsum to the populace browser. Now when you lot await your map volition receive got a piffling ‘v2’ inwards the corner to demonstrate the map is updated.


Press ‘file’ as well as so ‘publish’. Maps alongside offence materials etc. volition live on removed past times Ubisoft so sentinel out!

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